{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
module Data.Trie.Map.Hidden(
  -- * Types
  -- * Queries
  member, notMember,
  null, count,
  keys, elems,
  -- * Construction
  empty, just,

  -- * Single item modification
  insertWith, insert,
  deleteWith, delete,

  adjust, revise, update, alter,

  -- * Combine
  union, unionWith,
  intersection, intersectionWith,
  difference, differenceWith,

  -- * Conversion
  toList, fromList,
  toAscList, fromAscList,
  toMap, fromMap,
  keysTSet, fromTSet,

  -- * Parsing
  toParser, toParser_, toParser__,

  -- * Traversing with keys
  traverseWithKey, mapWithKey, foldMapWithKey, foldrWithKey,

  -- * Internals

import           Prelude                hiding (lookup, null)

import           Data.Functor.Const
import           Data.Functor.Identity

import           Data.Semigroup

import           Control.Applicative    hiding (empty)
import qualified Control.Applicative    as Ap (empty)

import           Control.Monad

import qualified Data.Foldable          as F
import qualified Data.List              as List (foldl')
import           Data.Map.Strict        (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict        as Map
import           Data.Maybe             (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing)

import           Data.Trie.Set.Internal (TSet (..))
import qualified Data.Trie.Set.Internal as TSet

import           Control.DeepSeq

data Node c a r = Node !(Maybe a) !(Map c r)
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)

instance (NFData c, NFData a, NFData r) => NFData (Node c a r) where
  rnf (Node a e) = rnf a `seq` rnf e

-- | Mapping from @[c]@ to @a@ implemented as a trie.
--   This type serves almost same purpose with @Map [c] a@,
--   but can be looked up more efficiently.
newtype TMap c a = TMap { getNode :: Node c a (TMap c a) }
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance (Show c, Show a) => Show (TMap c a) where
  showsPrec p t = showParen (p > 10) $ showString "fromList " . showsPrec 11 (toList t)

instance (NFData c, NFData a) => NFData (TMap c a) where
  rnf (TMap node) = rnf node

-- * Queries

-- | Perform matching against a @TMap@.
--   @match xs tmap@ returns two values. First value is the result of
--   'lookup'. Second value is another @TMap@, which holds mapping between
--   all pair of @ys@ and @b@, such that @tmap@ maps @(xs ++ ys)@ to @b@.
match :: (Ord c) => [c] -> TMap c a -> (Maybe a, TMap c a)
match []     t@(TMap (Node ma _)) = (ma, t)
match (c:cs)   (TMap (Node _  e)) =
  case Map.lookup c e of
    Nothing -> (Nothing, empty)
    Just t' -> match cs t'

-- | @lookup xs tmap@ returns @Just a@ if @tmap@ contains mapping
--   from @xs@ to @a@, and returns @Nothing@ if not.
lookup :: (Ord c) => [c] -> TMap c a -> Maybe a
lookup cs = fst . match cs

member, notMember :: (Ord c) => [c] -> TMap c a -> Bool
member cs = isJust . lookup cs
notMember cs = isNothing . lookup cs

-- | Tests if given map is empty.
null :: TMap c a -> Bool
null (TMap (Node ma e)) = isNothing ma && Map.null e
{- Ensure all @TMap@ values exposed to users have no
   redundant node. -}

-- | Returns number of entries.
--   Note that this operation takes O(number of nodes),
--   unlike O(1) of 'Map.size'.
count :: TMap c a -> Int
count = F.length

-- | Returns list of key strings, in ascending order.
keys :: TMap c a -> [[c]]
keys = foldTMap keys'
    keys' (Node ma e) =
      [ [] | isJust ma ] ++
      [ c:cs' | (c,css') <- Map.toList e, cs' <- css' ]

-- | Returns list of values, in ascending order by its key.
elems :: TMap c a -> [a]
elems = F.toList

-- * Construction

-- | Empty @TMap@.
empty :: TMap c a
empty = TMap (Node Nothing Map.empty)

-- | @TMap@ which contains only one entry from the empty string to @a@.
just :: a -> TMap c a
just a = TMap (Node (Just a) Map.empty)

-- | @singleton xs a@ is a @TMap@ which contains only one entry
--   from @xs@ to @a@.
singleton :: [c] -> a -> TMap c a
singleton cs a0 = foldr cons (just a0) cs

cons :: c -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
cons c t = TMap (Node Nothing (Map.singleton c t))

