{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
module Data.Trie.Map.Hidden(
member, notMember,
null, count,
keys, elems,
empty, just,
insertWith, insert,
deleteWith, delete,
adjust, revise, update, alter,
union, unionWith,
intersection, intersectionWith,
difference, differenceWith,
toList, fromList,
toAscList, fromAscList,
toMap, fromMap,
keysTSet, fromTSet,
toParser, toParser_, toParser__,
traverseWithKey, mapWithKey, foldMapWithKey, foldrWithKey,
import Prelude hiding (lookup, null)
import Data.Functor.Const
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Semigroup
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import qualified Control.Applicative as Ap (empty)
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.List as List (foldl')
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust, isNothing)
import Data.Trie.Set.Internal (TSet (..))
import qualified Data.Trie.Set.Internal as TSet
import Control.DeepSeq
data Node c a r = Node !(Maybe a) !(Map c r)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance (NFData c, NFData a, NFData r) => NFData (Node c a r) where
rnf (Node a e) = rnf a `seq` rnf e
newtype TMap c a = TMap { getNode :: Node c a (TMap c a) }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance (Show c, Show a) => Show (TMap c a) where
showsPrec p t = showParen (p > 10) $ showString "fromList " . showsPrec 11 (toList t)
instance (NFData c, NFData a) => NFData (TMap c a) where
rnf (TMap node) = rnf node
match :: (Ord c) => [c] -> TMap c a -> (Maybe a, TMap c a)
match [] t@(TMap (Node ma _)) = (ma, t)
match (c:cs) (TMap (Node _ e)) =
case Map.lookup c e of
Nothing -> (Nothing, empty)
Just t' -> match cs t'
lookup :: (Ord c) => [c] -> TMap c a -> Maybe a
lookup cs = fst . match cs
member, notMember :: (Ord c) => [c] -> TMap c a -> Bool
member cs = isJust . lookup cs
notMember cs = isNothing . lookup cs
null :: TMap c a -> Bool
null (TMap (Node ma e)) = isNothing ma && Map.null e
count :: TMap c a -> Int
count = F.length
keys :: TMap c a -> [[c]]
keys = foldTMap keys'
keys' (Node ma e) =
[ [] | isJust ma ] ++
[ c:cs' | (c,css') <- Map.toList e, cs' <- css' ]
elems :: TMap c a -> [a]
elems = F.toList
empty :: TMap c a
empty = TMap (Node Nothing Map.empty)
just :: a -> TMap c a
just a = TMap (Node (Just a) Map.empty)
singleton :: [c] -> a -> TMap c a
singleton cs a0 = foldr cons (just a0) cs
cons :: c -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
cons c t = TMap (Node Nothing (Map.singleton c t))
insert :: (Ord c) => [c] -> a -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
insert cs a = revise (const a) cs
delete :: (Ord c) => [c] -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
delete = update (const Nothing)
insertWith :: (Ord c) => (a -> a -> a) -> [c] -> a -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
insertWith f cs a = revise (maybe a (f a)) cs
deleteWith :: (Ord c) => (b -> a -> Maybe a) -> [c] -> b -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
deleteWith f cs b = update (f b) cs
adjust :: (Ord c) => (a -> a) -> [c] -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
adjust f = F.foldr step base
base (TMap (Node ma e)) = TMap (Node (f <$> ma) e)
step x xs (TMap (Node ma e)) =
let e' = Map.adjust xs x e
in TMap (Node ma e')
{-# INLINE adjust #-}
