{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Network.TLS.Handshake.Server
( handshakeServer
, handshakeServerWith
, requestCertificateServer
, postHandshakeAuthServerWith
) where
import Network.TLS.Parameters
import Network.TLS.Imports
import Network.TLS.Context.Internal
import Network.TLS.Session
import Network.TLS.Struct
import Network.TLS.Struct13
import Network.TLS.Cipher
import Network.TLS.Compression
import Network.TLS.Credentials
import Network.TLS.Crypto
import Network.TLS.Extension
import Network.TLS.Util (bytesEq, catchException, fromJust)
import Network.TLS.IO
import Network.TLS.Types
import Network.TLS.State
import Network.TLS.Handshake.State
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Process
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Key
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Random
import Network.TLS.Measurement
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.X509 (ExtKeyUsageFlag(..))
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Exception (bracket)
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Signature
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Common
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Certificate
import Network.TLS.X509
import Network.TLS.Handshake.State13
import Network.TLS.Handshake.Common13
handshakeServer :: ServerParams -> Context -> IO ()
handshakeServer sparams ctx = liftIO $ do
hss <- recvPacketHandshake ctx
case hss of
[ch] -> handshakeServerWith sparams ctx ch
_ -> unexpected (show hss) (Just "client hello")
handshakeServerWith :: ServerParams -> Context -> Handshake -> IO ()
handshakeServerWith sparams ctx clientHello@(ClientHello legacyVersion _ clientSession ciphers compressions exts _) = do
established <- ctxEstablished ctx
when (established /= NotEstablished) $ do
ver <- usingState_ ctx (getVersionWithDefault TLS10)
when (ver == TLS13) $ throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("renegotiation is not allowed in TLS 1.3", True, UnexpectedMessage)
eof <- ctxEOF ctx
let renegotiation = established == Established && not eof
when (renegotiation && not (supportedClientInitiatedRenegotiation $ ctxSupported ctx)) $
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("renegotiation is not allowed", False, NoRenegotiation)
handshakeAuthorized <- withMeasure ctx (onNewHandshake $ serverHooks sparams)
unless handshakeAuthorized (throwCore $ Error_HandshakePolicy "server: handshake denied")
updateMeasure ctx incrementNbHandshakes
processHandshake ctx clientHello
when (legacyVersion == SSL2) $ throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("SSL 2.0 is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
when (supportedFallbackScsv (ctxSupported ctx) &&
(0x5600 `elem` ciphers) &&
legacyVersion < TLS12) $
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("fallback is not allowed", True, InappropriateFallback)
let clientVersions = case extensionLookup extensionID_SupportedVersions exts >>= extensionDecode MsgTClientHello of
Just (SupportedVersionsClientHello vers) -> vers
_ -> []
clientVersion = min TLS12 legacyVersion
| renegotiation = filter (< TLS13) (supportedVersions $ ctxSupported ctx)
| otherwise = supportedVersions $ ctxSupported ctx
mVersion = debugVersionForced $ serverDebug sparams
chosenVersion <- case mVersion of
Just cver -> return cver
Nothing ->
if (TLS13 `elem` serverVersions) && clientVersions /= [] then case findHighestVersionFrom13 clientVersions serverVersions of
Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("client versions " ++ show clientVersions ++ " is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
Just v -> return v
else case findHighestVersionFrom clientVersion serverVersions of
Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("client version " ++ show clientVersion ++ " is not supported", True, ProtocolVersion)
Just v -> return v
let serverName = case extensionLookup extensionID_ServerName exts >>= extensionDecode MsgTClientHello of
Just (ServerName ns) -> listToMaybe (mapMaybe toHostName ns)
where toHostName (ServerNameHostName hostName) = Just hostName
toHostName (ServerNameOther _) = Nothing
_ -> Nothing
maybe (return ()) (usingState_ ctx . setClientSNI) serverName
case extensionLookup extensionID_ApplicationLayerProtocolNegotiation exts >>= extensionDecode MsgTClientHello of
Just (ApplicationLayerProtocolNegotiation protos) -> usingState_ ctx $ setClientALPNSuggest protos
_ -> return ()
extraCreds <- onServerNameIndication (serverHooks sparams) serverName
let allCreds = extraCreds `mappend` sharedCredentials (ctxShared ctx)
if chosenVersion <= TLS12 then
handshakeServerWithTLS12 sparams ctx chosenVersion allCreds exts ciphers serverName clientVersion compressions clientSession
else do
mapM_ ensureNullCompression compressions
handshakeServerWithTLS13 sparams ctx chosenVersion allCreds exts ciphers serverName clientSession
