{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Web.Twitter.Types
       ( UserId
       , Friends
       , URIString
       , UserName
       , StatusId
       , LanguageCode
       , StreamingAPI(..)
       , Status(..)
       , SearchResult(..)
       , SearchStatus(..)
       , SearchMetadata(..)
       , RetweetedStatus(..)
       , DirectMessage(..)
       , EventTarget(..)
       , Event(..)
       , Delete(..)
       , User(..)
       , List(..)
       , Entities(..)
       , EntityIndices
       , ExtendedEntities(..)
       , ExtendedEntity(..)
       , Entity(..)
       , HashTagEntity(..)
       , UserEntity(..)
       , URLEntity(..)
       , MediaEntity(..)
       , MediaSize(..)
       , Coordinates(..)
       , Place(..)
       , BoundingBox(..)
       , Contributor(..)
       , UploadedMedia (..)
       , ImageSizeType (..)
       , DisplayTextRange (..)
       , checkError
       , twitterTimeFormat

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Types (Parser)
import Data.Data
import Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap, fromList, union)
import Data.Int
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Text (Text, unpack, pack)
import Data.Text.Read (decimal)
import Data.Time
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import GHC.Generics

newtype TwitterTime = TwitterTime { fromTwitterTime :: UTCTime }

type UserId       = Integer
type Friends      = [UserId]
type URIString    = Text
type UserName     = Text
type StatusId     = Integer
type LanguageCode = String

data StreamingAPI = SStatus Status
                  | SRetweetedStatus RetweetedStatus
                  | SEvent Event
                  | SDelete Delete
                  -- | SScrubGeo ScrubGeo
                  | SFriends Friends
                  | SDirectMessage DirectMessage
                  | SUnknown Value
                  deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

checkError :: Object -> Parser ()
checkError o = do
    err <- o .:? "error"
    case err of
        Just msg -> fail msg
        Nothing -> return ()

twitterTimeFormat :: String
twitterTimeFormat = "%a %b %d %T %z %Y"

instance FromJSON TwitterTime where
    parseJSON = withText "TwitterTime" $ \t ->
        case parseTimeM True defaultTimeLocale twitterTimeFormat (unpack t) of
            Just  d -> pure $ TwitterTime d
            Nothing -> fail $ "Could not parse twitter time. Text was: " ++ unpack t

instance ToJSON TwitterTime where
    toJSON t = String $ pack $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale twitterTimeFormat $ fromTwitterTime t

instance FromJSON StreamingAPI where
    parseJSON v@(Object o) =
        SRetweetedStatus <$> js <|>
        SStatus <$> js <|>
        SEvent <$> js <|>
        SDelete <$> js <|>
        SFriends <$> (o .: "friends") <|>
        SDirectMessage <$> (o .: "direct_message") <|>
        return (SUnknown v)
        js :: FromJSON a => Parser a
        js = parseJSON v
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse StreamingAPI from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON StreamingAPI where
    toJSON (SStatus          s) = toJSON s
    toJSON (SRetweetedStatus s) = toJSON s
    toJSON (SEvent           e) = toJSON e
    toJSON (SDelete          d) = toJSON d
    toJSON (SFriends         f) = toJSON f
    toJSON (SDirectMessage   m) = toJSON m
    toJSON (SUnknown         v) = v

