tamarin-prover-theory- Term manipulation library for the tamarin prover.

PortabilityGHC only
MaintainerSimon Meier <iridcode@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellNone




This is the public interface for constructing and deconstructing constraint systems. The interface for performing constraint solving provided by Theory.Constraint.Solver.



Constraint systems

data System Source

A constraint system.


emptySystem :: CaseDistKind -> SystemSource

The empty constraint system, which is logically equivalent to true.

data SystemTraceQuantifier Source

Whether we are checking for the existence of a trace satisfiying a the current constraint system or whether we're checking that no traces satisfies the current constraint system.



:: [LNGuarded]

Axioms to add

-> CaseDistKind

Case distinction kind

-> SystemTraceQuantifier

Trace quantifier

-> LNFormula 
-> System 

Returns the constraint system that has to be proven to show that given formula holds in the context of the given theory.

Node constraints

sNodes :: forall arr. Arrow arr => Lens arr System (Map NodeId RuleACInst)Source

allKDConcs :: System -> [(NodeId, RuleACInst, LNTerm)]Source

A list of all KD-conclusions in the System.

nodeRule :: NodeId -> System -> RuleACInstSource

nodeRule v accesses the rule label of node v under the assumption that it is present in the sequent.

nodeConcNode :: NodeConc -> NodeIdSource

nodeConcNode c compute the node-id of the node conclusion c.

nodePremNode :: NodePrem -> NodeIdSource

nodePremNode prem is the node that this premise is referring to.

nodePremFact :: NodePrem -> System -> LNFactSource

nodePremFact prem se computes the fact associated to premise prem in sequent se under the assumption that premise prem is a a premise in se.

nodeConcFact :: NodeConc -> System -> LNFactSource

nodeConcFact (NodeConc (v, i)) accesses the i-th conclusion of the rule associated with node v under the assumption that v is labeled with a rule that has an i-th conclusion.

resolveNodePremFact :: NodePrem -> System -> Maybe LNFactSource

All facts associated to this node premise.

resolveNodeConcFact :: NodeConc -> System -> Maybe LNFactSource

The fact associated with this node conclusion, if there is one.


allActions :: System -> [(NodeId, LNFact)]Source

All actions that hold in a sequent.

allKUActions :: System -> [(NodeId, LNFact, LNTerm)]Source

All actions that hold in a sequent.

unsolvedActionAtoms :: System -> [(NodeId, LNFact)]Source

All actions that hold in a sequent.

kuActionAtoms :: System -> [(NodeId, LNFact, LNTerm)]Source

All KU-actions.

standardActionAtoms :: System -> [(NodeId, LNFact)]Source

The standard actions, i.e., non-KU-actions.

Edge and chain constraints

sEdges :: forall arr. Arrow arr => Lens arr System (Set Edge)Source

unsolvedChains :: System -> [(NodeConc, NodePrem)]Source

All unsolved destruction chains in the constraint system.

Temporal ordering

sLessAtoms :: forall arr. Arrow arr => Lens arr System (Set (NodeId, NodeId))Source

rawLessRel :: System -> [(NodeId, NodeId)]Source

(from,to) is in rawLessRel se iff we can prove that there is a path (possibly using the Less relation) from from to to in se without appealing to transitivity.

rawEdgeRel :: System -> [(NodeId, NodeId)]Source

(from,to) is in rawEdgeRel se iff we can prove that there is an edge-path from from to to in se without appealing to transitivity.

alwaysBefore :: System -> NodeId -> NodeId -> BoolSource

Returns a predicate that is True iff the first argument happens before the second argument in all models of the sequent.

isInTrace :: System -> NodeId -> BoolSource

True iff the given node id is guaranteed to be instantiated to an index in the trace.

The last node

sLastAtom :: forall arr. Arrow arr => Lens arr System (Maybe NodeId)Source

isLast :: System -> NodeId -> BoolSource

True iff the given node id is guaranteed to be instantiated to the last index of the trace.


sEqStore :: forall arr. Arrow arr => Lens arr System EqStoreSource

sSubst :: System :-> LNSubstSource

Label to access the free substitution of the equation store.

sConjDisjEqs :: System :-> Conj (SplitId, Set LNSubstVFresh)Source

Label to access the conjunction of disjunctions of fresh substutitution in the equation store.


sFormulas :: forall arr. Arrow arr => Lens arr System (Set LNGuarded)Source

sSolvedFormulas :: forall arr. Arrow arr => Lens arr System (Set LNGuarded)Source


sLemmas :: forall arr. Arrow arr => Lens arr System (Set LNGuarded)Source

insertLemmas :: [LNGuarded] -> System -> SystemSource

Add lemmas / additional assumptions to a constraint system.

Keeping track of typing assumptions

data CaseDistKind Source

Case dinstinction kind that are allowed. The order of the kinds corresponds to the subkinding relation: untyped < typed.


data GoalStatus Source

The status of a Goal. Use its Semigroup instance to combine the status info of goals that collapse.



gsSolved :: forall arr. Arrow arr => Lens arr GoalStatus BoolSource

gsLoopBreaker :: forall arr. Arrow arr => Lens arr GoalStatus BoolSource

gsNr :: forall arr. Arrow arr => Lens arr GoalStatus IntegerSource

sGoals :: forall arr. Arrow arr => Lens arr System (Map Goal GoalStatus)Source

sNextGoalNr :: forall arr. Arrow arr => Lens arr System IntegerSource


prettySystem :: HighlightDocument d => System -> dSource

Pretty print a sequent

prettyNonGraphSystem :: HighlightDocument d => System -> dSource

Pretty print the non-graph part of the sequent; i.e. equation store and clauses.