themoviedb- Haskell API bindings for

Safe HaskellNone




This library provides some data types and functions for fetching movie metadata from To use this library start by requesting an API key from

A typical workflow while using this library is:

  1. Place an API Key inside a Context using mkContext or one of the utility functions in Network.API.TheMovieDB.Util.
  2. Retrieve API Configuration information using either the config function or the configErr function.
  3. Search TheMovieDB using either the search function or the searchErr function.
  4. Since the search functions don't return a full Movie record follow them up with the fetch function or the fetchErr function.

This library also includes an example executable in the example directory.



TheMovieDB Metadata

data Configuration Source

TheMovieDB API tries to preserve bandwidth by omitting information (such as full URLs for poster images) from most of the API calls. Therefore in order to construct a complete URL for a movie poster you'll need to use the config or configErr function to retrieve API configuration information.

A helper function is provided (moviePosterURLs) that constructs a list of all poster URLs given a Movie and Configuration.

data Movie Source

Metadata for a movie.




movieID :: MovieID

TheMovieDB unique ID.

movieTitle :: String

The name/title of the movie.

movieOverview :: String

Short plot summary.

movieGenres :: [Genre]

List of Genres.

moviePopularity :: Double

Popularity ranking.

moviePosterPath :: String

Incomplete URL for poster image. See moviePosterURLs.

movieReleaseDate :: Day

Movie release date.

movieAdult :: Bool

TheMovieDB adult movie flag.

movieIMDB :: String ID.

movieRunTime :: Int

Movie length in minutes.

data Genre Source

Metadata for a genre.




genreID :: GenreID

TheMovieDB unique ID.

genreName :: String

The name of the genre.

Context and Errors

data Context Source

Data that needs to be given to the API functions. Use the mkContext function to turn an API Key into a Context.

data Error Source

Possible errors returned by the API.


NetworkError String

Network or HTTP error.

ParseError String

Invalid or error response from the API.


Type Synonyms

type Key = StringSource

Type for the API key issued by TheMovieDB.

type MovieID = IntSource

Type for representing unique movie IDs.

type GenreID = IntSource

Type for representing unique genre IDs.

type SearchQuery = StringSource

A search query for TheMovieDB API.

API Functions

Functions That Fail

config :: Context -> IO ConfigurationSource

Fetch the API configuration information or fail. For a function that returns an error instead of failing see configErr.

fetch :: Context -> MovieID -> IO MovieSource

Fetch the metadata for the movie with the given ID and fail if any errors are encountered along the way. For a function that returns an error instead of failing see fetchErr.

search :: Context -> SearchQuery -> IO [Movie]Source

Search TheMovieDB using the given query string and return a list of movies. This function fails if there are any errors. For a function that returns an error instead of failing see searchErr.

The movies returned will not have all their fields completely filled out, to get a complete record you'll need to follow this call up with a call to fetchErr or fetch.

Functions That Return Errors

configErr :: Context -> IO (Either Error Configuration)Source

Fetch the API configuration information such as base URLs for movie posters. Results in either an Error or a Configuration.

fetchErr :: Context -> MovieID -> IO (Either Error Movie)Source

Fetch the metadata for the movie with the given ID. Returns either an Error or a Movie.

searchErr :: Context -> SearchQuery -> IO (Either Error [Movie])Source

Search TheMovieDB using the given query string and return either an Error if something went wrong or a list of matching Movies.

The movies returned will not have all their fields completely filled out, to get a complete record you'll need to follow this call up with a call to fetchErr or fetch.

Utility functions

mkContext :: Key -> ContextSource

Turns an API Key into a Context so that you can call the API functions such as fetch and search.

apiKey :: Context -> KeySource

Extract an API Key from a Context.

moviePosterURLs :: Configuration -> Movie -> [String]Source

Return a list of URLs for all possible movie posters.