-- * Single-item modification

-- | Inserts an entry of key and value pair.
--   Already existing value will be overwritten, i.e.
--   > insert = insertWith (const a)
insert :: (Ord c) => [c] -> a -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
insert cs a = revise (const a) cs

-- | Deletes an entry with given key.
--   > delete = update (const Nothing)
delete :: (Ord c) => [c] -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
delete = update (const Nothing)

-- | @insertWith op xs a tmap@ inserts an key (@xs@) and value (@a@) pair
--   to the @tmap@. If @tmap@ already has an entry with key equals to
--   @xs@, its value @b@ is replaced with @op a b@.
--   > insertWith op cs a = revise (maybe a (op a)) cs
insertWith :: (Ord c) => (a -> a -> a) -> [c] -> a -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
insertWith f cs a = revise (maybe a (f a)) cs

-- | Deletes an entry with given key, conditionally.
--   @deleteWith f xs b@ looks up an entry with key @xs@, and if such entry
--   is found, evaluate @f b a@ with its value @a@. If it returned @Nothing@,
--   the entry is deleted. Otherwise, if it returned @Just a'@, the value of
--   the entry is replaced with @a'@.
--   > deleteWith f cs b = update (f b) cs
deleteWith :: (Ord c) => (b -> a -> Maybe a) -> [c] -> b -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
deleteWith f cs b = update (f b) cs

-- | Apply a function to the entry with given key.
adjust :: (Ord c) => (a -> a) -> [c] -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
adjust f = F.foldr step base
    base (TMap (Node ma e)) = TMap (Node (f <$> ma) e)
    step x xs (TMap (Node ma e)) =
      let e' = Map.adjust xs x e
      in TMap (Node ma e')
{-# INLINE adjust #-}

-- | Apply a function @f@ to the entry with given key. If there is no such
--   entry, insert an entry with value @f Nothing@.
revise :: (Ord c) => (Maybe a -> a) -> [c] -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
revise f = fst . F.foldr step (base, just (f Nothing))
    base (TMap (Node ma e)) = TMap (Node (Just (f ma)) e)
    step x (inserter', xs') =
      let inserter (TMap (Node ma e)) =
            let e' = Map.insertWith (const inserter') x xs' e
            in TMap (Node ma e')
      in (inserter, cons x xs')
{-# INLINE revise #-}

-- | Apply a function @f@ to the entry with given key. If @f@ returns
--   @Nothing@, that entry is deleted.
update :: (Ord c) => (a -> Maybe a) -> [c] -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
update f cs = fromMaybe empty . update_ f cs
{-# INLINE update #-}

update_ :: (Ord c) => (a -> Maybe a) -> [c] -> TMap c a -> Maybe (TMap c a)
update_ f = F.foldr step base
    base (TMap (Node ma e)) =
      let ma' = ma >>= f
      in if isNothing ma' && Map.null e
           then Nothing
           else Just $ TMap (Node ma' e)
    step x xs (TMap (Node ma e)) =
      let e' = Map.update xs x e
      in if isNothing ma && Map.null e'
           then Nothing
           else Just $ TMap (Node ma e')
{-# INLINE update_ #-}

-- | Apply a function @f@ to the entry with given key. This function @alter@
--   is the most generic version of 'adjust', 'revise', 'update'.
--   * You can insert new entry by returning @Just a@ from @f Nothing@.
--   * You can delete existing entry by returning @Nothing@ from
--     @f (Just a)@.
--   This function always evaluates @f Nothing@ in addition to determine
--   operation applied to given key.
--   If you never use `alter` on a missing key, consider using 'update' instead.
alter :: (Ord c) => (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> [c] -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
alter f =
  case f Nothing of
    Nothing -> update (f . Just)
    Just f0 -> \cs -> fromMaybe empty . alter_ f f0 cs
{-# INLINE alter #-}

alter_ :: (Ord c) => (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> a -> [c] -> TMap c a -> Maybe (TMap c a)
alter_ f f0 = fst . F.foldr step (base, just f0)
    base (TMap (Node ma e)) =
      let ma' = f ma
      in if isNothing ma' && Map.null e
           then Nothing
           else Just $ TMap (Node ma' e)
    step x (alterer', xs') =
      let alterer (TMap (Node ma e)) =
            let e' = Map.alter (maybe (Just xs') alterer') x e
            in if isNothing ma && Map.null e'
                 then Nothing
                 else Just $ TMap (Node ma e')
      in (alterer, cons x xs')
{-# INLINE alter_ #-}

