Copyright | (c) Masahiro Sakai 2011-2014 |
License | BSD-style |
Maintainer | |
Stability | provisional |
Portability | non-portable (MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances) |
Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Naive implementation of Cooper's algorithm
See also:
- type ExprZ = Expr Integer
- data Lit
- evalLit :: Model Integer -> Lit -> Bool
- type QFFormula = BoolExpr Lit
- fromLAAtom :: Atom Rational -> QFFormula
- (.|.) :: Integer -> ExprZ -> QFFormula
- evalQFFormula :: Model Integer -> QFFormula -> Bool
- type Model r = VarMap r
- project :: Var -> QFFormula -> (QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)
- projectN :: VarSet -> QFFormula -> (QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)
- projectCases :: Var -> QFFormula -> [(QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)]
- projectCasesN :: VarSet -> QFFormula -> [(QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)]
- solve :: VarSet -> [Atom Rational] -> Maybe (Model Integer)
- solveQFFormula :: VarSet -> QFFormula -> Maybe (Model Integer)
- solveQFLIRAConj :: VarSet -> [Atom Rational] -> VarSet -> Maybe (Model Rational)
Language of presburger arithmetics
Literals of Presburger arithmetic.
fromLAAtom :: Atom Rational -> QFFormula Source
evalQFFormula :: Model Integer -> QFFormula -> Bool Source
returns whether evalQFFormula
M φM ⊧_LIA φ
or not.
project :: Var -> QFFormula -> (QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer) Source
returns project
x φ(ψ, lift)
such that:
⊢_LIA ∀y1, …, yn. (∃x. φ) ↔ ψ
where{y1, …, yn} = FV(φ) \ {x}
, and- if
M ⊧_LIA ψ
thenlift M ⊧_LIA φ
projectN :: VarSet -> QFFormula -> (QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer) Source
returns projectN
{x1,…,xm} φ(ψ, lift)
such that:
⊢_LIA ∀y1, …, yn. (∃x1, …, xm. φ) ↔ ψ
where{y1, …, yn} = FV(φ) \ {x1,…,xm}
, and- if
M ⊧_LIA ψ
thenlift M ⊧_LIA φ
projectCases :: Var -> QFFormula -> [(QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)] Source
returns projectCases
x φ[(ψ_1, lift_1), …, (ψ_m, lift_m)]
such that:
⊢_LIA ∀y1, …, yn. (∃x. φ) ↔ (ψ_1 ∨ … ∨ φ_m)
where{y1, …, yn} = FV(φ) \ {x}
, and- if
M ⊧_LIA ψ_i
thenlift_i M ⊧_LIA φ
projectCasesN :: VarSet -> QFFormula -> [(QFFormula, Model Integer -> Model Integer)] Source
returns projectCasesN
{x1,…,xm} φ[(ψ_1, lift_1), …, (ψ_n, lift_n)]
such that:
⊢_LIA ∀y1, …, yp. (∃x. φ) ↔ (ψ_1 ∨ … ∨ φ_n)
where{y1, …, yp} = FV(φ) \ {x1,…,xm}
, and- if
M ⊧_LIA ψ_i
thenlift_i M ⊧_LIA φ
Constraint solving
solve :: VarSet -> [Atom Rational] -> Maybe (Model Integer) Source
returns solve
{x1,…,xn} φJust M
that M ⊧_LIA φ
such M
exists, returns Nothing
must be a subset of {x1,…,xn}
solveQFFormula :: VarSet -> QFFormula -> Maybe (Model Integer) Source
returns solveQFFormula
{x1,…,xn} φJust M
that M ⊧_LIA φ
such M
exists, returns Nothing
must be a subset of {x1,…,xn}
solveQFLIRAConj :: VarSet -> [Atom Rational] -> VarSet -> Maybe (Model Rational) Source
returns solveQFLIRAConj
{x1,…,xn} φ IJust M
that M ⊧_LIRA φ
such M
exists, returns Nothing
must be a subset of{x1,…,xn}
is a set of integer variables and must be a subset of{x1,…,xn}