handshakeServerWith _ _ _ = throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("unexpected handshake message received in handshakeServerWith", True, HandshakeFailure)
handshakeServerWithTLS12 :: ServerParams
-> Context
-> Version
-> Credentials
-> [ExtensionRaw]
-> [CipherID]
-> Maybe String
-> Version
-> [CompressionID]
-> Session
-> IO ()
handshakeServerWithTLS12 sparams ctx chosenVersion allCreds exts ciphers serverName clientVersion compressions clientSession = do
when (null commonCompressions) $ throwCore $
Error_Protocol ("no compression in common with the client", True, HandshakeFailure)
let possibleGroups = negotiatedGroupsInCommon ctx exts
possibleECGroups = possibleGroups `intersect` availableECGroups
possibleFFGroups = possibleGroups `intersect` availableFFGroups
hasCommonGroupForECDHE = not (null possibleECGroups)
hasCommonGroupForFFDHE = not (null possibleFFGroups)
hasCustomGroupForFFDHE = isJust (serverDHEParams sparams)
canFFDHE = hasCustomGroupForFFDHE || hasCommonGroupForFFDHE
hasCommonGroup cipher =
case cipherKeyExchange cipher of
CipherKeyExchange_DH_Anon -> canFFDHE
CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA -> canFFDHE
CipherKeyExchange_DHE_DSS -> canFFDHE
CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_RSA -> hasCommonGroupForECDHE
CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA -> hasCommonGroupForECDHE
_ -> True
cipherAllowed cipher = cipherAllowedForVersion chosenVersion cipher && hasCommonGroup cipher
selectCipher credentials signatureCredentials = filter cipherAllowed (commonCiphers credentials signatureCredentials)
(creds, signatureCreds, ciphersFilteredVersion)
= case chosenVersion of
TLS12 -> let
possibleHashSigAlgs = hashAndSignaturesInCommon ctx exts
signingRank cred =
case credentialDigitalSignatureKey cred of
Just pub -> findIndex (pub `signatureCompatible`) possibleHashSigAlgs
Nothing -> Nothing
cltCreds = filterCredentialsWithHashSignatures exts allCreds
sigCltCreds = filterSortCredentials signingRank cltCreds
sigAllCreds = filterSortCredentials signingRank allCreds
cltCiphers = selectCipher cltCreds sigCltCreds
allCiphers = selectCipher allCreds sigAllCreds
resultTuple = if cipherListCredentialFallback cltCiphers
then (allCreds, sigAllCreds, allCiphers)
else (cltCreds, sigCltCreds, cltCiphers)
in resultTuple
_ -> (allCreds, allCreds, selectCipher allCreds allCreds)
when (null ciphersFilteredVersion) $ throwCore $
Error_Protocol ("no cipher in common with the client", True, HandshakeFailure)
let usedCipher = onCipherChoosing (serverHooks sparams) chosenVersion ciphersFilteredVersion
cred <- case cipherKeyExchange usedCipher of
CipherKeyExchange_RSA -> return $ credentialsFindForDecrypting creds
CipherKeyExchange_DH_Anon -> return Nothing
CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA -> return $ credentialsFindForSigning KX_RSA signatureCreds
CipherKeyExchange_DHE_DSS -> return $ credentialsFindForSigning KX_DSS signatureCreds
CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_RSA -> return $ credentialsFindForSigning KX_RSA signatureCreds
CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA -> return $ credentialsFindForSigning KX_ECDSA signatureCreds
_ -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("key exchange algorithm not implemented", True, HandshakeFailure)
resumeSessionData <- case clientSession of
(Session (Just clientSessionId)) ->
let resume = liftIO $ sessionResume (sharedSessionManager $ ctxShared ctx) clientSessionId
in validateSession serverName <$> resume
(Session Nothing) -> return Nothing
case extensionLookup extensionID_EcPointFormats exts >>= extensionDecode MsgTClientHello of
Just (EcPointFormatsSupported fs) -> usingState_ ctx $ setClientEcPointFormatSuggest fs
_ -> return ()
doHandshake sparams cred ctx chosenVersion usedCipher usedCompression clientSession resumeSessionData exts
commonCiphers creds sigCreds = filter ((`elem` ciphers) . cipherID) (getCiphers sparams creds sigCreds)
commonCompressions = compressionIntersectID (supportedCompressions $ ctxSupported ctx) compressions
usedCompression = head commonCompressions
validateSession _ Nothing = Nothing
validateSession sni m@(Just sd)
| clientVersion < sessionVersion sd = Nothing
| sessionCipher sd `notElem` ciphers = Nothing
| sessionCompression sd `notElem` compressions = Nothing
| isJust sni && sessionClientSNI sd /= sni = Nothing
| otherwise = m
doHandshake :: ServerParams -> Maybe Credential -> Context -> Version -> Cipher
-> Compression -> Session -> Maybe SessionData
-> [ExtensionRaw] -> IO ()
doHandshake sparams mcred ctx chosenVersion usedCipher usedCompression clientSession resumeSessionData exts = do
case resumeSessionData of
Nothing -> do
liftIO $ contextFlush ctx
recvClientData sparams ctx
sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx ServerRole
Just sessionData -> do
