data Location Source #
This object represents a point on the map.
Longitude as defined by sender.
Latitude as defined by sender.
The radius of uncertainty for the location, measured in meters; 0-1500.
Time relative to the message sending date, during which the location can be updated; in seconds. For active live locations only.
The direction in which user is moving, in degrees; 1-360. For active live locations only.
Maximum distance for proximity alerts about approaching another chat member, in meters. For sent live locations only.
Defined in Telegram.Bot.API.Types.Location
parseJSON :: Value -> Parser Location #
parseJSONList :: Value -> Parser [Location] #
toJSON :: Location -> Value #
toEncoding :: Location -> Encoding #
toJSONList :: [Location] -> Value #
toEncodingList :: [Location] -> Encoding #
Associated Types
type Rep Location :: Type -> Type #
from :: Location -> Rep Location x #
to :: Rep Location x -> Location #
showsPrec :: Int -> Location -> ShowS #
show :: Location -> String #
showList :: [Location] -> ShowS #