{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

-- |
-- Module       : Data.TPTP.Pretty
-- Description  : Pretty printers for the TPTP language.
-- Copyright    : (c) Evgenii Kotelnikov, 2019
-- License      : GPL-3
-- Maintainer   : evgeny.kotelnikov@gmail.com
-- Stability    : experimental

module Data.TPTP.Pretty (
) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4, 8, 0)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable)
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Data.Monoid (mempty)

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4, 11, 0)
import Data.Semigroup ((<>))

import Data.Char (isAsciiLower, isAsciiUpper, isDigit)
import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable (toList)
import Data.List (genericReplicate, intersperse)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NEL (nonEmpty)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text (
    all, head, tail, cons, snoc, pack, singleton, replace
import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (
    Doc, Pretty(..),
    hsep, sep, (<+>), parens, brackets, punctuate, space, comma, line

import Data.TPTP

-- * Helper functions

comment :: Doc ann -> Doc ann
comment c = "%" <+> c <> line

sepBy :: Foldable f => f (Doc ann) -> Doc ann -> Doc ann
sepBy as s = hsep (intersperse s (Foldable.toList as))

application :: Pretty f => f -> [Doc ann] -> Doc ann
application f [] = pretty f
application f as = pretty f <> parens (hsep (punctuate comma as))

list :: Foldable f => f (Doc ann) -> Doc ann
list = brackets . hsep . punctuate comma . Foldable.toList

bracketList :: (Pretty a, Functor f, Foldable f) => f a -> Doc ann
bracketList = list . fmap pretty

-- * Names

quoted :: Char -> Text -> Text
quoted q = Text.cons q . flip Text.snoc q
         . Text.replace (Text.singleton q) (Text.pack ['\\', q])
         . Text.replace "\\" "\\\\"

newtype SingleQuoted = SingleQuoted Text
  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

instance Pretty SingleQuoted where
  pretty (SingleQuoted t) = pretty (quoted '\'' t)

instance Pretty Atom where
  pretty (Atom s)
    | isLowerWord s = pretty s
    | otherwise = pretty (SingleQuoted s)
      isLowerWord w = isAsciiLower (Text.head w)
                   && Text.all isAlphaNum (Text.tail w)
      isAlphaNum c = isAsciiLower c || isAsciiUpper c || isDigit c || c == '_'

instance Pretty Var where
  pretty (Var s) = pretty s

newtype DoubleQuoted = DoubleQuoted Text
  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

instance Pretty DoubleQuoted where
  pretty (DoubleQuoted t) = pretty (quoted '"' t)

instance Pretty DistinctObject where
  pretty (DistinctObject s) = pretty (DoubleQuoted s)

newtype DollarWord = DollarWord Text
  deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)

instance Pretty DollarWord where
  pretty (DollarWord w) = pretty (Text.cons '$' w)

tType :: DollarWord
tType = DollarWord "tType"

instance Named s => Pretty (Name s) where
  pretty = \case
    Reserved s -> pretty (DollarWord (name s))
    Defined  a -> pretty a

instance Named s => Named (Reserved s) where
  name = \case
    Standard s -> name s
    Extended w -> w

instance Named s => Pretty (Reserved s) where
  pretty = pretty . name

-- * Sorts and types

instance Pretty TFF1Sort where
  pretty = \case
    SortVariable v -> pretty v
    TFF1Sort  f ss -> application f (fmap pretty ss)

prettyMapping :: Pretty a => [a] -> a -> Doc ann
prettyMapping as r = args <> pretty r
    args = case as of
      []  -> mempty
      [a] -> pretty a <+> ">" <> space
      _   -> parens (fmap pretty as `sepBy` "*") <+> ">" <> space

instance Pretty Type where
  pretty = \case
    Type as r -> prettyMapping as r
    TFF1Type vs as r -> prefix <> if null as then matrix else parens matrix
        prefix = case NEL.nonEmpty vs of
          Nothing -> mempty
          Just{}  -> "!>" <+> list (fmap prettyVar vs) <> ":" <> space
        prettyVar v = pretty v <> ":" <+> pretty tType
        matrix = prettyMapping as r

-- * First-order logic

instance Pretty Number where
  pretty = \case
    IntegerConstant    i -> pretty i
    RationalConstant n d -> pretty n <> "/" <> pretty d
    RealConstant       r -> pretty (show r)

instance Pretty Term where
  pretty = \case
    Function  f ts -> application f (fmap pretty ts)
    Variable     v -> pretty v
    Number       i -> pretty i
    DistinctTerm d -> pretty d

instance Pretty Literal where
  pretty = \case
    Predicate p ts -> application p (fmap pretty ts)
    Equality a s b -> pretty a <+> pretty s <+> pretty b

instance Pretty Sign where
  pretty = pretty . name

instance Pretty Clause where
  pretty = \case
    Clause ls -> fmap p ls `sepBy` pretty Disjunction
        p (Positive, l) = pretty l
        -- TPTP v7.3.0.0 doesn't allow for wrapping atom in parentesis in
        -- a negated atom in CNF formulas. I.e. for example ~ (X = Y) is
        -- not allowed. See http://www.tptp.org/TPTP/SyntaxBNF.html#cnf_formula
        -- TODO: implement AB-test comparing this parser against some canonical
        -- implementation of the parser of TPTP BNF (like tptp4X).
        p (Negative, l) = "~" <+> pretty l

