{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Sound.Tidal.Pattern where
import Prelude hiding ((<*), (*>))
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.List (delete, findIndex, sort, intercalate)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust, catMaybes, fromMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Data.Ratio (numerator, denominator)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData(rnf))
import Data.Word (Word8)
type Time = Rational
sam :: Time -> Time
sam = fromIntegral . (floor :: Time -> Int)
toTime :: Real a => a -> Rational
toTime = toRational
nextSam :: Time -> Time
nextSam = (1+) . sam
cyclePos :: Time -> Time
cyclePos t = t - sam t
data ArcF a = Arc
{ start :: a
, stop :: a
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Functor)
type Arc = ArcF Time
instance NFData a =>
NFData (ArcF a) where
rnf (Arc s e) = rnf s `seq` rnf e
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show Arc where
show (Arc s e) = prettyRat s ++ ">" ++ prettyRat e
instance Num a => Num (ArcF a) where
negate = fmap negate
(+) = liftA2 (+)
(*) = liftA2 (*)
fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
abs = fmap abs
signum = fmap signum
instance (Fractional a) => Fractional (ArcF a) where
recip = fmap recip
fromRational = pure . fromRational
sect :: Arc -> Arc -> Arc
sect (Arc s e) (Arc s' e') = Arc (max s s') (min e e')
hull :: Arc -> Arc -> Arc
hull (Arc s e) (Arc s' e') = Arc (min s s') (max e e')
subArc :: Arc -> Arc -> Maybe Arc
subArc a@(Arc s e) b@(Arc s' e')
| and [s'' == e'', s'' == e, s < e] = Nothing
| and [s'' == e'', s'' == e', s' < e'] = Nothing
| s'' <= e'' = Just (Arc s'' e'')
| otherwise = Nothing
where (Arc s'' e'') = sect a b
subMaybeArc :: Maybe Arc -> Maybe Arc -> Maybe (Maybe Arc)
subMaybeArc (Just a) (Just b) = do sa <- subArc a b
return $ Just sa
subMaybeArc _ _ = Just Nothing
instance Applicative ArcF where
pure t = Arc t t
(<*>) (Arc sf ef) (Arc sx ex) = Arc (sf sx) (ef ex)
timeToCycleArc :: Time -> Arc
timeToCycleArc t = Arc (sam t) (sam t + 1)
cycleArc :: Arc -> Arc
cycleArc (Arc s e) = Arc (cyclePos s) (cyclePos s + (e-s))
cyclesInArc :: Integral a => Arc -> [a]
cyclesInArc (Arc s e)
| s > e = []
| s == e = [floor s]
| otherwise = [floor s .. ceiling e-1]
cycleArcsInArc :: Arc -> [Arc]
cycleArcsInArc = map (timeToCycleArc . (toTime :: Int -> Time)) . cyclesInArc
arcCycles :: Arc -> [Arc]
arcCycles (Arc s e) | s >= e = []
| sam s == sam e = [Arc s e]
| otherwise = Arc s (nextSam s) : arcCycles (Arc (nextSam s) e)
arcCyclesZW :: Arc -> [Arc]
arcCyclesZW (Arc s e) | s == e = [Arc s e]
| otherwise = arcCycles (Arc s e)
mapCycle :: (Time -> Time) -> Arc -> Arc
mapCycle f (Arc s e) = Arc (sam' + f (s - sam')) (sam' + f (e - sam'))
where sam' = sam s
isIn :: Arc -> Time -> Bool
isIn (Arc s e) t = t >= s && t < e
data EventF a b = Event
{ whole :: Maybe a
, part :: a
, value :: b
} deriving (Eq, Ord, Functor)
type Event a = EventF (ArcF Time) a
instance (NFData a, NFData b) =>
NFData (EventF a b) where
rnf (Event w p v) = rnf w `seq` rnf p `seq` rnf v
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show a => Show (Event a) where
show (Event (Just (Arc ws we)) a@(Arc ps pe) e) =
h ++ "(" ++ show a ++ ")" ++ t ++ "|" ++ show e
where h | ws == ps = ""
| otherwise = prettyRat ws ++ "-"
t | we == pe = ""
| otherwise = "-" ++ prettyRat we
show (Event Nothing a e) =
"~" ++ show a ++ "~|" ++ show e
isAnalog :: Event a -> Bool
isAnalog (Event {whole = Nothing}) = True