revise :: (Ord c) => (Maybe a -> a) -> [c] -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
revise f = fst . F.foldr step (base, just (f Nothing))
base (TMap (Node ma e)) = TMap (Node (Just (f ma)) e)
step x (inserter', xs') =
let inserter (TMap (Node ma e)) =
let e' = Map.insertWith (const inserter') x xs' e
in TMap (Node ma e')
in (inserter, cons x xs')
{-# INLINE revise #-}
update :: (Ord c) => (a -> Maybe a) -> [c] -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
update f cs = fromMaybe empty . update_ f cs
{-# INLINE update #-}
update_ :: (Ord c) => (a -> Maybe a) -> [c] -> TMap c a -> Maybe (TMap c a)
update_ f = F.foldr step base
base (TMap (Node ma e)) =
let ma' = ma >>= f
in if isNothing ma' && Map.null e
then Nothing
else Just $ TMap (Node ma' e)
step x xs (TMap (Node ma e)) =
let e' = Map.update xs x e
in if isNothing ma && Map.null e'
then Nothing
else Just $ TMap (Node ma e')
{-# INLINE update_ #-}
alter :: (Ord c) => (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> [c] -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
alter f =
case f Nothing of
Nothing -> update (f . Just)
Just f0 -> \cs -> fromMaybe empty . alter_ f f0 cs
{-# INLINE alter #-}
alter_ :: (Ord c) => (Maybe a -> Maybe a) -> a -> [c] -> TMap c a -> Maybe (TMap c a)
alter_ f f0 = fst . F.foldr step (base, just f0)
base (TMap (Node ma e)) =
let ma' = f ma
in if isNothing ma' && Map.null e
then Nothing
else Just $ TMap (Node ma' e)
step x (alterer', xs') =
let alterer (TMap (Node ma e)) =
let e' = Map.alter (maybe (Just xs') alterer') x e
in if isNothing ma && Map.null e'
then Nothing
else Just $ TMap (Node ma e')
in (alterer, cons x xs')
{-# INLINE alter_ #-}
union :: (Ord c) => TMap c a -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
union = unionWith const
unionWith :: (Ord c) => (a -> a -> a) -> TMap c a -> TMap c a -> TMap c a
unionWith f = go
go (TMap (Node mat et)) (TMap (Node mau eu)) =
let maz = case (mat, mau) of
(Nothing, Nothing) -> Nothing
(Just at, Nothing) -> Just at
(Nothing, Just au) -> Just au
(Just at, Just au) -> Just (f at au)
ez = Map.unionWith go et eu
in TMap (Node maz ez)
intersection :: (Ord c) => TMap c a -> TMap c b -> TMap c a
intersection = intersectionWith (\a _ -> Just a)
intersectionWith :: (Ord c) =>
(a -> b -> Maybe r) -> TMap c a -> TMap c b -> TMap c r
intersectionWith f x y = fromMaybe empty $ go x y
go (TMap (Node ma ex)) (TMap (Node mb ey)) =
if isNothing mr && Map.null ez
then Nothing
else Just $ TMap (Node mr ez)
mr = do a <- ma
b <- mb
f a b
emz = Map.intersectionWith go ex ey
ez = Map.mapMaybe id emz
difference :: (Ord c) => TMap c a -> TMap c b -> TMap c a
difference = differenceWith (\_ _ -> Nothing)
differenceWith :: (Ord c) =>
(a -> b -> Maybe a) -> TMap c a -> TMap c b -> TMap c a
differenceWith f x y = fromMaybe empty $ go x y
go (TMap (Node ma ex)) (TMap (Node mb ey)) =
if isNothing mr && Map.null ez
then Nothing
else Just $ TMap (Node mr ez)
mr = case (ma, mb) of
(Nothing, _) -> Nothing
(Just a, Nothing) -> Just a
(Just a, Just b) -> f a b
ez = Map.differenceWith go ex ey
appendWith :: (Ord c, Semigroup z) => (x -> y -> z) ->
TMap c x -> TMap c y -> TMap c z
appendWith f x y =
if null y
then empty
else go x
go (TMap (Node Nothing e)) =
let e' = Map.map go e
in TMap (Node Nothing e')
go (TMap (Node (Just ax) e)) =
let TMap (Node maz e') = fmap (f ax) y