-- | This type represents a Twitter tweet structure.
-- See <https://dev.twitter.com/docs/platform-objects/tweets>.
data Status = Status
    { statusContributors :: Maybe [Contributor]
    , statusCoordinates :: Maybe Coordinates
    , statusCreatedAt :: UTCTime
    , statusCurrentUserRetweet :: Maybe StatusId
    , statusEntities :: Maybe Entities
    , statusExtendedEntities :: Maybe ExtendedEntities
    , statusFavoriteCount :: Integer
    , statusFavorited :: Maybe Bool
    , statusFilterLevel :: Maybe Text
    , statusId :: StatusId
    , statusInReplyToScreenName :: Maybe Text
    , statusInReplyToStatusId :: Maybe StatusId
    , statusInReplyToUserId :: Maybe UserId
    , statusLang :: Maybe LanguageCode
    , statusPlace :: Maybe Place
    , statusPossiblySensitive :: Maybe Bool
    , statusScopes :: Maybe Object
    , statusQuotedStatusId :: Maybe StatusId
    , statusQuotedStatus :: Maybe Status
    , statusRetweetCount :: Integer
    , statusRetweeted :: Maybe Bool
    , statusRetweetedStatus :: Maybe Status
    , statusSource :: Text
    , statusText :: Text
    , statusTruncated :: Bool
    , statusUser :: User
    , statusWithheldCopyright :: Maybe Bool
    , statusWithheldInCountries :: Maybe [Text]
    , statusWithheldScope :: Maybe Text
    , statusDisplayTextRange :: Maybe DisplayTextRange
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON Status where
    parseJSON (Object o) = checkError o >>
        Status <$> o .:? "contributors" .!= Nothing
               <*> o .:? "coordinates" .!= Nothing
               <*> (o .:  "created_at" >>= return . fromTwitterTime)
               <*> ((o .: "current_user_retweet" >>= (.: "id")) <|> return Nothing)
               <*> o .:? "entities"
               <*> o .:? "extended_entities"
               <*> o .:? "favorite_count" .!= 0
               <*> o .:? "favorited"
               <*> o .:? "filter_level"
               <*> o .:  "id"
               <*> o .:? "in_reply_to_screen_name" .!= Nothing
               <*> o .:? "in_reply_to_status_id" .!= Nothing
               <*> o .:? "in_reply_to_user_id" .!= Nothing
               <*> o .:? "lang"
               <*> o .:? "place" .!= Nothing
               <*> o .:? "possibly_sensitive"
               <*> o .:? "scopes"
               <*> o .:? "quoted_status_id"
               <*> o .:? "quoted_status"
               <*> o .:? "retweet_count" .!= 0
               <*> o .:? "retweeted"
               <*> o .:? "retweeted_status"
               <*> o .:  "source"
               <*> (o .: "full_text" <|> o .: "text")
               <*> o .:  "truncated"
               <*> o .:  "user"
               <*> o .:? "withheld_copyright"
               <*> o .:? "withheld_in_countries"
               <*> o .:? "withheld_scope"
               <*> o .:? "display_text_range"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse status from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON Status where
    toJSON Status{..} = object [ "contributors"             .= statusContributors
                               , "coordinates"              .= statusCoordinates
                               , "created_at"               .= TwitterTime statusCreatedAt
                               , "current_user_retweet"     .= object [ "id"     .= statusCurrentUserRetweet
                                                                      , "id_str" .= show statusCurrentUserRetweet
                               , "entities"                 .= statusEntities
                               , "extended_entities"        .= statusExtendedEntities
                               , "favorite_count"           .= statusFavoriteCount
                               , "favorited"                .= statusFavorited
                               , "filter_level"             .= statusFilterLevel
                               , "id"                       .= statusId
                               , "in_reply_to_screen_name"  .= statusInReplyToScreenName
                               , "in_reply_to_status_id"    .= statusInReplyToStatusId
                               , "in_reply_to_user_id"      .= statusInReplyToUserId
                               , "lang"                     .= statusLang
                               , "place"                    .= statusPlace
                               , "possibly_sensitive"       .= statusPossiblySensitive
                               , "scopes"                   .= statusScopes
                               , "quoted_status_id"         .= statusQuotedStatusId
                               , "quoted_status"            .= statusQuotedStatus
                               , "retweet_count"            .= statusRetweetCount
                               , "retweeted"                .= statusRetweeted
                               , "retweeted_status"         .= statusRetweetedStatus
                               , "source"                   .= statusSource
                               , "text"                     .= statusText
                               , "truncated"                .= statusTruncated
                               , "user"                     .= statusUser
                               , "withheld_copyright"       .= statusWithheldCopyright
                               , "withheld_in_countries"    .= statusWithheldInCountries
                               , "withheld_scope"           .= statusWithheldScope
                               , "display_text_range"       .= statusDisplayTextRange

data SearchResult body =
    { searchResultStatuses :: body
    , searchResultSearchMetadata :: SearchMetadata
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON body =>
         FromJSON (SearchResult body) where
    parseJSON (Object o) = checkError o >>
        SearchResult <$> o .:  "statuses"
                     <*> o .:  "search_metadata"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse search result from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON body =>
         ToJSON (SearchResult body) where
    toJSON SearchResult{..} = object [ "statuses"        .= searchResultStatuses
                                     , "search_metadata" .= searchResultSearchMetadata