isAnalog _ = False
isDigital :: Event a -> Bool
isDigital = not . isAnalog
onsetIn :: Arc -> Event a -> Bool
onsetIn a e = isIn a (wholeStart e)
compareDefrag :: (Ord a) => [Event a] -> [Event a] -> Bool
compareDefrag as bs = sort (defragParts as) == sort (defragParts bs)
defragParts :: Eq a => [Event a] -> [Event a]
defragParts [] = []
defragParts [e] = [e]
defragParts (e:es) | isJust i = defraged : defragParts (delete e' es)
| otherwise = e : defragParts es
where i = findIndex (isAdjacent e) es
e' = es !! fromJust i
defraged = Event (whole e) u (value e)
u = hull (part e) (part e')
isAdjacent :: Eq a => Event a -> Event a -> Bool
isAdjacent e e' = (whole e == whole e')
&& (value e == value e')
&& ((stop (part e) == start (part e'))
(stop (part e') == start (part e))
wholeOrPart :: Event a -> Arc
wholeOrPart (Event {whole = Just a}) = a
wholeOrPart e = part e
wholeStart :: Event a -> Time
wholeStart = start . wholeOrPart
wholeStop :: Event a -> Time
wholeStop = stop . wholeOrPart
eventPartStart :: Event a -> Time
eventPartStart = start . part
eventPartStop :: Event a -> Time
eventPartStop = stop . part
eventPart :: Event a -> Arc
eventPart = part
eventValue :: Event a -> a
eventValue = value
eventHasOnset :: Event a -> Bool
eventHasOnset e | isAnalog e = False
| otherwise = start (fromJust $ whole e) == start (part e)
toEvent :: (((Time, Time), (Time, Time)), a) -> Event a
toEvent (((ws, we), (ps, pe)), v) = Event (Just $ Arc ws we) (Arc ps pe) v
data State = State {arc :: Arc,
controls :: StateMap
type Query a = (State -> [Event a])
data Pattern a = Pattern {query :: Query a}
data Value = VS { svalue :: String }
| VF { fvalue :: Double }
| VR { rvalue :: Rational }
| VI { ivalue :: Int }
| VB { bvalue :: Bool }
| VX { xvalue :: [Word8] }
deriving (Typeable,Data)
class Valuable a where
toValue :: a -> Value
instance NFData Value where
rnf (VS s) = rnf s
rnf (VF f) = rnf f
rnf (VR r) = rnf r
rnf (VI i) = rnf i
rnf (VB b) = rnf b
rnf (VX xs) = rnf xs
instance Valuable String where
toValue = VS
instance Valuable Double where
toValue a = VF a
instance Valuable Rational where
toValue a = VR a
instance Valuable Int where
toValue a = VI a
instance Valuable Bool where
toValue a = VB a
instance Valuable [Word8] where
toValue a = VX a
instance Eq Value where
(VS x) == (VS y) = x == y
(VB x) == (VB y) = x == y
(VF x) == (VF y) = x == y
(VI x) == (VI y) = x == y
(VR x) == (VR y) = x == y
(VX x) == (VX y) = x == y
(VF x) == (VI y) = x == (fromIntegral y)
(VI y) == (VF x) = x == (fromIntegral y)
(VF x) == (VR y) = (toRational x) == y
(VR y) == (VF x) = (toRational x) == y
(VI x) == (VR y) = (toRational x) == y
(VR y) == (VI x) = (toRational x) == y
_ == _ = False
instance Ord Value where
compare (VS x) (VS y) = compare x y
compare (VB x) (VB y) = compare x y
compare (VF x) (VF y) = compare x y
compare (VI x) (VI y) = compare x y
compare (VR x) (VR y) = compare x y
compare (VX x) (VX y) = compare x y
compare (VS _) _ = LT
compare _ (VS _) = GT
compare (VB _) _ = LT
compare _ (VB _) = GT
compare (VX _) _ = LT
compare _ (VX _) = GT
compare (VF x) (VI y) = compare x (fromIntegral y)
compare (VI x) (VF y) = compare (fromIntegral x) y
compare (VR x) (VI y) = compare x (fromIntegral y)
compare (VI x) (VR y) = compare (fromIntegral x) y
compare (VF x) (VR y) = compare x (fromRational y)
compare (VR x) (VF y) = compare (fromRational x) y
type StateMap = Map.Map String (Pattern Value)
type ControlMap = Map.Map String Value
