{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExplicitForAll #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- |Injective types. This module contains the 'Injective' typeclass and instances
--  for the following equivalence classes:
--  * @{Strict Text, Lazy Text, String}@. 'ByteString's are not part of this,
--    since there is more than one way to turn unicode text into a ByteString
--    (see "Data.Text.Encoding" and "Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding").
--  * @{Whole, Integer}@. Be advised, though, that Peano numbers may contain
--    unobservable infinities (i.e. @infinity = S infinity@) and thus,
--    the conversion to Integer may not terminate.
--  * @{Nat, Natural}@. For finite values, they're extensionally equivalent,
--    but 'Nat' has lazy infinity.
--  * @{Seq a, Vector a}@. Supports all kinds of immutable vectors of elements:
--    boxed, unboxed, primitive, storable. @[a]@ is not part of this, as
--    typeclass 'IsList' provides 'fromList' and 'toList'.
--  Additional injections:
--  * Maybe to Either (the reverse is not true, since different 'Left' values
--    would all be converted to 'Nothing').
--  * Integers to Rational.
--  * Natural numbers to Integer and Rational.
module Data.Types.Injective where

import qualified Numeric.Natural as N
import Data.Default
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import qualified Data.Ratio as R
import qualified Data.Sequence as S
import qualified Data.Text as TS
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as TS
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TL
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as VG
import qualified VectorBuilder.Builder as VB
import qualified VectorBuilder.Vector as VB
import qualified Numeric.Peano as PN

-- |The class relation between types @a@ and @b@ s.t. @a@ can be injected
--  into @b@.
--  The following laws must be fulfilled:
--  [@Injectivity@]
-- @
-- x \/= y  ==>  (to x) \/= (to y)
-- @
--  [@Totality@]
--  @to@ should be a total function. No cheating by it undefined for parts of the set!
class Injective a b where
   -- |Converts a value of type @a@ "losslessly" to one of type @b@.
   to :: forall b1 a1. (b1 ~ b, a1 ~ a) => a -> b

instance Injective a a where
   to = id

-- equivalence class of string types.
instance Injective TS.Text String where to = TS.unpack
instance Injective String TS.Text where to = TS.pack

instance Injective TS.Text TL.Text where to = TL.fromStrict
instance Injective TL.Text TS.Text where to = TL.toStrict

instance Injective TL.Text String where to = TL.unpack
instance Injective String TL.Text where to = TL.pack

-- equivalence class of integer and whole
instance Injective PN.Whole Integer where to = PN.fromPeano
instance Injective Integer PN.Whole where to = fromInteger

-- equivalence class of nat and natural
instance Injective N.Natural PN.Nat where to = fromIntegral
instance Injective PN.Nat N.Natural where to = fromIntegral

-- Maybe to Either
instance Default a => Injective (Maybe b) (Either a b) where
   to = M.maybe (Left def) Right

-- N to Z,R
instance Injective N.Natural Integer where to = toInteger
instance Injective N.Natural PN.Whole where to = flip PN.Whole PN.Pos . fromIntegral
instance Injective N.Natural R.Rational where to = to . toInteger

instance Injective PN.Nat Integer where to = PN.fromPeano
instance Injective PN.Nat PN.Whole where to = flip PN.Whole PN.Pos
instance Injective PN.Nat R.Rational where to = flip (R.%) 1 . fromIntegral

-- Z to R
instance Injective Integer R.Rational where to = flip (R.%) 1
instance Injective PN.Whole R.Rational where
   to (PN.Whole n PN.Pos) = (fromIntegral n) R.% 1
   to (PN.Whole n PN.Neg) = negate (fromIntegral n) R.% 1

-- equivalence class of finite sequences
instance VG.Vector v a => Injective (S.Seq a) (v a) where
  to = VB.build . VB.foldable
instance VG.Vector v a => Injective (v a) (S.Seq a) where
  to v = S.fromFunction (VG.length v) (v VG.!)