text-ascii-1.0.1: ASCII string and character processing.

Copyright(C) 2021 Koz Ross
LicenseApache 2.0
MaintainerKoz Ross <koz.ross@retro-freedom.nz>
PortabilityGHC only
Safe HaskellNone




A wrapper for partial type class instances and functions.

This module is designed for qualified importing:

import qualified Text.Ascii.Unsafe as Unsafe


newtype Unsafe (a :: Type) Source #

A wrapper for a type, designating that partial type class methods or other functions are available for it.

The role of Unsafe's type argument is set to nominal. Among other things, it means that this type can't be coerced or derived through. This ensures clear indication when (and to what extent) non-total operations occur in any code using them.

Since: 1.0.1




Functor Unsafe Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Unsafe a -> Unsafe b #

(<$) :: a -> Unsafe b -> Unsafe a #

IsList a => IsList (Unsafe a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe

Associated Types

type Item (Unsafe a) :: Type #


fromList :: [Item (Unsafe a)] -> Unsafe a #

fromListN :: Int -> [Item (Unsafe a)] -> Unsafe a #

toList :: Unsafe a -> [Item (Unsafe a)] #

Bounded a => Bounded (Unsafe a) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe


minBound :: Unsafe a #

maxBound :: Unsafe a #

Enum (Unsafe AsciiChar) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe

Eq a => Eq (Unsafe a) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe


(==) :: Unsafe a -> Unsafe a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Unsafe a -> Unsafe a -> Bool #

Ord a => Ord (Unsafe a) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe


compare :: Unsafe a -> Unsafe a -> Ordering #

(<) :: Unsafe a -> Unsafe a -> Bool #

(<=) :: Unsafe a -> Unsafe a -> Bool #

(>) :: Unsafe a -> Unsafe a -> Bool #

(>=) :: Unsafe a -> Unsafe a -> Bool #

max :: Unsafe a -> Unsafe a -> Unsafe a #

min :: Unsafe a -> Unsafe a -> Unsafe a #

Read (Unsafe AsciiText) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe

Read (Unsafe AsciiChar) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe

Show a => Show (Unsafe a) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe


showsPrec :: Int -> Unsafe a -> ShowS #

show :: Unsafe a -> String #

showList :: [Unsafe a] -> ShowS #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Unsafe a) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe


(<>) :: Unsafe a -> Unsafe a -> Unsafe a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Unsafe a) -> Unsafe a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Unsafe a -> Unsafe a #

Monoid a => Monoid (Unsafe a) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe


mempty :: Unsafe a #

mappend :: Unsafe a -> Unsafe a -> Unsafe a #

mconcat :: [Unsafe a] -> Unsafe a #

FoldCase a => FoldCase (Unsafe a) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe


foldCase :: Unsafe a -> Unsafe a #

foldCaseList :: [Unsafe a] -> [Unsafe a]

NFData a => NFData (Unsafe a) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe


rnf :: Unsafe a -> () #

Hashable a => Hashable (Unsafe a) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Unsafe a -> Int #

hash :: Unsafe a -> Int #

Stream a => Stream (Unsafe a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe

Associated Types

type Token (Unsafe a) :: Type #

type Tokens (Unsafe a) :: Type #

VisualStream a => VisualStream (Unsafe a) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe

TraversableStream a => TraversableStream (Unsafe a) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe

type Item (Unsafe a) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe

type Item (Unsafe a) = Item a
type Tokens (Unsafe a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe

type Tokens (Unsafe a) = Tokens a
type Token (Unsafe a) Source #

Since: 1.0.1

Instance details

Defined in Text.Ascii.Unsafe

type Token (Unsafe a) = Token a

Text functions

head :: Unsafe AsciiText -> AsciiChar Source #

Yield the first character of the text.

Requirements: Text is not empty.

>>> head . Unsafe $ [ascii| "catboy" |]

Complexity: \(\Theta(1)\)

Since: 1.0.1

last :: Unsafe AsciiText -> AsciiChar Source #

Yield the last character of the text.