usingState_ ctx (setSession clientSession True)
serverhello <- makeServerHello clientSession
sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [serverhello]
let masterSecret = sessionSecret sessionData
usingHState ctx $ setMasterSecret chosenVersion ServerRole masterSecret
logKey ctx (MasterSecret masterSecret)
sendChangeCipherAndFinish ctx ServerRole
recvChangeCipherAndFinish ctx
handshakeTerminate ctx
makeServerHello session = do
srand <- serverRandom ctx chosenVersion $ supportedVersions $ serverSupported sparams
case mcred of
Just cred -> storePrivInfoServer ctx cred
_ -> return ()
secReneg <- usingState_ ctx getSecureRenegotiation
secRengExt <- if secReneg
then do
vf <- usingState_ ctx $ do
cvf <- getVerifiedData ClientRole
svf <- getVerifiedData ServerRole
return $ extensionEncode (SecureRenegotiation cvf $ Just svf)
return [ ExtensionRaw extensionID_SecureRenegotiation vf ]
else return []
protoExt <- applicationProtocol ctx exts sparams
sniExt <- do
resuming <- usingState_ ctx isSessionResuming
if resuming
then return []
else do
msni <- usingState_ ctx getClientSNI
case msni of
Just _ -> return [ ExtensionRaw extensionID_ServerName ""]
Nothing -> return []
let extensions = secRengExt ++ protoExt ++ sniExt
usingState_ ctx (setVersion chosenVersion)
usingHState ctx $ setServerHelloParameters chosenVersion srand usedCipher usedCompression
return $ ServerHello chosenVersion srand session (cipherID usedCipher)
(compressionID usedCompression) extensions
handshakeSendServerData = do
serverSession <- newSession ctx
usingState_ ctx (setSession serverSession False)
serverhello <- makeServerHello serverSession
let certMsg = case mcred of
Just (srvCerts, _) -> Certificates srvCerts
_ -> Certificates $ CertificateChain []
sendPacket ctx $ Handshake [ serverhello, certMsg ]
skx <- case cipherKeyExchange usedCipher of
CipherKeyExchange_DH_Anon -> Just <$> generateSKX_DH_Anon
CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA -> Just <$> generateSKX_DHE KX_RSA
CipherKeyExchange_DHE_DSS -> Just <$> generateSKX_DHE KX_DSS
CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_RSA -> Just <$> generateSKX_ECDHE KX_RSA
CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA -> Just <$> generateSKX_ECDHE KX_ECDSA
_ -> return Nothing
maybe (return ()) (sendPacket ctx . Handshake . (:[]) . ServerKeyXchg) skx
when (serverWantClientCert sparams) $ do
usedVersion <- usingState_ ctx getVersion
let defaultCertTypes = [ CertificateType_RSA_Sign
, CertificateType_DSS_Sign
, CertificateType_ECDSA_Sign
(certTypes, hashSigs)
| usedVersion < TLS12 = (defaultCertTypes, Nothing)
| otherwise =
let as = supportedHashSignatures $ ctxSupported ctx
in (nub $ mapMaybe hashSigToCertType as, Just as)
creq = CertRequest certTypes hashSigs
(map extractCAname $ serverCACertificates sparams)
usingHState ctx $ setCertReqSent True
sendPacket ctx (Handshake [creq])
sendPacket ctx (Handshake [ServerHelloDone])
setup_DHE = do
let possibleFFGroups = negotiatedGroupsInCommon ctx exts `intersect` availableFFGroups
(dhparams, priv, pub) <-
case possibleFFGroups of
[] ->
let dhparams = fromJust "server DHE Params" $ serverDHEParams sparams
in case findFiniteFieldGroup dhparams of
Just g -> do
usingHState ctx $ setNegotiatedGroup g
generateFFDHE ctx g
Nothing -> do
(priv, pub) <- generateDHE ctx dhparams
return (dhparams, priv, pub)
g:_ -> do
usingHState ctx $ setNegotiatedGroup g
generateFFDHE ctx g
let serverParams = serverDHParamsFrom dhparams pub
usingHState ctx $ setServerDHParams serverParams
usingHState ctx $ setDHPrivate priv
return serverParams
decideHashSig pubKey = do
usedVersion <- usingState_ ctx getVersion
case usedVersion of
TLS12 -> do
let hashSigs = hashAndSignaturesInCommon ctx exts
case filter (pubKey `signatureCompatible`) hashSigs of
[] -> error ("no hash signature for " ++ pubkeyType pubKey)
x:_ -> return $ Just x
_ -> return Nothing
generateSKX_DHE kxsAlg = do
serverParams <- setup_DHE
pubKey <- getLocalPublicKey ctx
mhashSig <- decideHashSig pubKey
signed <- digitallySignDHParams ctx serverParams pubKey mhashSig
case kxsAlg of
KX_RSA -> return $ SKX_DHE_RSA serverParams signed
KX_DSS -> return $ SKX_DHE_DSS serverParams signed
_ -> error ("generate skx_dhe unsupported key exchange signature: " ++ show kxsAlg)
generateSKX_DH_Anon = SKX_DH_Anon <$> setup_DHE
setup_ECDHE grp = do
usingHState ctx $ setNegotiatedGroup grp
(srvpri, srvpub) <- generateECDHE ctx grp
let serverParams = ServerECDHParams grp srvpub
usingHState ctx $ setServerECDHParams serverParams
usingHState ctx $ setGroupPrivate srvpri
return serverParams
generateSKX_ECDHE kxsAlg = do
let possibleECGroups = negotiatedGroupsInCommon ctx exts `intersect` availableECGroups
grp <- case possibleECGroups of
[] -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("no common group", True, HandshakeFailure)
g:_ -> return g
serverParams <- setup_ECDHE grp
pubKey <- getLocalPublicKey ctx