type ControlPattern = Pattern ControlMap
instance NFData a =>
NFData (Pattern a) where
rnf (Pattern q) = rnf $ \s -> q s
instance Functor Pattern where
fmap f p = p {query = fmap (fmap f) . query p}
applyPatToPat :: (Maybe Arc -> Maybe Arc -> Maybe (Maybe Arc)) -> Pattern (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
applyPatToPat combineWholes pf px = Pattern q
where q st = catMaybes $ concatMap match $ query pf st
match (ef@(Event _ fPart f)) =
(\ex@(Event _ xPart x) ->
do whole' <- combineWholes (whole ef) (whole ex)
part' <- subArc fPart xPart
return (Event whole' part' (f x))
(query px $ st {arc = (wholeOrPart ef)})
instance Applicative Pattern where
pure v = Pattern $ \(State a _) ->
map (\a' -> Event (Just a') (sect a a') v) $ cycleArcsInArc a
(<*>) = applyPatToPatBoth
applyPatToPatBoth :: Pattern (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
applyPatToPatBoth pf px = Pattern q
where q st = catMaybes $ (concatMap match $ query pf st) ++ (concatMap matchX $ query (filterAnalog px) st)
match ef@(Event Nothing fPart _) = map (withFX ef) (query px $ st {arc = fPart})
match ef@(Event (Just fWhole) _ _) = map (withFX ef) (query (filterDigital px) $ st {arc = fWhole})
matchX ex@(Event Nothing fPart _) = map (\ef -> withFX ef ex) (query (filterDigital pf) $ st {arc = fPart})
matchX _ = error "can't happen"
withFX ef ex = do whole' <- subMaybeArc (whole ef) (whole ex)
part' <- subArc (part ef) (part ex)
return (Event whole' part' (value ef $ value ex))
applyPatToPatLeft :: Pattern (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
applyPatToPatLeft pf px = Pattern q
where q st = catMaybes $ (concatMap match $ query pf st)
match ef = map (withFX ef) (query px $ st {arc = wholeOrPart ef})
withFX ef ex = do let whole' = whole ef
part' <- subArc (part ef) (part ex)
return (Event whole' part' (value ef $ value ex))
applyPatToPatRight :: Pattern (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
applyPatToPatRight pf px = Pattern q
where q st = catMaybes $ (concatMap match $ query px st)
match ex = map (\ef -> withFX ef ex) (query pf $ st {arc = wholeOrPart ex})
withFX ef ex = do let whole' = whole ex
part' <- subArc (part ef) (part ex)
return (Event whole' part' (value ef $ value ex))
(<*) :: Pattern (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
(<*) = applyPatToPatLeft
(*>) :: Pattern (a -> b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
(*>) = applyPatToPatRight
infixl 4 <*, *>
instance Monad Pattern where
return = pure
p >>= f = unwrap (f <$> p)
unwrap :: Pattern (Pattern a) -> Pattern a
unwrap pp = pp {query = q}
where q st = concatMap
(\(Event w p v) ->
mapMaybe (munge w p) $ query v st {arc = p})
(query pp st)
munge ow op (Event iw ip v') =
w' <- subMaybeArc ow iw
p' <- subArc op ip
return (Event w' p' v')
innerJoin :: Pattern (Pattern a) -> Pattern a
innerJoin pp = pp {query = q}
where q st = concatMap
(\(Event _ op v) -> mapMaybe munge $ query v st {arc = op}
(query pp st)
where munge (Event iw ip v) =
p <- subArc (arc st) ip
p' <- subArc p (arc st)
return (Event iw p' v)
outerJoin :: Pattern (Pattern a) -> Pattern a
outerJoin pp = pp {query = q}
where q st = concatMap
(\e ->
mapMaybe (munge (whole e) (part e)) $ query (value e) st {arc = pure (start $ wholeOrPart e)}
(query pp st)
where munge ow op (Event _ _ v') =
p' <- subArc (arc st) op
return (Event ow p' v')
squeezeJoin :: Pattern (Pattern a) -> Pattern a
squeezeJoin pp = pp {query = q}
where q st = concatMap