data SearchStatus =
    { searchStatusCreatedAt     :: UTCTime
    , searchStatusId            :: StatusId
    , searchStatusText          :: Text
    , searchStatusSource        :: Text
    , searchStatusUser          :: User
    , searchStatusCoordinates   :: Maybe Coordinates
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON SearchStatus where
    parseJSON (Object o) = checkError o >>
        SearchStatus <$> (o .:  "created_at" >>= return . fromTwitterTime)
                     <*> o .:  "id"
                     <*> o .:  "text"
                     <*> o .:  "source"
                     <*> o .:  "user"
                     <*> o .:? "coordinates"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse status search result from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON SearchStatus where
    toJSON SearchStatus{..} = object [ "created_at"     .= TwitterTime searchStatusCreatedAt
                                     , "id"             .= searchStatusId
                                     , "text"           .= searchStatusText
                                     , "source"         .= searchStatusSource
                                     , "user"           .= searchStatusUser
                                     , "coordinates"    .= searchStatusCoordinates

data SearchMetadata =
    { searchMetadataMaxId         :: StatusId
    , searchMetadataSinceId       :: StatusId
    , searchMetadataRefreshURL    :: URIString
    , searchMetadataNextResults   :: Maybe URIString
    , searchMetadataCount         :: Int
    , searchMetadataCompletedIn   :: Maybe Float
    , searchMetadataSinceIdStr    :: String
    , searchMetadataQuery         :: String
    , searchMetadataMaxIdStr      :: String
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON SearchMetadata where
    parseJSON (Object o) = checkError o >>
        SearchMetadata <$> o .:  "max_id"
                       <*> o .:  "since_id"
                       <*> o .:  "refresh_url"
                       <*> o .:? "next_results"
                       <*> o .:  "count"
                       <*> o .:? "completed_in"
                       <*> o .:  "since_id_str"
                       <*> o .:  "query"
                       <*> o .:  "max_id_str"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse search metadata from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON SearchMetadata where
    toJSON SearchMetadata{..} = object [ "max_id"       .= searchMetadataMaxId
                                       , "since_id"     .= searchMetadataSinceId
                                       , "refresh_url"  .= searchMetadataRefreshURL
                                       , "next_results" .= searchMetadataNextResults
                                       , "count"        .= searchMetadataCount
                                       , "completed_in" .= searchMetadataCompletedIn
                                       , "since_id_str" .= searchMetadataSinceIdStr
                                       , "query"        .= searchMetadataQuery
                                       , "max_id_str"   .= searchMetadataMaxIdStr

data RetweetedStatus =
    { rsCreatedAt       :: UTCTime
    , rsId              :: StatusId
    , rsText            :: Text
    , rsSource          :: Text
    , rsTruncated       :: Bool
    , rsEntities        :: Maybe Entities
    , rsUser            :: User
    , rsRetweetedStatus :: Status
    , rsCoordinates     :: Maybe Coordinates
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON RetweetedStatus where
    parseJSON (Object o) = checkError o >>
        RetweetedStatus <$> (o .:  "created_at" >>= return . fromTwitterTime)
                        <*> o .:  "id"
                        <*> o .:  "text"
                        <*> o .:  "source"
                        <*> o .:  "truncated"
                        <*> o .:? "entities"
                        <*> o .:  "user"
                        <*> o .:  "retweeted_status"
                        <*> o .:? "coordinates"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse retweeted status from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON RetweetedStatus where
    toJSON RetweetedStatus{..} = object [ "created_at"          .= TwitterTime rsCreatedAt
                                        , "id"                  .= rsId
                                        , "text"                .= rsText
                                        , "source"              .= rsSource
                                        , "truncated"           .= rsTruncated
                                        , "entities"            .= rsEntities
                                        , "user"                .= rsUser
                                        , "retweeted_status"    .= rsRetweetedStatus
                                        , "coordinates"         .= rsCoordinates

type EventId = Integer

data DirectMessage = DirectMessage
    { dmId :: EventId
    , dmCreatedTimestamp :: UTCTime
    , dmTargetRecipientId :: UserId
    , dmSenderId :: UserId
    , dmText :: Text
    , dmEntities :: Entities
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

parseIntegral :: Integral a => Text -> Parser a
parseIntegral v = either (\_ -> fail $ "couldn't parse stringized int: " ++ show v) (return . fst) $ decimal v

epochMsToUTCTime :: Int64 -> UTCTime
epochMsToUTCTime = posixSecondsToUTCTime . fromRational . (% 1000) . fromIntegral

parseUnixTimeString :: Text -> Parser UTCTime
parseUnixTimeString = fmap epochMsToUTCTime <$> parseIntegral

unixTimeToEpochInt :: UTCTime -> Int
unixTimeToEpochInt = floor . (* 1000) . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds

instance FromJSON DirectMessage where
    parseJSON (Object o) = do
        _ <- checkError o
        messageCreate <- o .: "message_create"
        messageData <- messageCreate .: "message_data"