mhashSig <- decideHashSig pubKey
signed <- digitallySignECDHParams ctx serverParams pubKey mhashSig
case kxsAlg of
KX_RSA -> return $ SKX_ECDHE_RSA serverParams signed
KX_ECDSA -> return $ SKX_ECDHE_ECDSA serverParams signed
_ -> error ("generate skx_ecdhe unsupported key exchange signature: " ++ show kxsAlg)
recvClientData :: ServerParams -> Context -> IO ()
recvClientData sparams ctx = runRecvState ctx (RecvStateHandshake processClientCertificate)
where processClientCertificate (Certificates certs) = do
clientCertificate sparams ctx certs
return $ RecvStateHandshake processClientKeyExchange
processClientCertificate p = processClientKeyExchange p
processClientKeyExchange (ClientKeyXchg _) = return $ RecvStateNext processCertificateVerify
processClientKeyExchange p = unexpected (show p) (Just "client key exchange")
processCertificateVerify (Handshake [hs@(CertVerify dsig)]) = do
processHandshake ctx hs
certs <- checkValidClientCertChain ctx "change cipher message expected"
usedVersion <- usingState_ ctx getVersion
msgs <- usingHState ctx $ B.concat <$> getHandshakeMessages
pubKey <- usingHState ctx getRemotePublicKey
checkDigitalSignatureKey pubKey
verif <- checkCertificateVerify ctx usedVersion pubKey msgs dsig
clientCertVerify sparams ctx certs verif
return $ RecvStateNext expectChangeCipher
processCertificateVerify p = do
chain <- usingHState ctx getClientCertChain
case chain of
Just cc | isNullCertificateChain cc -> return ()
| otherwise -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("cert verify message missing", True, UnexpectedMessage)
Nothing -> return ()
expectChangeCipher p
expectChangeCipher ChangeCipherSpec = do
return $ RecvStateHandshake expectFinish
expectChangeCipher p = unexpected (show p) (Just "change cipher")
expectFinish (Finished _) = return RecvStateDone
expectFinish p = unexpected (show p) (Just "Handshake Finished")
checkValidClientCertChain :: MonadIO m => Context -> String -> m CertificateChain
checkValidClientCertChain ctx errmsg = do
chain <- usingHState ctx getClientCertChain
let throwerror = Error_Protocol (errmsg , True, UnexpectedMessage)
case chain of
Nothing -> throwCore throwerror
Just cc | isNullCertificateChain cc -> throwCore throwerror
| otherwise -> return cc
hashAndSignaturesInCommon :: Context -> [ExtensionRaw] -> [HashAndSignatureAlgorithm]
hashAndSignaturesInCommon ctx exts =
let cHashSigs = case extensionLookup extensionID_SignatureAlgorithms exts >>= extensionDecode MsgTClientHello of
Nothing -> [(HashSHA1, SignatureECDSA)
,(HashSHA1, SignatureRSA)
,(HashSHA1, SignatureDSS)]
Just (SignatureAlgorithms sas) -> sas
sHashSigs = supportedHashSignatures $ ctxSupported ctx
in sHashSigs `intersect` cHashSigs
negotiatedGroupsInCommon :: Context -> [ExtensionRaw] -> [Group]
negotiatedGroupsInCommon ctx exts = case extensionLookup extensionID_NegotiatedGroups exts >>= extensionDecode MsgTClientHello of
Just (NegotiatedGroups clientGroups) ->
let serverGroups = supportedGroups (ctxSupported ctx)
in serverGroups `intersect` clientGroups
_ -> []
credentialDigitalSignatureKey :: Credential -> Maybe PubKey
credentialDigitalSignatureKey cred
| isDigitalSignaturePair keys = Just pubkey
| otherwise = Nothing
where keys@(pubkey, _) = credentialPublicPrivateKeys cred
filterSortCredentials :: Ord a => (Credential -> Maybe a) -> Credentials -> Credentials
filterSortCredentials rankFun (Credentials creds) =
let orderedPairs = sortOn fst [ (rankFun cred, cred) | cred <- creds ]
in Credentials [ cred | (Just _, cred) <- orderedPairs ]
filterCredentialsWithHashSignatures :: [ExtensionRaw] -> Credentials -> Credentials
filterCredentialsWithHashSignatures exts =
case withExt extensionID_SignatureAlgorithmsCert of
Just (SignatureAlgorithmsCert sas) -> withAlgs sas
Nothing ->
case withExt extensionID_SignatureAlgorithms of
Nothing -> id
Just (SignatureAlgorithms sas) -> withAlgs sas
withExt extId = extensionLookup extId exts >>= extensionDecode MsgTClientHello
withAlgs sas = filterCredentials (credentialMatchesHashSignatures sas)
filterCredentials p (Credentials l) = Credentials (filter p l)
cipherListCredentialFallback :: [Cipher] -> Bool
cipherListCredentialFallback = all nonDH
nonDH x = case cipherKeyExchange x of
CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA -> False
CipherKeyExchange_DHE_DSS -> False
CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_RSA -> False
CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA -> False
CipherKeyExchange_TLS13 -> False
_ -> True
storePrivInfoServer :: MonadIO m => Context -> Credential -> m ()
storePrivInfoServer ctx (cc, privkey) = void (storePrivInfo ctx cc privkey)
handshakeServerWithTLS13 :: ServerParams
-> Context
-> Version
-> Credentials
-> [ExtensionRaw]
-> [CipherID]
-> Maybe String
-> Session
-> IO ()
handshakeServerWithTLS13 sparams ctx chosenVersion allCreds exts clientCiphers _serverName clientSession = do
