{-# Language CPP, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,4,0)
{-# Language DeriveGeneric #-}
module Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype
, ConstructorInfo(..)
, DatatypeVariant(..)
, ConstructorVariant(..)
, FieldStrictness(..)
, Unpackedness(..)
, Strictness(..)
, reifyDatatype
, reifyConstructor
, reifyRecord
, normalizeInfo
, normalizeDec
, normalizeCon
, lookupByConstructorName
, lookupByRecordName
, TypeSubstitution(..)
, quantifyType
, freeVariablesWellScoped
, freshenFreeVariables
, equalPred
, classPred
, asEqualPred
, asClassPred
, dataDCompat
, newtypeDCompat
, tySynInstDCompat
, pragLineDCompat
, arrowKCompat
, isStrictAnnot
, notStrictAnnot
, unpackedAnnot
, resolveTypeSynonyms
, resolveKindSynonyms
, resolvePredSynonyms
, resolveInfixT
, reifyFixityCompat
, showFixity
, showFixityDirection
, unifyTypes
, tvName
, tvKind
, datatypeType
) where
import Data.Data (Typeable, Data)
import Data.Foldable (foldMap, foldl')
import Data.List (nub, find, union, (\\))
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Traversable as T
import Control.Monad
import Language.Haskell.TH
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
hiding (Extension(..))
import Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype.Internal
import Language.Haskell.TH.Lib (arrowK, starK)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), (<$>))
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
data DatatypeInfo = DatatypeInfo
{ datatypeContext :: Cxt
, datatypeName :: Name
, datatypeVars :: [Type]
, datatypeVariant :: DatatypeVariant
, datatypeCons :: [ConstructorInfo]
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Data
data DatatypeVariant
= Datatype
| Newtype
| DataInstance
| NewtypeInstance
deriving (Show, Read, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data
data ConstructorInfo = ConstructorInfo
{ constructorName :: Name
, constructorVars :: [TyVarBndr]
, constructorContext :: Cxt
, constructorFields :: [Type]
, constructorStrictness :: [FieldStrictness]
, constructorVariant :: ConstructorVariant
deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Data
data ConstructorVariant
= NormalConstructor
| InfixConstructor
| RecordConstructor [Name]
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data
data FieldStrictness = FieldStrictness
{ fieldUnpackedness :: Unpackedness
, fieldStrictness :: Strictness
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data
data Unpackedness
= UnspecifiedUnpackedness
| NoUnpack
| Unpack
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data
data Strictness
= UnspecifiedStrictness
| Lazy
| Strict
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Typeable, Data
isStrictAnnot, notStrictAnnot, unpackedAnnot :: FieldStrictness
isStrictAnnot = FieldStrictness UnspecifiedUnpackedness Strict
notStrictAnnot = FieldStrictness UnspecifiedUnpackedness UnspecifiedStrictness
unpackedAnnot = FieldStrictness Unpack Strict
datatypeType :: DatatypeInfo -> Type
datatypeType di
= foldl AppT (ConT (datatypeName di))
$ map stripSigT
$ datatypeVars di
reifyDatatype ::
Name ->
Q DatatypeInfo
reifyDatatype n = normalizeInfo' "reifyDatatype" isReified =<< reify n
reifyConstructor ::
Name ->
Q ConstructorInfo
reifyConstructor conName = do
dataInfo <- reifyDatatype conName
return $ lookupByConstructorName conName dataInfo
reifyRecord ::
Name ->
Q ConstructorInfo
reifyRecord recordName = do
dataInfo <- reifyDatatype recordName
return $ lookupByRecordName recordName dataInfo
lookupByConstructorName ::
Name ->
DatatypeInfo ->
lookupByConstructorName conName dataInfo =
case find ((== conName) . constructorName) (datatypeCons dataInfo) of
Just conInfo -> conInfo
Nothing -> error $ "Datatype " ++ nameBase (datatypeName dataInfo)
++ " does not have a constructor named " ++ nameBase conName
lookupByRecordName ::
Name ->
DatatypeInfo ->
lookupByRecordName recordName dataInfo =
case find (conHasRecord recordName) (datatypeCons dataInfo) of
Just conInfo -> conInfo
Nothing -> error $ "Datatype " ++ nameBase (datatypeName dataInfo)
++ " does not have any constructors with a "
++ "record selector named " ++ nameBase recordName
normalizeInfo :: Info -> Q DatatypeInfo
normalizeInfo = normalizeInfo' "normalizeInfo" isn'tReified
normalizeInfo' :: String -> IsReifiedDec -> Info -> Q DatatypeInfo
normalizeInfo' entry reifiedDec i =
case i of
PrimTyConI{} -> bad "Primitive type not supported"
ClassI{} -> bad "Class not supported"
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
FamilyI DataFamilyD{} _ ->
#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
FamilyI (FamilyD DataFam _ _ _) _ ->
TyConI (FamilyD DataFam _ _ _) ->
bad "Use a value constructor to reify a data family instance"
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
FamilyI _ _ -> bad "Type families not supported"
TyConI dec -> normalizeDecFor reifiedDec dec
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
DataConI name _ parent -> reifyParent name parent
DataConI name _ parent _ -> reifyParent name parent
