{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module TreeSitter.Language where

import Data.Char
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.Ix (Ix)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.List.Split
import Data.Word
import Foreign.C.String
import Foreign.Ptr
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath.Posix

newtype Language = Language ()
  deriving (Show, Eq)

type TSSymbol = Word16

data SymbolType = Regular | Anonymous | Auxiliary
  deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Show)

foreign import ccall unsafe "ts_language_symbol_count" ts_language_symbol_count :: Ptr Language -> Word32
foreign import ccall unsafe "ts_language_symbol_name" ts_language_symbol_name :: Ptr Language -> TSSymbol -> CString
foreign import ccall unsafe "ts_language_symbol_type" ts_language_symbol_type :: Ptr Language -> TSSymbol -> Int

class (Bounded s, Enum s, Ix s, Ord s, Show s) => Symbol s where
  symbolType :: s -> SymbolType

-- | TemplateHaskell construction of a datatype for the referenced Language.
mkSymbolDatatype :: Name -> Ptr Language -> Q [Dec]
mkSymbolDatatype name language = do
  symbols <- (++ [(Regular, "ParseError")]) <$> runIO (languageSymbols language)
  let namedSymbols = renameDups [] $ uncurry symbolToName <$> symbols

  Module _ modName <- thisModule
    [ DataD [] name [] Nothing (flip NormalC [] . mkName . snd <$> namedSymbols) [ DerivClause Nothing [ ConT ''Show, ConT ''Enum, ConT ''Eq, ConT ''Ord, ConT ''Bounded, ConT ''Ix ] ]
    , InstanceD Nothing [] (AppT (ConT ''Symbol) (ConT name)) [ FunD 'symbolType (uncurry (clause modName) <$> namedSymbols) ] ]
  where clause modName symbolType str = Clause [ ConP (Name (OccName str) (NameQ modName)) [] ] (NormalB (ConE (promote symbolType))) []
        promote Regular = 'Regular
        promote Anonymous = 'Anonymous
        promote Auxiliary = 'Auxiliary
        renameDups done [] = reverse done
        renameDups done ((ty, name):queue) = if elem name (snd <$> done)
                                      then renameDups done ((ty, name ++ "'") : queue)
                                      else renameDups ((ty, name) : done) queue

-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16163948/how-do-i-use-templatehaskells-adddependentfile-on-a-file-relative-to-the-file-b
addDependentFileRelative :: FilePath -> Q [Dec]
addDependentFileRelative relativeFile = do
    currentFilename <- loc_filename <$> location
    pwd             <- runIO getCurrentDirectory

    let invocationRelativePath = takeDirectory (pwd </> currentFilename) </> relativeFile

    addDependentFile invocationRelativePath

    return []

languageSymbols :: Ptr Language -> IO [(SymbolType, String)]
languageSymbols language = for [0..fromIntegral (pred count)] $ \ symbol -> do
  name <- peekCString (ts_language_symbol_name language symbol)
  pure (toEnum (ts_language_symbol_type language symbol), name)
  where count = ts_language_symbol_count language

symbolToName :: SymbolType -> String -> (SymbolType, String)
symbolToName ty name
  = prefixHidden name
  & toWords
  & filter (not . all (== '_'))
  & map (>>= toDescription)
  & (>>= initUpper)
  & (prefix ++)
  & (,) ty
  where toWords = split (condense (whenElt (not . isAlpha)))

        prefixHidden s@('_':_) = "Hidden" ++ s
        prefixHidden s = s

        initUpper (c:cs) = toUpper c : cs
        initUpper "" = ""

        toDescription '{' = "LBrace"
        toDescription '}' = "RBrace"
        toDescription '(' = "LParen"
        toDescription ')' = "RParen"
        toDescription '.' = "Dot"
        toDescription ':' = "Colon"
        toDescription ',' = "Comma"
        toDescription '|' = "Pipe"
        toDescription ';' = "Semicolon"
        toDescription '*' = "Star"
        toDescription '&' = "Ampersand"
        toDescription '=' = "Equal"
        toDescription '<' = "LAngle"
        toDescription '>' = "RAngle"
        toDescription '[' = "LBracket"
        toDescription ']' = "RBracket"
        toDescription '+' = "Plus"
        toDescription '-' = "Minus"
        toDescription '/' = "Slash"
        toDescription '\\' = "Backslash"
        toDescription '^' = "Caret"
        toDescription '!' = "Bang"
        toDescription '%' = "Percent"
        toDescription '@' = "At"
        toDescription '~' = "Tilde"
        toDescription '?' = "Question"
        toDescription '`' = "Backtick"
        toDescription '#' = "Hash"
        toDescription '$' = "Dollar"
        toDescription '"' = "DQuote"
        toDescription '\'' = "SQuote"
        toDescription '\t' = "Tab"
        toDescription '\n' = "LF"
        toDescription '\r' = "CR"
        toDescription c = [c]

        prefix = case ty of
          Regular -> ""
          Anonymous -> "Anon"
          Auxiliary -> "Aux"