when (any (\(ExtensionRaw eid _) -> eid == extensionID_PreSharedKey) $ init exts) $
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("extension pre_shared_key must be last", True, IllegalParameter)
when (null ciphersFilteredVersion) $ throwCore $
Error_Protocol ("no cipher in common with the client", True, HandshakeFailure)
let usedCipher = onCipherChoosing (serverHooks sparams) chosenVersion ciphersFilteredVersion
usedHash = cipherHash usedCipher
rtt0 = case extensionLookup extensionID_EarlyData exts >>= extensionDecode MsgTClientHello of
Just (EarlyDataIndication _) -> True
Nothing -> False
when rtt0 $
setEstablished ctx (EarlyDataNotAllowed 3)
keyShares <- case extensionLookup extensionID_KeyShare exts >>= extensionDecode MsgTClientHello of
Just (KeyShareClientHello kses) -> return kses
Just _ -> error "handshakeServerWithTLS13: invalid KeyShare value"
_ -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("key exchange not implemented, expected key_share extension", True, HandshakeFailure)
case findKeyShare keyShares serverGroups of
Nothing -> helloRetryRequest sparams ctx chosenVersion usedCipher exts serverGroups clientSession
Just keyShare -> doHandshake13 sparams ctx allCreds chosenVersion usedCipher exts usedHash keyShare clientSession rtt0
ciphersFilteredVersion = filter ((`elem` clientCiphers) . cipherID) serverCiphers
serverCiphers = filter (cipherAllowedForVersion chosenVersion) (supportedCiphers $ serverSupported sparams)
serverGroups = supportedGroups (ctxSupported ctx)
findKeyShare _ [] = Nothing
findKeyShare ks (g:gs) = case find (\ent -> keyShareEntryGroup ent == g) ks of
Just k -> Just k
Nothing -> findKeyShare ks gs
doHandshake13 :: ServerParams -> Context -> Credentials -> Version
-> Cipher -> [ExtensionRaw]
-> Hash -> KeyShareEntry
-> Session -> Bool
-> IO ()
doHandshake13 sparams ctx allCreds chosenVersion usedCipher exts usedHash clientKeyShare clientSession rtt0 = do
newSession ctx >>= \ss -> usingState_ ctx $ do
setSession ss False
setClientSupportsPHA supportsPHA
usingHState ctx $ setNegotiatedGroup $ keyShareEntryGroup clientKeyShare
srand <- setServerParameter
(psk, binderInfo, is0RTTvalid) <- choosePSK
earlyKey <- calculateEarlySecret ctx choice (Left psk) True
let earlySecret = pairBase earlyKey
ClientTrafficSecret clientEarlySecret = pairClient earlyKey
extensions <- checkBinder earlySecret binderInfo
hrr <- usingState_ ctx getTLS13HRR
let authenticated = isJust binderInfo
rtt0OK = authenticated && not hrr && rtt0 && rtt0accept && is0RTTvalid
established <- ctxEstablished ctx
if established /= NotEstablished then
if rtt0OK then do
usingHState ctx $ setTLS13HandshakeMode RTT0
usingHState ctx $ setTLS13RTT0Status RTT0Accepted
else do
usingHState ctx $ setTLS13HandshakeMode RTT0
usingHState ctx $ setTLS13RTT0Status RTT0Rejected
if authenticated then
usingHState ctx $ setTLS13HandshakeMode PreSharedKey
return ()
mCredInfo <- if authenticated then return Nothing else decideCredentialInfo
(ecdhe,keyShare) <- makeServerKeyShare ctx clientKeyShare
ensureRecvComplete ctx
(clientHandshakeSecret, handshakeSecret) <- runPacketFlight ctx $ do
sendServerHello keyShare srand extensions
sendChangeCipherSpec13 ctx
handKey <- liftIO $ calculateHandshakeSecret ctx choice earlySecret ecdhe
let ServerTrafficSecret serverHandshakeSecret = triServer handKey
ClientTrafficSecret clientHandshakeSecret = triClient handKey
liftIO $ do
setRxState ctx usedHash usedCipher $ if rtt0OK then clientEarlySecret else clientHandshakeSecret
setTxState ctx usedHash usedCipher serverHandshakeSecret
sendExtensions rtt0OK
case mCredInfo of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (cred, hashSig) -> sendCertAndVerify cred hashSig
rawFinished <- makeFinished ctx usedHash serverHandshakeSecret
loadPacket13 ctx $ Handshake13 [rawFinished]
return (clientHandshakeSecret, triBase handKey)
sfSentTime <- getCurrentTimeFromBase
hChSf <- transcriptHash ctx
appKey <- calculateApplicationSecret ctx choice handshakeSecret hChSf
let ClientTrafficSecret clientApplicationSecret0 = triClient appKey
ServerTrafficSecret serverApplicationSecret0 = triServer appKey
applicationSecret = triBase appKey
setTxState ctx usedHash usedCipher serverApplicationSecret0
if rtt0OK then
setEstablished ctx (EarlyDataAllowed rtt0max)
else when (established == NotEstablished) $
setEstablished ctx (EarlyDataNotAllowed 3)
let expectFinished hChBeforeCf (Finished13 verifyData) = liftIO $ do
checkFinished usedHash clientHandshakeSecret hChBeforeCf verifyData
handshakeTerminate13 ctx
setRxState ctx usedHash usedCipher clientApplicationSecret0
sendNewSessionTicket applicationSecret sfSentTime
expectFinished _ hs = unexpected (show hs) (Just "finished 13")
let expectEndOfEarlyData EndOfEarlyData13 =
setRxState ctx usedHash usedCipher clientHandshakeSecret
expectEndOfEarlyData hs = unexpected (show hs) (Just "end of early data")
