{- |
Module                  : Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive
Copyright               : (c) 2018-2022 Kowainik
SPDX-License-Identifier : MPL-2.0
Maintainer              : Kowainik <xrom.xkov@gmail.com>
Stability               : Stable
Portability             : Portable

TOML-specific combinators for converting between TOML and Haskell primitive
types, e.g. 'Int', 'ByteString'.

For the overall picture you can see how different types are represented by
codecs in the following table:

|       Haskell Type        |     @TOML@      |      'TomlCodec'          |
| 'Bool'                    | @a = true@      | 'bool' "a"                |
| 'Integer'                 | @a = 100@       | 'integer' "a"             |
| 'Int'                     | @a = -42@       | 'int' "a"                 |
| 'Natural'                 | @a = 11@        | 'natural' "a"             |
| 'Word'                    | @a = 1@         | 'word' "a"                |
| 'Word8'                   | @a = 1@         | 'word8' "a"               |
| 'Double'                  | @a = 36.6@      | 'double' "a"              |
| 'Float'                   | @a = -100.09@   | 'float' "a"               |
| 'String'                  | @a = \"Hello\"@ | 'string' "a"              |
| 'Text'                    | @a = \"Hello\"@ | 'text' "a"                |
| Lazy'L.Text'              | @a = \"Hey\"@   | 'lazyText' "a"            |
| 'ByteString'              | @a = \"Hello\"@ | 'byteString' "a"          |
| Lazy'BL.ByteString'       | @a = \"Hey\"@   | 'lazyByteString' "a"      |
| 'ByteString' as Array     | @a = [10, 15]@  | 'byteStringArray' "a"     |
| Lazy'ByteString' as Array | @a = [15, 10]@  | 'lazyByteStringArray' "a" |


module Toml.Codec.Combinator.Primitive
    ( -- * Boolean
      -- * Integral numbers
    , integer
    , int
    , natural
    , word
    , word8
      -- * Floating point numbers
    , double
    , float
      -- * Text types
    , string
    , text
    , lazyText
    , byteString
    , lazyByteString
    , byteStringArray
    , lazyByteStringArray
    ) where

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)

import Toml.Codec.BiMap.Conversion (_Bool, _ByteString, _ByteStringArray, _Double, _Float, _Int,
                                    _Integer, _LByteString, _LByteStringArray, _LText, _Natural,
                                    _String, _Text, _Word, _Word8)
import Toml.Codec.Combinator.Common (match)
import Toml.Codec.Types (TomlCodec)
import Toml.Type.Key (Key)

import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L

{- | Codec for boolean values.

@since 0.0.0
bool :: Key -> TomlCodec Bool
bool :: Key -> TomlCodec Bool
bool = forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a
match TomlBiMap Bool AnyValue
{-# INLINE bool #-}

{- | Codec for integer values.

@since 0.1.0
integer :: Key -> TomlCodec Integer
integer :: Key -> TomlCodec Integer
integer = forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a
match TomlBiMap Integer AnyValue
{-# INLINE integer #-}

{- | Codec for integer values.

@since 0.0.0
int :: Key -> TomlCodec Int
int :: Key -> TomlCodec Int
int = forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a
match TomlBiMap Int AnyValue
{-# INLINE int #-}

{- | Codec for natural values.

@since 0.5.0
natural :: Key -> TomlCodec Natural
natural :: Key -> TomlCodec Natural
natural = forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a
match TomlBiMap Natural AnyValue
{-# INLINE natural #-}

{- | Codec for word values.

@since 0.5.0
word :: Key -> TomlCodec Word
word :: Key -> TomlCodec Word
word = forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a
match TomlBiMap Word AnyValue
{-# INLINE word #-}

{- | Codec for word8 values.

word8 :: Key -> TomlCodec Word8
word8 :: Key -> TomlCodec Word8
word8 = forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a
match TomlBiMap Word8 AnyValue
{-# INLINE word8 #-}

{- | Codec for floating point values with double precision.

@since 0.0.0
double :: Key -> TomlCodec Double
double :: Key -> TomlCodec Double
double = forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a
match TomlBiMap Double AnyValue
{-# INLINE double #-}

{- | Codec for floating point values.

@since 0.5.0
float :: Key -> TomlCodec Float
float :: Key -> TomlCodec Float
float = forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a
match TomlBiMap Float AnyValue
{-# INLINE float #-}

{- | Codec for string values.

@since 0.4.0
string :: Key -> TomlCodec String
string :: Key -> TomlCodec String
string = forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a
match TomlBiMap String AnyValue
{-# INLINE string #-}

{- | Codec for text values.

@since 0.3.0
text :: Key -> TomlCodec Text
text :: Key -> TomlCodec Text
text = forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a
match TomlBiMap Text AnyValue
{-# INLINE text #-}

{- | Codec for lazy text values.

@since 1.0.0
lazyText :: Key -> TomlCodec L.Text
lazyText :: Key -> TomlCodec Text
lazyText = forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a
match TomlBiMap Text AnyValue
{-# INLINE lazyText #-}

{- | Codec for text values as 'ByteString'.

@since 0.5.0
byteString :: Key -> TomlCodec ByteString
byteString :: Key -> TomlCodec ByteString
byteString = forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a
match TomlBiMap ByteString AnyValue
{-# INLINE byteString #-}

{- | Codec for text values as 'BL.ByteString'.

@since 0.5.0
lazyByteString :: Key -> TomlCodec BL.ByteString
lazyByteString :: Key -> TomlCodec ByteString
lazyByteString = forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a
match TomlBiMap ByteString AnyValue
{-# INLINE lazyByteString #-}

{- | Codec for positive integer array values as 'ByteString'.

byteStringArray :: Key -> TomlCodec ByteString
byteStringArray :: Key -> TomlCodec ByteString
byteStringArray = forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a
match TomlBiMap ByteString AnyValue
{-# INLINE byteStringArray #-}

{- | Codec for positive integer array values as lazy 'ByteString'.

lazyByteStringArray :: Key -> TomlCodec BL.ByteString
lazyByteStringArray :: Key -> TomlCodec ByteString
lazyByteStringArray = forall a. TomlBiMap a AnyValue -> Key -> TomlCodec a
match TomlBiMap ByteString AnyValue
{-# INLINE lazyByteStringArray #-}