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
VarI recName recTy _ -> reifyRecordType recName recTy
VarI recName recTy _ _ -> reifyRecordType recName recTy
_ -> bad "Expected a type constructor"
bad msg = fail (entry ++ ": " ++ msg)
reifyParent :: Name -> Name -> Q DatatypeInfo
reifyParent con = reifyParentWith "reifyParent" p
p :: DatatypeInfo -> Bool
p info = con `elem` map constructorName (datatypeCons info)
reifyRecordType :: Name -> Type -> Q DatatypeInfo
reifyRecordType recName recTy =
let (_, argTys :|- _) = uncurryType recTy
in case argTys of
dataTy:_ -> decomposeDataType dataTy
_ -> notRecSelFailure
decomposeDataType :: Type -> Q DatatypeInfo
decomposeDataType ty =
do case decomposeType ty of
ConT parent :| _ -> reifyParentWith "reifyRecordType" p parent
_ -> notRecSelFailure
notRecSelFailure :: Q a
notRecSelFailure = fail $
"reifyRecordType: Not a record selector type: " ++
nameBase recName ++ " :: " ++ show recTy
p :: DatatypeInfo -> Bool
p info = any (conHasRecord recName) (datatypeCons info)
reifyParentWith ::
String ->
(DatatypeInfo -> Bool) ->
Name ->
Q DatatypeInfo
reifyParentWith prefix p n =
do info <- reify n
case info of
#if !(MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0))
TyConI FamilyD{} -> dataFamiliesOnOldGHCsError
TyConI dec -> normalizeDecFor isReified dec
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
FamilyI dec instances ->
do let instances1 = map (repairDataFam dec) instances
instances2 <- mapM (normalizeDecFor isReified) instances1
case find p instances2 of
Just inst -> return inst
Nothing -> panic "lost the instance"
_ -> panic "unexpected parent"
dataFamiliesOnOldGHCsError :: Q a
dataFamiliesOnOldGHCsError = fail $
prefix ++ ": Data family instances can only be reified with GHC 7.4 or later"
panic :: String -> Q a
panic message = fail $ "PANIC: " ++ prefix ++ " " ++ message
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0) && (!MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0))
sanitizeStars :: Kind -> Kind
sanitizeStars = go
go :: Kind -> Kind
go (AppT t1 t2) = AppT (go t1) (go t2)
go (SigT t k) = SigT (go t) (go k)
go (ConT n) | n == starKindName = StarT
go t = t
repairVarKindsWith' :: [TyVarBndr] -> [Type] -> [Type]
repairVarKindsWith' dvars ts =
let kindVars = freeVariables . map kindPart
kindPart (KindedTV _ k) = [k]
kindPart (PlainTV _ ) = []
nparams = length dvars
kparams = kindVars dvars
(tsKinds,tsNoKinds) = splitAt (length kparams) ts
tsKinds' = map sanitizeStars tsKinds
extraTys = drop (length tsNoKinds) (bndrParams dvars)
ts' = tsNoKinds ++ extraTys
in applySubstitution (Map.fromList (zip kparams tsKinds')) $
repairVarKindsWith dvars ts'
repairDataFam ::
Dec ->
Dec ->
(FamilyD _ _ dvars _)
(NewtypeInstD cx n ts con deriv) =
NewtypeInstD cx n (repairVarKindsWith' dvars ts) con deriv
(FamilyD _ _ dvars _)
(DataInstD cx n ts cons deriv) =
DataInstD cx n (repairVarKindsWith' dvars ts) cons deriv
repairDataFam famD instD
# if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
| DataFamilyD _ dvars _ <- famD
, NewtypeInstD cx n ts k c deriv <- instD
= NewtypeInstD cx n (repairVarKindsWith dvars ts) k c deriv
| DataFamilyD _ dvars _ <- famD
, DataInstD cx n ts k c deriv <- instD
= DataInstD cx n (repairVarKindsWith dvars ts) k c deriv
# else
| FamilyD _ _ dvars _ <- famD
, NewtypeInstD cx n ts c deriv <- instD
= NewtypeInstD cx n (repairVarKindsWith dvars ts) c deriv
| FamilyD _ _ dvars _ <- famD
, DataInstD cx n ts c deriv <- instD
= DataInstD cx n (repairVarKindsWith dvars ts) c deriv
# endif
repairDataFam _ instD = instD
repairVarKindsWith :: [TyVarBndr] -> [Type] -> [Type]
repairVarKindsWith = zipWith stealKindForType
stealKindForType :: TyVarBndr -> Type -> Type
stealKindForType tvb t@VarT{} = SigT t (tvKind tvb)
stealKindForType _ t = t
normalizeDec :: Dec -> Q DatatypeInfo
normalizeDec = normalizeDecFor isn'tReified
normalizeDecFor :: IsReifiedDec -> Dec -> Q DatatypeInfo
normalizeDecFor isReified dec =
case dec of
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
NewtypeD context name tyvars _kind con _derives ->
giveTypesStarKinds <$> normalizeDec' isReified context name (bndrParams tyvars) [con] Newtype
DataD context name tyvars _kind cons _derives ->
giveTypesStarKinds <$> normalizeDec' isReified context name (bndrParams tyvars) cons Datatype
NewtypeInstD context name params _kind con _derives ->
repair13618' . giveTypesStarKinds =<<
normalizeDec' isReified context name params [con] NewtypeInstance
DataInstD context name params _kind cons _derives ->
repair13618' . giveTypesStarKinds =<<
normalizeDec' isReified context name params cons DataInstance
#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
NewtypeD context name tyvars _kind con _derives ->
giveTypesStarKinds <$> normalizeDec' isReified context name (bndrParams tyvars) [con] Newtype
DataD context name tyvars _kind cons _derives ->
giveTypesStarKinds <$> normalizeDec' isReified context name (bndrParams tyvars) cons Datatype
NewtypeInstD context name params _kind con _derives ->
