{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
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module Thrift.Transport.Framed
    ( module Thrift.Transport
    , FramedTransport
    , openFramedTransport
    ) where

import Thrift.Transport
import Thrift.Transport.IOBuffer

import Data.Int (Int32)
import qualified Data.Binary as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS

-- | FramedTransport wraps a given transport in framed mode.
data FramedTransport t = FramedTransport {
      wrappedTrans :: t,           -- ^ Underlying transport.
      writeBuffer  :: WriteBuffer, -- ^ Write buffer.
      readBuffer   :: ReadBuffer   -- ^ Read buffer.

-- | Create a new framed transport which wraps the given transport.
openFramedTransport :: Transport t => t -> IO (FramedTransport t)
openFramedTransport trans = do
  wbuf <- newWriteBuffer
  rbuf <- newReadBuffer
  return FramedTransport{ wrappedTrans = trans, writeBuffer = wbuf, readBuffer = rbuf }

instance Transport t => Transport (FramedTransport t) where

    tClose = tClose . wrappedTrans

    tRead trans n = do
      -- First, check the read buffer for any data.
      bs <- readBuf (readBuffer trans) n
      if LBS.null bs
         -- When the buffer is empty, read another frame from the
         -- underlying transport.
           do len <- readFrame trans
              if len > 0
                 then tRead trans n
                 else return bs
         else return bs
    tPeek trans = do
      mw <- peekBuf (readBuffer trans)
      case mw of
        Just _ -> return mw
        Nothing -> do
          len <- readFrame trans
          if len > 0
             then tPeek trans
             else return Nothing

    tWrite = writeBuf . writeBuffer

    tFlush trans = do
      bs <- flushBuf (writeBuffer trans)
      let szBs = B.encode $ (fromIntegral $ LBS.length bs :: Int32)
      tWrite (wrappedTrans trans) szBs
      tWrite (wrappedTrans trans) bs
      tFlush (wrappedTrans trans)

    tIsOpen = tIsOpen . wrappedTrans

readFrame :: Transport t => FramedTransport t -> IO Int
readFrame trans = do
  -- Read and decode the frame size.
  szBs <- tRead (wrappedTrans trans) 4
  let sz = fromIntegral (B.decode szBs :: Int32)

  -- Read the frame and stuff it into the read buffer.
  bs <- tRead (wrappedTrans trans) sz
  fillBuf (readBuffer trans) bs

  -- Return the frame size so that the caller knows whether to expect
  -- something in the read buffer or not.
  return sz