if not authenticated && serverWantClientCert sparams then
runRecvHandshake13 $ do
skip <- recvHandshake13 ctx expectCertificate
unless skip $ recvHandshake13hash ctx (expectCertVerify sparams ctx)
recvHandshake13hash ctx expectFinished
ensureRecvComplete ctx
else if rtt0OK then
setPendingActions ctx [PendingAction True expectEndOfEarlyData
,PendingActionHash True expectFinished]
runRecvHandshake13 $ do
recvHandshake13hash ctx expectFinished
ensureRecvComplete ctx
choice = makeCipherChoice chosenVersion usedCipher
setServerParameter = do
srand <- serverRandom ctx chosenVersion $ supportedVersions $ serverSupported sparams
usingState_ ctx $ setVersion chosenVersion
failOnEitherError $ usingHState ctx $ setHelloParameters13 usedCipher
return srand
supportsPHA = case extensionLookup extensionID_PostHandshakeAuth exts >>= extensionDecode MsgTClientHello of
Just PostHandshakeAuth -> True
Nothing -> False
choosePSK = case extensionLookup extensionID_PreSharedKey exts >>= extensionDecode MsgTClientHello of
Just (PreSharedKeyClientHello (PskIdentity sessionId obfAge:_) bnds@(bnd:_)) -> do
when (null dhModes) $
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("no psk_key_exchange_modes extension", True, MissingExtension)
if PSK_DHE_KE `elem` dhModes then do
let len = sum (map (\x -> B.length x + 1) bnds) + 2
mgr = sharedSessionManager $ serverShared sparams
msdata <- if rtt0 then sessionResumeOnlyOnce mgr sessionId
else sessionResume mgr sessionId
case msdata of
Just sdata -> do
let Just tinfo = sessionTicketInfo sdata
psk = sessionSecret sdata
isFresh <- checkFreshness tinfo obfAge
(isPSKvalid, is0RTTvalid) <- checkSessionEquality sdata
if isPSKvalid && isFresh then
return (psk, Just (bnd,0::Int,len),is0RTTvalid)
return (zero, Nothing, False)
_ -> return (zero, Nothing, False)
else return (zero, Nothing, False)
_ -> return (zero, Nothing, False)
checkSessionEquality sdata = do
msni <- usingState_ ctx getClientSNI
malpn <- usingState_ ctx getNegotiatedProtocol
let isSameSNI = sessionClientSNI sdata == msni
isSameCipher = sessionCipher sdata == cipherID usedCipher
ciphers = supportedCiphers $ serverSupported sparams
isSameKDF = case find (\c -> cipherID c == sessionCipher sdata) ciphers of
Nothing -> False
Just c -> cipherHash c == cipherHash usedCipher
isSameVersion = chosenVersion == sessionVersion sdata
isSameALPN = sessionALPN sdata == malpn
isPSKvalid = isSameKDF && isSameSNI
is0RTTvalid = isSameVersion && isSameCipher && isSameALPN
return (isPSKvalid, is0RTTvalid)
rtt0max = safeNonNegative32 $ serverEarlyDataSize sparams
rtt0accept = serverEarlyDataSize sparams > 0
checkBinder _ Nothing = return []
checkBinder earlySecret (Just (binder,n,tlen)) = do
binder' <- makePSKBinder ctx earlySecret usedHash tlen Nothing
unless (binder `bytesEq` binder') $
decryptError "PSK binder validation failed"
let selectedIdentity = extensionEncode $ PreSharedKeyServerHello $ fromIntegral n
return [ExtensionRaw extensionID_PreSharedKey selectedIdentity]
decideCredentialInfo = do
cHashSigs <- case extensionLookup extensionID_SignatureAlgorithms exts >>= extensionDecode MsgTClientHello of
Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("no signature_algorithms extension", True, MissingExtension)
Just (SignatureAlgorithms sas) -> return sas
let sHashSigs = filter isHashSignatureValid13 $ supportedHashSignatures $ ctxSupported ctx
hashSigs = sHashSigs `intersect` cHashSigs
cltCreds = filterCredentialsWithHashSignatures exts allCreds
case credentialsFindForSigning13 hashSigs cltCreds of
Nothing ->
case credentialsFindForSigning13 hashSigs allCreds of
Nothing -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("credential not found", True, HandshakeFailure)
mcs -> return mcs
mcs -> return mcs
sendServerHello keyShare srand extensions = do
let serverKeyShare = extensionEncode $ KeyShareServerHello keyShare
selectedVersion = extensionEncode $ SupportedVersionsServerHello chosenVersion
extensions' = ExtensionRaw extensionID_KeyShare serverKeyShare
: ExtensionRaw extensionID_SupportedVersions selectedVersion
: extensions
helo = ServerHello13 srand clientSession (cipherID usedCipher) extensions'
loadPacket13 ctx $ Handshake13 [helo]
sendCertAndVerify cred@(certChain, _) hashSig = do
storePrivInfoServer ctx cred
when (serverWantClientCert sparams) $ do
let certReqCtx = ""
certReq = makeCertRequest sparams ctx certReqCtx
loadPacket13 ctx $ Handshake13 [certReq]
usingHState ctx $ setCertReqSent True
let CertificateChain cs = certChain
ess = replicate (length cs) []
loadPacket13 ctx $ Handshake13 [Certificate13 "" certChain ess]
hChSc <- transcriptHash ctx
pubkey <- getLocalPublicKey ctx
vrfy <- makeCertVerify ctx pubkey hashSig hChSc
loadPacket13 ctx $ Handshake13 [vrfy]
sendExtensions rtt0OK = do
protoExt <- liftIO $ applicationProtocol ctx exts sparams
msni <- liftIO $ usingState_ ctx getClientSNI
let sniExtension = case msni of