repair13618' . giveTypesStarKinds =<<
normalizeDec' isReified context name params [con] NewtypeInstance
DataInstD context name params _kind cons _derives ->
repair13618' . giveTypesStarKinds =<<
normalizeDec' isReified context name params cons DataInstance
NewtypeD context name tyvars con _derives ->
giveTypesStarKinds <$> normalizeDec' isReified context name (bndrParams tyvars) [con] Newtype
DataD context name tyvars cons _derives ->
giveTypesStarKinds <$> normalizeDec' isReified context name (bndrParams tyvars) cons Datatype
NewtypeInstD context name params con _derives ->
repair13618' . giveTypesStarKinds =<<
normalizeDec' isReified context name params [con] NewtypeInstance
DataInstD context name params cons _derives ->
repair13618' . giveTypesStarKinds =<<
normalizeDec' isReified context name params cons DataInstance
_ -> fail "normalizeDecFor: DataD or NewtypeD required"
repair13618' | isReified = repair13618
| otherwise = return
bndrParams :: [TyVarBndr] -> [Type]
bndrParams = map $ \bndr ->
case bndr of
KindedTV t k -> SigT (VarT t) k
PlainTV t -> VarT t
tvKind :: TyVarBndr -> Kind
tvKind (PlainTV _) = starK
tvKind (KindedTV _ k) = k
stripSigT :: Type -> Type
stripSigT (SigT t _) = t
stripSigT t = t
normalizeDec' ::
IsReifiedDec ->
Cxt ->
Name ->
[Type] ->
[Con] ->
DatatypeVariant ->
Q DatatypeInfo
normalizeDec' reifiedDec context name params cons variant =
do cons' <- concat <$> mapM (normalizeConFor reifiedDec name params variant) cons
return DatatypeInfo
{ datatypeContext = context
, datatypeName = name
, datatypeVars = params
, datatypeCons = cons'
, datatypeVariant = variant
normalizeCon ::
Name ->
[Type] ->
DatatypeVariant ->
Con ->
Q [ConstructorInfo]
normalizeCon = normalizeConFor isn'tReified
normalizeConFor ::
IsReifiedDec ->
Name ->
[Type] ->
DatatypeVariant ->
Con ->
Q [ConstructorInfo]
normalizeConFor reifiedDec typename params variant = fmap (map giveTyVarBndrsStarKinds) . dispatch
checkGadtFixity :: [Type] -> Name -> Q ConstructorVariant
checkGadtFixity ts n = do
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
mbFi <- return Nothing `recover` reifyFixity n
let userSuppliedFixity = isJust mbFi
mbFi <- reifyFixityCompat n
let userSuppliedFixity = isJust mbFi && mbFi /= Just defaultFixity
return $ if isInfixDataCon (nameBase n)
&& length ts == 2
&& userSuppliedFixity
then InfixConstructor
else NormalConstructor
isInfixDataCon :: String -> Bool
isInfixDataCon (':':_) = True
isInfixDataCon _ = False
dispatch :: Con -> Q [ConstructorInfo]
dispatch =
let defaultCase :: Con -> Q [ConstructorInfo]
defaultCase = go [] [] False
go :: [TyVarBndr]
-> Cxt
-> Bool
-> Con
-> Q [ConstructorInfo]
go tyvars context gadt c =
case c of
NormalC n xs -> do
let (bangs, ts) = unzip xs
stricts = map normalizeStrictness bangs
fi <- if gadt
then checkGadtFixity ts n
else return NormalConstructor
return [ConstructorInfo n tyvars context ts stricts fi]
InfixC l n r ->
let (bangs, ts) = unzip [l,r]
stricts = map normalizeStrictness bangs in
return [ConstructorInfo n tyvars context ts stricts
RecC n xs ->
let fns = takeFieldNames xs
stricts = takeFieldStrictness xs in
return [ConstructorInfo n tyvars context
(takeFieldTypes xs) stricts (RecordConstructor fns)]
ForallC tyvars' context' c' ->
go (tyvars'++tyvars) (context'++context) True c'
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
GadtC ns xs innerType ->
let (bangs, ts) = unzip xs
stricts = map normalizeStrictness bangs in
gadtCase ns innerType ts stricts (checkGadtFixity ts)
RecGadtC ns xs innerType ->
let fns = takeFieldNames xs
stricts = takeFieldStrictness xs in
gadtCase ns innerType (takeFieldTypes xs) stricts
(const $ return $ RecordConstructor fns)
gadtCase = normalizeGadtC typename params tyvars context
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0) && (!MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0))
dataFamCompatCase :: Con -> Q [ConstructorInfo]
dataFamCompatCase = go []
go tyvars c =
case c of
NormalC n xs ->
let stricts = map (normalizeStrictness . fst) xs in
dataFamCase' n tyvars stricts NormalConstructor
InfixC l n r ->
let stricts = map (normalizeStrictness . fst) [l,r] in
dataFamCase' n tyvars stricts InfixConstructor
RecC n xs ->
let stricts = takeFieldStrictness xs in
dataFamCase' n tyvars stricts
(RecordConstructor (takeFieldNames xs))
ForallC tyvars' context' c' ->
go (tyvars'++tyvars) c'
dataFamCase' :: Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [FieldStrictness]
-> ConstructorVariant
-> Q [ConstructorInfo]
dataFamCase' n tyvars stricts variant = do
mbInfo <- reifyMaybe n
case mbInfo of
Just (DataConI _ ty _ _) -> do
let (context, argTys :|- returnTy) = uncurryType ty
returnTy' <- resolveTypeSynonyms returnTy
normalizeGadtC typename params tyvars context [n]
returnTy' argTys stricts (const $ return variant)
_ -> fail $ unlines
[ "normalizeCon: Cannot reify constructor " ++ nameBase n
, "You are likely calling normalizeDec on GHC 7.6 or 7.8 on a data family"
, "whose type variables have been eta-reduced due to GHC Trac #9692."
