{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, BangPatterns #-}
module Codec.Archive.Tar.Types (
#ifdef TESTS
) where
import Data.Int (Int64)
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Data.Semigroup as Sem
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS.Char8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Control.DeepSeq
import qualified System.FilePath as FilePath.Native
( joinPath, splitDirectories, addTrailingPathSeparator )
import qualified System.FilePath.Posix as FilePath.Posix
( joinPath, splitPath, splitDirectories, hasTrailingPathSeparator
, addTrailingPathSeparator )
import qualified System.FilePath.Windows as FilePath.Windows
( joinPath, addTrailingPathSeparator )
import System.Posix.Types
( FileMode )
#ifdef TESTS
import Test.QuickCheck
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>), pure)
import Data.Word (Word16)
type FileSize = Int64
type EpochTime = Int64
type DevMajor = Int
type DevMinor = Int
type TypeCode = Char
type Permissions = FileMode
data Entry = Entry {
entryTarPath :: {-# UNPACK #-} !TarPath,
entryContent :: !EntryContent,
entryPermissions :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Permissions,
entryOwnership :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Ownership,
entryTime :: {-# UNPACK #-} !EpochTime,
entryFormat :: !Format
deriving (Eq, Show)
entryPath :: Entry -> FilePath
entryPath = fromTarPath . entryTarPath
data EntryContent = NormalFile LBS.ByteString {-# UNPACK #-} !FileSize
| Directory
| SymbolicLink !LinkTarget
| HardLink !LinkTarget
| CharacterDevice {-# UNPACK #-} !DevMajor
{-# UNPACK #-} !DevMinor
| BlockDevice {-# UNPACK #-} !DevMajor
{-# UNPACK #-} !DevMinor
| NamedPipe
| OtherEntryType {-# UNPACK #-} !TypeCode LBS.ByteString
{-# UNPACK #-} !FileSize
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Ownership = Ownership {
ownerName :: String,
groupName :: String,
ownerId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int,
groupId :: {-# UNPACK #-} !Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Format =
| UstarFormat
| GnuFormat
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance NFData Entry where
rnf (Entry _ c _ _ _ _) = rnf c
instance NFData EntryContent where
rnf x = case x of
NormalFile c _ -> rnflbs c
OtherEntryType _ c _ -> rnflbs c
_ -> seq x ()
#if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,0)
rnflbs = rnf
rnflbs = foldr (\ !_bs r -> r) () . LBS.toChunks
instance NFData Ownership where
rnf (Ownership o g _ _) = rnf o `seq` rnf g
ordinaryFilePermissions :: Permissions
ordinaryFilePermissions = 0o0644
executableFilePermissions :: Permissions
executableFilePermissions = 0o0755
directoryPermissions :: Permissions
directoryPermissions = 0o0755
simpleEntry :: TarPath -> EntryContent -> Entry
simpleEntry tarpath content = Entry {
entryTarPath = tarpath,
entryContent = content,
entryPermissions = case content of
Directory -> directoryPermissions
_ -> ordinaryFilePermissions,
entryOwnership = Ownership "" "" 0 0,
entryTime = 0,
entryFormat = UstarFormat
fileEntry :: TarPath -> LBS.ByteString -> Entry
fileEntry name fileContent =
simpleEntry name (NormalFile fileContent (LBS.length fileContent))
directoryEntry :: TarPath -> Entry
directoryEntry name = simpleEntry name Directory
data TarPath = TarPath {-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString
{-# UNPACK #-} !BS.ByteString
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance NFData TarPath where
rnf (TarPath _ _) = ()
instance Show TarPath where
show = show . fromTarPath
fromTarPath :: TarPath -> FilePath
fromTarPath (TarPath namebs prefixbs) = adjustDirectory $
FilePath.Native.joinPath $ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories prefix
++ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories name
name = BS.Char8.unpack namebs
prefix = BS.Char8.unpack prefixbs
adjustDirectory | FilePath.Posix.hasTrailingPathSeparator name
= FilePath.Native.addTrailingPathSeparator
| otherwise = id
fromTarPathToPosixPath :: TarPath -> FilePath
fromTarPathToPosixPath (TarPath namebs prefixbs) = adjustDirectory $
FilePath.Posix.joinPath $ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories prefix
++ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories name
name = BS.Char8.unpack namebs