-- * Combine
union :: (Ord c) => TMap c a -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
union = unionWith const

unionWith :: (Ord c) => (a -> a -> a) -> TMap c a -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
unionWith f = go
    go (TMap (Node mat et)) (TMap (Node mau eu)) =
      let maz = case (mat, mau) of
            (Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
            (Just at, Nothing) -> Just at
            (Nothing, Just au) -> Just au
            (Just at, Just au) -> Just (f at au)
          ez = Map.unionWith go et eu
      in TMap (Node maz ez)

intersection :: (Ord c) => TMap c a -> TMap c b -> TMap c a
intersection = intersectionWith (\a _ -> Just a)

intersectionWith :: (Ord c) =>
  (a -> b -> Maybe r) -> TMap c a -> TMap c b -> TMap c r
intersectionWith f x y = fromMaybe empty $ go x y
    go (TMap (Node ma ex)) (TMap (Node mb ey)) =
      if isNothing mr && Map.null ez
        then Nothing
        else Just $ TMap (Node mr ez)
        mr = do a <- ma
                b <- mb
                f a b
        emz = Map.intersectionWith go ex ey
        ez = Map.mapMaybe id emz

difference :: (Ord c) => TMap c a -> TMap c b -> TMap c a
difference = differenceWith (\_ _ -> Nothing)

differenceWith :: (Ord c) =>
  (a -> b -> Maybe a) -> TMap c a -> TMap c b -> TMap c a
differenceWith f x y = fromMaybe empty $ go x y
    go (TMap (Node ma ex)) (TMap (Node mb ey)) =
      if isNothing mr && Map.null ez
        then Nothing
        else Just $ TMap (Node mr ez)
        mr = case (ma, mb) of
          (Nothing, _)       -> Nothing
          (Just a,  Nothing) -> Just a
          (Just a,  Just b)  -> f a b
        ez = Map.differenceWith go ex ey

{- |
Make new @TMap@ from two @TMap@s. Constructed @TMap@
has keys which are concatenation of any combination from
two input maps.

Corresponding values for these keys are combined with given function
of type @(x -> y -> z)@. If two different concatenations yield
a same key, corresponding values for these keys are combined with
a 'Semigroup' operation @<>@.

There is no guarantees on which order duplicate values are combined with @<>@.
So it must be commutative semigroup to get a stable result.

===== Example

> let x = fromList [("a", 1), ("aa", 2)]     :: TMap Char (Sum Int)
>     y = fromList [("aa", 10), ("aaa", 20)] :: TMap Char (Sum Int)
> appendWith (*) x y =
>   fromList [ ("aaa", 1 * 10)
>            , ("aaaa", 1 * 20 + 2 * 10)
>            , ("aaaaa", 2 * 20) ]

appendWith :: (Ord c, Semigroup z) => (x -> y -> z) ->
  TMap c x -> TMap c y -> TMap c z
appendWith f x y =
  if null y
    then empty
    else go x
    go (TMap (Node Nothing e)) =
      let e' = Map.map go e
      in TMap (Node Nothing e')
    go (TMap (Node (Just ax) e)) =
      let TMap (Node maz e') = fmap (f ax) y
          e'' = Map.map go e
          e''' = Map.unionWith (unionWith (<>)) e' e''
      in TMap (Node maz e''')

-- * Instances

instance Functor (TMap c) where
  fmap f = go
      go (TMap (Node ma e)) = TMap (Node (fmap f ma) (fmap go e))

instance Foldable (TMap c) where
  foldMap f = go
      go (TMap (Node ma e)) = case ma of
        Nothing -> foldMap go e
        Just a  -> f a `mappend` foldMap go e

instance Traversable (TMap c) where
  traverse f = go
      go (TMap (Node a e)) = TMap <$> (Node <$> traverse f a <*> traverse go e)

-- | 'unionWith'-based
instance (Ord c, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (TMap c a) where
  (<>) = unionWith (<>)
  stimes n = fmap (stimes n)

-- | 'unionWith'-based
instance (Ord c, Semigroup a) => Monoid (TMap c a) where
  mempty = empty
  mappend = (<>)