, "Unfortunately, without being able to reify the constructor's type,"
, "there is no way to recover the eta-reduced type variables in general."
, "A recommended workaround is to use reifyDatatype instead."
mightHaveBeenEtaReduced :: [Type] -> Bool
mightHaveBeenEtaReduced ts =
case unsnoc ts of
Nothing -> False
Just (initTs :|- lastT) ->
case varTName lastT of
Nothing -> False
Just n -> not (n `elem` freeVariables initTs)
unsnoc :: [a] -> Maybe (NonEmptySnoc a)
unsnoc [] = Nothing
unsnoc (x:xs) = case unsnoc xs of
Just (a :|- b) -> Just ((x:a) :|- b)
Nothing -> Just ([] :|- x)
varTName :: Type -> Maybe Name
varTName (SigT t _) = varTName t
varTName (VarT n) = Just n
varTName _ = Nothing
in case variant of
| reifiedDec, mightHaveBeenEtaReduced params
-> dataFamCompatCase
| reifiedDec, mightHaveBeenEtaReduced params
-> dataFamCompatCase
_ -> defaultCase
in defaultCase
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
normalizeStrictness :: Bang -> FieldStrictness
normalizeStrictness (Bang upk str) =
FieldStrictness (normalizeSourceUnpackedness upk)
(normalizeSourceStrictness str)
normalizeSourceUnpackedness :: SourceUnpackedness -> Unpackedness
normalizeSourceUnpackedness NoSourceUnpackedness = UnspecifiedUnpackedness
normalizeSourceUnpackedness SourceNoUnpack = NoUnpack
normalizeSourceUnpackedness SourceUnpack = Unpack
normalizeSourceStrictness :: SourceStrictness -> Strictness
normalizeSourceStrictness NoSourceStrictness = UnspecifiedStrictness
normalizeSourceStrictness SourceLazy = Lazy
normalizeSourceStrictness SourceStrict = Strict
normalizeStrictness :: Strict -> FieldStrictness
normalizeStrictness IsStrict = isStrictAnnot
normalizeStrictness NotStrict = notStrictAnnot
# if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,7,0)
normalizeStrictness Unpacked = unpackedAnnot
# endif
normalizeGadtC ::
Name ->
[Type] ->
[TyVarBndr] ->
Cxt ->
[Name] ->
Type ->
[Type] ->
[FieldStrictness] ->
(Name -> Q ConstructorVariant)
Q [ConstructorInfo]
normalizeGadtC typename params tyvars context names innerType
fields stricts getVariant =
let conBoundNames =
concatMap (\tvb -> tvName tvb:freeVariables (tvKind tvb)) tyvars
conSubst <- T.sequence $ Map.fromList [ (n, newName (nameBase n))
| n <- conBoundNames ]
let conSubst' = fmap VarT conSubst
renamedTyvars =
map (\tvb -> case tvb of
PlainTV n -> PlainTV (conSubst Map.! n)
KindedTV n k -> KindedTV (conSubst Map.! n)
(applySubstitution conSubst' k)) tyvars
renamedContext = applySubstitution conSubst' context
renamedInnerType = applySubstitution conSubst' innerType
renamedFields = applySubstitution conSubst' fields
innerType' <- resolveTypeSynonyms renamedInnerType
case decomposeType innerType' of
ConT innerTyCon :| ts | typename == innerTyCon ->
let (substName, context1) =
closeOverKinds (kindsOfFVsOfTvbs renamedTyvars)
(kindsOfFVsOfTypes params)
(mergeArguments params ts)
subst = VarT <$> substName
exTyvars = [ tv | tv <- renamedTyvars, Map.notMember (tvName tv) subst ]
exTyvars' = substTyVarBndrs subst exTyvars
context2 = applySubstitution subst (context1 ++ renamedContext)
fields' = applySubstitution subst renamedFields
in sequence [ ConstructorInfo name exTyvars' context2
fields' stricts <$> variantQ
| name <- names
, let variantQ = getVariant name
_ -> fail "normalizeGadtC: Expected type constructor application"
closeOverKinds :: Map Name Kind
-> Map Name Kind
-> (Map Name Name, Cxt)
-> (Map Name Name, Cxt)
closeOverKinds domainFVKinds rangeFVKinds = go
go :: (Map Name Name, Cxt) -> (Map Name Name, Cxt)
go (subst, context) =
let substList = Map.toList subst
(kindsInner, kindsOuter) =
unzip $
mapMaybe (\(d, r) -> do d' <- Map.lookup d domainFVKinds
r' <- Map.lookup r rangeFVKinds
return (d', r'))
(kindSubst, kindContext) = mergeArgumentKinds kindsOuter kindsInner
(restSubst, restContext)
= if Map.null kindSubst
then (Map.empty, [])
else go (kindSubst, kindContext)
finalSubst = Map.unions [subst, kindSubst, restSubst]
finalContext = nub $ concat [context, kindContext, restContext]
in (finalSubst, finalContext)
kindsOfFVsOfTypes :: [Type] -> Map Name Kind
kindsOfFVsOfTypes = foldMap go
go :: Type -> Map Name Kind
go (ForallT {}) = error "`forall` type used in data family pattern"
