{-# LINE 1 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls, RankNTypes, BangPatterns, ForeignFunctionInterface, RecordWildCards #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Text.ICU.DateFormatter
-- Copyright   : (c) 2021 Torsten Kemps-Benedix
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : bos@serpentine.com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : GHC
-- Calendar formatter implemented as bindings to
-- the International Components for Unicode (ICU) libraries.
-- You display or print a Date by first converting it to a locale-specific string that conforms
-- to the conventions of the end user’s Locale. For example, Germans recognize 20.4.98 as a valid
-- date, and Americans recognize 4/20/98.
-- 👉 Note: The appropriate Calendar support is required for different locales. For example, the
-- Buddhist calendar is the official calendar in Thailand so the typical assumption of Gregorian
-- Calendar usage should not be used. ICU will pick the appropriate Calendar based on the locale
-- you supply when opening a Calendar or DateFormat.
-- Date and time formatters are used to convert dates and times from their internal representations
-- to textual form in a language-independent manner.

module Data.Text.ICU.DateFormatter
    (DateFormatter, FormatStyle(..), DateFormatSymbolType(..), standardDateFormatter, patternDateFormatter, dateSymbols, formatCalendar
    ) where

import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.Int (Int32)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.ICU.Error.Internal (UErrorCode, handleError, handleOverflowError)
import Data.Text.ICU.Internal (LocaleName(..), UChar, withLocaleName, newICUPtr, fromUCharPtr, useAsUCharPtr)
import Data.Text.ICU.Calendar
import Foreign.C.String (CString)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt(..))
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr, ForeignPtr)
import Foreign.Ptr (FunPtr, Ptr, nullPtr)
import Prelude hiding (last)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)

-- | The possible date/time format styles.
data FormatStyle =
       FullFormatStyle       -- ^ Full style, such as Tuesday, April 12, 1952 AD or 3:30:42pm PST
       | LongFormatStyle     -- ^ Long style, such as January 12, 1952 or 3:30:32pm
       | MediumFormatStyle   -- ^ Medium style, such as Jan. 12, 1952
       | ShortFormatStyle    -- ^ Short style, such as 12/13/52 or 3:30pm
       | DefaultFormatStyle  -- ^ Default style
       | RelativeFormatStyle -- ^ Relative style: ICU currently provides limited support for formatting dates using a “relative” style, specified using RELATIVE_SHORT, RELATIVE_MEDIUM, RELATIVE_LONG or RELATIVE_FULL. As currently implemented, relative date formatting only affects the formatting of dates within a limited range of calendar days before or after the current date, based on the CLDR <field type="day">/<relative> data: For example, in English, “Yesterday”, “Today”, and “Tomorrow”. Within this range, the specific relative style currently makes no difference. Outside of this range, relative dates are formatted using the corresponding non-relative style (SHORT, MEDIUM, etc.). Relative time styles are not currently supported, and behave just like the corresponding non-relative style.
       | NoFormatStyle       -- ^ No style.
  deriving (FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> Bool
(FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> Bool)
-> (FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> Bool) -> Eq FormatStyle
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> Bool
$c/= :: FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> Bool
== :: FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> Bool
$c== :: FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> Bool
Eq, Int -> FormatStyle
FormatStyle -> Int
FormatStyle -> [FormatStyle]
FormatStyle -> FormatStyle
FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> [FormatStyle]
FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> [FormatStyle]
(FormatStyle -> FormatStyle)
-> (FormatStyle -> FormatStyle)
-> (Int -> FormatStyle)
-> (FormatStyle -> Int)
-> (FormatStyle -> [FormatStyle])
-> (FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> [FormatStyle])
-> (FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> [FormatStyle])
-> (FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> [FormatStyle])
-> Enum FormatStyle
forall a.
(a -> a)
-> (a -> a)
-> (Int -> a)
-> (a -> Int)
-> (a -> [a])
-> (a -> a -> [a])
-> (a -> a -> [a])
-> (a -> a -> a -> [a])
-> Enum a
enumFromThenTo :: FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> [FormatStyle]
$cenumFromThenTo :: FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> [FormatStyle]
enumFromTo :: FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> [FormatStyle]
$cenumFromTo :: FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> [FormatStyle]
enumFromThen :: FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> [FormatStyle]
$cenumFromThen :: FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> [FormatStyle]
enumFrom :: FormatStyle -> [FormatStyle]
$cenumFrom :: FormatStyle -> [FormatStyle]
fromEnum :: FormatStyle -> Int
$cfromEnum :: FormatStyle -> Int
toEnum :: Int -> FormatStyle
$ctoEnum :: Int -> FormatStyle
pred :: FormatStyle -> FormatStyle
$cpred :: FormatStyle -> FormatStyle
succ :: FormatStyle -> FormatStyle
$csucc :: FormatStyle -> FormatStyle
Enum, Int -> FormatStyle -> ShowS
[FormatStyle] -> ShowS
FormatStyle -> String
(Int -> FormatStyle -> ShowS)
-> (FormatStyle -> String)
-> ([FormatStyle] -> ShowS)
-> Show FormatStyle
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> String) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [FormatStyle] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [FormatStyle] -> ShowS
show :: FormatStyle -> String
$cshow :: FormatStyle -> String
showsPrec :: Int -> FormatStyle -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> FormatStyle -> ShowS