(\e@(Event w p v) ->
mapMaybe (munge w p) $ query (compressArc (cycleArc $ wholeOrPart e) v) st {arc = p}
(query pp st)
munge oWhole oPart (Event iWhole iPart v) =
do w' <- subMaybeArc oWhole iWhole
p' <- subArc oPart iPart
return (Event w' p' v)
noOv :: String -> a
noOv meth = error $ meth ++ ": not supported for patterns"
class TolerantEq a where
(~==) :: a -> a -> Bool
instance TolerantEq Value where
(VS a) ~== (VS b) = a == b
(VI a) ~== (VI b) = a == b
(VR a) ~== (VR b) = a == b
(VF a) ~== (VF b) = abs (a - b) < 0.000001
_ ~== _ = False
instance TolerantEq ControlMap where
a ~== b = Map.differenceWith (\a' b' -> if a' ~== b' then Nothing else Just a') a b == Map.empty
instance TolerantEq (Event ControlMap) where
(Event w p x) ~== (Event w' p' x') = w == w' && p == p' && x ~== x'
instance TolerantEq a => TolerantEq [a] where
as ~== bs = (length as == length bs) && all (uncurry (~==)) (zip as bs)
instance Eq (Pattern a) where
(==) = noOv "(==)"
instance Ord a => Ord (Pattern a) where
min = liftA2 min
max = liftA2 max
compare = noOv "compare"
(<=) = noOv "(<=)"
instance Num a => Num (Pattern a) where
negate = fmap negate
(+) = liftA2 (+)
(*) = liftA2 (*)
fromInteger = pure . fromInteger
abs = fmap abs
signum = fmap signum
instance Enum a => Enum (Pattern a) where
succ = fmap succ
pred = fmap pred
toEnum = pure . toEnum
fromEnum = noOv "fromEnum"
enumFrom = noOv "enumFrom"
enumFromThen = noOv "enumFromThen"
enumFromTo = noOv "enumFromTo"
enumFromThenTo = noOv "enumFromThenTo"
instance (Num a, Ord a) => Real (Pattern a) where
toRational = noOv "toRational"
instance (Integral a) => Integral (Pattern a) where
quot = liftA2 quot
rem = liftA2 rem
div = liftA2 div
mod = liftA2 mod
toInteger = noOv "toInteger"
x `quotRem` y = (x `quot` y, x `rem` y)
x `divMod` y = (x `div` y, x `mod` y)
instance (Fractional a) => Fractional (Pattern a) where
recip = fmap recip
fromRational = pure . fromRational
instance (Floating a) => Floating (Pattern a) where
pi = pure pi
sqrt = fmap sqrt
exp = fmap exp
log = fmap log
sin = fmap sin
cos = fmap cos
asin = fmap asin
atan = fmap atan
acos = fmap acos
sinh = fmap sinh
cosh = fmap cosh
asinh = fmap asinh
atanh = fmap atanh
acosh = fmap acosh
instance (RealFrac a) => RealFrac (Pattern a) where
properFraction = noOv "properFraction"
truncate = noOv "truncate"
round = noOv "round"
ceiling = noOv "ceiling"
floor = noOv "floor"
instance (RealFloat a) => RealFloat (Pattern a) where
floatRadix = noOv "floatRadix"
floatDigits = noOv "floatDigits"
floatRange = noOv "floatRange"
decodeFloat = noOv "decodeFloat"
encodeFloat = ((.).(.)) pure encodeFloat
exponent = noOv "exponent"
significand = noOv "significand"
scaleFloat n = fmap (scaleFloat n)
isNaN = noOv "isNaN"
isInfinite = noOv "isInfinite"
isDenormalized = noOv "isDenormalized"
isNegativeZero = noOv "isNegativeZero"
isIEEE = noOv "isIEEE"
atan2 = liftA2 atan2
instance Num ControlMap where
negate = (applyFIS negate negate id <$>)
(+) = Map.unionWith (fNum2 (+) (+))
(*) = Map.unionWith (fNum2 (*) (*))
fromInteger i = Map.singleton "n" $ VI $ fromInteger i
signum = (applyFIS signum signum id <$>)
abs = (applyFIS abs abs id <$>)
instance Fractional ControlMap where
recip = fmap (applyFIS recip id id)
fromRational = Map.singleton "speed" . VF . fromRational
showPattern :: Show a => Arc -> Pattern a -> String
showPattern a p = intercalate "\n" $ map show $ queryArc p a
instance (Show a) => Show (Pattern a) where
show = showPattern (Arc 0 1)