            <$> (o .: "id" >>= parseIntegral)
            <*> (o .: "created_timestamp" >>= parseUnixTimeString)
            <*> (messageCreate .: "target" >>= (.: "recipient_id") >>= parseIntegral)
            <*> (messageCreate .: "sender_id" >>= parseIntegral)
            <*> messageData .: "text"
            <*> messageData .: "entities"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse direct message create event from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON DirectMessage where
    toJSON DirectMessage {..} =
            [ "id" .= show dmId
            , "created_timestamp" .= show (unixTimeToEpochInt dmCreatedTimestamp)
            , "message_create" .= object ["message_data" .= object ["text" .= dmText, "entities" .= dmEntities]
                                         , "target" .= object ["recipient_id" .= show dmTargetRecipientId]
                                         , "sender_id" .= show dmSenderId

data EventType = Favorite | Unfavorite
               | ListCreated | ListUpdated | ListMemberAdded
               | UserUpdate | Block | Unblock | Follow
               deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

data EventTarget = ETUser User | ETStatus Status | ETList List | ETUnknown Value
                 deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON EventTarget where
    parseJSON v@(Object o) = checkError o >>
        ETUser <$> parseJSON v <|>
        ETStatus <$> parseJSON v <|>
        ETList <$> parseJSON v <|>
        return (ETUnknown v)
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse event target from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON EventTarget where
    toJSON (ETUser    u) = toJSON u
    toJSON (ETStatus  s) = toJSON s
    toJSON (ETList    l) = toJSON l
    toJSON (ETUnknown v) = v

data Event =
    { evCreatedAt       :: UTCTime
    , evTargetObject    :: Maybe EventTarget
    , evEvent           :: Text
    , evTarget          :: EventTarget
    , evSource          :: EventTarget
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON Event where
    parseJSON (Object o) = checkError o >>
        Event <$> (o .:  "created_at" >>= return . fromTwitterTime)
              <*> o .:? "target_object"
              <*> o .:  "event"
              <*> o .:  "target"
              <*> o .:  "source"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse event from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON Event where
    toJSON Event{..} = object [ "created_at"    .= TwitterTime evCreatedAt
                              , "target_object" .= evTargetObject
                              , "event"         .= evEvent
                              , "target"        .= evTarget
                              , "source"        .= evSource

data Delete =
    { delId  :: StatusId
    , delUserId :: UserId
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON Delete where
    parseJSON (Object o) = checkError o >> do
        s <- o .: "delete" >>= (.: "status")
        Delete <$> s .: "id"
               <*> s .: "user_id"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse delete from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON Delete where
    toJSON Delete{..} = object [ "delete" .= object [ "status" .= object [ "id"      .= delId
                                                                         , "user_id" .= delUserId

