tmp-proc- Run 'tmp' processes in integration tests
Copyright(c) 2020-2021 Tim Emiola
MaintainerTim Emiola <>
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Provides the core data types and combinators used to launch temporary (tmp) processes (procs) using docker.

tmp-proc aims to simplify integration tests that use dockerizable services.

  • tmp-proc helps launch services used by integration tests on docker
  • While it's possible to write integration tests that use services hosted on docker without tmp-proc, tmp-proc aims to make writing those kind of tests easier, by providing types and combinators that take care of

    • launching services on docker
    • obtaining references to the launched service
    • cleaning up docker once the tests are finished

It does this via its typeclasses and data types:

  • The Proc typeclass specifies a docker image that provides a service and other details related to its use in tests.

    • Procs may need additional arguments in the docker run command that launches it; this can be done using by providing a specific ToRunCmd instance for it
  • A ProcHandle type is created whenever a service specifed by a Proc is launched, and is used to access and eventually terminate the service.

    • Some Procs are also Connectable; they implement a typeclass that specifies how to access the service via some Conn-ection type.
  • Custom setup of the docker container is supported

    • A Proc type may also implement Preparer

      • Preparer allows resources to before prepared before the docker start command is invoked, and cleaned up afterwards
      • ToRunCmd may then be used to update the docker run command line to refer to prepared resources


class (KnownSymbol (Image a), KnownSymbol (Name a)) => Proc a where Source #

Specifies how to launch a temporary process using Docker.

Minimal complete definition

uriOf, reset, ping

Associated Types

type Image a :: Symbol Source #

The image name of the docker image, e.g, postgres:10.6

type Name a = (labelName :: Symbol) | labelName -> a Source #

A label used to refer to running process created from this image, e.g, a-postgres-db


runArgs :: [Text] Source #

Additional arguments to the docker command that launches the tmp proc.

uriOf :: HostIpAddress -> SvcURI Source #

Determines the service URI of the process, when applicable.

reset :: ProcHandle a -> IO () Source #

Resets some state in a tmp proc service.

ping :: ProcHandle a -> IO Pinged Source #

Checks if the tmp proc started ok.

pingCount :: Natural Source #

Maximum number of pings to perform during startup.

pingGap :: Natural Source #

Number of milliseconds between pings.

data Pinged Source #

Indicates the result of pinging a Proc.

If the ping succeeds, ping should return OK.

ping should catch any exceptions that are expected when the Procs service is not available and return NotOK.

startupAll uses PingFailed to report any unexpected exceptions that escape ping.



The service is running OK.


The service is not running.

PingFailed Text

Contact to the service failed unexpectedly.


Instances details
Show Pinged Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker

Eq Pinged Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker

class AreProcs as Source #

Declares a proof that a list of types only contains Procs.

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
AreProcs ('[] :: [Type]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker


procProof :: SomeProcs '[]

(ProcPlus a prepared, AreProcs as, IsAbsent a as) => AreProcs (a ': as) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker


procProof :: SomeProcs (a ': as)

nameOf :: forall a. Proc a => a -> Text Source #

Name of a process.

startup :: ProcPlus a prepared => a -> IO (ProcHandle a) Source #

Starts a Proc.

It uses ping to determine if the Proc started up ok, and will fail by throwing an exception if it did not.

Returns the ProcHandle used to control the Proc once a ping has succeeded.

toPinged :: forall e a. Exception e => Proxy e -> IO a -> IO Pinged Source #

Use an action that might throw an exception as a ping.

uriOf' :: forall a. Proc a => a -> HostIpAddress -> SvcURI Source #

Simplifies use of uriOf.

runArgs' :: forall a. Proc a => a -> [Text] Source #

Simplifies use of runArgs.

customize proc setup

type ProcPlus a prepared = (Proc a, ToRunCmd a prepared, Preparer a prepared) Source #

A Constraint that combines Proc and its supporting typeclasses

class Preparer a prepared => ToRunCmd a prepared where Source #

Allow customization of the docker command that launches a Proc

The full launch command is `docker run -d optional-args --name $(name a) $(imageText a)`

Specify a new instance of ToRunCmd to control optional-args

There is an Overlappable fallback instance that works for any Proc, so this typeclass need only be specified when a Proc actually needs it


toRunCmd :: a -> prepared -> [Text] Source #


Instances details
(a ~ a', Proc a) => ToRunCmd a a' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker


toRunCmd :: a -> a' -> [Text] Source #

class Preparer a prepared | a -> prepared where Source #

Prepare resources for use by a Proc

Preparation occurs before the Proc's docker container is a launched, and resources generated are made accessible via the prepared data type.