go (AppT t1 t2) = go t1 `Map.union` go t2
go (SigT t k) =
let kSigs =
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
go k
in case t of
VarT n -> Map.insert n k kSigs
_ -> go t `Map.union` kSigs
go _ = Map.empty
kindsOfFVsOfTvbs :: [TyVarBndr] -> Map Name Kind
kindsOfFVsOfTvbs = foldMap go
go :: TyVarBndr -> Map Name Kind
go (PlainTV n) = Map.singleton n starK
go (KindedTV n k) =
let kSigs =
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
kindsOfFVsOfTypes [k]
in Map.insert n k kSigs
mergeArguments ::
[Type] ->
[Type] ->
(Map Name Name, Cxt)
mergeArguments ns ts = foldr aux (Map.empty, []) (zip ns ts)
aux (f `AppT` x, g `AppT` y) sc =
aux (x,y) (aux (f,g) sc)
aux (VarT n,p) (subst, context) =
case p of
VarT m | m == n -> (subst, context)
| Just n' <- Map.lookup m subst
, n == n' -> (subst, context)
| Map.notMember m subst -> (Map.insert m n subst, context)
_ -> (subst, equalPred (VarT n) p : context)
aux (SigT x _, y) sc = aux (x,y) sc
aux (x, SigT y _) sc = aux (x,y) sc
aux _ sc = sc
mergeArgumentKinds ::
[Kind] ->
[Kind] ->
(Map Name Name, Cxt)
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
mergeArgumentKinds = mergeArguments
mergeArgumentKinds _ _ = (Map.empty, [])
resolveTypeSynonyms :: Type -> Q Type
resolveTypeSynonyms t =
let f :| xs = decomposeType t
notTypeSynCase :: Type -> Q Type
notTypeSynCase ty = foldl AppT ty <$> mapM resolveTypeSynonyms xs
expandCon :: Name
-> Type
-> Q Type
expandCon n ty = do
mbInfo <- reifyMaybe n
case mbInfo of
Just (TyConI (TySynD _ synvars def))
-> resolveTypeSynonyms $ expandSynonymRHS synvars xs def
_ -> notTypeSynCase ty
in case f of
ForallT tvbs ctxt body ->
ForallT `fmap` mapM resolve_tvb_syns tvbs
`ap` mapM resolvePredSynonyms ctxt
`ap` resolveTypeSynonyms body
SigT ty ki -> do
ty' <- resolveTypeSynonyms ty
ki' <- resolveKindSynonyms ki
notTypeSynCase $ SigT ty' ki'
ConT n -> expandCon n (ConT n)
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
InfixT t1 n t2 -> do
t1' <- resolveTypeSynonyms t1
t2' <- resolveTypeSynonyms t2
expandCon n (InfixT t1' n t2')
UInfixT t1 n t2 -> do
t1' <- resolveTypeSynonyms t1
t2' <- resolveTypeSynonyms t2
expandCon n (UInfixT t1' n t2')
_ -> notTypeSynCase f
resolveKindSynonyms :: Kind -> Q Kind
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
resolveKindSynonyms = resolveTypeSynonyms
resolveKindSynonyms = return
resolve_tvb_syns :: TyVarBndr -> Q TyVarBndr
resolve_tvb_syns tvb@PlainTV{} = return tvb
resolve_tvb_syns (KindedTV n k) = KindedTV n <$> resolveKindSynonyms k
expandSynonymRHS ::
[TyVarBndr] ->
[Type] ->
Type ->
expandSynonymRHS synvars ts def =
let argNames = map tvName synvars
(args,rest) = splitAt (length argNames) ts
subst = Map.fromList (zip argNames args)
in foldl AppT (applySubstitution subst def) rest
resolvePredSynonyms :: Pred -> Q Pred
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
resolvePredSynonyms = resolveTypeSynonyms
resolvePredSynonyms (ClassP n ts) = do
mbInfo <- reifyMaybe n
case mbInfo of
Just (TyConI (TySynD _ synvars def))
-> resolvePredSynonyms $ typeToPred $ expandSynonymRHS synvars ts def
_ -> ClassP n <$> mapM resolveTypeSynonyms ts
resolvePredSynonyms (EqualP t1 t2) = do
t1' <- resolveTypeSynonyms t1
t2' <- resolveTypeSynonyms t2
return (EqualP t1' t2')
typeToPred :: Type -> Pred
typeToPred t =
let f :| xs = decomposeType t in
case f of
ConT n
| n == eqTypeName
# if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ == 704
, [_,t1,t2] <- xs
# else
, [t1,t2] <- xs
# endif
-> EqualP t1 t2
| otherwise
-> ClassP n xs
_ -> error $ "typeToPred: Can't handle type " ++ show t
decomposeType :: Type -> NonEmpty Type
decomposeType = go []
go args (AppT f x) = go (x:args) f
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
go args (ParensT t) = go args t
go args t = t :| args
data NonEmpty a = a :| [a]
data NonEmptySnoc a = [a] :|- a
uncurryType :: Type -> (Cxt, NonEmptySnoc Type)
uncurryType = go [] []
go ctxt args (AppT (AppT ArrowT t1) t2) = go ctxt (t1:args) t2
go ctxt args (ForallT _ ctxt' t) = go (ctxt++ctxt') args t
go ctxt args t = (ctxt, reverse args :|- t)
resolveInfixT :: Type -> Q Type
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
