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tinylog-0.14.1: Simplistic logging using fast-logger.

Safe HaskellNone



The MonadLogger type-class and associated functions.



format :: Settings -> Maybe DateFormat Source #

The time and date format used for the timestamp part of a log line.

delimiter :: Settings -> ByteString Source #

Delimiter string which separates log line parts.

netstrings :: Settings -> Bool Source #

Whether to use netstring encoding for log lines.

iso8601UTC :: DateFormat Source #

ISO 8601 date-time format.

create :: MonadIO m => Output -> m Logger Source #

Invokes new with default settings and the given output as log sink.

level :: Logger -> Level Source #

Inspect this logger's threshold.

flush :: MonadIO m => Logger -> m () Source #

Force buffered bytes to output sink.

close :: MonadIO m => Logger -> m () Source #

Closes the logger.

clone :: Maybe Text -> Logger -> Logger Source #

Clone the given logger and optionally give it a name (use Nothing to clear).

If logLevelOf returns a custom Level for this name then the cloned logger will use it for its log messages.

class Monad m => MonadLogger m where Source #

Minimal complete definition



log :: Level -> (Msg -> Msg) -> m () Source #

trace :: MonadLogger m => (Msg -> Msg) -> m () Source #

Abbreviation for log using the corresponding log level.

debug :: MonadLogger m => (Msg -> Msg) -> m () Source #

Abbreviation for log using the corresponding log level.

info :: MonadLogger m => (Msg -> Msg) -> m () Source #

Abbreviation for log using the corresponding log level.

warn :: MonadLogger m => (Msg -> Msg) -> m () Source #

Abbreviation for log using the corresponding log level.

err :: MonadLogger m => (Msg -> Msg) -> m () Source #

Abbreviation for log using the corresponding log level.

fatal :: MonadLogger m => (Msg -> Msg) -> m () Source #

Abbreviation for log using the corresponding log level.