Usually, it will be used by toRunCmd to provide additional arguments to the docker command

There is an Overlappable fallback instance that works for any Proc, so this typeclass need only be specified for Proc that require some setup

The prepare method's first argument is a list of SlimHandle that represent preceding tmp-proc managed containers, to allow prepare to setup links to these containers when required


prepare :: [SlimHandle] -> a -> IO prepared Source #

Generate a prepared before the docker container is started

tidy :: a -> prepared -> IO () Source #

Tidy any resources associated with prepared


Instances details
(a ~ a', Proc a) => Preparer a a' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker


prepare :: [SlimHandle] -> a -> IO a' Source #

tidy :: a -> a' -> IO () Source #

start/stop many procs

startupAll :: AreProcs procs => HList procs -> IO (HandlesOf procs) Source #

Start up processes for each Proc type

the processes' are able to communicate via a docker network with a unique generated name

startupAll' :: AreProcs procs => Maybe Text -> HList procs -> IO (NetworkHandlesOf procs) Source #

Deprecated: since v0.7 this is no longer needed and will be removed, use startupAll instead; it always generates a named docker network

Start up processes for each Proc type.

terminateAll :: AreProcs procs => HandlesOf procs -> IO () Source #

Terminate all processes owned by some ProcHandles.

netwTerminateAll :: AreProcs procs => NetworkHandlesOf procs -> IO () Source #

Deprecated: since v0.7 this is no longer needed and will be removed, use terminateAll instead

Like terminateAll, but also removes the docker network connecting the processes.

netwStartupAll :: AreProcs procs => HList procs -> IO (NetworkHandlesOf procs) Source #

Deprecated: since v0.7 this is no longer needed and will be removed, use startupAll instead

Like startupAll, but reveals the generated network name via the deprecated NetworkHandlesOf

withTmpProcs :: AreProcs procs => HList procs -> (HandlesOf procs -> IO b) -> IO b Source #

Set up some Procs, run an action that uses them, then terminate them.

access a started Proc

data ProcHandle a where Source #

Provides access to a Proc that has been started.

Bundled Patterns

pattern ProcHandle

A pattern constructor the provides selectors for the ProcHandle fields

The selectors are readonly, i.e they only match in pattern context since ProcHandles cannot be constructed directly; they are obtained@ through startupAll or startup


  • :: a

    the Proc that led to this ProcHandle

  • -> String

    the docker process ID corresponding to the started container

  • -> SvcURI

    the URI to the test service instance

  • -> HostIpAddress

    the IP address of the test service instance

  • -> ProcHandle a

data SlimHandle Source #

Provides an untyped view of the data in a ProcHandle




Instances details
Show SlimHandle Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker

Eq SlimHandle Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker

type family Proc2Handle (as :: [Type]) = (handleTys :: [Type]) | handleTys -> as where ... Source #

Converts list of types to the corresponding ProcHandle types.


Proc2Handle '[] = '[] 
Proc2Handle (a ': as) = ProcHandle a ': Proc2Handle as 

type HasHandle aProc procs = (Proc aProc, AreProcs procs, IsInProof (ProcHandle aProc) (Proc2Handle procs)) Source #

Constraint alias used to constrain types where proxy of a Proc type looks up a value in an HList of ProcHandle.

type HasNamedHandle name a procs = (name ~ Name a, Proc a, AreProcs procs, MemberKV name (ProcHandle a) (Handle2KV (Proc2Handle procs))) Source #

Constraint alias used to constrain types where a Name looks up a type in an HList of ProcHandle.

slim :: Proc a => ProcHandle a -> SlimHandle Source #

Obtain the SlimHandle.

handleOf :: HandleOf a procs b => Proxy a -> HandlesOf procs -> ProcHandle b Source #

Obtain the handle matching the given type from a HList of ProcHandle.

ixReset :: IxReset a procs => Proxy a -> HandlesOf procs -> IO () Source #

Resets the handle whose index is specified by the proxy type.