Requirements: Text is not empty.

>>> last . Unsafe $ [ascii| "catboy" |]

Complexity: \(\Theta(1)\)

Since: 1.0.1

tail :: Unsafe AsciiText -> Unsafe AsciiText Source #

Yield the text without its first character.

Requirements: Text is not empty.

>>> tail . Unsafe $ [ascii| "catboy" |]

Complexity: \(\Theta(1)\)

Since: 1.0.1

init :: Unsafe AsciiText -> Unsafe AsciiText Source #

Yield the text without its last character.

Requirements: Text is not empty.

>>> init . Unsafe $ [ascii| "catboy" |]

Complexity: \(\Theta(1)\)

Since: 1.0.1

foldl1 :: (AsciiChar -> AsciiChar -> AsciiChar) -> Unsafe AsciiText -> AsciiChar Source #

Left-associative fold of a text without a base case.

Requirements: Text is not empty.

Complexity: \(\Theta(n)\)

Since: 1.0.1

foldl1' :: (AsciiChar -> AsciiChar -> AsciiChar) -> Unsafe AsciiText -> AsciiChar Source #

Left-associative fold of a text without a base case, strict in the accumulator.

Requirements: Text is not empty.

Complexity: \(\Theta(n)\)

Since: 1.0.1

foldr1 :: (AsciiChar -> AsciiChar -> AsciiChar) -> Unsafe AsciiText -> AsciiChar Source #

Right-associative fold of a text without a base case.

Requirements: Text is not empty.

Complexity: \(\Theta(n)\)

Since: 1.0.1

foldr1' :: (AsciiChar -> AsciiChar -> AsciiChar) -> Unsafe AsciiText -> AsciiChar Source #

Right-associative fold of a text without a base case, strict in the accumulator.

Requirements: Text is not empty.

Complexity: \(\Theta(n)\)

Since: 1.0.1

maximum :: Unsafe AsciiText -> AsciiChar Source #

Yield the character in the text whose byte representation is numerically the largest.

Requirements: Text is not empty.

>>> maximum . Unsafe $ [ascii| "catboy" |]
>>> maximum . Unsafe $ [ascii| "nyan~" |]

Complexity: \(\Theta(n)\)

Since: 1.0.1

minimum :: Unsafe AsciiText -> AsciiChar Source #

Yield the character in the text whose byte representation is numerically the smallest.

Requirements: Text is not empty.

>>> minimum . Unsafe $ [ascii| "catboy" |]
>>> minimum . Unsafe $ [ascii| " nyan" |]

Complexity: \(\Theta(n)\)

Since: 1.0.1

scanl1 Source #


:: (AsciiChar -> AsciiChar -> AsciiChar)

accumulator -> element -> new accumulator

-> Unsafe AsciiText

Input of length \(n\)

-> Unsafe AsciiText

Output of length \(n - 1\)

scanl1 is similar to foldl1, but returns a list of successive values from the left.

Requirements: Text is not empty.

Complexity: \(\Theta(n)\)

Since: 1.0.1

scanr1 Source #


:: (AsciiChar -> AsciiChar -> AsciiChar)

element -> accumulator -> new accumulator

-> Unsafe AsciiText

Input of length \(n\)

-> Unsafe AsciiText

Output of length \(n - 1\)

scanr1 is similar to foldr1, but returns a list of successive values from the right.

Requirements: Text is not empty.

Complexity: \(\Theta(n)\)

Since: 1.0.1

index :: Unsafe AsciiText -> Int -> AsciiChar Source #

Yield the character at the given position.

Requirements: The position must be at least 0, and at most the length of the text - 1.

>>> index (Unsafe [ascii| "catboy" |]) 0
>>> index (Unsafe $ [ascii| "catboy" |]) 4

Complexity: \(\Theta(1)\)

Since: 1.0.1