toUDateFormatStyle :: FormatStyle -> CInt
toUDateFormatStyle :: FormatStyle -> UDateFormatStyle
toUDateFormatStyle FormatStyle
FullFormatStyle = UDateFormatStyle
{-# LINE 58 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatStyle LongFormatStyle = 1
{-# LINE 59 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatStyle MediumFormatStyle = 2
{-# LINE 60 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatStyle ShortFormatStyle = 3
{-# LINE 61 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatStyle DefaultFormatStyle = 2
{-# LINE 62 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatStyle RelativeFormatStyle = 128
{-# LINE 63 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatStyle NoFormatStyle = -1
{-# LINE 64 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}

-- | The possible types of date format symbols.
data DateFormatSymbolType =
        Eras                        -- ^ The era names, for example AD.
        | Months                    -- ^ The month names, for example February.
        | ShortMonths               -- ^ The short month names, for example Feb.
        | Weekdays                  -- ^ The CLDR-style format "wide" weekday names, for example Monday.
        | ShortWeekdays             -- ^ The CLDR-style format "abbreviated" (not "short") weekday names, for example "Mon." For the CLDR-style format "short" weekday names, use UDAT_SHORTER_WEEKDAYS.
        | AmPms                     -- ^ The AM/PM names, for example AM.
        | LocalizedChars            -- ^ The localized characters.
        | EraNames                  -- ^ The long era names, for example Anno Domini.
        | NarrowMonths              -- ^ The narrow month names, for example F.
        | NarrowWeekdays            -- ^ The CLDR-style format "narrow" weekday names, for example "M".
        | StandaloneMonths          -- ^ Standalone context versions of months.
        | StandaloneWeekdays        -- ^ The CLDR-style stand-alone "wide" weekday names.
        | StandaoneShortWeekdays    -- ^ The CLDR-style stand-alone "abbreviated" (not "short") weekday names. For the CLDR-style stand-alone "short" weekday names, use UDAT_STANDALONE_SHORTER_WEEKDAYS.
        | StandaloneNarrowWeekdays  -- ^ The CLDR-style stand-alone "narrow" weekday names.
        | Quarters                  -- ^ The quarters, for example 1st Quarter.
        | ShortQuarters             -- ^ The short quarter names, for example Q1.
        | StandaloneQuarters        -- ^ Standalone context versions of quarters.
        | ShorterWeekdays           -- ^ The CLDR-style short weekday names, e.g. "Su", Mo", etc. These are named "SHORTER" to contrast with the constants using SHORT above, which actually get the CLDR-style abbreviated versions of the corresponding names.
        | StandaloneShorterWeekdays -- ^ Standalone version of UDAT_SHORTER_WEEKDAYS.
        | CyclicYearsWide           -- ^ Cyclic year names (only supported for some calendars, and only for FORMAT usage; udat_setSymbols not supported for UDAT_CYCLIC_YEARS_WIDE)
        | CyclicYearsAbbreviated    -- ^ Cyclic year names (only supported for some calendars, and only for FORMAT usage)
        | CyclicYearsNarrow         -- ^ Cyclic year names (only supported for some calendars, and only for FORMAT usage; udat_setSymbols not supported for UDAT_CYCLIC_YEARS_NARROW)
        | ZodiacNamesWide           -- ^ Calendar zodiac names (only supported for some calendars, and only for FORMAT usage; udat_setSymbols not supported for UDAT_ZODIAC_NAMES_WIDE)
        | ZodiacNamesAbbreviated    -- ^ Calendar zodiac names (only supported for some calendars, and only for FORMAT usage)
        | ZodiacNamesNarrow         -- ^ Calendar zodiac names (only supported for some calendars, and only for FORMAT usage; udat_setSymbols not supported for UDAT_ZODIAC_NAMES_NARROW)