-- | This type represents the Twitter user.
-- See <https://dev.twitter.com/docs/platform-objects/users>.
data User = User
    { userContributorsEnabled :: Bool
    , userCreatedAt :: UTCTime
    , userDefaultProfile :: Bool
    , userDefaultProfileImage :: Bool
    , userDescription :: Maybe Text
    , userEmail :: Maybe Text
    , userFavoritesCount :: Int
    , userFollowRequestSent :: Maybe Bool
    , userFollowing :: Maybe Bool
    , userFollowersCount :: Int
    , userFriendsCount :: Int
    , userGeoEnabled :: Bool
    , userId :: UserId
    , userIsTranslator :: Bool
    , userLang :: Maybe LanguageCode
    , userListedCount :: Int
    , userLocation :: Maybe Text
    , userName :: Text
    , userNotifications :: Maybe Bool
    , userProfileBackgroundColor :: Maybe Text
    , userProfileBackgroundImageURL :: Maybe URIString
    , userProfileBackgroundImageURLHttps :: Maybe URIString
    , userProfileBackgroundTile :: Maybe Bool
    , userProfileBannerURL :: Maybe URIString
    , userProfileImageURL :: Maybe URIString
    , userProfileImageURLHttps :: Maybe URIString
    , userProfileLinkColor :: Text
    , userProfileSidebarBorderColor :: Text
    , userProfileSidebarFillColor :: Text
    , userProfileTextColor :: Text
    , userProfileUseBackgroundImage :: Bool
    , userProtected :: Bool
    , userScreenName :: Text
    , userShowAllInlineMedia :: Maybe Bool
    , userStatusesCount :: Int
    , userTimeZone :: Maybe Text
    , userURL :: Maybe URIString
    , userUtcOffset :: Maybe Int
    , userVerified :: Bool
    , userWithheldInCountries :: Maybe [Text]
    , userWithheldScope :: Maybe Text
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON User where
    parseJSON (Object o) = checkError o >>
        User <$> o .:  "contributors_enabled"
             <*> (o .:  "created_at" >>= return . fromTwitterTime)
             <*> o .:  "default_profile"
             <*> o .:  "default_profile_image"
             <*> o .:? "description"
             <*> fmap join (o .:? "email") -- The field can be a null value
             <*> o .:  "favourites_count"
             <*> o .:? "follow_request_sent" .!= Nothing
             <*> o .:? "following" .!= Nothing
             <*> o .:  "followers_count"
             <*> o .:  "friends_count"
             <*> o .:  "geo_enabled"
             <*> o .:  "id"
             <*> o .:  "is_translator"
             <*> o .:  "lang"
             <*> o .:  "listed_count"
             <*> o .:? "location"
             <*> o .:  "name"
             <*> o .:? "notifications" .!= Nothing
             <*> o .:? "profile_background_color"
             <*> o .:? "profile_background_image_url"
             <*> o .:? "profile_background_image_url_https"
             <*> o .:? "profile_background_tile"
             <*> o .:? "profile_banner_url"
             <*> o .:? "profile_image_url"
             <*> o .:? "profile_image_url_https"
             <*> o .:  "profile_link_color"
             <*> o .:  "profile_sidebar_border_color"
             <*> o .:  "profile_sidebar_fill_color"
             <*> o .:  "profile_text_color"
             <*> o .:  "profile_use_background_image"
             <*> o .:  "protected"
             <*> o .:  "screen_name"
             <*> o .:? "show_all_inline_media"
             <*> o .:  "statuses_count"
             <*> o .:? "time_zone"
             <*> o .:? "url" .!= Nothing
             <*> o .:? "utc_offset"
             <*> o .:  "verified"
             <*> o .:? "withheld_in_countries"
             <*> o .:? "withheld_scope"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse user from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON User where
    toJSON User{..} = object [ "contributors_enabled"               .= userContributorsEnabled
                             , "created_at"                         .= TwitterTime userCreatedAt
                             , "default_profile"                    .= userDefaultProfile
                             , "default_profile_image"              .= userDefaultProfileImage
                             , "description"                        .= userDescription
                             , "email"                              .= userEmail
                             , "favourites_count"                   .= userFavoritesCount
                             , "follow_request_sent"                .= userFollowRequestSent
                             , "following"                          .= userFollowing
                             , "followers_count"                    .= userFollowersCount
                             , "friends_count"                      .= userFriendsCount
                             , "geo_enabled"                        .= userGeoEnabled
                             , "id"                                 .= userId
                             , "is_translator"                      .= userIsTranslator
                             , "lang"                               .= userLang
                             , "listed_count"                       .= userListedCount
                             , "location"                           .= userLocation
                             , "name"                               .= userName
                             , "notifications"                      .= userNotifications
                             , "profile_background_color"           .= userProfileBackgroundColor
                             , "profile_background_image_url"       .= userProfileBackgroundImageURL
                             , "profile_background_image_url_https" .= userProfileBackgroundImageURLHttps
                             , "profile_background_tile"            .= userProfileBackgroundTile
                             , "profile_banner_url"                 .= userProfileBannerURL
                             , "profile_image_url"                  .= userProfileImageURL
                             , "profile_image_url_https"            .= userProfileImageURLHttps
                             , "profile_link_color"                 .= userProfileLinkColor
                             , "profile_sidebar_border_color"       .= userProfileSidebarBorderColor
                             , "profile_sidebar_fill_color"         .= userProfileSidebarFillColor
                             , "profile_text_color"                 .= userProfileTextColor
                             , "profile_use_background_image"       .= userProfileUseBackgroundImage
                             , "protected"                          .= userProtected
                             , "screen_name"                        .= userScreenName
                             , "show_all_inline_media"              .= userShowAllInlineMedia
                             , "statuses_count"                     .= userStatusesCount
                             , "time_zone"                          .= userTimeZone
                             , "url"                                .= userURL
                             , "utc_offset"                         .= userUtcOffset
                             , "verified"                           .= userVerified
                             , "withheld_in_countries"              .= userWithheldInCountries
                             , "withheld_scope"                     .= userWithheldScope

