{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

-- |
-- Module    :  Test.Tasty.Bdd
-- Copyright :  (c) Paolo Veronelli, Pavlo Kerestey 2017
-- License   :  All rights reserved
-- Maintainer:  paolo.veronelli@gmail.com
-- Stability :  experimental
-- Portability: non-portable
-- Tasty driver for 'Language'
module Test.Tasty.Bdd
  ( (@?=)
  , (@?/=)
  , (^?=)
  , (^?/=)
  , acquire
  , acquirePure
  , Phase (..)
  , Language (..)
  , testBehavior
  , testBehaviorIO
  , BDDTesting
  , BDDPreparing
  , TestableMonad (..)
  , failFastIngredients
  , failFastTester
  , prettyDifferences
  , beforeEach
  , afterEach
  , before
  , after
  , onEach
  , captureStdout
  , testBehaviorF

import Control.Monad.Catch
  ( Exception (..)
  , MonadCatch (..)
  , MonadThrow (..)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
import Data.Tagged (Tagged (..))
import Data.TreeDiff
import Data.Typeable (Proxy (..), Typeable)
import System.CaptureStdout
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
import Test.BDD.Language
import Test.BDD.LanguageFree
import Test.Tasty
  ( withResource
import Test.Tasty.Ingredients.FailFast (FailFast (..), failFast)
import Test.Tasty.Options (OptionDescription (..), lookupOption)
import Test.Tasty.Providers
  ( IsTest (..)
  , singleTest
  , testFailed
  , testPassed
import Test.Tasty.Runners
import Text.Printf (printf)

data FreeBDDCase m = FreeBDDCase (m Result -> IO Result) (m (BDDResult m))

  :: (Typeable m, MonadCatch m)
  => (m Result -> IO Result)
  -> String
  -> FreeBDD m x
  -> TestTree
testBehaviorF f s = singleTest s . FreeBDDCase f . testFreeBDD

instance (MonadCatch m, Typeable m) => IsTest (FreeBDDCase m) where
  run _ (FreeBDDCase rc test) _ = rc $ test >>= g
      g (Failed e td) = do
          (throwM e)
          (return . testFailed . testFailMessage)
          $ fromException e
      g (Succeded td) = td >> return (testPassed "")
  testOptions = Tagged [Option (Proxy :: Proxy FailFast)]

-- | testable monads can map to IO a Tasty Result
class (MonadCatch m, MonadIO m, Monad m, Typeable m) => TestableMonad m where
  runCase :: m Result -> IO Result

instance TestableMonad IO where
  runCase = id

-- | any testable monad can make a BDDTest a tasty test
  (Typeable t, TestableMonad m)
  => IsTest (BDDTest m t ())
  run os (BDDTest ts rup w) f = runCase $ do
    teardowns <-
      sequence_ . reverse <$> mapM (\(TestContext g a) -> a <$> g) rup
    resultOfWhen <- w
    let loop [] = return Nothing
        loop (then' : xs) = do
          liftIO $
                 (fromIntegral (length xs) / fromIntegral (length ts)))
          (then' resultOfWhen >> loop xs)
            `catch` (\(EqualityDoesntHold e) -> return (Just e))
    resultOfThen <- loop ts
    case resultOfThen of
      Just reason -> do
        case lookupOption os of
          FailFast False -> teardowns
          _ -> return ()
        return $ testFailed reason
      Nothing -> teardowns >> return (testPassed "")
  testOptions = Tagged [Option (Proxy :: Proxy FailFast)]

-- | show a coloured difference of 2 values
prettyDifferences :: (ToExpr a) => a -> a -> String
prettyDifferences a1 a2 =
  show $ ansiWlEditExpr $ exprDiff (toExpr a1) (toExpr a2)

-- internal exception to trigger visual inspection on output
newtype EqualityDoesntHold = EqualityDoesntHold {testFailMessage :: String}
  deriving (Show, Typeable)

instance Exception EqualityDoesntHold

infixl 4 @?=

-- | equality test which show pretty differences on fail
(@?=) :: (ToExpr a, Eq a, Typeable a, MonadThrow m) => a -> a -> m ()
a1 @?= a2 =
  if a1 == a2
    then return ()
      throwM $
        EqualityDoesntHold $
          printf "Expected equality:\n%s" $
            prettyDifferences a1 a2

-- | inequality test which show pretty differences on fail
(@?/=) :: (ToExpr a, Eq a, Typeable a, MonadThrow m) => a -> a -> m ()
a1 @?/= a2 =
  if a1 /= a2
    then return ()
      throwM $
        EqualityDoesntHold $
          printf "Expected inequality:\n%s" $
            prettyDifferences a1 a2

-- | shortcut to ignore the input and run another action instead in Then
-- matching equality
(^?=) :: (ToExpr a, Eq a, Typeable a, MonadThrow m) => m a -> a -> b -> m ()
f ^?= t = const $ f >>= (@?= t)

-- | shortcut to ignore the input and run another action instead in Then
-- matching inequality
(^?/=) :: (ToExpr a, Eq a, Typeable a, MonadThrow m) => m a -> a -> b -> m ()
f ^?/= t = const $ f >>= (@?/= t)

-- | interpret 'Bdd' sentence to a single 'TestTree'
  :: (MonadIO m, TestableMonad m, Typeable t)
  => String -- ^ test name
  -> BDDPreparing m t () -- ^ bdd test definition
  -> TestTree -- ^ resulting tasty test
testBehavior s = singleTest s . interpret

-- | specialize withResource to prepend an action
before :: IO () -> TestTree -> TestTree
before f = withResource f return . const

-- | specialize withResource to append an action
after :: IO () -> TestTree -> TestTree
after f = withResource (return ()) (const f) . const

-- | recursively prepend an action
beforeEach :: IO () -> TestTree -> TestTree
beforeEach = onEach . before

-- | recursively modify a 'TestTree'
onEach :: (TestTree -> TestTree) -> TestTree -> TestTree
onEach op t@(SingleTest _ _) = op t
onEach op (TestGroup n ts) = TestGroup n $ (map $ onEach op) ts
onEach op (WithResource spec rf) = WithResource spec $ onEach op . rf
onEach op (AskOptions rf) = AskOptions $ onEach op . rf
onEach op (PlusTestOptions g t) = PlusTestOptions g $ onEach op t

-- | recursively append an action
afterEach :: IO () -> TestTree -> TestTree
afterEach = onEach . after

-- | specialize withResource to just acquire a resource
acquire :: MonadIO m => IO a -> (m a -> TestTree) -> TestTree
acquire f g = withResource f (const $ return ()) (g . liftIO)

acquirePure :: IO a -> (a -> TestTree) -> TestTree
acquirePure f g = acquire f $ g . unsafePerformIO

  :: (Typeable t, MonadIO m, TestableMonad m)
  => String -- ^ test name
  -> IO (BDDPreparing m t ()) -- ^ bdd test definition
  -> TestTree -- ^ resulting tasty test
testBehaviorIO s f = acquirePure f (testBehavior s)

-- | default test runner fail-fast aware
failFastTester :: TestTree -> IO ()
failFastTester = defaultMainWithIngredients failFastIngredients

-- | basic ingredients fail-fast aware
failFastIngredients :: [Ingredient]
failFastIngredients = [listingTests, failFast consoleTestReporter]