{-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift, LambdaCase, ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module TreeSitter.Symbol
  ( TSSymbol
  , fromTSSymbol
  , SymbolType(..)
  , Symbol(..)
  , symbolToName
  , toHaskellCamelCaseIdentifier
  , toHaskellPascalCaseIdentifier
  , escapeOperatorPunctuation
  , camelCase
  , capitalize
  ) where

import           Data.Char (isAlpha, isControl, toUpper)
import           Data.Function ((&))
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import           Data.Ix (Ix)
import           Data.List.Split (condense, split, whenElt)
import           Data.Word (Word16)
import           Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

type TSSymbol = Word16

-- | Map a 'TSSymbol' to the corresponding value of a 'Symbol' datatype.
--   This should be used instead of 'toEnum' to perform this conversion, because tree-sitter represents parse errors with the unsigned short @65535@, which is generally not contiguous with the other symbols.
fromTSSymbol :: forall symbol. Symbol symbol => TSSymbol -> symbol
fromTSSymbol symbol = toEnum (min (fromIntegral symbol) (fromEnum (maxBound :: symbol)))

data SymbolType = Regular | Anonymous | Auxiliary
  deriving (Enum, Eq, Lift, Ord, Show)

class (Bounded s, Enum s, Ix s, Ord s, Show s) => Symbol s where
  symbolType :: s -> SymbolType

symbolToName :: SymbolType -> String -> String
symbolToName ty name
  = prefixHidden name
  & toWords
  & filter (not . all (== '_'))
  & map escapeOperatorPunctuation
  & (>>= capitalize)
  & (prefix ++)
    toWords = split (condense (whenElt (not . isAlpha)))

    prefixHidden s@('_':_) = "Hidden" ++ s
    prefixHidden s         = s

    prefix = case ty of
      Regular   -> ""
      Anonymous -> "Anon"
      Auxiliary -> "Aux"

toHaskellCamelCaseIdentifier :: String -> String
toHaskellCamelCaseIdentifier = addTickIfNecessary . escapeOperatorPunctuation . camelCase

addTickIfNecessary :: String -> String
addTickIfNecessary s
  | HashSet.member s reservedNames = s <> "'"
  | otherwise = s
    reservedNames :: HashSet.HashSet String
    reservedNames = HashSet.fromList ["type", "module", "data"]

toHaskellPascalCaseIdentifier :: String -> String
toHaskellPascalCaseIdentifier = addTickIfNecessary . capitalize . escapeOperatorPunctuation . camelCase

-- Ensures that we generate valid Haskell identifiers from
-- the literal characters used for infix operators and punctuation.
escapeOperatorPunctuation :: String -> String
escapeOperatorPunctuation = concatMap $ \case
  '{' -> "LBrace"
  '}' -> "RBrace"
  '(' -> "LParen"
  ')' -> "RParen"
  '.' -> "Dot"
  ':' -> "Colon"
  ',' -> "Comma"
  '|' -> "Pipe"
  ';' -> "Semicolon"
  '*' -> "Star"
  '&' -> "Ampersand"
  '=' -> "Equal"
  '<' -> "LAngle"
  '>' -> "RAngle"
  '[' -> "LBracket"
  ']' -> "RBracket"
  '+' -> "Plus"
  '-' -> "Minus"
  '/' -> "Slash"
  '\\' -> "Backslash"
  '^' -> "Caret"
  '!' -> "Bang"
  '%' -> "Percent"
  '@' -> "At"
  '~' -> "Tilde"
  '?' -> "Question"
  '`' -> "Backtick"
  '#' -> "Hash"
  '$' -> "Dollar"
  '"' -> "DQuote"
  '\'' -> "SQuote"
  '\t' -> "Tab"
  '\n' -> "LF"
  '\r' -> "CR"
    | isControl other -> escapeOperatorPunctuation (show other)
    | otherwise -> [other]

-- | Convert a snake_case String to camelCase
camelCase :: String -> String
camelCase = foldr appender mempty
    appender :: Char -> String -> String
    appender '_' cs = capitalize cs
    appender c cs   = c : cs

-- | Capitalize a String
capitalize :: String -> String
capitalize (c:cs) = toUpper c : cs
capitalize []     = []