instance Pretty Quantifier where
  pretty = pretty . name

instance Pretty Connective where
  pretty = pretty . name

instance Pretty Unsorted where
  pretty = mempty

instance Pretty s => Pretty (Sorted s) where
  pretty = \case
    Sorted Nothing  -> mempty
    Sorted (Just s) -> ":" <+> pretty s

instance Pretty QuantifiedSort where
  pretty = const (pretty tType)

instance Pretty (Either QuantifiedSort TFF1Sort) where
  pretty = either pretty pretty

unitary :: FirstOrder s -> Bool
unitary = \case
  Atomic{}     -> True
  Negated{}    -> True
  Quantified{} -> True
  Connected{}  -> False

ppretty :: Pretty s => (FirstOrder s -> Bool) -> FirstOrder s -> Doc ann
ppretty skipParens f
  | skipParens f = pretty f
  | otherwise    = parens (pretty f)

under :: Connective -> FirstOrder s -> Bool
under c = \case
  Connected _ c' _ -> c' == c && isAssociative c
  f -> unitary f

instance Pretty s => Pretty (FirstOrder s) where
  pretty = \case
    Atomic l -> pretty l
    Negated f -> "~" <+> ppretty unitary f
    Connected f c g -> ppretty (under c) f <+> pretty c <+> ppretty (under c) g
    Quantified q vs f -> pretty q <+> list vs' <> ":" <+> ppretty unitary f
        vs' = fmap var (Foldable.toList vs)
        var (v, s) = pretty v <> pretty s

-- ** Units

instance Pretty Language where
  pretty = pretty . name

instance Pretty Formula where
  pretty = \case
    CNF  c -> pretty c
    FOF  f -> pretty f
    TFF0 f -> pretty f
    TFF1 f -> pretty f

instance Pretty UnitName where
  pretty = either pretty pretty
  prettyList = bracketList

instance Pretty Declaration where
  pretty = \case
    Formula _ f -> pretty f
    Typing  s t -> pretty s <> ":" <+> pretty t
    Sort    s n -> pretty s <> ":" <+> prettyMapping tTypes tType
      where tTypes = genericReplicate n tType

instance Pretty Unit where
  pretty = \case
    Include (Atom f) ns -> application (Atom "include") args <> "."
        args = pretty (SingleQuoted f) : maybeToList (fmap bracketList ns)
    Unit nm decl a -> application (declarationLanguage decl) args <> "."
        args = pretty nm : role : pretty decl : ann

        role = case decl of
          Sort{}      -> "type"
          Typing{}    -> "type"
          Formula r _ -> pretty (name r)

        ann = case a of
          Just (s, i) -> pretty s : maybeToList (fmap prettyList i)
          Nothing -> []

  prettyList us = sep (fmap pretty us)

instance Pretty TPTP where
  pretty (TPTP us) = prettyList us

szsComment :: [Doc ann] -> Doc ann
szsComment = comment . hsep . ("SZS":)

instance Pretty TSTP where
  pretty (TSTP (SZS s d) us) = status <> dataform (prettyList us)
      status = case s of
        Nothing -> mempty
        Just st -> szsComment ["status", pretty st]
      dataform p = case d of
        Nothing -> p
        Just df -> szsComment ["output", "start", pretty df]
                <> p <> line
                <> szsComment ["output", "end", pretty df]

-- * Annotations

instance Pretty Intro where
  pretty = pretty . name

instance Pretty Success where
  pretty = pretty . name . SZSOntology

instance Pretty NoSuccess where
  pretty = pretty . name . SZSOntology

instance Pretty Status where
  pretty = either pretty pretty

instance Pretty Dataform where
  pretty = pretty . name . SZSOntology

instance Pretty (Either Var Atom) where
  pretty = either pretty pretty
  prettyList = bracketList

instance Pretty Info where
  pretty = \case
    Description    a -> application (Atom "description") [pretty a]
    Iquote         a -> application (Atom "iquote")      [pretty a]
    Status         s -> application (Atom "status")      [pretty s]
    Assumptions    u -> application (Atom "assumptions") [bracketList u]
    NewSymbols  n ss -> application (Atom "new_symbols") [pretty n, prettyList ss]
    Refutation     a -> application (Atom "refutation")  [pretty a]
    Bind         v e -> application (Atom "bind")        [pretty v, pretty e]
    Application f as -> application f                    (fmap pretty as)
    Expression     e -> pretty e
    InfoNumber     n -> pretty n
    Infos         is -> prettyList is

  prettyList = bracketList

instance Pretty Expression where
  pretty = \case
    Logical f -> application (DollarWord . name $ formulaLanguage f) [pretty f]
    Term    t -> application (DollarWord "fot") [pretty t]

instance Pretty Parent where
  pretty = \case
    Parent s  [] -> pretty s
    Parent s gts -> pretty s <> ":" <> prettyList gts
  prettyList = bracketList

instance Pretty Source where
  pretty = \case
    UnitSource un -> pretty un
    UnknownSource -> "unknown"
    File (Atom n) i -> source "file" (SingleQuoted n) (pretty     <$> i)
    Theory     n  i -> source "theory"             n  (prettyList <$> i)
    Creator    n  i -> source "creator"            n  (prettyList <$> i)
    Introduced n  i -> source "introduced"         n  (prettyList <$> i)
    Inference  n  i ps ->
      application (Atom "inference") [pretty n, pretty i, prettyList ps]
      source f n i = application (Atom f) (pretty n : maybeToList i)

  prettyList = bracketList