toUDateFormatSymbolType :: DateFormatSymbolType -> CInt
toUDateFormatSymbolType :: DateFormatSymbolType -> UDateFormatStyle
toUDateFormatSymbolType DateFormatSymbolType
Eras = UDateFormatStyle
{-# LINE 95 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType Months = 1
{-# LINE 96 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType ShortMonths = 2
{-# LINE 97 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType Weekdays = 3
{-# LINE 98 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType ShortWeekdays = 4
{-# LINE 99 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType AmPms = 5
{-# LINE 100 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType LocalizedChars = 6
{-# LINE 101 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType EraNames = 7
{-# LINE 102 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType NarrowMonths = 8
{-# LINE 103 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType NarrowWeekdays = 9
{-# LINE 104 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType StandaloneMonths = 10
{-# LINE 105 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType StandaloneWeekdays = 13
{-# LINE 106 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType StandaoneShortWeekdays = 14
{-# LINE 107 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType StandaloneNarrowWeekdays = 15
{-# LINE 108 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType Quarters = 16
{-# LINE 109 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType ShortQuarters = 17
{-# LINE 110 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType StandaloneQuarters = 18
{-# LINE 111 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType ShorterWeekdays = 20
{-# LINE 112 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType StandaloneShorterWeekdays = 21
{-# LINE 113 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType CyclicYearsWide = 22
{-# LINE 114 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType CyclicYearsAbbreviated = 23
{-# LINE 115 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType CyclicYearsNarrow = 24
{-# LINE 116 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType ZodiacNamesWide = 25
{-# LINE 117 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType ZodiacNamesAbbreviated = 26
{-# LINE 118 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}
toUDateFormatSymbolType ZodiacNamesNarrow = 27
{-# LINE 119 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}

type UDateFormatStyle = CInt
type UFieldPosition = CInt
type UDateFormatSymbolType = CInt

data UDateFormat

-- | This is an abstract data type holding a reference to the ICU date format object. Create a 'DateFormatter'
-- with either 'standardDateFormatter' or 'patternDateFormatter' and use it in order to format 'Calendar'
-- objects with the function 'formatCalendar'.
newtype DateFormatter = DateFormatter (ForeignPtr UDateFormat)

