{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Text.Layout.Table
module Data.Default.Class
, ColSpec
, column
, numCol
, fixedCol
, fixedLeftCol
, LenSpec
, expand
, fixed
, expandUntil
, fixedUntil
, Position
, H
, left
, right
, center
, AlignSpec
, noAlign
, charAlign
, predAlign
, dotAlign
, CutMark
, noCutMark
, singleCutMark
, doubleCutMark
, Row
, grid
, gridLines
, gridString
, altLines
, checkeredCells
, RowGroup
, rowsG
, rowG
, colsG
, colsAllG
, HeaderColSpec
, headerColumn
, Header
, fullH
, titlesH
, tableLines
, tableString
, justify
, justifyText
, Col
, colsAsRowsAll
, colsAsRows
, top
, bottom
, V
, module Text.Layout.Table.Style
, pad
, trimOrPad
, align
, alignFixed
, ColModInfo
, widthCMI
, unalignedCMI
, ensureWidthCMI
, ensureWidthOfCMI
, columnModifier
, AlignInfo
, widthAI
, deriveColModInfos
, deriveAlignInfo
, OccSpec
) where
import qualified Control.Arrow as A
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Semigroup
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.Default.Instances.Base ()
import Text.Layout.Table.Justify
import Text.Layout.Table.Style
import Text.Layout.Table.Position.Internal
import Text.Layout.Table.Primitives.AlignSpec.Internal
import Text.Layout.Table.Primitives.Basic
import Text.Layout.Table.Primitives.Column
import Text.Layout.Table.Primitives.LenSpec.Internal
import Text.Layout.Table.Primitives.Occurence
import Text.Layout.Table.Internal
import Text.Layout.Table.Vertical
dotAlign :: AlignSpec
dotAlign = charAlign '.'
numCol :: ColSpec
numCol = column def right dotAlign def
fixedCol :: Int -> Position H -> ColSpec
fixedCol l pS = column (fixed l) pS def def
fixedLeftCol :: Int -> ColSpec
fixedLeftCol i = fixedCol i left
pad :: Position o -> Int -> String -> String
pad p = case p of
Start -> fillRight
Center -> fillCenter
End -> fillLeft
trimOrPad :: Position o -> CutMark -> Int -> String -> String
trimOrPad p = case p of
Start -> fitRightWith
Center -> fitCenterWith
End -> fitLeftWith
align :: OccSpec -> AlignInfo -> String -> String
align oS (AlignInfo l r) s = case splitAtOcc oS s of
(ls, rs) -> fillLeft l ls ++ case rs of
[] -> spaces r
_ -> fillRight r rs
alignFixed :: Position o -> CutMark -> Int -> OccSpec -> AlignInfo -> String -> String
alignFixed _ cms 0 _ _ _ = ""
alignFixed _ cms 1 _ _ s@(_ : (_ : _)) = applyMarkLeftWith cms " "
alignFixed p cms i oS ai@(AlignInfo l r) s =
let n = l + r - i
in case splitAtOcc oS s of
(ls, rs) -> case p of
Start ->
let remRight = r - n
in if remRight < 0
then fitRight (l + remRight) $ fillLeft l ls
else fitRight (l + remRight) $ fillLeft l ls ++ rs
End ->
let remLeft = l - n
in if remLeft < 0
then fitLeft (r + remLeft) $ fillRight r rs
else fitLeft (r + remLeft) $ ls ++ fillRight r rs
Center ->
let (c, remC) = (l + r) `divMod` 2
(d, remD) = i `divMod` 2
d2 = d + remD
c2 = c + remC
(widthL, widthR) = if l > c
then (l - c2 + d, d2 - (l - c2))
else (d - (r - c), (c2 - l) + d2)
lenL = length ls
lenR = length rs
toCutLfromR = negate $ min 0 widthL
toCutRfromL = max 0 $ negate widthR
(markL, funL) = if lenL > widthL
then ( applyMarkLeft
, take (widthL - toCutRfromL) . drop (lenL - widthL)
else ( id
, fillLeft (widthL - toCutRfromL) . take (lenL - toCutRfromL)
(markR, funR) = if lenR > widthR
then (applyMarkRight, take widthR)
else (id , fillRight widthR)
in markL $ markR $ funL ls ++ drop toCutLfromR (funR rs)
fitRight = fitRightWith cms
fitLeft = fitLeftWith cms
applyMarkRight = applyMarkRightWith cms
applyMarkLeft = applyMarkLeftWith cms
data ColModInfo
= FillAligned OccSpec AlignInfo
| FillTo Int
| FitTo Int (Maybe (OccSpec, AlignInfo))
showCMI :: ColModInfo -> String
showCMI cmi = case cmi of
FillAligned oS ai -> "FillAligned .. " ++ showAI ai
FillTo i -> "FillTo " ++ show i
FitTo i _ -> "FitTo " ++ show i ++ ".."
