-- | A datatype of finite sequences

module Test.Feat.Finite (Finite (..), Index, fromFinite, finFin) where

import Control.Applicative

import Data.Monoid

type Index = Integer

data Finite a = Finite {fCard :: Index, fIndex :: Index -> a}

finEmpty = Finite 0 (\i -> error "index: Empty")

finUnion :: Finite a -> Finite a -> Finite a

finUnion f1 f2

  | fCard f1 == 0  = f2

  | fCard f2 == 0  = f1

  | otherwise      = Finite car sel where

  car = fCard f1 + fCard f2

  sel i = if i < fCard f1

    then fIndex f1 i

    else fIndex f2 (i-fCard f1)

instance Functor Finite where

  fmap f fin = fin{fIndex = f . fIndex fin}

instance Applicative Finite where

  pure = finPure

  a <*> b = fmap (uncurry ($)) (finCart a b)

instance Alternative Finite where

  empty = finEmpty

  (<|>) = finUnion

instance Monoid (Finite a) where

  mempty = finEmpty

  mappend = finUnion

  mconcat xs = Finite

    (sum $ map fCard xs)

    (sumSel $ filter ((>0) . fCard) xs)

sumSel :: [Finite a] -> (Index -> a)

sumSel (f:rest) = \i -> if i < fCard f

  then fIndex f i

  else sumSel rest (i-fCard f)

sumSel _        = error "Index out of bounds"

finCart :: Finite a -> Finite b -> Finite (a,b)

finCart f1 f2 = Finite car sel where

  car = fCard f1 * fCard f2

  sel i = let (q, r) = (i `quotRem` fCard f2)

    in (fIndex f1 q, fIndex f2 r)

finPure :: a -> Finite a

finPure a = Finite 1 one where

  one 0 = a

  one _ = error "Index out of bounds"

fromFinite :: Finite a -> (Index,[a])

fromFinite (Finite c ix) = (c,map ix [0..c-1])

instance Show a => Show (Finite a) where

  show = show . fromFinite

finFin :: Integer -> Finite Integer

finFin k | k <= 0 = finEmpty

finFin k = Finite k (\i -> i)