Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- twain :: Port -> e -> TwainM e () -> IO ()
- twain' :: Settings -> e -> TwainM e () -> IO ()
- twainApp :: e -> TwainM e () -> Application
- middleware :: Middleware -> TwainM e ()
- get :: PathPattern -> RouteM e a -> TwainM e ()
- put :: PathPattern -> RouteM e a -> TwainM e ()
- patch :: PathPattern -> RouteM e a -> TwainM e ()
- post :: PathPattern -> RouteM e a -> TwainM e ()
- delete :: PathPattern -> RouteM e a -> TwainM e ()
- notFound :: RouteM e a -> TwainM e ()
- onException :: (SomeException -> Response) -> TwainM e ()
- addRoute :: Maybe Method -> PathPattern -> RouteM e a -> TwainM e ()
- env :: RouteM e e
- param :: ParsableParam a => Text -> RouteM e a
- param' :: ParsableParam a => Text -> RouteM e (Either Text a)
- paramMaybe :: ParsableParam a => Text -> RouteM e (Maybe a)
- params :: RouteM e [Param]
- file :: Text -> RouteM e (Maybe (FileInfo ByteString))
- files :: RouteM e [File ByteString]
- header :: Text -> RouteM e (Maybe Text)
- headers :: RouteM e [Header]
- request :: RouteM e Request
- send :: Response -> RouteM e a
- next :: RouteM e a
- redirect301 :: Text -> Response
- redirect302 :: Text -> Response
- redirect303 :: Text -> Response
- text :: Text -> Response
- html :: ByteString -> Response
- json :: ToJSON a => a -> Response
- xml :: ByteString -> Response
- raw :: Status -> [Header] -> ByteString -> Response
- status :: Status -> Response -> Response
- withHeader :: Header -> Response -> Response
- withCookie :: Text -> Text -> Response -> Response
- withCookie' :: SetCookie -> Response -> Response
- expireCookie :: Text -> Response -> Response
- module Web.Twain.Types
- module Network.HTTP.Types
Twain to WAI
twain :: Port -> e -> TwainM e () -> IO () Source #
Run a Twain app on Port
using the given environment.
If a PORT environment variable is set, it will take precendence.
twain 8080 "My App" $ do middleware logger get "/" $ do appTitle <- env send $ text ("Hello from " <> appTitle) get "/greetings/:name" name <- param "name" send $ text ("Hello, " <> name) notFound $ do send $ status status404 $ text "Not Found"
twainApp :: e -> TwainM e () -> Application Source #
Create a WAI Application
from a Twain app and environment.
Middleware and Routes.
middleware :: Middleware -> TwainM e () Source #
Use the given middleware. The first declared is the outermost middleware (it has first access to request and last action on response).
notFound :: RouteM e a -> TwainM e () Source #
Add a route if nothing else is found. This matches any request, so it should go last.
onException :: (SomeException -> Response) -> TwainM e () Source #
Render a Response
on exceptions.
addRoute :: Maybe Method -> PathPattern -> RouteM e a -> TwainM e () Source #
Add a route matching Method
(optional) and PathPattern
Request and Parameters.
param :: ParsableParam a => Text -> RouteM e a Source #
Get a parameter. Looks in query, path, cookie, and body (in that order).
If no parameter is found, or parameter fails to parse, next
is called
which passes control to subsequent routes and middleware.
param' :: ParsableParam a => Text -> RouteM e (Either Text a) Source #
Get a parameter or error if missing or parse failure.
paramMaybe :: ParsableParam a => Text -> RouteM e (Maybe a) Source #
Get an optional parameter. Nothing
is returned for missing parameter or
parse failure.
params :: RouteM e [Param] Source #
Get all parameters from query, path, cookie, and body (in that order).
header :: Text -> RouteM e (Maybe Text) Source #
Get the value of a request Header
. Header names are case-insensitive.
send :: Response -> RouteM e a Source #
Send a Response
send $ text "Hello, World!"
Send an html
send $ html "<h1>Hello, World!</h1>"
Modify the status
send $ status status404 $ text "Not Found"
Send a response withHeader
send $ withHeader (hServer, "Twain + Warp") $ text "Hello"
Send a response withCookie
send $ withCookie "key" "val" $ text "Hello"
redirect301 :: Text -> Response Source #
Create a redirect response with 301 status (Moved Permanently).
redirect302 :: Text -> Response Source #
Create a redirect response with 302 status (Found).
redirect303 :: Text -> Response Source #
Create a redirect response 303 status (See Other).
text :: Text -> Response Source #
Construct a Text
Sets the Content-Type and Content-Length headers.
html :: ByteString -> Response Source #
Construct an HTML response.
Sets the Content-Type and Content-Length headers.
json :: ToJSON a => a -> Response Source #
Construct a JSON response using ToJSON
Sets the Content-Type and Content-Length headers.
xml :: ByteString -> Response Source #
Construct an XML response.
Sets the Content-Type and Content-Length headers.
raw :: Status -> [Header] -> ByteString -> Response Source #
Construct a raw response from a lazy ByteString
withCookie :: Text -> Text -> Response -> Response Source #
Add a cookie to the response with the given key and value.
Note: This uses defaultSetCookie
expireCookie :: Text -> Response -> Response Source #
Add a header to expire (unset) a cookie with the given key.
module Web.Twain.Types
module Network.HTTP.Types