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th-printf-0.6.0: Quasiquoters for printf

Safe HaskellNone




s :: QuasiQuoter Source #

[s|Hello, %s! (%d people greeted)|] :: ... -> String

This formatter follows the guidelines listed here, except for %n (store number of printed characters) for obvious reasons.

%c     :: Char
%s     :: String

-- datatypes with Show instances
%?     :: Show a => a

-- signed integer types
%d, %i :: Integral i => i

-- unsigned integer types
%u     :: (Bounded i, Integral i) => i
%o     :: (Bounded i, Integral i) => i
%x, %X :: (Bounded i, Integral i) => i

-- floats
%a, %A :: RealFloat f => f
%e, %E :: RealFloat f => f
%f, %F :: RealFloat f => f
%g, %G :: RealFloat f => f

%p     :: Ptr a

N.B.: For consistency with other printf implementations, arguments formatted as unsigned integer types will "underflow" if negative.

p :: QuasiQuoter Source #

Like s, but prints the resulting string to stdout.

[p|Hello, %s! (%d people greeted)|] :: MonadIO m => ... -> m ()

hp :: QuasiQuoter Source #

Like p, but takes as its first argument the Handle to print to.

[hp|Hello, %s! (%d people greeted)|] :: MonadIO m => Handle -> ... -> m ()