Just _ -> Just $ ExtensionRaw extensionID_ServerName ""
Nothing -> Nothing
mgroup <- usingHState ctx getNegotiatedGroup
let serverGroups = supportedGroups (ctxSupported ctx)
| null serverGroups = Nothing
| maybe True (== head serverGroups) mgroup = Nothing
| otherwise = Just $ ExtensionRaw extensionID_NegotiatedGroups $ extensionEncode (NegotiatedGroups serverGroups)
let earlyDataExtension
| rtt0OK = Just $ ExtensionRaw extensionID_EarlyData $ extensionEncode (EarlyDataIndication Nothing)
| otherwise = Nothing
let extensions = catMaybes [earlyDataExtension, groupExtension, sniExtension] ++ protoExt
loadPacket13 ctx $ Handshake13 [EncryptedExtensions13 extensions]
sendNewSessionTicket applicationSecret sfSentTime = when sendNST $ do
cfRecvTime <- getCurrentTimeFromBase
let rtt = cfRecvTime - sfSentTime
nonce <- getStateRNG ctx 32
resumptionMasterSecret <- calculateResumptionSecret ctx choice applicationSecret
let life = toSeconds $ serverTicketLifetime sparams
psk = derivePSK choice resumptionMasterSecret nonce
(label, add) <- generateSession life psk rtt0max rtt
let nst = createNewSessionTicket life add nonce label rtt0max
sendPacket13 ctx $ Handshake13 [nst]
sendNST = PSK_DHE_KE `elem` dhModes
generateSession life psk maxSize rtt = do
Session (Just sessionId) <- newSession ctx
tinfo <- createTLS13TicketInfo life (Left ctx) (Just rtt)
sdata <- getSessionData13 ctx usedCipher tinfo maxSize psk
let mgr = sharedSessionManager $ serverShared sparams
sessionEstablish mgr sessionId sdata
return (sessionId, ageAdd tinfo)
createNewSessionTicket life add nonce label maxSize =
NewSessionTicket13 life add nonce label extensions
tedi = extensionEncode $ EarlyDataIndication $ Just $ fromIntegral maxSize
extensions = [ExtensionRaw extensionID_EarlyData tedi]
toSeconds i | i < 0 = 0
| i > 604800 = 604800
| otherwise = fromIntegral i
dhModes = case extensionLookup extensionID_PskKeyExchangeModes exts >>= extensionDecode MsgTClientHello of
Just (PskKeyExchangeModes ms) -> ms
Nothing -> []
expectCertificate :: Handshake13 -> RecvHandshake13M IO Bool
expectCertificate (Certificate13 certCtx certs _ext) = liftIO $ do
when (certCtx /= "") $ throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("certificate request context MUST be empty", True, IllegalParameter)
clientCertificate sparams ctx certs
return $ isNullCertificateChain certs
expectCertificate hs = unexpected (show hs) (Just "certificate 13")
hashSize = hashDigestSize usedHash
zero = B.replicate hashSize 0
expectCertVerify :: MonadIO m => ServerParams -> Context -> ByteString -> Handshake13 -> m ()
expectCertVerify sparams ctx hChCc (CertVerify13 sigAlg sig) = liftIO $ do
certs@(CertificateChain cc) <- checkValidClientCertChain ctx "finished 13 message expected"
pubkey <- case cc of
[] -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("client certificate missing", True, HandshakeFailure)
c:_ -> return $ certPubKey $ getCertificate c
checkDigitalSignatureKey pubkey
usingHState ctx $ setPublicKey pubkey
verif <- checkCertVerify ctx pubkey sigAlg sig hChCc
clientCertVerify sparams ctx certs verif
expectCertVerify _ _ _ hs = unexpected (show hs) (Just "certificate verify 13")
helloRetryRequest :: MonadIO m => ServerParams -> Context -> Version -> Cipher -> [ExtensionRaw] -> [Group] -> Session -> m ()
helloRetryRequest sparams ctx chosenVersion usedCipher exts serverGroups clientSession = liftIO $ do
twice <- usingState_ ctx getTLS13HRR
when twice $
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("Hello retry not allowed again", True, HandshakeFailure)
usingState_ ctx $ setTLS13HRR True
failOnEitherError $ usingHState ctx $ setHelloParameters13 usedCipher
let clientGroups = case extensionLookup extensionID_NegotiatedGroups exts >>= extensionDecode MsgTClientHello of
Just (NegotiatedGroups gs) -> gs
Nothing -> []
possibleGroups = serverGroups `intersect` clientGroups
case possibleGroups of
[] -> throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("no group in common with the client for HRR", True, HandshakeFailure)
g:_ -> do
let serverKeyShare = extensionEncode $ KeyShareHRR g
selectedVersion = extensionEncode $ SupportedVersionsServerHello chosenVersion
extensions = [ExtensionRaw extensionID_KeyShare serverKeyShare
,ExtensionRaw extensionID_SupportedVersions selectedVersion]
hrr = ServerHello13 hrrRandom clientSession (cipherID usedCipher) extensions
usingHState ctx $ setTLS13HandshakeMode HelloRetryRequest
runPacketFlight ctx $ do
loadPacket13 ctx $ Handshake13 [hrr]
sendChangeCipherSpec13 ctx
handshakeServer sparams ctx
findHighestVersionFrom :: Version -> [Version] -> Maybe Version
findHighestVersionFrom clientVersion allowedVersions =
case filter (clientVersion >=) $ sortOn Down allowedVersions of
[] -> Nothing
v:_ -> Just v
getCiphers :: ServerParams -> Credentials -> Credentials -> [Cipher]