prefix = BS.Char8.unpack prefixbs
adjustDirectory | FilePath.Posix.hasTrailingPathSeparator name
= FilePath.Posix.addTrailingPathSeparator
| otherwise = id
fromTarPathToWindowsPath :: TarPath -> FilePath
fromTarPathToWindowsPath (TarPath namebs prefixbs) = adjustDirectory $
FilePath.Windows.joinPath $ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories prefix
++ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories name
name = BS.Char8.unpack namebs
prefix = BS.Char8.unpack prefixbs
adjustDirectory | FilePath.Posix.hasTrailingPathSeparator name
= FilePath.Windows.addTrailingPathSeparator
| otherwise = id
toTarPath :: Bool
-> FilePath -> Either String TarPath
toTarPath isDir = splitLongPath
. addTrailingSep
. FilePath.Posix.joinPath
. FilePath.Native.splitDirectories
addTrailingSep | isDir = FilePath.Posix.addTrailingPathSeparator
| otherwise = id
splitLongPath :: FilePath -> Either String TarPath
splitLongPath path =
case packName nameMax (reverse (FilePath.Posix.splitPath path)) of
Left err -> Left err
Right (name, []) -> Right $! TarPath (BS.Char8.pack name)
Right (name, first:rest) -> case packName prefixMax remainder of
Left err -> Left err
Right (_ , (_:_)) -> Left "File name too long (cannot split)"
Right (prefix, []) -> Right $! TarPath (BS.Char8.pack name)
(BS.Char8.pack prefix)
remainder = init first : rest
nameMax, prefixMax :: Int
nameMax = 100
prefixMax = 155
packName _ [] = Left "File name empty"
packName maxLen (c:cs)
| n > maxLen = Left "File name too long"
| otherwise = Right (packName' maxLen n [c] cs)
where n = length c
packName' maxLen n ok (c:cs)
| n' <= maxLen = packName' maxLen n' (c:ok) cs
where n' = n + length c
packName' _ _ ok cs = (FilePath.Posix.joinPath ok, cs)
newtype LinkTarget = LinkTarget BS.ByteString
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
instance NFData LinkTarget where
#if MIN_VERSION_bytestring(0,10,0)
rnf (LinkTarget bs) = rnf bs
rnf (LinkTarget !_bs) = ()
toLinkTarget :: FilePath -> Maybe LinkTarget
toLinkTarget path | length path <= 100 = Just $! LinkTarget (BS.Char8.pack path)
| otherwise = Nothing
fromLinkTarget :: LinkTarget -> FilePath
fromLinkTarget (LinkTarget pathbs) = adjustDirectory $
FilePath.Native.joinPath $ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories path
path = BS.Char8.unpack pathbs
adjustDirectory | FilePath.Posix.hasTrailingPathSeparator path
= FilePath.Native.addTrailingPathSeparator
| otherwise = id
fromLinkTargetToPosixPath :: LinkTarget -> FilePath
fromLinkTargetToPosixPath (LinkTarget pathbs) = adjustDirectory $
FilePath.Posix.joinPath $ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories path
path = BS.Char8.unpack pathbs
adjustDirectory | FilePath.Posix.hasTrailingPathSeparator path
= FilePath.Native.addTrailingPathSeparator
| otherwise = id
fromLinkTargetToWindowsPath :: LinkTarget -> FilePath
fromLinkTargetToWindowsPath (LinkTarget pathbs) = adjustDirectory $
FilePath.Windows.joinPath $ FilePath.Posix.splitDirectories path
path = BS.Char8.unpack pathbs
adjustDirectory | FilePath.Posix.hasTrailingPathSeparator path
= FilePath.Windows.addTrailingPathSeparator
| otherwise = id
data Entries e = Next Entry (Entries e)
| Done
| Fail e
deriving (Eq, Show)
infixr 5 `Next`
unfoldEntries :: (a -> Either e (Maybe (Entry, a))) -> a -> Entries e
unfoldEntries f = unfold
unfold x = case f x of
Left err -> Fail err
Right Nothing -> Done
Right (Just (e, x')) -> Next e (unfold x')
foldEntries :: (Entry -> a -> a) -> a -> (e -> a) -> Entries e -> a
foldEntries next done fail' = fold
fold (Next e es) = next e (fold es)
fold Done = done
fold (Fail err) = fail' err
foldlEntries :: (a -> Entry -> a) -> a -> Entries e -> Either (e, a) a
foldlEntries f z = go z
go !acc (Next e es) = go (f acc e) es
go !acc Done = Right acc
go !acc (Fail err) = Left (err, acc)
mapEntries :: (Entry -> Either e' Entry) -> Entries e -> Entries (Either e e')
mapEntries f =
foldEntries (\entry rest -> either (Fail . Right) (flip Next rest) (f entry)) Done (Fail . Left)
mapEntriesNoFail :: (Entry -> Entry) -> Entries e -> Entries e
mapEntriesNoFail f =
foldEntries (\entry -> Next (f entry)) Done Fail
instance Sem.Semigroup (Entries e) where
a <> b = foldEntries Next b Fail a
instance Monoid (Entries e) where
mempty = Done