-- | Create a new 'DateFormatter' from the standard styles.
-- >>> import Data.Text
-- >>> dfDe <- standardDateFormatter LongFormatStyle LongFormatStyle (Locale "de_DE") (pack "CET")
standardDateFormatter :: FormatStyle -> FormatStyle -> LocaleName -> Text -> IO DateFormatter
standardDateFormatter :: FormatStyle
-> FormatStyle -> LocaleName -> Text -> IO DateFormatter
standardDateFormatter FormatStyle
timeStyle FormatStyle
dateStyle LocaleName
loc Text
timeZoneId =
  LocaleName -> (CString -> IO DateFormatter) -> IO DateFormatter
forall a. LocaleName -> (CString -> IO a) -> IO a
withLocaleName LocaleName
loc ((CString -> IO DateFormatter) -> IO DateFormatter)
-> (CString -> IO DateFormatter) -> IO DateFormatter
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \CString
locale ->
    Text -> (Ptr UChar -> I16 -> IO DateFormatter) -> IO DateFormatter
forall a. Text -> (Ptr UChar -> I16 -> IO a) -> IO a
useAsUCharPtr Text
timeZoneId ((Ptr UChar -> I16 -> IO DateFormatter) -> IO DateFormatter)
-> (Ptr UChar -> I16 -> IO DateFormatter) -> IO DateFormatter
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Ptr UChar
tzPtr I16
tzLen ->
      (ForeignPtr UDateFormat -> DateFormatter)
-> FinalizerPtr UDateFormat
-> IO (Ptr UDateFormat)
-> IO DateFormatter
forall a i.
(ForeignPtr a -> i) -> FinalizerPtr a -> IO (Ptr a) -> IO i
newICUPtr ForeignPtr UDateFormat -> DateFormatter
DateFormatter FinalizerPtr UDateFormat
udat_close (IO (Ptr UDateFormat) -> IO DateFormatter)
-> IO (Ptr UDateFormat) -> IO DateFormatter
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
        (Ptr UDateFormatStyle -> IO (Ptr UDateFormat))
-> IO (Ptr UDateFormat)
forall a. (Ptr UDateFormatStyle -> IO a) -> IO a
handleError ((Ptr UDateFormatStyle -> IO (Ptr UDateFormat))
 -> IO (Ptr UDateFormat))
-> (Ptr UDateFormatStyle -> IO (Ptr UDateFormat))
-> IO (Ptr UDateFormat)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ UDateFormatStyle
-> UDateFormatStyle
-> CString
-> Ptr UChar
-> Int32
-> Ptr UChar
-> Int32
-> Ptr UDateFormatStyle
-> IO (Ptr UDateFormat)
udat_open (FormatStyle -> UDateFormatStyle
toUDateFormatStyle FormatStyle
timeStyle) (FormatStyle -> UDateFormatStyle
toUDateFormatStyle FormatStyle
dateStyle) CString
locale Ptr UChar
tzPtr (I16 -> Int32
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral I16
tzLen) Ptr UChar
forall a. Ptr a
nullPtr (Int32
0 :: Int32)