resolveInfixT (ForallT vs cx t) = forallT vs (mapM resolveInfixT cx) (resolveInfixT t)
resolveInfixT (f `AppT` x) = resolveInfixT f `appT` resolveInfixT x
resolveInfixT (ParensT t) = resolveInfixT t
resolveInfixT (InfixT l o r) = conT o `appT` resolveInfixT l `appT` resolveInfixT r
resolveInfixT (SigT t k) = SigT <$> resolveInfixT t <*> resolveInfixT k
resolveInfixT t@UInfixT{} = resolveInfixT =<< resolveInfixT1 (gatherUInfixT t)
resolveInfixT t = return t
gatherUInfixT :: Type -> InfixList
gatherUInfixT (UInfixT l o r) = ilAppend (gatherUInfixT l) o (gatherUInfixT r)
gatherUInfixT t = ILNil t
resolveInfixT1 :: InfixList -> TypeQ
resolveInfixT1 = go []
go :: [(Type,Name,Fixity)] -> InfixList -> TypeQ
go ts (ILNil u) = return (foldl (\acc (l,o,_) -> ConT o `AppT` l `AppT` acc) u ts)
go ts (ILCons l o r) =
do ofx <- fromMaybe defaultFixity <$> reifyFixityCompat o
let push = go ((l,o,ofx):ts) r
case ts of
(l1,o1,o1fx):ts' ->
case compareFixity o1fx ofx of
Just True -> go ((ConT o1 `AppT` l1 `AppT` l, o, ofx):ts') r
Just False -> push
Nothing -> fail (precedenceError o1 o1fx o ofx)
_ -> push
compareFixity :: Fixity -> Fixity -> Maybe Bool
compareFixity (Fixity n1 InfixL) (Fixity n2 InfixL) = Just (n1 >= n2)
compareFixity (Fixity n1 InfixR) (Fixity n2 InfixR) = Just (n1 > n2)
compareFixity (Fixity n1 _ ) (Fixity n2 _ ) =
case compare n1 n2 of
GT -> Just True
LT -> Just False
EQ -> Nothing
precedenceError :: Name -> Fixity -> Name -> Fixity -> String
precedenceError o1 ofx1 o2 ofx2 =
"Precedence parsing error: cannot mix ‘" ++
nameBase o1 ++ "’ [" ++ showFixity ofx1 ++ "] and ‘" ++
nameBase o2 ++ "’ [" ++ showFixity ofx2 ++
"] in the same infix type expression"
data InfixList = ILCons Type Name InfixList | ILNil Type
ilAppend :: InfixList -> Name -> InfixList -> InfixList
ilAppend (ILNil l) o r = ILCons l o r
ilAppend (ILCons l1 o1 r1) o r = ILCons l1 o1 (ilAppend r1 o r)
resolveInfixT = return
showFixity :: Fixity -> String
showFixity (Fixity n d) = showFixityDirection d ++ " " ++ show n
showFixityDirection :: FixityDirection -> String
showFixityDirection InfixL = "infixl"
showFixityDirection InfixR = "infixr"
showFixityDirection InfixN = "infix"
tvName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
tvName (PlainTV name ) = name
tvName (KindedTV name _) = name
takeFieldNames :: [(Name,a,b)] -> [Name]
takeFieldNames xs = [a | (a,_,_) <- xs]
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
takeFieldStrictness :: [(a,Bang,b)] -> [FieldStrictness]
takeFieldStrictness :: [(a,Strict,b)] -> [FieldStrictness]
takeFieldStrictness xs = [normalizeStrictness a | (_,a,_) <- xs]
takeFieldTypes :: [(a,b,Type)] -> [Type]
takeFieldTypes xs = [a | (_,_,a) <- xs]
conHasRecord :: Name -> ConstructorInfo -> Bool
conHasRecord recName info =
case constructorVariant info of
NormalConstructor -> False
InfixConstructor -> False
RecordConstructor fields -> recName `elem` fields
quantifyType :: Type -> Type
quantifyType t
| null tvbs
= t
| ForallT tvbs' ctxt' t' <- t
= ForallT (tvbs ++ tvbs') ctxt' t'
| otherwise
= ForallT tvbs [] t
tvbs = freeVariablesWellScoped [t]
freeVariablesWellScoped :: [Type] -> [TyVarBndr]
freeVariablesWellScoped tys =
let fvs :: [Name]
fvs = freeVariables tys
varKindSigs :: Map Name Kind
varKindSigs = foldMap go_ty tys
go_ty :: Type -> Map Name Kind
go_ty (ForallT tvbs ctxt t) =
foldr (\tvb -> Map.delete (tvName tvb))
(foldMap go_pred ctxt `mappend` go_ty t) tvbs
go_ty (AppT t1 t2) = go_ty t1 `mappend` go_ty t2
go_ty (SigT t k) =
let kSigs =
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
go_ty k
in case t of
VarT n -> Map.insert n k kSigs
_ -> go_ty t `mappend` kSigs
go_ty _ = mempty
go_pred :: Pred -> Map Name Kind
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
go_pred = go_ty
go_pred (ClassP _ ts) = foldMap go_ty ts
go_pred (EqualP t1 t2) = go_ty t1 `mappend` go_ty t2
scopedSort :: [Name] -> [Name]
scopedSort = go [] []
go :: [Name]
-> [Set Name]
-> [Name]
-> [Name]
go acc _fv_list [] = reverse acc
go acc fv_list (tv:tvs)
= go acc' fv_list' tvs
(acc', fv_list') = insert tv acc fv_list
insert :: Name
-> [Name]
-> [Set Name]
-> ([Name], [Set Name])
insert tv [] [] = ([tv], [kindFVSet tv])
insert tv (a:as) (fvs:fvss)
| tv `Set.member` fvs