data List =
    { listId :: Int
    , listName :: Text
    , listFullName :: Text
    , listMemberCount :: Int
    , listSubscriberCount :: Int
    , listMode :: Text
    , listUser :: User
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON List where
    parseJSON (Object o) = checkError o >>
        List <$> o .:  "id"
             <*> o .:  "name"
             <*> o .:  "full_name"
             <*> o .:  "member_count"
             <*> o .:  "subscriber_count"
             <*> o .:  "mode"
             <*> o .:  "user"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse List from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON List where
    toJSON List{..} = object [ "id"                 .= listId
                             , "name"               .= listName
                             , "full_name"          .= listFullName
                             , "member_count"       .= listMemberCount
                             , "subscriber_count"   .= listSubscriberCount
                             , "mode"               .= listMode
                             , "user"               .= listUser

-- | Hashtag entity.
-- See <https://dev.twitter.com/docs/platform-objects/entities#obj-hashtags>.
data HashTagEntity =
    { hashTagText :: Text -- ^ The Hashtag text
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON HashTagEntity where
    parseJSON (Object o) =
        HashTagEntity <$> o .: "text"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse hashtag entity from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON HashTagEntity where
    toJSON HashTagEntity{..} = object [ "text" .= hashTagText ]

-- | User mention entity.
-- See <https://dev.twitter.com/docs/platform-objects/entities#obj-usermention>.
data UserEntity =
    { userEntityUserId              :: UserId
    , userEntityUserName            :: UserName
    , userEntityUserScreenName      :: Text
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON UserEntity where
    parseJSON (Object o) =
        UserEntity <$> o .:  "id"
                   <*> o .:  "name"
                   <*> o .:  "screen_name"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse user entity from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON UserEntity where
    toJSON UserEntity{..} = object [ "id"           .= userEntityUserId
                                   , "name"         .= userEntityUserName
                                   , "screen_name"  .= userEntityUserScreenName

-- | URL entity.
-- See <https://dev.twitter.com/docs/platform-objects/entities#obj-url>.
data URLEntity =
    { ueURL      :: URIString -- ^ The URL that was extracted
    , ueExpanded :: URIString -- ^ The fully resolved URL (only for t.co links)
    , ueDisplay  :: Text    -- ^ Not a URL but a string to display instead of the URL (only for t.co links)
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON URLEntity where
    parseJSON (Object o) =
        URLEntity <$> o .:  "url"
                  <*> o .:  "expanded_url"
                  <*> o .:  "display_url"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse url entity from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON URLEntity where
    toJSON URLEntity{..} = object [ "url"           .= ueURL
                                  , "expanded_url"  .= ueExpanded
                                  , "display_url"   .= ueDisplay

data MediaEntity =
    { meType :: Text
    , meId :: StatusId
    , meSizes :: HashMap Text MediaSize
    , meMediaURL :: URIString
    , meMediaURLHttps :: URIString
    , meURL :: URLEntity
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON MediaEntity where
    parseJSON v@(Object o) =
        MediaEntity <$> o .: "type"
                    <*> o .: "id"
                    <*> o .: "sizes"
                    <*> o .: "media_url"
                    <*> o .: "media_url_https"
                    <*> parseJSON v
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse media entity from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON MediaEntity where
    toJSON MediaEntity{..} = object [ "type"            .= meType
                                    , "id"              .= meId
                                    , "sizes"           .= meSizes
                                    , "media_url"       .= meMediaURL
                                    , "media_url_https" .= meMediaURLHttps
                                    , "url"             .= ueURL meURL
                                    , "expanded_url"    .= ueExpanded meURL
                                    , "display_url"     .= ueDisplay meURL