ixPing :: IxPing a procs => Proxy a -> HandlesOf procs -> IO Pinged Source #

Pings the handle whose index is specified by the proxy type.

ixUriOf :: IxUriOf a procs => Proxy a -> HandlesOf procs -> SvcURI Source #

Obtains the service URI of the handle whose index is specified by the proxy type.

access many started procs

type HandlesOf procs = HList (Proc2Handle procs) Source #

A list of ProcHandle values.

type NetworkHandlesOf procs = (Text, HandlesOf procs) Source #

Deprecated: since v0.7 this is no longer necessary and will be removed

A list of ProcHandle values of different types with the name of the docker network connecting their processes

manyNamed :: SomeNamedHandles names namedProcs someProcs sortedProcs => Proxy names -> HandlesOf someProcs -> HandlesOf namedProcs Source #

Select the named ProcHandles from an HList of ProcHandle.

mapSlim :: AreProcs procs => HandlesOf procs -> [SlimHandle] Source #

Obtain the SlimHandle of several Procs

genNetworkName :: IO Text Source #

Deprecated: since v0.7 this is no longer needs to be exported and will be hidden in later releases

generate a random network name

type SomeNamedHandles names procs someProcs sortedProcs = (names ~ Proc2Name procs, ManyMemberKV (SortSymbols names) (SortHandles (Proc2Handle procs)) (Handle2KV (Proc2Handle sortedProcs)), ReorderH (SortHandles (Proc2Handle procs)) (Proc2Handle procs), ReorderH (Proc2Handle someProcs) (Proc2Handle sortedProcs), AreProcs sortedProcs, SortHandles (Proc2Handle someProcs) ~ Proc2Handle sortedProcs) Source #

Constraint alias when several Names are used to find matching types in an HList of ProcHandle.


class Proc a => Connectable a where Source #

Specifies how to a get a connection to a Proc.

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type Conn a = (conn :: Type) | conn -> a Source #

The connection type.


openConn :: ProcHandle a -> IO (Conn a) Source #

Get a connection to the Proc via its ProcHandle.

closeConn :: Conn a -> IO () Source #

Close a connection to a Proc.

class Connectables as Source #

Declares a proof that a list of types only contains Connectables.

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
Connectables ('[] :: [Type]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker


connProof :: Uniquely Connectable Connectables '[]

(Connectable a, Connectables as, IsAbsent a as) => Connectables (a ': as) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.Docker


connProof :: Uniquely Connectable Connectables (a ': as)

withTmpConn :: Connectable a => ProcHandle a -> (Conn a -> IO b) -> IO b Source #

Run an action on a Connectable handle as a callback on its Conn

withConnOf :: (HandleOf idx procs namedConn, Connectable namedConn) => Proxy idx -> HandlesOf procs -> (Conn namedConn -> IO b) -> IO b Source #

Builds on handleOf; gives the Conn of the ProcHandle to a callback.

openAll :: Connectables xs => HandlesOf xs -> IO (HList (ConnsOf xs)) Source #

Open all the Connectable types to corresponding Conn types.

closeAll :: Connectables procs => HList (ConnsOf procs) -> IO () Source #

Close some Connectable types.

withConns :: Connectables procs => HandlesOf procs -> (HList (ConnsOf procs) -> IO b) -> IO b Source #

Open some connections, use them in an action; close them.

withKnownConns :: (AreProcs someProcs, Connectables conns, ReorderH (Proc2Handle someProcs) (Proc2Handle conns)) => HandlesOf someProcs -> (HList (ConnsOf conns) -> IO b) -> IO b Source #

Open all known connections; use them in an action; close them.

withNamedConns :: (SomeNamedHandles names namedConns someProcs sortedProcs, Connectables namedConns) => Proxy names -> HandlesOf someProcs -> (HList (ConnsOf namedConns) -> IO b) -> IO b Source #

Open the named connections; use them in an action; close them.

Docker status

hasDocker :: IO Bool Source #

Determines if the docker daemon is accessible.


type HostIpAddress = Text Source #

The IP address of the docker host.

type SvcURI = ByteString Source #

A connection string used to access the service once its running.


type family SortSymbols (xs :: [Symbol]) :: [Symbol] where ... Source #

Sort a list of type-level symbols using merge sort.