instance Show Value where
show (VS s) = ('"':s) ++ "\""
show (VI i) = show i
show (VF f) = show f ++ "f"
show (VR r) = show r ++ "r"
show (VB b) = show b
show (VX xs) = show xs
instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} Show ControlMap where
show m = intercalate ", " $ map (\(name, v) -> name ++ ": " ++ show v) $ Map.toList m
prettyRat :: Rational -> String
prettyRat r | unit == 0 && frac > 0 = showFrac (numerator frac) (denominator frac)
| otherwise = show unit ++ showFrac (numerator frac) (denominator frac)
where unit = floor r :: Int
frac = r - toRational unit
showFrac :: Integer -> Integer -> String
showFrac 0 _ = ""
showFrac 1 2 = "½"
showFrac 1 3 = "⅓"
showFrac 2 3 = "⅔"
showFrac 1 4 = "¼"
showFrac 3 4 = "¾"
showFrac 1 5 = "⅕"
showFrac 2 5 = "⅖"
showFrac 3 5 = "⅗"
showFrac 4 5 = "⅘"
showFrac 1 6 = "⅙"
showFrac 5 6 = "⅚"
showFrac 1 7 = "⅐"
showFrac 1 8 = "⅛"
showFrac 3 8 = "⅜"
showFrac 5 8 = "⅝"
showFrac 7 8 = "⅞"
showFrac 1 9 = "⅑"
showFrac 1 10 = "⅒"
showFrac n d = fromMaybe plain $ do n' <- up n
d' <- down d
return $ n' ++ d'
where plain = " " ++ show n ++ "/" ++ show d
up 1 = Just "¹"
up 2 = Just "²"
up 3 = Just "³"
up 4 = Just "⁴"
up 5 = Just "⁵"
up 6 = Just "⁶"
up 7 = Just "⁷"
up 8 = Just "⁸"
up 9 = Just "⁹"
up 0 = Just "⁰"
up _ = Nothing
down 1 = Just "₁"
down 2 = Just "₂"
down 3 = Just "₃"
down 4 = Just "₄"
down 5 = Just "₅"
down 6 = Just "₆"
down 7 = Just "₇"
down 8 = Just "₈"
down 9 = Just "₉"
down 0 = Just "₀"
down _ = Nothing
empty :: Pattern a
empty = Pattern {query = const []}
queryArc :: Pattern a -> Arc -> [Event a]
queryArc p a = query p $ State a Map.empty
splitQueries :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
splitQueries p = p {query = \st -> concatMap (\a -> query p st {arc = a}) $ arcCyclesZW (arc st)}
withResultArc :: (Arc -> Arc) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
withResultArc f pat = pat
{ query = map (\(Event w p e) -> Event (f <$> w) (f p) e) . query pat}
withResultTime :: (Time -> Time) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
withResultTime f = withResultArc (\(Arc s e) -> Arc (f s) (f e))
withQueryArc :: (Arc -> Arc) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
withQueryArc f p = p {query = query p . (\(State a m) -> State (f a) m)}
withQueryTime :: (Time -> Time) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
withQueryTime f = withQueryArc (\(Arc s e) -> Arc (f s) (f e))
withEvent :: (Event a -> Event b) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
withEvent f p = p {query = map f . query p}
withEvents :: ([Event a] -> [Event b]) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b
withEvents f p = p {query = f . query p}
withPart :: (Arc -> Arc) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
withPart f = withEvent (\(Event w p v) -> Event w (f p) v)
applyFIS :: (Double -> Double) -> (Int -> Int) -> (String -> String) -> Value -> Value
applyFIS f _ _ (VF f') = VF $ f f'
applyFIS _ f _ (VI i ) = VI $ f i
applyFIS _ _ f (VS s ) = VS $ f s
applyFIS _ _ _ v = v
fNum2 :: (Int -> Int -> Int) -> (Double -> Double -> Double) -> Value -> Value -> Value
fNum2 fInt _ (VI a) (VI b) = VI $ fInt a b
fNum2 _ fFloat (VF a) (VF b) = VF $ fFloat a b
fNum2 _ fFloat (VI a) (VF b) = VF $ fFloat (fromIntegral a) b
fNum2 _ fFloat (VF a) (VI b) = VF $ fFloat a (fromIntegral b)
fNum2 _ _ x _ = x
getI :: Value -> Maybe Int
getI (VI i) = Just i
getI (VR x) = Just $ floor x
getI (VF x) = Just $ floor x
