tasty-checklist- Check multiple items during a tasty test
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This package provides the ability to run a Checklist of several "checks" during a single test. A "bad" check does not immediately result in a test failure; at the end of the test (passed or failed due to primary testing), all failed checks are reported (and any failed checks will result in an overall test failure at the end.

This type of checking can be very useful when needing to test various aspects of an operation that is complex to setup, has multiple effects, or where the checks are related such that knowing about the multiple failures makes debugging easier.

An alternative approach is to have some sort of common preparation code and use a separate test for each item. This module simply provides a convenient method to collate related items under the aegis of a single test.

This package also provides the checkValues function which can be used to check a number of derived values from a single input value via a checklist. This can be used to independently verify a number of record fields of a data structure or to validate related operations performed from a single input.

See the documentation for check and checkValues for examples of using this library. The tests in the source package also provide additional examples of usage.


Checklist testing context

withChecklist :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => Text -> (CanCheck => m a) -> m a Source #

This should be used to wrap the test that contains checks. This initializes the environment needed for the checks to run, and on exit from the test, reports any (and all) failed checks as a test failure.

type CanCheck = ?checker :: IORef [CheckResult] Source #

A convenient Constraint to apply to functions that will perform checks (i.e. call check one or more times)

Performing or Disabling checks

check :: (CanCheck, TestShow a, MonadIO m) => Text -> (a -> Bool) -> a -> m () Source #

This is used to run a check within the code. The first argument is the "name" of this check, the second is a function that takes a value and returns True if the value is OK, or False if the value fails the check. The last argument is the value to check.

>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
>>> import Test.Tasty
>>> import Test.Tasty.HUnit
>>> :{
>>> defaultMain $ testCase "odd numbers" $ withChecklist "odds" $ do
>>> let three = 3 :: Int
>>> check "three is odd" odd three
>>> check "two is odd" odd (2 :: Int)
>>> check "7 + 3 is odd" odd $ 7 + three
>>> check "7 is odd" odd (7 :: Int)
>>> :}
odd numbers: FAIL
  Exception: ERROR: odds
    2 checks failed in this checklist:
    -Failed check of two is odd with 2
    -Failed check of 7 + 3 is odd with 10

1 out of 1 tests failed (...s)
*** Exception: ExitFailure 1

Any check failures are also printed to stdout (and omitted from the above for clarity). This is so that those failures are reported even if a more standard test assertion is used that prevents completion of the checklist. Thus, if an assertEqual "values" three 7 had been added to the above, that would have been the only actual (and immediate) fail for the test, but any failing checks appearing before that assertEqual would still have printed.

discardCheck :: (CanCheck, MonadIO m) => Text -> m () Source #

Sometimes checks are provided in common testing code, often in setup/preparation for the main tests. In some cases, the check is not applicable for that particular test. This function can be used to discard any pending failures for the associated named check.

This is especially useful when a common code block is used to perform a set of checks: if a few of the common checks are not appropriate for the current situation, discardCheck can be used to throw away the results of those checks by matching on the check name.

Type-safe multi-check specifications

Implementing a number of discrete check calls can be tedious, especially when they are validating different aspects of the same result value. To facilitate this, the checkValues function can be used along with a type-safe list of checks to perform.

To demonstrate this, first consider the following sample program, which has code that generates a complex Struct value, along with tests for various fields in that Struct.

>>> :set -XPatternSynonyms
>>> :set -XOverloadedStrings
>>> import Data.Parameterized.Context ( pattern Empty, pattern (:>) )
>>> import Test.Tasty.Checklist
>>> import Test.Tasty
>>> import Test.Tasty.HUnit
>>> :{
>>> data Struct = MyStruct { foo :: Int, bar :: Char, baz :: String }
>>> instance Show Struct where
>>> show s = baz s <> " is " <> show (foo s) <> [bar s]
>>> instance TestShow Struct where testShow = show
>>> someFun :: Int -> Struct
>>> someFun n = MyStruct (n * 6)
>>> (if n * 6 == 42 then '!' else '?')
>>> "The answer to the universe"
>>> oddAnswer :: Struct -> Bool
>>> oddAnswer = odd . foo
>>> test = testCase "someFun result" $
>>> withChecklist "results for someFun" $
>>> someFun 3 `checkValues`
>>> (Empty
>>> :> Val "foo" foo 42
>>> :> Val "baz field" baz "The answer to the universe"
>>> :> Val "shown" show "The answer to the universe is 42!"
>>> :> Val "odd answer" oddAnswer False
>>> :> Got "even answer" (not . oddAnswer)
>>> :> Val "double-checking foo" foo 42
>>> )
>>> :}