>>> :kind! SortSymbols '["xyz", "def", "abc"]
SortSymbols '["xyz", "def", "abc"] :: [Symbol]
= '["abc", "def", "xyz"]


SortSymbols '[] = '[] 
SortSymbols '[x] = '[x] 
SortSymbols '[x, y] = MergeSymbols '[x] '[y] 
SortSymbols xs = SortSymbolsStep xs (HalfOf (LengthOf xs)) 

type family HalfOf (n :: Nat) :: Nat where ... Source #

Computes the midpoint of a number.

N.B: maximum value that this works for depends on the reduction limit of the type-checker.


>>> :kind! CmpNat 49 (HalfOf 99)
CmpNat 49 (HalfOf 99) :: Ordering
= 'EQ
>>> :kind! CmpNat 50 (HalfOf 100)
CmpNat 50 (HalfOf 100) :: Ordering
= 'EQ


HalfOf 0 = 0 
HalfOf 1 = 1 
HalfOf 2 = 1 
HalfOf 3 = 1 
HalfOf 4 = 2 
HalfOf 5 = 2 
HalfOf 6 = 3 
HalfOf 7 = 3 
HalfOf n = HalfOfImpl n 0 n 'LT 

type family LengthOf (xs :: [k]) :: Nat where ... Source #

Counts a list, 1 element at a time.


>>> :kind! CmpNat 4 (LengthOf '[1, 2, 3, 4])
CmpNat 4 (LengthOf '[1, 2, 3, 4]) :: Ordering
= 'EQ


LengthOf '[] = 0 
LengthOf (x ': xs) = 1 + LengthOf xs 

type family Drop (xs :: [k]) (n :: Nat) :: [k] where ... Source #

Drops 1 element at a time until the the dropped target is reached.


>>> :kind! Drop '["a", "b", "c", "d"] 2
Drop '["a", "b", "c", "d"] 2 :: [Symbol]
= '["c", "d"]
>>> :kind! Drop '["a"] 2
Drop '["a"] 2 :: [Symbol]
= '[]


Drop '[] n = '[] 
Drop xs 0 = xs 
Drop (x ': xs) n = Drop xs (n - 1) 

type family Take (xs :: [k]) (n :: Nat) :: [k] where ... Source #

Takes 1 element at a time from a list until the desired length is reached.


>>> :kind! Take '["a", "b", "c", "d"] 2
Take '["a", "b", "c", "d"] 2 :: [Symbol]
= '["a", "b"]


Take '[] n = '[] 
Take xs 0 = '[] 
Take (x ': xs) n = x ': Take xs (n - 1) 

class IsInProof t (tys :: [Type]) Source #

Generate proof instances of IsIn.

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
IsInProof t tys => IsInProof t (a ': tys) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


provedIsIn :: IsIn t (a ': tys)

IsInProof t (t ': tys) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


provedIsIn :: IsIn t (t ': tys)

class ReorderH xs ys where Source #

Allows reordering of similar HLists.


>>> hReorder @_ @'[Bool, Int] ('c' &: (3 :: Int) &: True &: (3.1 :: Double) &: HNil)
True &: 3 &: HNil
>>> hReorder @_ @'[Double, Bool, Int] ('c' &: (3 :: Int) &: True &: (3.1 :: Double) &: HNil)
3.1 &: True &: 3 &: HNil


hReorder :: HList xs -> HList ys Source #


Instances details
ReorderH xs ('[] :: [Type]) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


hReorder :: HList xs -> HList '[] Source #

(IsInProof y xs, ReorderH xs ys) => ReorderH xs (y ': ys) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


hReorder :: HList xs -> HList (y ': ys) Source #

class ManyMemberKV (ks :: [Symbol]) (ts :: [Type]) (kvs :: [Type]) Source #

Generate proof instances of LookupMany.

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
ManyMemberKV ks ts kvs => ManyMemberKV ks ts (KV ok ot ': kvs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


manyProof :: LookupMany ks ts (KV ok ot ': kvs) Source #

ManyMemberKV '[k] '[t] (KV k t ': ks) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


manyProof :: LookupMany '[k] '[t] (KV k t ': ks) Source #

ManyMemberKV ks ts kvs => ManyMemberKV (k ': ks) (t ': ts) (KV k t ': kvs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


manyProof :: LookupMany (k ': ks) (t ': ts) (KV k t ': kvs) Source #

class MemberKV (k :: Symbol) (t :: Type) (xs :: [Type]) Source #

Generate proof instances of LookupKV.