widthCMI :: ColModInfo -> Int
widthCMI cmi = case cmi of
FillAligned _ ai -> widthAI ai
FillTo maxLen -> maxLen
FitTo lim _ -> lim
unalignedCMI :: ColModInfo -> ColModInfo
unalignedCMI cmi = case cmi of
FillAligned _ ai -> FillTo $ widthAI ai
FitTo i _ -> FitTo i Nothing
_ -> cmi
ensureWidthCMI :: Int -> Position H -> ColModInfo -> ColModInfo
ensureWidthCMI w pos cmi = case cmi of
FillAligned oS ai@(AlignInfo lw rw) ->
let neededW = w - widthAI ai
in if neededW <= 0
then cmi
else FillAligned oS $ case pos of
Start -> AlignInfo lw (rw + neededW)
End -> AlignInfo (lw + neededW) rw
Center -> let (q, r) = neededW `divMod` 2
in AlignInfo (q + lw) (q + rw + r)
FillTo maxLen -> FillTo (max maxLen w)
_ -> cmi
ensureWidthOfCMI :: String -> Position H -> ColModInfo -> ColModInfo
ensureWidthOfCMI = ensureWidthCMI . length
columnModifier :: Position H -> CutMark -> ColModInfo -> (String -> String)
columnModifier pos cms lenInfo = case lenInfo of
FillAligned oS ai -> align oS ai
FillTo maxLen -> pad pos maxLen
FitTo lim mT ->
maybe (trimOrPad pos cms lim) (uncurry $ alignFixed pos cms lim) mT
data AlignInfo = AlignInfo Int Int
showAI :: AlignInfo -> String
showAI (AlignInfo l r) = "AlignInfo " ++ show l ++ " " ++ show r
widthAI :: AlignInfo -> Int
widthAI (AlignInfo l r) = l + r
instance Semigroup AlignInfo where
AlignInfo ll lr <> AlignInfo rl rr = AlignInfo (max ll rl) (max lr rr)
instance Monoid AlignInfo where
mempty = AlignInfo 0 0
deriveColModInfos :: [(LenSpec, AlignSpec)] -> [Row String] -> [ColModInfo]
deriveColModInfos specs = zipWith ($) (fmap fSel specs) . transpose
fSel (lenSpec, alignSpec) = case alignSpec of
NoAlign -> let fitTo i = const $ FitTo i Nothing
expandUntil f i max = if f (max <= i)
then FillTo max
else fitTo i max
fun = case lenSpec of
Expand -> FillTo
Fixed i -> fitTo i
ExpandUntil i -> expandUntil id i
FixedUntil i -> expandUntil not i
in fun . maximum . map length
AlignOcc oS -> let fitToAligned i = FitTo i . Just . (,) oS
fillAligned = FillAligned oS
expandUntil f i ai = if f (widthAI ai <= i)
then fillAligned ai
else fitToAligned i ai
fun = case lenSpec of
Expand -> fillAligned
Fixed i -> fitToAligned i
ExpandUntil i -> expandUntil id i
FixedUntil i -> expandUntil not i
in fun . foldMap (deriveAlignInfo oS)
deriveAlignInfo :: OccSpec -> String -> AlignInfo
deriveAlignInfo occSpec s =
AlignInfo <$> length . fst <*> length . snd $ splitAtOcc occSpec s
grid :: [ColSpec] -> [Row String] -> [Row String]
grid specs tab = zipWith ($) cmfs <$> tab
cmfs = zipWith (uncurry columnModifier) (map (position A.&&& cutMark) specs) cmis
cmis = deriveColModInfos (map (lenSpec A.&&& alignSpec) specs) tab