e'' = Map.map go e
e''' = Map.unionWith (unionWith (<>)) e' e''
in TMap (Node maz e''')
instance Functor (TMap c) where
fmap f = go
go (TMap (Node ma e)) = TMap (Node (fmap f ma) (fmap go e))
instance Foldable (TMap c) where
foldMap f = go
go (TMap (Node ma e)) = case ma of
Nothing -> foldMap go e
Just a -> f a `mappend` foldMap go e
instance Traversable (TMap c) where
traverse f = go
go (TMap (Node a e)) = TMap <$> (Node <$> traverse f a <*> traverse go e)
instance (Ord c, Semigroup a) => Semigroup (TMap c a) where
(<>) = unionWith (<>)
stimes n = fmap (stimes n)
instance (Ord c, Semigroup a) => Monoid (TMap c a) where
mempty = empty
mappend = (<>)
toList :: TMap c a -> [([c], a)]
toList = foldrWithKey (\k a r -> (k,a) : r) []
fromList :: Ord c => [([c], a)] -> TMap c a
fromList = List.foldl' (flip (uncurry insert)) empty
toAscList :: TMap c a -> [([c], a)]
toAscList = toList
fromAscList :: Eq c => [([c], a)] -> TMap c a
fromAscList [] = empty
fromAscList [(cs, a)] = singleton cs a
fromAscList pairs =
let (ma, gs) = group_ pairs
e = Map.fromDistinctAscList $ map (fmap fromAscList) gs
in TMap (Node ma e)
group_ :: Eq c => [([c], a)] -> (Maybe a, [ (c, [ ([c], a) ]) ] )
group_ = foldr step (Nothing, [])
step ([], a) (ma, gs) = (ma <|> Just a, gs)
step (c:cs, a) (ma, gs) = case gs of
(d,ps'):rest | c == d -> (ma, (d, (cs,a):ps'):rest)
_ -> (ma, (c, [(cs,a)]):gs)
toMap :: TMap c a -> Map [c] a
toMap = Map.fromDistinctAscList . toAscList
fromMap :: (Eq c) => Map [c] a -> TMap c a
fromMap = fromAscList . Map.toAscList
keysTSet :: TMap c a -> TSet c
keysTSet = foldTMap keysTSet'
keysTSet' (Node ma e) =
TSet (TSet.Node (isJust ma) e)
fromTSet :: ([c] -> a) -> TSet c -> TMap c a
fromTSet f = go []
go q (TSet (TSet.Node a e)) =
let e' = Map.mapWithKey (\c -> go (c:q)) e
a' = if a then Just (f (reverse q)) else Nothing
in TMap (Node a' e')
toParser :: Alternative f =>
(c -> f c')
-> f eot
-> TMap c a -> f ([c'], a)
toParser f eot = foldTMap toParser'
toParser' (Node ma e) =
maybe Ap.empty (\a -> ([], a) <$ eot) ma <|>
F.asum [ consFst <$> f c <*> p' | (c, p') <- Map.toAscList e ]
consFst c (cs, a) = (c:cs, a)
toParser_ :: Alternative f =>
(c -> f c')
-> f eot
-> TMap c a -> f a
toParser_ f eot = foldTMap toParser'
toParser' (Node ma e) =
maybe Ap.empty (<$ eot) ma <|>
F.asum [ f c *> p' | (c, p') <- Map.toAscList e ]
toParser__ :: Alternative f =>
(c -> f c')
-> f eot
-> TMap c a -> f ()
toParser__ f eot = void . toParser_ f eot
traverseWithKey :: (Applicative f) =>
([c] -> a -> f b) -> TMap c a -> f (TMap c b)
traverseWithKey f = go []
go q (TMap (Node ma e)) =
let step c = go (c : q)
e' = Map.traverseWithKey step e
mb = maybe (pure Nothing)
(\a -> Just <$> f (reverse q) a)
in TMap <$> (Node <$> mb <*> e')
mapWithKey :: ([c] -> a -> b) -> TMap c a -> TMap c b
mapWithKey f = runIdentity . traverseWithKey (\k a -> Identity (f k a))
foldMapWithKey :: (Monoid r) => ([c] -> a -> r) -> TMap c a -> r
foldMapWithKey f = getConst . traverseWithKey (\k a -> Const (f k a))
foldrWithKey :: ([c] -> a -> r -> r) -> r -> TMap c a -> r
foldrWithKey f z (TMap (Node ma e)) =
case ma of
Nothing -> r
Just a -> f [] a r
r = Map.foldrWithKey (\c subTrie s ->
foldrWithKey (f . (c:)) s subTrie) z e
foldTMap :: (Node c a r -> r) -> TMap c a -> r
foldTMap f = go
where go (TMap node) = f (fmap go node)