{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Network.TLS.Record.Disengage
( disengageRecord
) where
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Crypto.Cipher.Types (AuthTag(..))
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.ErrT
import Network.TLS.Cap
import Network.TLS.Record.State
import Network.TLS.Record.Types
import Network.TLS.Cipher
import Network.TLS.Crypto
import Network.TLS.Compression
import Network.TLS.Util
import Network.TLS.Wire
import Network.TLS.Packet
import Network.TLS.Imports
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteArray as B (convert, xor)
disengageRecord :: Record Ciphertext -> RecordM (Record Plaintext)
disengageRecord = decryptRecord >=> uncompressRecord
uncompressRecord :: Record Compressed -> RecordM (Record Plaintext)
uncompressRecord record = onRecordFragment record $ fragmentUncompress $ \bytes ->
withCompression $ compressionInflate bytes
decryptRecord :: Record Ciphertext -> RecordM (Record Compressed)
decryptRecord record@(Record ct ver fragment) = do
st <- get
case stCipher st of
Nothing -> noDecryption
_ -> do
recOpts <- getRecordOptions
let mver = recordVersion recOpts
if recordTLS13 recOpts
then decryptData13 mver (fragmentGetBytes fragment) st
else onRecordFragment record $ fragmentUncipher $ \e ->
decryptData mver record e st
noDecryption = onRecordFragment record $ fragmentUncipher return
decryptData13 mver e st
| ct == ProtocolType_AppData = do
inner <- decryptData mver record e st
case unInnerPlaintext inner of
Left message -> throwError $ Error_Protocol (message, True, UnexpectedMessage)
Right (ct', d) -> return $ Record ct' ver (fragmentCompressed d)
| otherwise = noDecryption
unInnerPlaintext :: ByteString -> Either String (ProtocolType, ByteString)
unInnerPlaintext inner =
case B.unsnoc dc of
Nothing -> Left $ unknownContentType13 (0 :: Word8)
Just (bytes,c) ->
case valToType c of
Nothing -> Left $ unknownContentType13 c
Just ct
| B.null bytes && ct `elem` nonEmptyContentTypes ->
Left ("empty " ++ show ct ++ " record disallowed")
| otherwise -> Right (ct, bytes)
(dc,_pad) = B.spanEnd (== 0) inner
nonEmptyContentTypes = [ ProtocolType_Handshake, ProtocolType_Alert ]
unknownContentType13 c = "unknown TLS 1.3 content type: " ++ show c
getCipherData :: Record a -> CipherData -> RecordM ByteString
getCipherData (Record pt ver _) cdata = do
macValid <- case cipherDataMAC cdata of
Nothing -> return True
Just digest -> do
let new_hdr = Header pt ver (fromIntegral $ B.length $ cipherDataContent cdata)
expected_digest <- makeDigest new_hdr $ cipherDataContent cdata
return (expected_digest `bytesEq` digest)
paddingValid <- case cipherDataPadding cdata of
Nothing -> return True
Just (pad, blksz) -> do
cver <- getRecordVersion
let b = B.length pad - 1
return $ if cver < TLS10
then b < blksz
else B.replicate (B.length pad) (fromIntegral b) `bytesEq` pad
unless (macValid &&! paddingValid) $
throwError $ Error_Protocol ("bad record mac", True, BadRecordMac)
return $ cipherDataContent cdata
decryptData :: Version -> Record Ciphertext -> ByteString -> RecordState -> RecordM ByteString
decryptData ver record econtent tst = decryptOf (cstKey cst)
where cipher = fromJust "cipher" $ stCipher tst
bulk = cipherBulk cipher
cst = stCryptState tst
macSize = hashDigestSize $ cipherHash cipher
blockSize = bulkBlockSize bulk
econtentLen = B.length econtent
explicitIV = hasExplicitBlockIV ver
sanityCheckError = throwError (Error_Packet "encrypted content too small for encryption parameters")
decryptOf :: BulkState -> RecordM ByteString
decryptOf (BulkStateBlock decryptF) = do
let minContent = (if explicitIV then bulkIVSize bulk else 0) + max (macSize + 1) blockSize
when ((econtentLen `mod` blockSize) /= 0 || econtentLen < minContent) sanityCheckError
(iv, econtent') <- if explicitIV
then get2o econtent (bulkIVSize bulk, econtentLen - bulkIVSize bulk)
else return (cstIV cst, econtent)
let (content', iv') = decryptF iv econtent'
modify $ \txs -> txs { stCryptState = cst { cstIV = iv' } }
let paddinglength = fromIntegral (B.last content') + 1
let contentlen = B.length content' - paddinglength - macSize
(content, mac, padding) <- get3i content' (contentlen, macSize, paddinglength)
getCipherData record CipherData
{ cipherDataContent = content
, cipherDataMAC = Just mac
, cipherDataPadding = Just (padding, blockSize)
decryptOf (BulkStateStream (BulkStream decryptF)) = do
when (econtentLen < macSize) sanityCheckError
let (content', bulkStream') = decryptF econtent
let contentlen = B.length content' - macSize
(content, mac) <- get2i content' (contentlen, macSize)
modify $ \txs -> txs { stCryptState = cst { cstKey = BulkStateStream bulkStream' } }
getCipherData record CipherData
{ cipherDataContent = content
, cipherDataMAC = Just mac
, cipherDataPadding = Nothing
decryptOf (BulkStateAEAD decryptF) = do
let authTagLen = bulkAuthTagLen bulk
nonceExpLen = bulkExplicitIV bulk
cipherLen = econtentLen - authTagLen - nonceExpLen
when (econtentLen < (authTagLen + nonceExpLen)) sanityCheckError
(enonce, econtent', authTag) <- get3o econtent (nonceExpLen, cipherLen, authTagLen)
let encodedSeq = encodeWord64 $ msSequence $ stMacState tst
iv = cstIV (stCryptState tst)
ivlen = B.length iv
Header typ v _ = recordToHeader record
hdrLen = if ver >= TLS13 then econtentLen else cipherLen
hdr = Header typ v $ fromIntegral hdrLen
ad | ver >= TLS13 = encodeHeader hdr
| otherwise = B.concat [ encodedSeq, encodeHeader hdr ]
sqnc = B.replicate (ivlen - 8) 0 `B.append` encodedSeq
nonce | nonceExpLen == 0 = B.xor iv sqnc
| otherwise = iv `B.append` enonce
(content, authTag2) = decryptF nonce econtent' ad
when (AuthTag (B.convert authTag) /= authTag2) $
throwError $ Error_Protocol ("bad record mac", True, BadRecordMac)
modify incrRecordState
return content
decryptOf BulkStateUninitialized =
throwError $ Error_Protocol ("decrypt state uninitialized", True, InternalError)
get3o s ls = maybe (throwError $ Error_Packet "record bad format") return $ partition3 s ls
get2o s (d1,d2) = get3o s (d1,d2,0) >>= \(r1,r2,_) -> return (r1,r2)
get3i s ls = maybe (throwError $ Error_Protocol ("record bad format", True, BadRecordMac)) return $ partition3 s ls
get2i s (d1,d2) = get3i s (d1,d2,0) >>= \(r1,r2,_) -> return (r1,r2)