-- | Create a new 'DateFormatter' using a custom pattern as described at
-- https://unicode-org.github.io/icu/userguide/format_parse/datetime/#datetime-format-syntax. For examples
-- the pattern "yyyy.MM.dd G 'at' HH:mm:ss zzz" produces “1996.07.10 AD at 15:08:56 PDT” in English for
-- the PDT time zone.
-- A date pattern is a string of characters, where specific strings of characters are replaced with date and
--time data from a calendar when formatting or used to generate data for a calendar when parsing.
-- The [Date Field Symbol Table](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Field_Symbol_Table)
-- contains the characters used in patterns to show the appropriate formats
-- for a given locale, such as yyyy for the year. Characters may be used multiple times. For example, if y is
-- used for the year, "yy" might produce “99”, whereas "yyyy" produces “1999”. For most numerical fields, the
-- number of characters specifies the field width. For example, if h is the hour, "h" might produce “5”, but
-- "hh" produces “05”. For some characters, the count specifies whether an abbreviated or full form should be
-- used, but may have other choices, as given below.
-- Two single quotes represents a literal single quote, either inside or outside single quotes. Text within
-- single quotes is not interpreted in any way (except for two adjacent single quotes). Otherwise all ASCII
-- letter from a to z and A to Z are reserved as syntax characters, and require quoting if they are to represent
-- literal characters. In addition, certain ASCII punctuation characters may become variable in the future (eg
-- ':' being interpreted as the time separator and '/' as a date separator, and replaced by respective locale-sensitive
-- characters in display).
-- “Stand-alone” values refer to those designed to stand on their own independently, as opposed to being with
-- other formatted values. “2nd quarter” would use the wide stand-alone format "qqqq", whereas “2nd quarter 2007”
-- would use the regular format "QQQQ yyyy". For more information about format and stand-alone forms, see
-- [CLDR Calendar Elements](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#months_days_quarters_eras).
-- The pattern characters used in the Date Field Symbol Table are defined by CLDR; for more information see
-- [CLDR Date Field Symbol Table](https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Field_Symbol_Table).
-- 👉 Note that the examples may not reflect current CLDR data.
patternDateFormatter :: Text -> LocaleName -> Text -> IO DateFormatter
patternDateFormatter :: Text -> LocaleName -> Text -> IO DateFormatter
patternDateFormatter Text
pattern LocaleName
loc Text
timeZoneId =
  LocaleName -> (CString -> IO DateFormatter) -> IO DateFormatter
forall a. LocaleName -> (CString -> IO a) -> IO a
withLocaleName LocaleName
loc ((CString -> IO DateFormatter) -> IO DateFormatter)
-> (CString -> IO DateFormatter) -> IO DateFormatter
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \CString
locale ->
    Text -> (Ptr UChar -> I16 -> IO DateFormatter) -> IO DateFormatter
forall a. Text -> (Ptr UChar -> I16 -> IO a) -> IO a
useAsUCharPtr Text
timeZoneId ((Ptr UChar -> I16 -> IO DateFormatter) -> IO DateFormatter)
-> (Ptr UChar -> I16 -> IO DateFormatter) -> IO DateFormatter
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Ptr UChar
tzPtr I16
tzLen ->
      Text -> (Ptr UChar -> I16 -> IO DateFormatter) -> IO DateFormatter
forall a. Text -> (Ptr UChar -> I16 -> IO a) -> IO a
useAsUCharPtr Text
pattern ((Ptr UChar -> I16 -> IO DateFormatter) -> IO DateFormatter)
-> (Ptr UChar -> I16 -> IO DateFormatter) -> IO DateFormatter
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Ptr UChar
patPtr I16
patLen ->
        (ForeignPtr UDateFormat -> DateFormatter)
-> FinalizerPtr UDateFormat
-> IO (Ptr UDateFormat)
-> IO DateFormatter
forall a i.
(ForeignPtr a -> i) -> FinalizerPtr a -> IO (Ptr a) -> IO i
newICUPtr ForeignPtr UDateFormat -> DateFormatter
DateFormatter FinalizerPtr UDateFormat
udat_close (IO (Ptr UDateFormat) -> IO DateFormatter)
-> IO (Ptr UDateFormat) -> IO DateFormatter
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          (Ptr UDateFormatStyle -> IO (Ptr UDateFormat))
-> IO (Ptr UDateFormat)
forall a. (Ptr UDateFormatStyle -> IO a) -> IO a
handleError ((Ptr UDateFormatStyle -> IO (Ptr UDateFormat))
 -> IO (Ptr UDateFormat))
-> (Ptr UDateFormatStyle -> IO (Ptr UDateFormat))
-> IO (Ptr UDateFormat)
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ UDateFormatStyle
-> UDateFormatStyle
-> CString
-> Ptr UChar
-> Int32
-> Ptr UChar
-> Int32
-> Ptr UDateFormatStyle
-> IO (Ptr UDateFormat)
udat_open (Int32 -> UDateFormatStyle
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral ((-Int32
2) :: Int32)) (Int32 -> UDateFormatStyle
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral ((-Int32
2) :: Int32)) CString
locale Ptr UChar
tzPtr (I16 -> Int32
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral I16
tzLen) Ptr UChar
patPtr (I16 -> Int32
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral I16
{-# LINE 181 "Data/Text/ICU/DateFormatter.hsc" #-}