-- | Size entity.
-- See <https://dev.twitter.com/docs/platform-objects/entities#obj-size>.
data MediaSize =
    { msWidth :: Int
    , msHeight :: Int
    , msResize :: Text
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON MediaSize where
    parseJSON (Object o) =
        MediaSize <$> o .: "w"
                  <*> o .: "h"
                  <*> o .: "resize"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse media size from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON MediaSize where
    toJSON MediaSize{..} = object [ "w"      .= msWidth
                                  , "h"      .= msHeight
                                  , "resize" .= msResize

data Coordinates =
    { coordinates :: [Double]
    , coordinatesType :: Text
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON Coordinates where
    parseJSON (Object o) =
        Coordinates <$> o .: "coordinates"
                    <*> o .: "type"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse coordinates from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON Coordinates where
    toJSON Coordinates{..} = object [ "coordinates" .= coordinates
                                    , "type"        .= coordinatesType

-- | This type represents a place, named locations with corresponding geo coordinates.
-- See <https://dev.twitter.com/docs/platform-objects/places>.
data Place =
    { placeAttributes   :: HashMap Text Text
    , placeBoundingBox  :: Maybe BoundingBox
    , placeCountry      :: Text
    , placeCountryCode  :: Text
    , placeFullName     :: Text
    , placeId           :: Text
    , placeName         :: Text
    , placeType         :: Text
    , placeURL          :: Text
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON Place where
    parseJSON (Object o) =
        Place <$> o .: "attributes"
              <*> o .:? "bounding_box"
              <*> o .: "country"
              <*> o .: "country_code"
              <*> o .: "full_name"
              <*> o .: "id"
              <*> o .: "name"
              <*> o .: "place_type"
              <*> o .: "url"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse place from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON Place where
    toJSON Place{..} = object [ "attributes"    .= placeAttributes
                              , "bounding_box"  .= placeBoundingBox
                              , "country"       .= placeCountry
                              , "country_code"  .= placeCountryCode
                              , "full_name"     .= placeFullName
                              , "id"            .= placeId
                              , "name"          .= placeName
                              , "place_type"    .= placeType
                              , "url"           .= placeURL

-- | A bounding box of coordinates which encloses the place.
-- See <https://dev.twitter.com/docs/platform-objects/places#obj-boundingbox>.
data BoundingBox =
    { boundingBoxCoordinates  :: [[[Double]]]
    , boundingBoxType         :: Text
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON BoundingBox where
    parseJSON (Object o) =
        BoundingBox <$> o .: "coordinates"
                    <*> o .: "type"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse bounding box from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON BoundingBox where
    toJSON BoundingBox{..} = object [ "coordinates" .= boundingBoxCoordinates
                                    , "type"        .= boundingBoxType

-- | Entity handling.
-- See <https://dev.twitter.com/docs/platform-objects/entities>.
data Entities =
    { enHashTags     :: [Entity HashTagEntity]
    , enUserMentions :: [Entity UserEntity]
    , enURLs         :: [Entity URLEntity]
    , enMedia        :: [Entity MediaEntity]
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON Entities where
    parseJSON (Object o) =
        Entities <$> o .:? "hashtags" .!= []
                 <*> o .:? "user_mentions" .!= []
                 <*> o .:? "urls" .!= []
                 <*> o .:? "media" .!= []
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse entities from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON Entities where
    toJSON Entities{..} = object [ "hashtags"       .= enHashTags
                                 , "user_mentions"  .= enUserMentions
                                 , "urls"           .= enURLs
                                 , "media"          .= enMedia

-- | The character positions the Entity was extracted from
--   This is experimental implementation.
--   This may be replaced by more definite types.
type EntityIndices = [Int]

data Entity a =
    { entityBody    :: a             -- ^ The detail information of the specific entity types (HashTag, URL, User)
    , entityIndices :: EntityIndices -- ^ The character positions the Entity was extracted from
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON a => FromJSON (Entity a) where
    parseJSON v@(Object o) =
        Entity <$> parseJSON v
               <*> o .: "indices"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse entity wrapper from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON a => ToJSON (Entity a) where
    toJSON Entity{..} = case toJSON entityBody of
                            (Object o) -> Object $ union o $ fromList [("indices"::Text, toJSON entityIndices)]
                            _          -> error "Entity body must produce an object."

data ExtendedEntities =
  ExtendedEntities {
    exeMedia :: [Entity ExtendedEntity]
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON ExtendedEntities where
  parseJSON (Object o) =
    ExtendedEntities <$> o .:? "media" .!= []

  parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse extended entity from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON ExtendedEntities where
    toJSON ExtendedEntities{..} = object [ "media" .= exeMedia ]

