-- | Running tests
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables, ExistentialQuantification, RankNTypes,
             FlexibleContexts, BangPatterns, CPP, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Test.Tasty.Run
  ( Status(..)
  , StatusMap
  , launchTestTree
  , DependencyException(..)
  ) where

import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Graph (SCC(..), stronglyConnComp)
import Data.Typeable
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.Timeout (timeout)
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Exception as E
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import GHC.Conc (labelThread)
import Prelude  -- Silence AMP and FTP import warnings

import Test.Tasty.Core
import Test.Tasty.Parallel
import Test.Tasty.Patterns
import Test.Tasty.Patterns.Types
import Test.Tasty.Options
import Test.Tasty.Options.Core
import Test.Tasty.Runners.Reducers
import Test.Tasty.Runners.Utils (timed, forceElements)
import Test.Tasty.Providers.ConsoleFormat (noResultDetails)

-- | Current status of a test
data Status
  = NotStarted
    -- ^ test has not started running yet
  | Executing Progress
    -- ^ test is being run
  | Done Result
    -- ^ test finished with a given result
  deriving Show

-- | Mapping from test numbers (starting from 0) to their status variables.
-- This is what an ingredient uses to analyse and display progress, and to
-- detect when tests finish.
type StatusMap = IntMap.IntMap (TVar Status)

data Resource r
  = NotCreated
  | BeingCreated
  | FailedToCreate SomeException
  | Created r
  | BeingDestroyed
  | Destroyed

instance Show (Resource r) where
  show r = case r of
    NotCreated -> "NotCreated"
    BeingCreated -> "BeingCreated"
    FailedToCreate exn -> "FailedToCreate " ++ show exn
    Created {} -> "Created"
    BeingDestroyed -> "BeingDestroyed"
    Destroyed -> "Destroyed"

data Initializer
  = forall res . Initializer
      (IO res)
      (TVar (Resource res))
data Finalizer
  = forall res . Finalizer
      (res -> IO ())
      (TVar (Resource res))
      (TVar Int)

-- | Execute a test taking care of resources
  :: ((Progress -> IO ()) -> IO Result)
    -- ^ the action to execute the test, which takes a progress callback as
    -- a parameter
  -> TVar Status -- ^ variable to write status to
  -> Timeout -- ^ optional timeout to apply
  -> Seq.Seq Initializer -- ^ initializers (to be executed in this order)
  -> Seq.Seq Finalizer -- ^ finalizers (to be executed in this order)
  -> IO ()
executeTest action statusVar timeoutOpt inits fins = mask $ \restore -> do
  resultOrExn <- try $ restore $ do
    -- N.B. this can (re-)throw an exception. It's okay. By design, the
    -- actual test will not be run, then. We still run all the
    -- finalizers.
    -- There's no point to transform these exceptions to something like
    -- EitherT, because an async exception (cancellation) can strike
    -- anyway.

    -- If all initializers ran successfully, actually run the test.
    -- We run it in a separate thread, so that the test's exception
    -- handler doesn't interfere with our timeout.
    withAsync (action yieldProgress) $ \asy -> do
      labelThread (asyncThreadId asy) "tasty_test_execution_thread"
      timed $ applyTimeout timeoutOpt $ do
        r <- wait asy
        -- Not only wait for the result to be returned, but make sure to
        -- evalute it inside applyTimeout; see #280.
        evaluate $
          resultOutcome r `seq`
          forceElements (resultDescription r) `seq`
          forceElements (resultShortDescription r)
        return r

  -- no matter what, try to run each finalizer
  mbExn <- destroyResources restore

  atomically . writeTVar statusVar $ Done $
    case resultOrExn <* maybe (Right ()) Left mbExn of
      Left ex -> exceptionResult ex
      Right (t,r) -> r { resultTime = t }