-- | Get relevant date related symbols, e.g. month and weekday names.
-- >>> import Data.Text
-- >>> dfDe <- standardDateFormatter LongFormatStyle LongFormatStyle (Locale "de_DE") (pack "CET")
-- >>> dateSymbols dfDe Months
-- ["Januar","Februar","M\228rz","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember"]
-- >>> dfAt <- standardDateFormatter LongFormatStyle LongFormatStyle (Locale "de_AT") (pack "CET")
-- >>> dateSymbols dfAt Months
-- ["J\228nner","Februar","M\228rz","April","Mai","Juni","Juli","August","September","Oktober","November","Dezember"]
dateSymbols :: DateFormatter -> DateFormatSymbolType -> [Text]
dateSymbols :: DateFormatter -> DateFormatSymbolType -> [Text]
dateSymbols (DateFormatter ForeignPtr UDateFormat
df) DateFormatSymbolType
symType = IO [Text] -> [Text]
forall a. IO a -> a
unsafePerformIO (IO [Text] -> [Text]) -> IO [Text] -> [Text]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ do
  ForeignPtr UDateFormat
-> (Ptr UDateFormat -> IO [Text]) -> IO [Text]
forall a b. ForeignPtr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
withForeignPtr ForeignPtr UDateFormat
df ((Ptr UDateFormat -> IO [Text]) -> IO [Text])
-> (Ptr UDateFormat -> IO [Text]) -> IO [Text]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Ptr UDateFormat
dfPtr -> do
n <- Ptr UDateFormat -> UDateFormatStyle -> IO Int32
udat_countSymbols Ptr UDateFormat
dfPtr (DateFormatSymbolType -> UDateFormatStyle
toUDateFormatSymbolType DateFormatSymbolType
syms <- [Int32] -> (Int32 -> IO Text) -> IO [Text]
forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a b.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
t a -> (a -> m b) -> m (t b)
forM [Int32
nInt32 -> Int32 -> Int32
forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
1)] ((Int32 -> IO Text) -> IO [Text])
-> (Int32 -> IO Text) -> IO [Text]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Int32
i -> do
-> (Ptr UChar -> Int32 -> Ptr UDateFormatStyle -> IO Int32)
-> (Ptr UChar -> Int -> IO Text)
-> IO Text
forall a b.
Storable a =>
-> (Ptr a -> Int32 -> Ptr UDateFormatStyle -> IO Int32)
-> (Ptr a -> Int -> IO b)
-> IO b
handleOverflowError (Int -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int
64 :: Int))
        (\Ptr UChar
dptr Int32
dlen -> Ptr UDateFormat
-> UDateFormatStyle
-> Int32
-> Ptr UChar
-> Int32
-> Ptr UDateFormatStyle
-> IO Int32
udat_getSymbols Ptr UDateFormat
dfPtr (DateFormatSymbolType -> UDateFormatStyle
toUDateFormatSymbolType DateFormatSymbolType
symType) (Int32 -> Int32
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int32
i) Ptr UChar
dptr Int32
        (\Ptr UChar
dptr Int
dlen -> Ptr UChar -> I16 -> IO Text
fromUCharPtr Ptr UChar
dptr (Int -> I16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int
    [Text] -> IO [Text]
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ([Text] -> IO [Text]) -> [Text] -> IO [Text]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ (Text -> Bool) -> [Text] -> [Text]
forall a. (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
filter (Bool -> Bool
not (Bool -> Bool) -> (Text -> Bool) -> Text -> Bool
forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Text -> Bool
T.null) [Text]