, (as', fvss') <- insert tv as fvss
= (a:as', fvs `Set.union` fv_tv : fvss')
| otherwise
= (tv:a:as, fvs `Set.union` fv_tv : fvs : fvss)
fv_tv = kindFVSet tv
insert _ _ _ = error "scopedSort"
kindFVSet n =
maybe Set.empty (Set.fromList . freeVariables) (Map.lookup n varKindSigs)
ascribeWithKind n =
maybe (PlainTV n) (KindedTV n) (Map.lookup n varKindSigs)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
= const False
= (`elem` kindVars)
kindVars = freeVariables $ Map.elems varKindSigs
in map ascribeWithKind $
filter (not . isKindBinderOnOldGHCs) $
scopedSort fvs
freshenFreeVariables :: Type -> Q Type
freshenFreeVariables t =
do let xs = [ (n, VarT <$> newName (nameBase n)) | n <- freeVariables t]
subst <- T.sequence (Map.fromList xs)
return (applySubstitution subst t)
class TypeSubstitution a where
applySubstitution :: Map Name Type -> a -> a
freeVariables :: a -> [Name]
instance TypeSubstitution a => TypeSubstitution [a] where
freeVariables = nub . concat . map freeVariables
applySubstitution = fmap . applySubstitution
instance TypeSubstitution Type where
applySubstitution subst = go
go (ForallT tvs context t) =
let subst' = foldl' (flip Map.delete) subst (map tvName tvs)
mapTvbKind :: (Kind -> Kind) -> TyVarBndr -> TyVarBndr
mapTvbKind f (PlainTV n) = PlainTV n
mapTvbKind f (KindedTV n k) = KindedTV n (f k) in
ForallT (map (mapTvbKind (applySubstitution subst')) tvs)
(applySubstitution subst' context)
(applySubstitution subst' t)
go (AppT f x) = AppT (go f) (go x)
go (SigT t k) = SigT (go t) (applySubstitution subst k)
go (VarT v) = Map.findWithDefault (VarT v) v subst
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
go (InfixT l c r) = InfixT (go l) c (go r)
go (UInfixT l c r) = UInfixT (go l) c (go r)
go (ParensT t) = ParensT (go t)
go t = t
freeVariables t =
case t of
ForallT tvs context t' ->
(concatMap (freeVariables . tvKind) tvs
`union` freeVariables context
`union` freeVariables t')
\\ map tvName tvs
AppT f x -> freeVariables f `union` freeVariables x
SigT t' k -> freeVariables t' `union` freeVariables k
VarT v -> [v]
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
InfixT l _ r -> freeVariables l `union` freeVariables r
UInfixT l _ r -> freeVariables l `union` freeVariables r
ParensT t' -> freeVariables t'
_ -> []
instance TypeSubstitution ConstructorInfo where
freeVariables ci =
(freeVariables (constructorContext ci) `union`
freeVariables (constructorFields ci))
\\ (tvName <$> constructorVars ci)
applySubstitution subst ci =
let subst' = foldl' (flip Map.delete) subst (map tvName (constructorVars ci)) in
ci { constructorContext = applySubstitution subst' (constructorContext ci)
, constructorFields = applySubstitution subst' (constructorFields ci)
#if !MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
instance TypeSubstitution Pred where
freeVariables (ClassP _ xs) = freeVariables xs
freeVariables (EqualP x y) = freeVariables x `union` freeVariables y
applySubstitution p (ClassP n xs) = ClassP n (applySubstitution p xs)
applySubstitution p (EqualP x y) = EqualP (applySubstitution p x)
(applySubstitution p y)
#if !MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
instance TypeSubstitution Kind where
freeVariables _ = []
applySubstitution _ k = k
substTyVarBndrs :: Map Name Type -> [TyVarBndr] -> [TyVarBndr]
substTyVarBndrs subst = map go
go tvb@(PlainTV {}) = tvb
go (KindedTV n k) = KindedTV n (applySubstitution subst k)
combineSubstitutions :: Map Name Type -> Map Name Type -> Map Name Type
combineSubstitutions x y = Map.union (fmap (applySubstitution y) x) y
unifyTypes :: [Type] -> Q (Map Name Type)
unifyTypes [] = return Map.empty
unifyTypes (t:ts) =
do t':ts' <- mapM resolveTypeSynonyms (t:ts)
let aux sub u =
do sub' <- unify' (applySubstitution sub t')
(applySubstitution sub u)
return (combineSubstitutions sub sub')
case foldM aux Map.empty ts' of
Right m -> return m
Left (x,y) ->
fail $ showString "Unable to unify types "
. showsPrec 11 x
. showString " and "
. showsPrec 11 y
$ ""
unify' :: Type -> Type -> Either (Type,Type) (Map Name Type)
unify' (VarT n) (VarT m) | n == m = pure Map.empty
unify' (VarT n) t | n `elem` freeVariables t = Left (VarT n, t)
| otherwise = Right (Map.singleton n t)
