tasty-grading-system- Grade your tasty-testsuite.
Safe HaskellNone




testGroupPoints Source #


:: Int

Points you receive for a successful test-case.

-> Int

Points you lose when a test-case fails.

-> Int

Maximum number of points you can receive for the given test-tree.

-> TestTree

TestTree you want to apply the grading scheme to.

-> TestTree 

Combinator for adding points to a single test or a whole test-group.

Note: This currently handles only a single group of test cases, e.g. no nested TestTree are supported.

jsonRunner :: Ingredient Source #

To run tests using this ingredient, use defaultMainWithIngredients, passing jsonRunner as one possible ingredient.

This ingredient will run tests if you pass the --grading-json command line option. For example, --grading-json=report.json will run all the tests and generate report.json as output.