-- | Format a 'Calendar' using a 'DateFormatter'.
-- >>> import Data.Text
-- >>> dfDe <- standardDateFormatter LongFormatStyle LongFormatStyle (Locale "de_DE") (pack "CET")
-- >>> c <- calendar (pack "CET") (Locale "de_DE") TraditionalCalendarType
-- >>> formatCalendar dfDe c
-- "13. Oktober 2021 um 12:44:09 GMT+2"
formatCalendar :: DateFormatter -> Calendar -> Text
formatCalendar :: DateFormatter -> Calendar -> Text
formatCalendar (DateFormatter ForeignPtr UDateFormat
df) (Calendar ForeignPtr UDateFormatStyle
cal) = IO Text -> Text
forall a. IO a -> a
unsafePerformIO (IO Text -> Text) -> IO Text -> Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
  ForeignPtr UDateFormat -> (Ptr UDateFormat -> IO Text) -> IO Text
forall a b. ForeignPtr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
withForeignPtr ForeignPtr UDateFormat
df ((Ptr UDateFormat -> IO Text) -> IO Text)
-> (Ptr UDateFormat -> IO Text) -> IO Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Ptr UDateFormat
dfPtr -> do
    ForeignPtr UDateFormatStyle
-> (Ptr UDateFormatStyle -> IO Text) -> IO Text
forall a b. ForeignPtr a -> (Ptr a -> IO b) -> IO b
withForeignPtr ForeignPtr UDateFormatStyle
cal ((Ptr UDateFormatStyle -> IO Text) -> IO Text)
-> (Ptr UDateFormatStyle -> IO Text) -> IO Text
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Ptr UDateFormatStyle
calPtr -> do
-> (Ptr UChar -> Int32 -> Ptr UDateFormatStyle -> IO Int32)
-> (Ptr UChar -> Int -> IO Text)
-> IO Text
forall a b.
Storable a =>
-> (Ptr a -> Int32 -> Ptr UDateFormatStyle -> IO Int32)
-> (Ptr a -> Int -> IO b)
-> IO b
handleOverflowError (Int -> Int
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral (Int
64 :: Int))
        (\Ptr UChar
dptr Int32
dlen -> Ptr UDateFormat
-> Ptr UDateFormatStyle
-> Ptr UChar
-> Int32
-> Ptr UDateFormatStyle
-> Ptr UDateFormatStyle
-> IO Int32
udat_formatCalendar Ptr UDateFormat
dfPtr Ptr UDateFormatStyle
calPtr Ptr UChar
dptr Int32
dlen Ptr UDateFormatStyle
forall a. Ptr a
        (\Ptr UChar
dptr Int
dlen -> Ptr UChar -> I16 -> IO Text
fromUCharPtr Ptr UChar
dptr (Int -> I16
forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral Int

foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_udat_open" udat_open
    :: UDateFormatStyle -> UDateFormatStyle
    -> CString
    -> Ptr UChar -> Int32
    -> Ptr UChar -> Int32
    -> Ptr UErrorCode
    -> IO (Ptr UDateFormat)
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h &__hs_udat_close" udat_close
    :: FunPtr (Ptr UDateFormat -> IO ())
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_udat_formatCalendar" udat_formatCalendar
    :: Ptr UDateFormat
    -> Ptr UCalendar
    -> Ptr UChar -> Int32
    -> Ptr UFieldPosition
    -> Ptr UErrorCode
    -> IO Int32
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_udat_getSymbols" udat_getSymbols
    :: Ptr UDateFormat -> UDateFormatSymbolType -> Int32 -> Ptr UChar -> Int32 -> Ptr UErrorCode -> IO Int32
foreign import ccall unsafe "hs_text_icu.h __hs_udat_countSymbols" udat_countSymbols
    :: Ptr UDateFormat -> UDateFormatSymbolType -> IO Int32