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
MemberKV k t '[KV k t] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


lookupProof :: LookupKV k t '[KV k t] Source #

MemberKV k t (KV k t ': kvs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


lookupProof :: LookupKV k t (KV k t ': kvs) Source #

MemberKV k t kvs => MemberKV k t (KV ok ot ': kvs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


lookupProof :: LookupKV k t (KV ok ot ': kvs) Source #

type family IsAbsent e r :: Constraint where ... Source #

A constraint that confirms that a type is not present in a type-level list.


IsAbsent e '[] = () 
IsAbsent e (e ': _) = TypeError (NotAbsentErr e) 
IsAbsent e (e' ': tail) = IsAbsent e tail 

data KV :: Symbol -> Type -> Type where Source #

Use a type-level symbol as key type that indexes a value type.


V :: a -> KV s a 


Instances details
ManyMemberKV ks ts kvs => ManyMemberKV ks ts (KV ok ot ': kvs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


manyProof :: LookupMany ks ts (KV ok ot ': kvs) Source #

MemberKV k t '[KV k t] Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


lookupProof :: LookupKV k t '[KV k t] Source #

MemberKV k t (KV k t ': kvs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


lookupProof :: LookupKV k t (KV k t ': kvs) Source #

MemberKV k t kvs => MemberKV k t (KV ok ot ': kvs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


lookupProof :: LookupKV k t (KV ok ot ': kvs) Source #

ManyMemberKV '[k] '[t] (KV k t ': ks) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


manyProof :: LookupMany '[k] '[t] (KV k t ': ks) Source #

ManyMemberKV ks ts kvs => ManyMemberKV (k ': ks) (t ': ts) (KV k t ': kvs) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


manyProof :: LookupMany (k ': ks) (t ': ts) (KV k t ': kvs) Source #

data HList :: [Type] -> Type where Source #

Defines a Heterogenous list.


HNil :: HList '[] 
HCons :: anyTy -> HList manyTys -> HList (anyTy ': manyTys) infixr 5 


Instances details
(Show x, Show (HList xs)) => Show (HList (x ': xs)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


showsPrec :: Int -> HList (x ': xs) -> ShowS Source #

show :: HList (x ': xs) -> String Source #

showList :: [HList (x ': xs)] -> ShowS Source #

Show (HList ('[] :: [Type])) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


showsPrec :: Int -> HList '[] -> ShowS Source #

show :: HList '[] -> String Source #

showList :: [HList '[]] -> ShowS Source #

(Eq x, Eq (HList xs)) => Eq (HList (x ': xs)) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


(==) :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Bool Source #

(/=) :: HList (x ': xs) -> HList (x ': xs) -> Bool Source #

Eq (HList ('[] :: [Type])) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in System.TmpProc.TypeLevel


(==) :: HList '[] -> HList '[] -> Bool Source #

(/=) :: HList '[] -> HList '[] -> Bool Source #

hHead :: HList (a ': as) -> a Source #

Obtain the first element of a HList.

hOf :: forall y xs. IsInProof y xs => Proxy y -> HList xs -> y Source #

Get an item in an HList given its type.

(&:) :: x -> HList xs -> HList (x ': xs) infixr 5 Source #

An infix alias for HCons.

both :: x -> y -> HList '[x, y] infixr 6 Source #

Construct a two-item HList.

(&:&) :: x -> y -> HList '[x, y] infixr 6 Source #

An infix alias for both.

only :: x -> HList '[x] Source #

Construct a singleton HList

select :: forall k t xs. MemberKV k t xs => HList xs -> t Source #

Select an item from an HList of KVs by key.

N.B Returns the first item. It assumes the keys in the KV HList are unique. TODO: enforce this rule using a constraint.


>>> select @"d" @Double  @'[KV "b" Bool, KV "d" Double] (V True &:  V (3.1 :: Double) &: HNil)

selectMany :: forall ks ts xs. ManyMemberKV ks ts xs => HList xs -> HList ts Source #

Select items with specified keys from an HList of KVs by key.

N.B. this this is an internal function.

The keys must be provided in the same order as they occur in the HList, any other order will likely result in an compiler error.


>>> selectMany @'["b"] @'[Bool] @'[KV "b" Bool, KV "d" Double] (V True &:  V (3.1 :: Double) &: HNil)
True &: HNil