themoviedb- Haskell API bindings for

Safe HaskellNone




searchMovies :: Text -> TheMovieDB [Movie] Source #

Search TheMovieDB using the given query string.

The movies returned will not have all their fields completely filled out, to get a complete record you'll need to follow this call up with a call to fetchMovie.

fetchMovie Source #


:: ItemID

TheMovieDB ID for the movie.

-> TheMovieDB Movie 

Fetch the metadata for the Movie with the given ID.

searchTV :: Text -> TheMovieDB [TV] Source #

Search TheMovieDB for matching TV series.

The TV values returned from this function will be partial records. The only fields that will be available are tvID, tvName, tvPosterPath, tvPopularity, and possibly tvFirstAirDate.

To get full TV records you need to follow this function with a call to fetchTV using the desired tvID value.

fetchTV Source #


:: ItemID

TheMovieDB ID for the TV series.

-> TheMovieDB TV 

Fetch metadata for a TV series given its TheMovieDB ID. The metadata for Seasons listed in the TV series will not have complete Episode information.

After calling this function you should call fetchTVSeason to fill in the Episode metadata, or just begin with fetchFullTVSeries.

fetchTVSeason Source #


:: ItemID

TheMovieDB ID for the TV series.

-> Int

Season number (not season ID).

-> TheMovieDB Season 

Fetch metadata for a Season, including all Episodes.

fetchFullTVSeries Source #


:: ItemID

TheMovieDB ID for the TV series.

-> TheMovieDB TV 

Fetch full metadata for a TV series, including all seasons and episodes.

This function will make multiple HTTP requests to TheMovieDB API.

config :: TheMovieDB Configuration Source #

Fetch the API configuration information such as base URLs for movie posters. The resulting configuration value should be cached and only requested every few days.