unify' t (VarT n) | n `elem` freeVariables t = Left (VarT n, t)
| otherwise = Right (Map.singleton n t)
unify' (AppT f1 x1) (AppT f2 x2) =
do sub1 <- unify' f1 f2
sub2 <- unify' (applySubstitution sub1 x1) (applySubstitution sub1 x2)
Right (combineSubstitutions sub1 sub2)
unify' (SigT t _) u = unify' t u
unify' t (SigT u _) = unify' t u
unify' t u
| t == u = Right Map.empty
| otherwise = Left (t,u)
equalPred :: Type -> Type -> Pred
equalPred x y =
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
AppT (AppT EqualityT x) y
EqualP x y
classPred :: Name -> [Type] -> Pred
classPred =
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
foldl AppT . ConT
asEqualPred :: Pred -> Maybe (Type,Type)
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
asEqualPred (EqualityT `AppT` x `AppT` y) = Just (x,y)
asEqualPred (ConT eq `AppT` x `AppT` y) | eq == eqTypeName = Just (x,y)
asEqualPred (EqualP x y) = Just (x,y)
asEqualPred _ = Nothing
asClassPred :: Pred -> Maybe (Name, [Type])
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
asClassPred t =
case decomposeType t of
ConT f :| xs | f /= eqTypeName -> Just (f,xs)
_ -> Nothing
asClassPred (ClassP f xs) = Just (f,xs)
asClassPred _ = Nothing
type IsReifiedDec = Bool
isReified, isn'tReified :: IsReifiedDec
isReified = True
isn'tReified = False
giveTypesStarKinds :: DatatypeInfo -> DatatypeInfo
giveTypesStarKinds info =
info { datatypeVars = annotateVars (datatypeVars info) }
annotateVars :: [Type] -> [Type]
annotateVars = map $ \t ->
case t of
VarT n -> SigT (VarT n) starK
_ -> t
giveTyVarBndrsStarKinds :: ConstructorInfo -> ConstructorInfo
giveTyVarBndrsStarKinds info =
info { constructorVars = annotateVars (constructorVars info) }
annotateVars :: [TyVarBndr] -> [TyVarBndr]
annotateVars = map $ \tvb ->
case tvb of
PlainTV n -> KindedTV n starK
_ -> tvb
repair13618 :: DatatypeInfo -> Q DatatypeInfo
repair13618 info =
do s <- T.sequence (Map.fromList substList)
return info { datatypeCons = applySubstitution s (datatypeCons info) }
used = freeVariables (datatypeCons info)
bound = freeVariables (datatypeVars info)
free = used \\ bound
substList =
[ (u, substEntry u vs)
| u <- free
, let vs = [v | v <- bound, nameBase v == nameBase u]
substEntry _ [v] = varT v
substEntry u [] = fail ("Impossible free variable: " ++ show u)
substEntry u _ = fail ("Ambiguous free variable: " ++ show u)
dataDCompat ::
CxtQ ->
Name ->
[TyVarBndr] ->
[ConQ] ->
[Name] ->
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
dataDCompat c n ts cs ds =
dataD c n ts Nothing cs
(if null ds then [] else [derivClause Nothing (map conT ds)])
#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
dataDCompat c n ts cs ds =
dataD c n ts Nothing cs
(return (map ConT ds))
dataDCompat = dataD
newtypeDCompat ::
CxtQ ->
Name ->
[TyVarBndr] ->
ConQ ->
[Name] ->
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
newtypeDCompat c n ts cs ds =
newtypeD c n ts Nothing cs
(if null ds then [] else [derivClause Nothing (map conT ds)])
#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
newtypeDCompat c n ts cs ds =
newtypeD c n ts Nothing cs
(return (map ConT ds))
newtypeDCompat = newtypeD
tySynInstDCompat ::
Name ->
[TypeQ] ->
TypeQ ->
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,9,0)
tySynInstDCompat n ps r = TySynInstD n <$> (TySynEqn <$> sequence ps <*> r)
tySynInstDCompat = tySynInstD
pragLineDCompat ::
Int ->
String ->
Maybe DecQ
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
pragLineDCompat ln fn = Just (pragLineD ln fn)
pragLineDCompat _ _ = Nothing
arrowKCompat :: Kind -> Kind -> Kind
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,8,0)
arrowKCompat x y = arrowK `appK` x `appK` y
arrowKCompat = arrowK
reifyFixityCompat :: Name -> Q (Maybe Fixity)
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
reifyFixityCompat n = recover (return Nothing) ((`mplus` Just defaultFixity) <$> reifyFixity n)
reifyFixityCompat n = recover (return Nothing) $
do info <- reify n
return $! case info of
ClassOpI _ _ _ fixity -> Just fixity
DataConI _ _ _ fixity -> Just fixity
VarI _ _ _ fixity -> Just fixity
_ -> Nothing
reifyMaybe :: Name -> Q (Maybe Info)
reifyMaybe n = return Nothing `recover` fmap Just (reify n)