    initResources :: IO ()
    initResources =
      F.forM_ inits $ \(Initializer doInit initVar) -> do
        join $ atomically $ do
          resStatus <- readTVar initVar
          case resStatus of
            NotCreated -> do
              -- signal to others that we're taking care of the resource
              -- initialization
              writeTVar initVar BeingCreated
              return $
                  res <- doInit
                  atomically $ writeTVar initVar $ Created res
                 ) `E.catch` \exn -> do
                  atomically $ writeTVar initVar $ FailedToCreate exn
                  throwIO exn
            BeingCreated -> retry
            Created {} -> return $ return ()
            FailedToCreate exn -> return $ throwIO exn
            -- If the resource is destroyed or being destroyed
            -- while we're starting a test, the test suite is probably
            -- shutting down. We are about to be killed.
            -- (In fact we are probably killed already, so these cases are
            -- unlikely to occur.)
            -- In any case, the most sensible thing to do is to go to
            -- sleep, awaiting our fate.
            Destroyed      -> return $ sleepIndefinitely
            BeingDestroyed -> return $ sleepIndefinitely

    applyTimeout :: Timeout -> IO Result -> IO Result
    applyTimeout NoTimeout a = a
    applyTimeout (Timeout t tstr) a = do
        timeoutResult =
            { resultOutcome = Failure $ TestTimedOut t
            , resultDescription =
                "Timed out after " ++ tstr
            , resultShortDescription = "TIMEOUT"
            , resultTime = fromIntegral t
            , resultDetailsPrinter = noResultDetails
      fromMaybe timeoutResult <$> timeout t a

    -- destroyResources should not be interrupted by an exception
    -- Here's how we ensure this:
    -- * the finalizer is wrapped in 'try'
    -- * async exceptions are masked by the caller
    -- * we don't use any interruptible operations here (outside of 'try')
    destroyResources :: (forall a . IO a -> IO a) -> IO (Maybe SomeException)
    destroyResources restore = do
      -- remember the first exception that occurred
      liftM getFirst . execWriterT . getTraversal $
        flip F.foldMap fins $ \fin@(Finalizer _ _ finishVar) ->
          Traversal $ do
            iAmLast <- liftIO $ atomically $ do
              nUsers <- readTVar finishVar
              let nUsers' = nUsers - 1
              writeTVar finishVar nUsers'
              return $ nUsers' == 0

            mbExcn <- liftIO $
              if iAmLast
              then destroyResource restore fin
              else return Nothing

            tell $ First mbExcn

    -- The callback
    -- Since this is not used yet anyway, disable for now.
    -- I'm not sure whether we should get rid of this altogether. For most
    -- providers this is either difficult to implement or doesn't make
    -- sense at all.
    -- See also https://github.com/feuerbach/tasty/issues/33
    yieldProgress _ = return ()

type InitFinPair = (Seq.Seq Initializer, Seq.Seq Finalizer)

-- | Dependencies of a test
type Deps = [(DependencyType, Expr)]

-- | Traversal type used in 'createTestActions'
type Tr = Traversal
        (WriterT ([(InitFinPair -> IO (), (TVar Status, Path, Deps))], Seq.Seq Finalizer)
        (ReaderT (Path, Deps)

-- | Exceptions related to dependencies between tests.
data DependencyException
  = DependencyLoop
    -- ^ Test dependencies form a loop. In other words, test A cannot start
    -- until test B finishes, and test B cannot start until test
    -- A finishes.
  deriving (Typeable)

instance Show DependencyException where
  show DependencyLoop = "Test dependencies form a loop."

instance Exception DependencyException

-- | Turn a test tree into a list of actions to run tests coupled with
-- variables to watch them.
  :: OptionSet
  -> TestTree
  -> IO ([(Action, TVar Status)], Seq.Seq Finalizer)
createTestActions opts0 tree = do
    traversal :: Tr
    traversal =
        (trivialFold :: TreeFold Tr)
          { foldSingle = runSingleTest
          , foldResource = addInitAndRelease
          , foldGroup = \_opts name (Traversal a) ->
              Traversal $ local (first (Seq.|> name)) a
          , foldAfter = \_opts deptype pat (Traversal a) ->
              Traversal $ local (second ((deptype, pat) :)) a
        opts0 tree
  (tests, fins) <- unwrap (mempty :: Path) (mempty :: Deps) traversal
    mb_tests :: Maybe [(Action, TVar Status)]
    mb_tests = resolveDeps $ map
      (\(act, testInfo) ->
        (act (Seq.empty, Seq.empty), testInfo))
  case mb_tests of
    Just tests' -> return (tests', fins)
    Nothing -> throwIO DependencyLoop