-- Extended entities are like entities, but contain special media features like
-- video or multiple photos
data ExtendedEntity =
    exeID :: StatusId,
    exeMediaUrl :: URIString,
    exeMediaUrlHttps :: URIString,
    exeSizes :: HashMap Text MediaSize,
    exeType :: Text,
    -- exeVideoInfo :: ???
    exeDurationMillis :: Maybe Double,
    -- exeVariants :: ??
    exeExtAltText :: Maybe String,
    exeURL :: URLEntity
  } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON ExtendedEntity where
  parseJSON v@(Object o) =
    ExtendedEntity <$> o .:  "id"
                   <*> o .:  "media_url"
                   <*> o .:  "media_url_https"
                   <*> o .:  "sizes"
                   <*> o .:  "type"
                   <*> o .:? "duration_millis"
                   <*> o .:?  "ext_alt_text"
                   <*> parseJSON v

  parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse extended entity from:" ++ show v

instance ToJSON ExtendedEntity where
  toJSON ExtendedEntity{..} = object [ "id"                .= exeID
                                     , "media_url"       .= exeMediaUrl
                                     , "media_url_https" .= exeMediaUrlHttps
                                     , "sizes"           .= exeSizes
                                     , "type"            .= exeType
                                     , "duration_millis" .= exeDurationMillis
                                     , "ext_alt_text"    .= exeExtAltText
                                     , "url"             .= ueURL exeURL
                                     , "expanded_url"    .= ueExpanded exeURL
                                     , "display_url"     .= ueDisplay exeURL

data Contributor = Contributor
    { contributorId :: UserId
    , contributorScreenName :: Maybe Text
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON Contributor where
    parseJSON (Object o) =
        Contributor <$>  o .:  "id"
                    <*>  o .:?  "screen_name"
    parseJSON v@(Number _) =
        Contributor <$> parseJSON v <*> pure Nothing
    parseJSON v = fail $ "couldn't parse contributor from: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON Contributor where
    toJSON Contributor{..} = object [ "id"          .= contributorId
                                    , "screen_name" .= contributorScreenName

-- | Image size type. This type is included in the API response of \"\/1.1\/media\/upload.json\".
data ImageSizeType = ImageSizeType
    { imageSizeTypeWidth :: Int
    , imageSizeTypeHeight :: Int
    , imageSizeTypeType :: Text
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON ImageSizeType where
    parseJSON (Object o) =
        ImageSizeType <$> o .:  "w"
                      <*> o .:  "h"
                      <*> o .:  "image_type"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "unknown value: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON ImageSizeType where
    toJSON ImageSizeType{..} = object [ "w"          .= imageSizeTypeWidth
                                      , "h"          .= imageSizeTypeHeight
                                      , "image_type" .= imageSizeTypeType

-- | This type is represents the API response of \"\/1.1\/media\/upload.json\".
-- See <https://dev.twitter.com/docs/api/multiple-media-extended-entities>.
data UploadedMedia = UploadedMedia
    { uploadedMediaId :: Integer
    , uploadedMediaSize :: Integer
    , uploadedMediaImage :: ImageSizeType
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON UploadedMedia where
    parseJSON (Object o) =
        UploadedMedia <$> o .:  "media_id"
                      <*> o .:  "size"
                      <*> o .:  "image"
    parseJSON v = fail $ "unknown value: " ++ show v

instance ToJSON UploadedMedia where
    toJSON UploadedMedia{..} = object [ "media_id"  .= uploadedMediaId
                                      , "size"      .= uploadedMediaSize
                                      , "image"     .= uploadedMediaImage

-- | unicode code point indices, identifying the inclusive start and exclusive end of the displayable content of the Tweet.
data DisplayTextRange = DisplayTextRange
    { displayTextRangeStart :: Int
    , displayTextRangeEnd :: Int -- ^ exclusive
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Data, Typeable, Generic)

instance FromJSON DisplayTextRange where
    parseJSON v = do
        parseJSON v >>= \case
            [s, e] -> pure $ DisplayTextRange s e
            unexpected ->
                fail $ "parsing DisplayTextRange failed, expected [Int, Int], but got: " ++ show unexpected
instance ToJSON DisplayTextRange where
    toJSON (DisplayTextRange s e) = toJSON [s, e]