getCiphers sparams creds sigCreds = filter authorizedCKE (supportedCiphers $ serverSupported sparams)
where authorizedCKE cipher =
case cipherKeyExchange cipher of
CipherKeyExchange_RSA -> canEncryptRSA
CipherKeyExchange_DH_Anon -> True
CipherKeyExchange_DHE_RSA -> canSignRSA
CipherKeyExchange_DHE_DSS -> canSignDSS
CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_RSA -> canSignRSA
CipherKeyExchange_ECDHE_ECDSA -> canSignECDSA
CipherKeyExchange_DH_DSS -> False
CipherKeyExchange_DH_RSA -> False
CipherKeyExchange_ECDH_ECDSA -> False
CipherKeyExchange_ECDH_RSA -> False
CipherKeyExchange_TLS13 -> False
canSignDSS = KX_DSS `elem` signingAlgs
canSignRSA = KX_RSA `elem` signingAlgs
canSignECDSA = KX_ECDSA `elem` signingAlgs
canEncryptRSA = isJust $ credentialsFindForDecrypting creds
signingAlgs = credentialsListSigningAlgorithms sigCreds
findHighestVersionFrom13 :: [Version] -> [Version] -> Maybe Version
findHighestVersionFrom13 clientVersions serverVersions = case svs `intersect` cvs of
[] -> Nothing
v:_ -> Just v
svs = sortOn Down serverVersions
cvs = sortOn Down clientVersions
applicationProtocol :: Context -> [ExtensionRaw] -> ServerParams -> IO [ExtensionRaw]
applicationProtocol ctx exts sparams
| clientALPNSuggest = do
suggest <- usingState_ ctx getClientALPNSuggest
case (onALPNClientSuggest $ serverHooks sparams, suggest) of
(Just io, Just protos) -> do
proto <- io protos
usingState_ ctx $ do
setExtensionALPN True
setNegotiatedProtocol proto
return [ ExtensionRaw extensionID_ApplicationLayerProtocolNegotiation
(extensionEncode $ ApplicationLayerProtocolNegotiation [proto]) ]
(_, _) -> return []
| otherwise = return []
clientALPNSuggest = isJust $ extensionLookup extensionID_ApplicationLayerProtocolNegotiation exts
credentialsFindForSigning13 :: [HashAndSignatureAlgorithm] -> Credentials -> Maybe (Credential, HashAndSignatureAlgorithm)
credentialsFindForSigning13 hss0 creds = loop hss0
loop [] = Nothing
loop (hs:hss) = case credentialsFindForSigning13' hs creds of
Nothing -> credentialsFindForSigning13 hss creds
Just cred -> Just (cred, hs)
credentialsFindForSigning13' :: HashAndSignatureAlgorithm -> Credentials -> Maybe Credential
credentialsFindForSigning13' sigAlg (Credentials l) = find forSigning l
forSigning cred = case credentialDigitalSignatureKey cred of
Nothing -> False
Just pub -> pub `signatureCompatible` sigAlg
clientCertificate :: ServerParams -> Context -> CertificateChain -> IO ()
clientCertificate sparams ctx certs = do
ctxWithHooks ctx (`hookRecvCertificates` certs)
usage <- liftIO $ catchException (onClientCertificate (serverHooks sparams) certs) rejectOnException
case usage of
CertificateUsageAccept -> verifyLeafKeyUsage [KeyUsage_digitalSignature] certs
CertificateUsageReject reason -> certificateRejected reason
usingHState ctx $ setClientCertChain certs
clientCertVerify :: ServerParams -> Context -> CertificateChain -> Bool -> IO ()
clientCertVerify sparams ctx certs verif = do
if verif then do
usingState_ ctx $ setClientCertificateChain certs
return ()
else do
res <- liftIO $ onUnverifiedClientCert (serverHooks sparams)
if res then do
usingState_ ctx $ setClientCertificateChain certs
else decryptError "verification failed"
newCertReqContext :: Context -> IO CertReqContext
newCertReqContext ctx = getStateRNG ctx 32
requestCertificateServer :: ServerParams -> Context -> IO Bool
requestCertificateServer sparams ctx = do
tls13 <- tls13orLater ctx
supportsPHA <- usingState_ ctx getClientSupportsPHA
let ok = tls13 && supportsPHA
when ok $ do
certReqCtx <- newCertReqContext ctx
let certReq = makeCertRequest sparams ctx certReqCtx
bracket (saveHState ctx) (restoreHState ctx) $ \_ -> do
addCertRequest13 ctx certReq
sendPacket13 ctx $ Handshake13 [certReq]
return ok
postHandshakeAuthServerWith :: ServerParams -> Context -> Handshake13 -> IO ()
postHandshakeAuthServerWith sparams ctx h@(Certificate13 certCtx certs _ext) = do
mCertReq <- getCertRequest13 ctx certCtx
when (isNothing mCertReq) $ throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("unknown certificate request context", True, DecodeError)
let certReq = fromJust "certReq" mCertReq
clientCertificate sparams ctx certs
baseHState <- saveHState ctx
processHandshake13 ctx certReq
processHandshake13 ctx h
(usedHash, _, applicationSecretN) <- getRxState ctx
let expectFinished hChBeforeCf (Finished13 verifyData) = do
checkFinished usedHash applicationSecretN hChBeforeCf verifyData
void $ restoreHState ctx baseHState
expectFinished _ hs = unexpected (show hs) (Just "finished 13")
if isNullCertificateChain certs
then setPendingActions ctx [ PendingActionHash False expectFinished ]
else setPendingActions ctx [ PendingActionHash False (expectCertVerify sparams ctx)
, PendingActionHash False expectFinished
postHandshakeAuthServerWith _ _ _ =
throwCore $ Error_Protocol ("unexpected handshake message received in postHandshakeAuthServerWith", True, UnexpectedMessage)