-- * Conversion

toList :: TMap c a -> [([c], a)]
toList = foldrWithKey (\k a r -> (k,a) : r) []

fromList :: Ord c => [([c], a)] -> TMap c a
fromList = List.foldl' (flip (uncurry insert)) empty

toAscList :: TMap c a -> [([c], a)]
toAscList = toList

fromAscList :: Eq c => [([c], a)] -> TMap c a
fromAscList [] = empty
fromAscList [(cs, a)] = singleton cs a
fromAscList pairs =
  let (ma, gs) = group_ pairs
      e = Map.fromDistinctAscList $ map (fmap fromAscList) gs
  in TMap (Node ma e)

group_ :: Eq c => [([c], a)] -> (Maybe a, [ (c, [ ([c], a) ]) ] )
group_ = foldr step (Nothing, [])
    step ([], a) (ma, gs) = (ma <|> Just a, gs)
    step (c:cs, a) (ma, gs) = case gs of
      (d,ps'):rest | c == d  -> (ma, (d, (cs,a):ps'):rest)
      _            -> (ma, (c, [(cs,a)]):gs)

toMap :: TMap c a -> Map [c] a
toMap = Map.fromDistinctAscList . toAscList

fromMap :: (Eq c) => Map [c] a -> TMap c a
fromMap = fromAscList . Map.toAscList

keysTSet :: TMap c a -> TSet c
keysTSet = foldTMap keysTSet'
    keysTSet' (Node ma e) =
      TSet (TSet.Node (isJust ma) e)

fromTSet :: ([c] -> a) -> TSet c -> TMap c a
fromTSet f = go []
    go q (TSet (TSet.Node a e)) =
      let e' = Map.mapWithKey (\c -> go (c:q)) e
          a' = if a then Just (f (reverse q)) else Nothing
      in TMap (Node a' e')

-- * Parsing

toParser :: Alternative f =>
     (c -> f c') -- ^ char
  -> f eot       -- ^ eot
  -> TMap c a -> f ([c'], a)
toParser f eot = foldTMap toParser'
    toParser' (Node ma e) =
      maybe Ap.empty (\a -> ([], a) <$ eot) ma <|>
      F.asum [ consFst <$> f c <*> p' | (c, p') <- Map.toAscList e ]

    consFst c (cs, a) = (c:cs, a)

toParser_ :: Alternative f =>
     (c -> f c') -- ^ char
  -> f eot       -- ^ eot
  -> TMap c a -> f a
toParser_ f eot = foldTMap toParser'
    toParser' (Node ma e) =
      maybe Ap.empty (<$ eot) ma <|>
      F.asum [ f c *> p' | (c, p') <- Map.toAscList e ]

toParser__ :: Alternative f =>
     (c -> f c') -- ^ char
  -> f eot       -- ^ eot
  -> TMap c a -> f ()
toParser__ f eot = void . toParser_ f eot

-- * Traversing with keys

-- | Same semantics to following defintion, but have
--   more efficient implementation.
-- > traverseWithKey f = fmap fromAscList .
-- >                     traverse (\(cs,a) -> (,) cs <$> f cs a) .
-- >                     toAscList
traverseWithKey :: (Applicative f) =>
  ([c] -> a -> f b) -> TMap c a -> f (TMap c b)
traverseWithKey f = go []
    go q (TMap (Node ma e)) =
      let step c = go (c : q)
          e' = Map.traverseWithKey step e
          mb = maybe (pure Nothing)
                     (\a -> Just <$> f (reverse q) a)
      in TMap <$> (Node <$> mb <*> e')

-- | Same semantics to following defintion, but have
--   more efficient implementation.
-- > traverseWithKey f = fromAscList .
-- >                     map (\(cs,a) -> (cs,  f cs a)) .
-- >                     toAscList
mapWithKey :: ([c] -> a -> b) -> TMap c a -> TMap c b
mapWithKey f = runIdentity . traverseWithKey (\k a -> Identity (f k a))

-- | Same semantics to following defintion, but have
--   more efficient implementation.
-- > foldMapWithKey f = foldMap (uncurry f) . toAscList
foldMapWithKey :: (Monoid r) => ([c] -> a -> r) -> TMap c a -> r
foldMapWithKey f = getConst . traverseWithKey (\k a -> Const (f k a))

-- | Same semantics to following defintion, but have
--   more efficient implementation.
-- > foldrWithKey f z = foldr (uncurry f) z . toAscList
foldrWithKey :: ([c] -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> TMap c a -> r
foldrWithKey f z (TMap (Node ma e)) =
  case ma of
    Nothing -> r
    Just a  -> f [] a r
    r = Map.foldrWithKey (\c subTrie s ->
          foldrWithKey (f . (c:)) s subTrie) z e

-- * Other operations

foldTMap :: (Node c a r -> r) -> TMap c a -> r
foldTMap f = go
  where go (TMap node) = f (fmap go node)