This code will be used below to demonstrate various advanced checklist capabilities.

checkValues :: CanCheck => TestShow dType => dType -> Assignment (DerivedVal dType) idx -> IO () Source #

The checkValues is a checklist that tests various values that can be derived from the input value. The input value is provided, along with an Assignment list of extraction functions and the expected result value (and name) of that extraction. Each extraction is performed as a check within the checklist.

This is convenient to gather together a number of validations on a single datatype and represent them economically.

One example is testing the fields of a record structure, given the above code:

>>> defaultMain test
someFun result: FAIL
  Exception: ERROR: results for someFun
    3 checks failed in this checklist:
    -Failed check of foo on input <<The answer to the universe is 18?>> expected <<42>> but failed with 18
    -Failed check of shown on input <<The answer to the universe is 18?>> expected <<"The answer to the universe is 42!">> but failed with "The answer to the universe is 18?"
    -Failed check of double-checking foo on input <<The answer to the universe is 18?>> expected <<42>> but failed with 18

1 out of 1 tests failed (...s)
*** Exception: ExitFailure 1

In this case, several of the values checked were correct, but more than one was wrong. Helpfully, this test output lists all the wrong answers for the single input provided.

data DerivedVal i d where Source #

Each entry in the Assignment list for checkValues should be one of these DerivedVal values.

The i type parameter is the input type, and the d is the value derived from that input type.


Val :: (TestShow d, Eq d) => Text -> (i -> d) -> d -> DerivedVal i d

Val allows specification of a description string, an extraction function, and the expected value to be extracted. The checkValues function will add a Failure if the expected value is not obtained.

Got :: Text -> (i -> Bool) -> DerivedVal i Bool

Got allows specification of a description string and an extraction function. The checkValues function will add a Failure if the extraction result is False.

Val "what" f True === Got "what" f
Observe :: Eq d => Text -> (i -> d) -> d -> (d -> d -> String) -> DerivedVal i d

Observe performs the same checking as Val except the TestShow information for the actual and expected values are not as useful (e.g. they are lengthy, multi-line, or gibberish) so instead this allows the specification of a function that will take the supplied expected value and the result of the extraction function (the actual), respectively, and generate its own description of the failure.

Error reporting

data CheckResult Source #

The internal CheckResult captures the failure information for a check


Instances details
Show CheckResult Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Tasty.Checklist

data ChecklistFailures Source #

The ChecklistFailures exception is thrown if any checks have failed during testing.

Displaying tested values

class TestShow v where Source #

The TestShow class is defined to provide a way for the various data objects tested by this module to be displayed when tests fail. The default testShow will use a Show instance, but this can be overridden if there are alternate ways to display a particular object (e.g. pretty-printing, etc.)

Minimal complete definition



testShow :: v -> String Source #

default testShow :: Show v => v -> String Source #


Instances details
TestShow Bool Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Tasty.Checklist


testShow :: Bool -> String Source #

TestShow Char Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Tasty.Checklist


testShow :: Char -> String Source #

TestShow Float Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Tasty.Checklist

TestShow Int Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Tasty.Checklist


testShow :: Int -> String Source #

TestShow Integer Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Tasty.Checklist

TestShow () Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Tasty.Checklist


testShow :: () -> String Source #

TestShow String Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Tasty.Checklist

(TestShow a, TestShow b) => TestShow (a, b) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Tasty.Checklist


testShow :: (a, b) -> String Source #

(TestShow a, TestShow b, TestShow c) => TestShow (a, b, c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.Tasty.Checklist


testShow :: (a, b, c) -> String Source #

testShowList :: TestShow v => [v] -> String Source #

A helper function for defining a testShow for lists of items.

instance TestShow [Int] where testShow = testShowList

multiLineDiff :: Text -> Text -> String Source #

The multiLineDiff is another helper function that can be used to format a line-by-line difference display of two Text representations. This is provided as a convenience function to help format large text regions for easier comparison.