-- This file is part of the 'term-rewriting' library. It is licensed
-- under an MIT license. See the accompanying 'LICENSE' file for details.
-- Authors: Christian Sternagel

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts#-}
module Data.Rewriting.Term.Parse (
) where

import Data.Rewriting.Utils.Parse (lex, par, ident)
import Prelude hiding (lex)
import Control.Monad
import Data.Rewriting.Term.Type
import Text.Parsec hiding (parse)
import Text.Parsec.Prim (runP)

-- | Like 'fromString', but the result is wrapped in the IO monad, making this
-- function useful for interactive testing.
-- >>> parseIO ["x","y"] "f(x,c)"
-- Fun "f" [Var "x",Fun "c" []]
parseIO :: [String] -> String -> IO (Term String String)
parseIO xs input = case fromString xs input of
    Left err -> do { putStr "parse error at "; print err; mzero }
    Right t  -> return t

-- | @fromString xs s@ parsers a term from the string @s@, where elements of @xs@
-- are considered as variables.
fromString :: [String] -> String -> Either ParseError (Term String String)
fromString xs = runP (parseWST xs) () ""

-- | @parse fun var@ is a parser for terms, where @fun@ and @var@ are
-- parsers for function symbols and variables, respectively. The @var@ parser
-- has a higher priority than the @fun@ parser. Hence, whenever @var@
-- succeeds, the token is treated as a variable.
-- Note that the user has to take care of handling trailing white space in
-- @fun@ and @var@.
parse :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m f -> ParsecT s u m v
    -> ParsecT s u m (Term f v)
parse fun var = term <?> "term" where
    term = try (liftM Var var) <|> liftM2 Fun fun args
    args =  par (sepBy term (lex $ char ',')) <|> return []

-- | @parseWST xs@ is a parser for terms following the conventions of the
-- ancient ASCII input format of the termination competition: every @Char@ that
-- is neither a white space (according to 'Data.Char.isSpace') nor one of '@(@',
-- '@)@', or '@,@', is considered a letter. An identifier is a non-empty
-- sequence of letters and it is treated as variable iff it is contained in
-- @xs@.

-- change name?
parseWST :: Stream s m Char => [String] -> ParsecT s u m (Term String String)
parseWST xs = parse (parseFun identWST) (parseVar identWST xs)

-- | @parseFun ident@ parses function symbols defined by @ident@.
parseFun :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String -> ParsecT s u m String
parseFun id = lex id <?> "function symbol"

-- | @parseVar ident vars@ parses variables as defined by @ident@ and with the
-- additional requirement that the result is a member of @vars@.
parseVar :: Stream s m Char =>
    ParsecT s u m String -> [String] -> ParsecT s u m String
parseVar id xs =  do { x <- lex id; guard (x `elem` xs); return x }
              <?> "variable"

identWST :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m String
-- COMMENT: according to http://www.lri.fr/~marche/tpdb/format.html '"' and some
-- reserved strings are also not allowed, but I don't see the point
identWST = ident "()," []