mappend = (Sem.<>)
instance Functor Entries where
fmap f = foldEntries Next Done (Fail . f)
instance NFData e => NFData (Entries e) where
rnf (Next e es) = rnf e `seq` rnf es
rnf Done = ()
rnf (Fail e) = rnf e
#ifdef TESTS
instance Arbitrary Entry where
arbitrary = Entry <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary <*> arbitraryPermissions
<*> arbitrary <*> arbitraryEpochTime <*> arbitrary
arbitraryPermissions :: Gen Permissions
arbitraryPermissions = fromIntegral <$> (arbitrary :: Gen Word16)
arbitraryEpochTime :: Gen EpochTime
arbitraryEpochTime = arbitraryOctal 11
shrink (Entry path content perms author time format) =
[ Entry path' content' perms author' time' format
| (path', content', author', time') <-
shrink (path, content, author, time) ]
++ [ Entry path content perms' author time format
| perms' <- shrinkIntegral perms ]
instance Arbitrary TarPath where
arbitrary = either error id
. toTarPath False
. FilePath.Posix.joinPath
<$> listOf1ToN (255 `div` 5)
(elements (map (replicate 4) "abcd"))
shrink = map (either error id . toTarPath False)
. map FilePath.Posix.joinPath
. filter (not . null)
. shrinkList shrinkNothing
. FilePath.Posix.splitPath
. fromTarPathToPosixPath
instance Arbitrary LinkTarget where
arbitrary = maybe (error "link target too large") id
. toLinkTarget
. FilePath.Native.joinPath
<$> listOf1ToN (100 `div` 5)
(elements (map (replicate 4) "abcd"))
shrink = map (maybe (error "link target too large") id . toLinkTarget)
. map FilePath.Posix.joinPath
. filter (not . null)
. shrinkList shrinkNothing
. FilePath.Posix.splitPath
. fromLinkTargetToPosixPath
listOf1ToN :: Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
listOf1ToN n g = sized $ \sz -> do
n <- choose (1, min n (max 1 sz))
vectorOf n g
listOf0ToN :: Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
listOf0ToN n g = sized $ \sz -> do
n <- choose (0, min n sz)
vectorOf n g
instance Arbitrary EntryContent where
arbitrary =
[ (16, do bs <- arbitrary;
return (NormalFile bs (LBS.length bs)))
, (2, pure Directory)
, (1, SymbolicLink <$> arbitrary)
, (1, HardLink <$> arbitrary)
, (1, CharacterDevice <$> arbitraryOctal 7 <*> arbitraryOctal 7)
, (1, BlockDevice <$> arbitraryOctal 7 <*> arbitraryOctal 7)
, (1, pure NamedPipe)
, (1, do c <- elements (['A'..'Z']++['a'..'z'])
bs <- arbitrary;
return (OtherEntryType c bs (LBS.length bs)))
shrink (NormalFile bs _) = [ NormalFile bs' (LBS.length bs')
| bs' <- shrink bs ]
shrink Directory = []
shrink (SymbolicLink link) = [ SymbolicLink link' | link' <- shrink link ]
shrink (HardLink link) = [ HardLink link' | link' <- shrink link ]
shrink (CharacterDevice ma mi) = [ CharacterDevice ma' mi'
| (ma', mi') <- shrink (ma, mi) ]
shrink (BlockDevice ma mi) = [ BlockDevice ma' mi'
| (ma', mi') <- shrink (ma, mi) ]
shrink NamedPipe = []
shrink (OtherEntryType c bs _) = [ OtherEntryType c bs' (LBS.length bs')
| bs' <- shrink bs ]
instance Arbitrary LBS.ByteString where
arbitrary = fmap LBS.pack arbitrary
shrink = map LBS.pack . shrink . LBS.unpack
instance Arbitrary BS.ByteString where
arbitrary = fmap BS.pack arbitrary
shrink = map BS.pack . shrink . BS.unpack
instance Arbitrary Ownership where
arbitrary = Ownership <$> name <*> name
<*> idno <*> idno
name = do
first <- choose ('a', 'z')
rest <- listOf0ToN 30 (oneof [choose ('a', 'z'), choose ('0', '9'), pure '-'])
return $ first : rest
idno = arbitraryOctal 7
shrink (Ownership oname gname oid gid) =
[ Ownership oname' gname' oid' gid'
| (oname', gname', oid', gid') <- shrink (oname, gname, oid, gid) ]
instance Arbitrary Format where
arbitrary = elements [V7Format, UstarFormat, GnuFormat]
arbitraryOctal n =
oneof [ pure 0
, choose (0, upperBound)
, pure upperBound
upperBound = 8^n-1
limitToV7FormatCompat :: Entry -> Entry
limitToV7FormatCompat entry@Entry { entryFormat = V7Format } =
entry {
entryContent = case entryContent entry of
CharacterDevice _ _ -> OtherEntryType '3' LBS.empty 0
BlockDevice _ _ -> OtherEntryType '4' LBS.empty 0
Directory -> OtherEntryType '5' LBS.empty 0
NamedPipe -> OtherEntryType '6' LBS.empty 0
other -> other,
entryOwnership = (entryOwnership entry) {
groupName = "",
ownerName = ""
entryTarPath = let TarPath name _prefix = entryTarPath entry
in TarPath name BS.empty
limitToV7FormatCompat entry = entry