Safe Haskell | Safe |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Module defines SomeEnc
- existentially quantified version of Enc
and basic combinators
- data SomeEnc conf str where
- MkSomeEnc :: SymbolList xs => Enc xs conf str -> SomeEnc conf str
- withSomeEnc :: SomeEnc conf str -> (forall xs. SymbolList xs => Enc xs conf str -> r) -> r
- toSome :: SymbolList xs => Enc xs conf str -> SomeEnc conf str
- someToChecked :: SomeEnc conf str -> CheckedEnc conf str
- checkedToSome :: CheckedEnc conf str -> SomeEnc conf str
:set -XOverloadedStrings -XMultiParamTypeClasses -XDataKinds -XAllowAmbiguousTypes
import qualified Data.Text as T
data SomeEnc conf str where Source #
Existentially quantified quanitified Enc
effectively isomorphic to CheckedEnc
MkSomeEnc :: SymbolList xs => Enc xs conf str -> SomeEnc conf str |
withSomeEnc :: SomeEnc conf str -> (forall xs. SymbolList xs => Enc xs conf str -> r) -> r Source #
someToChecked :: SomeEnc conf str -> CheckedEnc conf str Source #
let enctest = unsafeSetPayload () "hello" :: Enc '["TEST"] () T.Text
someToChecked . MkSomeEnc $ enctest
MkCheckedEnc ["TEST"] () "hello"
checkedToSome :: CheckedEnc conf str -> SomeEnc conf str Source #
let tst = unsafeCheckedEnc ["TEST"] () "test"
displ $ checkedToSome tst
"Some (MkEnc '[TEST] () test)"