module Tintin.Capabilities.Logging
  ( Capability
  , log
  , err
  , debug

  , stdOut
  , mute

import Tintin.Core
import Tintin.Capabilities

{- |
Capability for our context to be able to log from any place where it is available:

foo :: Has Logging.Capability e
    => Effectful e ()
foo = do
  log "Something happened :("
data Capability = Capability
  { _log   :: Text -> IO ()
  , _err   :: Text -> IO ()
  , _debug :: Text -> IO ()

-- | Logs a text message using the available logger
log :: Has Capability e
    => Text
    -> Effectful e ()
log = liftCapability _log

-- | Logs an error message using the available logger
err :: Has Capability e
    => Text
    -> Effectful e ()
err = liftCapability _err

-- | Logs a debug message using the available logger
debug :: Has Capability e
      => Text
      -> Effectful e ()
debug = liftCapability _debug

-- | Creates a logger that just prints things to STDOUT
stdOut :: Capability
stdOut = Capability
  { _log   = putTextLn
  , _err   = putTextLn . ("[ERROR] - " <>)
  , _debug = putTextLn . ("[DEBUG] - " <>)

-- | Creates a logger that does literally nothing
mute :: Capability
mute = Capability
  { _log = return . const ()
  , _debug = return . const ()
  , _err = return . const ()