    runSingleTest :: IsTest t => OptionSet -> TestName -> t -> Tr
    runSingleTest opts name test = Traversal $ do
      statusVar <- liftIO $ atomically $ newTVar NotStarted
      (parentPath, deps) <- ask
        path = parentPath Seq.|> name
        act (inits, fins) =
          executeTest (run opts test) statusVar (lookupOption opts) inits fins
      tell ([(act, (statusVar, path, deps))], mempty)
    addInitAndRelease :: OptionSet -> ResourceSpec a -> (IO a -> Tr) -> Tr
    addInitAndRelease _opts (ResourceSpec doInit doRelease) a = wrap $ \path deps -> do
      initVar <- atomically $ newTVar NotCreated
      (tests, fins) <- unwrap path deps $ a (getResource initVar)
      let ntests = length tests
      finishVar <- atomically $ newTVar ntests
        ini = Initializer doInit initVar
        fin = Finalizer doRelease initVar finishVar
        tests' = map (first $ local $ (Seq.|> ini) *** (fin Seq.<|)) tests
      return (tests', fins Seq.|> fin)
      :: (Path ->
          Deps ->
          IO ([(InitFinPair -> IO (), (TVar Status, Path, Deps))], Seq.Seq Finalizer))
      -> Tr
    wrap = Traversal . WriterT . fmap ((,) ()) . ReaderT . uncurry
      :: Path
      -> Deps
      -> Tr
      -> IO ([(InitFinPair -> IO (), (TVar Status, Path, Deps))], Seq.Seq Finalizer)
    unwrap path deps = flip runReaderT (path, deps) . execWriterT . getTraversal

-- | Take care of the dependencies.
-- Return 'Nothing' if there is a dependency cycle.
resolveDeps :: [(IO (), (TVar Status, Path, Deps))] -> Maybe [(Action, TVar Status)]
resolveDeps tests = checkCycles $ do
  (run_test, (statusVar, path0, deps)) <- tests
    -- Note: Duplicate dependencies may arise if the same test name matches
    -- multiple patterns. It's not clear that removing them is worth the
    -- trouble; might consider this in the future.
    deps' :: [(DependencyType, TVar Status, Path)]
    deps' = do
      (deptype, depexpr) <- deps
      (_, (statusVar1, path, _)) <- tests
      guard $ exprMatches depexpr path
      return (deptype, statusVar1, path)

    getStatus :: STM ActionStatus
    getStatus = foldr
      (\(deptype, statusvar, _) k -> do
        status <- readTVar statusvar
        case status of
          Done result
            | deptype == AllFinish || resultSuccessful result -> k
            | otherwise -> return ActionSkip
          _ -> return ActionWait
      (return ActionReady)
    dep_paths = map (\(_, _, path) -> path) deps'
    action = Action
      { actionStatus = getStatus
      , actionRun = run_test
      , actionSkip = writeTVar statusVar $ Done $ Result
          -- See Note [Skipped tests]
          { resultOutcome = Failure TestDepFailed
          , resultDescription = ""
          , resultShortDescription = "SKIP"
          , resultTime = 0
          , resultDetailsPrinter = noResultDetails
  return ((action, statusVar), (path0, dep_paths))

checkCycles :: Ord b => [(a, (b, [b]))] -> Maybe [a]
checkCycles tests = do
    result = fst <$> tests
    graph = [ ((), v, vs) | (v, vs) <- snd <$> tests ]
    sccs = stronglyConnComp graph
    not_cyclic = all (\scc -> case scc of
        AcyclicSCC{} -> True
        CyclicSCC{}  -> False)
  guard not_cyclic
  return result

-- | Used to create the IO action which is passed in a WithResource node
getResource :: TVar (Resource r) -> IO r
getResource var =
  atomically $ do
    rState <- readTVar var
    case rState of
      Created r -> return r
      Destroyed -> throwSTM UseOutsideOfTest
      _ -> throwSTM $ unexpectedState "getResource" rState

