tasty-discover-0.0.1: Automatically discover and run Tasty framework tests

Safe HaskellNone



Where we generate the test running boilerplate. Preprocessor arguments arrive via the main function of Discover.

If you need to make `tasty-discover` do something new, it most likely needs to happen here.



run :: [String] -> IO () Source

Accept some args and run the tests

>>> run ["w", "x", "y", "z"]

stringifyTestList :: IO [String] -> IO String Source

A list of test function names as a String

>>> stringifyTestList ["prop_one", "prop_two"]

getListOfTests :: FilePath -> IO [String] Source

All test function names in src

>>> getListOfTests "test/Tasty.hs"

getTestFiles :: IO [Test] -> IO [FilePath] Source

File paths for test files

>>> getTestFiles $ findTests "test/Tasty.hs"

findTests :: FilePath -> IO [Test] Source

All tests that are not the src file

>>> findTests "test/Tasty.hs"
[Test {testFile = "test/FooTest.hs", testModule = "Foo"}]

tmpModule :: FilePath -> Config -> [Test] -> String -> String Source

The holy grail. This tmpModule runs your tests

>>> tmpModule "test/Tasty.hs"
              Config {configModuleName = Nothing}
              [Test {testFile = "test/FooTest.hs", testModule = "Foo"}]

fileToTest :: FilePath -> FilePath -> Maybe Test Source

A test file becomes a Test type

>>> fileToTest "test" "FooTest.hs"
Just (Test {testFile = "test/FooTest.hs", testModule = "Foo"})

getFilesRecursive :: FilePath -> IO [FilePath] Source

All files under baseDir

>>> getFilesRecursive "test/"
["FooTest.hs", "BarTest.hs"]

isValidModuleName :: String -> Bool Source

Is cs a valid Haskell module name?

>>> isValidModuleName "ModName"
>>> isValidModuleName "modName"

isValidModuleChar :: Char -> Bool Source

Is c a valid character in a Haskell module name?

>>> isValidModuleChar '-'
>>> isValidModuleChar 'A'

importList :: [Test] -> ShowS Source

Import statements for a list of tests

>>> importList [Test {testFile = "test/SomeOtherTest.hs", testModule = "SomeOther"}]
"import qualified SomeOtherTest\n"