{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module System.Texrunner.Parse
Box (..)
, parseBox
, TexLog (..)
, TexInfo (..)
, TexError (..)
, TexError' (..)
, someError
, badBox
, parseUnit
, parseLog
, prettyPrintLog
) where
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import Data.ByteString.Char8 (ByteString, cons, pack)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Semigroup
data Box n = Box
{ boxHeight :: n
, boxDepth :: n
, boxWidth :: n
} deriving Show
int :: Parser Int
int = decimal
parseBox :: Fractional n => Parser (Box n)
parseBox = do
A.skipWhile (/='\\') <* char '\\'
parseSingle <|> parseBox
parseSingle = do
_ <- "box" *> int <* "=\n\\hbox("
h <- rational <* char '+'
d <- rational <* ")x"
w <- rational
return $ Box (pt2bp h) (pt2bp d) (pt2bp w)
parseUnit :: Fractional n => Parser n
parseUnit = do
A.skipWhile (/='>') <* char '>'
fmap pt2bp rational <|> parseUnit
pt2bp :: Fractional n => n -> n
pt2bp = (/1.00374)
data TexLog = TexLog
{ texInfo :: TexInfo
, numPages :: Maybe Int
, texErrors :: [TexError]
} deriving Show
data TexInfo = TexInfo
{ texCommand :: Maybe ByteString
, texVersion :: Maybe ByteString
, texDistribution :: Maybe ByteString
deriving Show
instance Semigroup TexLog where
TexLog prog pages1 errors1 <> TexLog _ pages2 errors2 =
case (pages1,pages2) of
(Just a,_) -> TexLog prog (Just a) (errors1 ++ errors2)
(_,b) -> TexLog prog b (errors1 ++ errors2)
instance Monoid TexLog where
mempty = TexLog (TexInfo Nothing Nothing Nothing) Nothing []
mappend = (<>)
infoParser :: Parser TexInfo
= TexInfo
<$> optional ("This is" *> takeTill (== ',') <* anyChar)
<*> optional (" Version " *> takeTill (== ' ') <* anyChar)
<*> optional (char '(' *> takeTill (== ')') <* anyChar)
logFile :: Parser TexLog
logFile = mconcat <$> many logLine
logLine = do
info <- infoParser
pages <- optional nPages
errors <- maybeToList <$> optional someError
_ <- restOfLine
return $ TexLog info pages errors
parseLog :: ByteString -> TexLog
parseLog = (\(Right a) -> a) . parseOnly logFile
prettyPrintLog :: TexLog -> ByteString
prettyPrintLog TexLog {..} =
fromMaybe "unknown program" (texCommand texInfo)
<> maybe "" (" version " <>) (texVersion texInfo)
<> maybe "" (" " <>) (texDistribution texInfo)
<> "\n"
<> maybe "" ((<> "pages\n") . pack . show) numPages
<> B.unlines (map (pack . show) texErrors)
data TexError = TexError
{ errorLine :: Maybe Int
, error' :: TexError'
deriving Show
instance Eq TexError where
TexError _ a == TexError _ b = a == b
data TexError'
= UndefinedControlSequence ByteString
| MissingNumber
| Missing Char
| IllegalUnit
| PackageError String String
| LatexError ByteString
| BadBox ByteString
| EmergencyStop
| ParagraphEnded
| TooMany ByteString
| DimensionTooLarge
| TooManyErrors
| NumberTooBig
| ExtraBrace
| FatalError ByteString
| UnknownError ByteString
deriving (Show, Read, Eq)
someError :: Parser TexError
someError = mark *> errors
mark = "! " <|> (notChar '\n' *> mark)
errors = undefinedControlSequence
<|> illegalUnit
<|> missingNumber
<|> missing
<|> latexError
<|> emergencyStop
<|> extraBrace
<|> paragraphEnded
<|> numberTooBig
<|> tooMany
<|> dimentionTooLarge
<|> tooManyErrors
<|> fatalError
<|> TexError Nothing <$> UnknownError <$> restOfLine
noteStar :: Parser ()
noteStar = skipSpace *> "<*>" *> skipSpace
toBeReadAgain :: Parser Char
toBeReadAgain = do
_ <- "<to be read again>"
undefinedControlSequence :: Parser TexError
undefinedControlSequence = do
_ <- "Undefined control sequence"
_ <- optional $ do
_ <- "system"
let skipLines = line <|> restOfLine *> skipLines
_ <- optional noteStar
l <- optional line
cs <- finalControlSequence
return $ TexError l (UndefinedControlSequence cs)
finalControlSequence :: Parser ByteString
finalControlSequence = last <$> many1 controlSequence
controlSequence = cons '\\' <$>
(char '\\' *> takeTill (\x -> isSpace x || x=='\\'))
illegalUnit :: Parser TexError
illegalUnit = do
_ <- "Illegal unit of measure (pt inserted)"
_ <- optional toBeReadAgain
_ <- optional toBeReadAgain
return $ TexError Nothing IllegalUnit
missingNumber :: Parser TexError
missingNumber = do
_ <- "Missing number, treated as zero"
_ <- optional toBeReadAgain
_ <- optional noteStar
return $ TexError Nothing MissingNumber
badBox :: Parser TexError
badBox = do
s <- choice ["Underfull", "Overfull", "Tight", "Loose"]
_ <- " \\hbox " *> char '(' *> takeTill (==')') <* char ')'
l <- optional line
return $ TexError l (BadBox s)
missing :: Parser TexError
missing = do
c <- "Missing " *> anyChar <* " inserted"
l <- optional line
return $ TexError l (Missing c)
line :: Parser Int
line = " detected at line " *> decimal
<|> "l." *> decimal
emergencyStop :: Parser TexError
emergencyStop = "Emergency stop"
*> return (TexError Nothing EmergencyStop)
fatalError :: Parser TexError
fatalError = TexError Nothing <$> FatalError <$> (" ==> Fatal error occurred, " *> restOfLine)
extraBrace :: Parser TexError
extraBrace = "Argument of" *> return (TexError Nothing ExtraBrace)
tooMany :: Parser TexError
tooMany = TexError Nothing <$> TooMany <$> ("Too Many " *> takeTill (=='\''))
tooManyErrors :: Parser TexError
tooManyErrors = "That makes 100 errors; please try again"
*> return (TexError Nothing TooManyErrors)
dimentionTooLarge :: Parser TexError
dimentionTooLarge = "Dimension too large"
*> return (TexError Nothing DimensionTooLarge)
paragraphEnded :: Parser TexError
paragraphEnded = do
_ <- "Paragraph ended before "
_ <- takeTill isSpace
_ <- toBeReadAgain
l <- optional line
return $ TexError l ParagraphEnded
numberTooBig :: Parser TexError
numberTooBig = "Number too big"
*> return (TexError Nothing NumberTooBig)
latexError :: Parser TexError
latexError = TexError Nothing <$> LatexError <$> ("Latex Error: " *> restOfLine)
nPages :: Parser Int
nPages = "Output written on "
*> skipWhile (/= '(') *> char '('
*> decimal
restOfLine :: Parser ByteString
restOfLine = takeTill (=='\n') <* char '\n'