-- | Run a resource finalizer.
-- This function is called from two different places:
-- 1. A test thread, which is the last one to use the resource.
-- 2. The main thread, if an exception (e.g. Ctrl-C) is received.
-- Therefore, it is possible that this function is called multiple
-- times concurrently on the same finalizer.
-- This function should be run with async exceptions masked,
-- and the restore function should be passed as an argument.
destroyResource :: (forall a . IO a -> IO a) -> Finalizer -> IO (Maybe SomeException)
destroyResource restore (Finalizer doRelease stateVar _) = join . atomically $ do
  rState <- readTVar stateVar
  case rState of
    Created res -> do
      writeTVar stateVar BeingDestroyed
      return $
        (either Just (const Nothing)
          <$> try (restore $ doRelease res))
          <* atomically (writeTVar stateVar Destroyed)
    BeingCreated   -> retry
    -- If the resource is being destroyed, wait until it is destroyed.
    -- This is so that we don't start destroying the next resource out of
    -- order.
    BeingDestroyed -> retry
    NotCreated -> do
      -- prevent the resource from being created by a competing thread
      writeTVar stateVar Destroyed
      return $ return Nothing
    FailedToCreate {} -> return $ return Nothing
    Destroyed         -> return $ return Nothing

-- | Start running the tests (in background, in parallel) and pass control
-- to the callback.
-- Once the callback returns, stop running the tests.
-- The number of test running threads is determined by the 'NumThreads'
-- option.
  :: OptionSet
  -> TestTree
  -> (StatusMap -> IO (Time -> IO a))
    -- ^ A callback. First, it receives the 'StatusMap' through which it
    -- can observe the execution of tests in real time. Typically (but not
    -- necessarily), it waits until all the tests are finished.
    -- After this callback returns, the test-running threads (if any) are
    -- terminated and all resources acquired by tests are released.
    -- The callback must return another callback (of type @'Time' -> 'IO'
    -- a@) which additionally can report and/or record the total time
    -- taken by the test suite. This time includes the time taken to run
    -- all resource initializers and finalizers, which is why it is more
    -- accurate than what could be measured from inside the first callback.
  -> IO a
launchTestTree opts tree k0 = do
  (testActions, fins) <- createTestActions opts tree
  let NumThreads numTheads = lookupOption opts
  (t,k1) <- timed $ do
     abortTests <- runInParallel numTheads (fst <$> testActions)
     (do let smap = IntMap.fromList $ zip [0..] (snd <$> testActions)
         k0 smap)
      `finallyRestore` \restore -> do
         -- Tell all running tests to wrap up.
         -- Destroy all allocated resources in the case they didn't get
         -- destroyed by their tests. (See #75.)
         F.mapM_ (destroyResource restore) fins
         -- Wait until all resources are destroyed. (Specifically, those
         -- that were being destroyed by their tests, not those that were
         -- destroyed by destroyResource above.)
         restore $ waitForResources fins
  k1 t
    alive :: Resource r -> Bool
    alive r = case r of
      NotCreated -> False
      BeingCreated -> True
      FailedToCreate {} -> False
      Created {} -> True
      BeingDestroyed -> True
      Destroyed -> False

    waitForResources fins = atomically $
      F.forM_ fins $ \(Finalizer _ rvar _) -> do
        res <- readTVar rvar
        check $ not $ alive res

unexpectedState :: String -> Resource r -> SomeException
unexpectedState where_ r = toException $ UnexpectedState where_ (show r)

sleepIndefinitely :: IO ()
sleepIndefinitely = forever $ threadDelay (10^(7::Int))

-- | Like 'finally' (which also masks its finalizers), but pass the restore
-- action to the finalizer.
  :: IO a
    -- ^ computation to run first
  -> ((forall c . IO c -> IO c) -> IO b)
    -- ^ computation to run afterward (even if an exception was raised)
  -> IO a
    -- ^ returns the value from the first computation
a `finallyRestore` sequel =
  mask $ \restore -> do
    r <- restore a `onException` sequel restore
    _ <- sequel restore
    return r