getI _ = Nothing
getF :: Value -> Maybe Double
getF (VF f) = Just f
getF (VR x) = Just $ fromRational x
getF (VI x) = Just $ fromIntegral x
getF _ = Nothing
getS :: Value -> Maybe String
getS (VS s) = Just s
getS _ = Nothing
getB :: Value -> Maybe Bool
getB (VB b) = Just b
getB _ = Nothing
getR :: Value -> Maybe Rational
getR (VR r) = Just r
getR (VF x) = Just $ toRational x
getR (VI x) = Just $ toRational x
getR _ = Nothing
getBlob :: Value -> Maybe [Word8]
getBlob (VX xs) = Just xs
getBlob _ = Nothing
compressArc :: Arc -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
compressArc (Arc s e) p | s > e = empty
| s > 1 || e > 1 = empty
| s < 0 || e < 0 = empty
| otherwise = s `rotR` _fastGap (1/(e-s)) p
compressArcTo :: Arc -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
compressArcTo (Arc s e) = compressArc (Arc (cyclePos s) (e - sam s))
_fastGap :: Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
_fastGap 0 _ = empty
_fastGap r p = splitQueries $
withResultArc (\(Arc s e) -> Arc (sam s + ((s - sam s)/r'))
(sam s + ((e - sam s)/r'))
) $ p {query = f}
where r' = max r 1
f st@(State a _) | start a' == nextSam (start a) = []
| otherwise = query p st {arc = a'}
where mungeQuery t = sam t + min 1 (r' * cyclePos t)
a' = (\(Arc s e) -> Arc (mungeQuery s) (mungeQuery e)) a
rotL :: Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
rotL t p = withResultTime (subtract t) $ withQueryTime (+ t) p
rotR :: Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
rotR t = rotL (negate t)
filterValues :: (a -> Bool) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
filterValues f p = p {query = filter (f . value) . query p}
filterJust :: Pattern (Maybe a) -> Pattern a
filterJust p = fromJust <$> filterValues isJust p
filterWhen :: (Time -> Bool) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
filterWhen test p = p {query = filter (test . wholeStart) . query p}
filterOnsets :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
filterOnsets p = p {query = filter (\e -> eventPartStart e == wholeStart e) . query (filterDigital p)}
filterEvents :: (Event a -> Bool) -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
filterEvents f p = p {query = filter f . query p}
filterDigital :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
filterDigital = filterEvents isDigital
filterAnalog :: Pattern a -> Pattern a
filterAnalog = filterEvents isAnalog
playFor :: Time -> Time -> Pattern a -> Pattern a
playFor s e = filterWhen (\t -> (t >= s) && (t < e))
tParam :: (t1 -> t2 -> Pattern a) -> Pattern t1 -> t2 -> Pattern a
tParam f tv p = innerJoin $ (`f` p) <$> tv
tParam2 :: (a -> b -> c -> Pattern d) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b -> c -> Pattern d
tParam2 f a b p = innerJoin $ (\x y -> f x y p) <$> a <*> b
tParam3 :: (a -> b -> c -> Pattern d -> Pattern e) -> (Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern c -> Pattern d -> Pattern e)
tParam3 f a b c p = innerJoin $ (\x y z -> f x y z p) <$> a <*> b <*> c
tParamSqueeze :: (a -> Pattern b -> Pattern c) -> (Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern c)
tParamSqueeze f tv p = squeezeJoin $ (`f` p) <$> tv
matchManyToOne :: (b -> a -> Bool) -> Pattern a -> Pattern b -> Pattern (Bool, b)
matchManyToOne f pa pb = pa {query = q}
where q st = map match $ query pb st
match (ex@(Event xWhole xPart x)) =
Event xWhole xPart (any (f x) (as $ start $ wholeOrPart ex), x)
as s = map value $ query pa $ fQuery s
fQuery s = st {arc = Arc s s}