gridLines :: [ColSpec] -> [Row String] -> [String]
gridLines specs = fmap unwords . grid specs
gridString :: [ColSpec] -> [Row String] -> String
gridString specs = concatLines . gridLines specs
altLines :: [a -> b] -> [a] -> [b]
altLines = zipWith ($) . cycle
checkeredCells :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b) -> [[a]] -> [[b]]
checkeredCells f g = zipWith altLines $ cycle [[f, g], [g, f]]
colsG :: [Position V] -> [Col String] -> RowGroup
colsG ps = rowsG . colsAsRows ps
colsAllG :: Position V -> [Col String] -> RowGroup
colsAllG p = rowsG . colsAsRowsAll p
data Header
= Header [HeaderColSpec] [String]
| NoHeader
instance Default Header where
def = NoHeader
fullH :: [HeaderColSpec] -> [String] -> Header
fullH = Header
titlesH :: [String] -> Header
titlesH = fullH $ repeat def
tableLines :: [ColSpec]
-> TableStyle
-> Header
-> [RowGroup]
-> [String]
tableLines specs TableStyle { .. } header rowGroups =
topLine : addHeaderLines (rowGroupLines ++ [bottomLine])
hLineDetail hSpace delimL delimM delimR cols
= intercalate [hSpace] $ [delimL] : intersperse [delimM] cols ++ [[delimR]]
hLine hSpace delim
= hLineDetail hSpace delim delim delim
fakeColumns sym
= map (`replicate` sym) colWidths
topLine = hLineDetail realTopH realTopL realTopC realTopR $ fakeColumns realTopH
bottomLine = hLineDetail groupBottomH groupBottomL groupBottomC groupBottomR $ fakeColumns groupBottomH
groupSepLine = hLineDetail groupSepH groupSepLC groupSepC groupSepRC $ fakeColumns groupSepH
headerSepLine = hLineDetail headerSepH headerSepLC headerSepC headerSepRC $ fakeColumns headerSepH
rowGroupLines = intercalate [groupSepLine] $ map (map (hLine ' ' groupV) . applyRowMods . rows) rowGroups
(addHeaderLines, fitHeaderIntoCMIs, realTopH, realTopL, realTopC, realTopR)
= case header of
Header headerColSpecs hTitles
let headerLine = hLine ' ' headerV (zipWith ($) headerRowMods hTitles)
headerRowMods = zipWith3 (\(HeaderColSpec pos optCutMark) cutMark ->
columnModifier pos $ fromMaybe cutMark optCutMark
(map unalignedCMI cMIs)
( (headerLine :) . (headerSepLine :)
, zipWith ($) $ zipWith ($) (map ensureWidthOfCMI hTitles) posSpecs
, headerTopH
, headerTopL
, headerTopC
, headerTopR
NoHeader ->
( id
, id
, groupTopH
, groupTopL
, groupTopC
, groupTopR
cMSs = map cutMark specs
posSpecs = map position specs
applyRowMods = map (zipWith ($) rowMods)
rowMods = zipWith3 columnModifier posSpecs cMSs cMIs
cMIs = fitHeaderIntoCMIs $ deriveColModInfos (map (lenSpec A.&&& alignSpec) specs)
$ concatMap rows rowGroups
colWidths = map widthCMI cMIs
tableString :: [ColSpec]
-> TableStyle
-> Header
-> [RowGroup]
-> String
tableString specs style header rowGroups = concatLines $ tableLines specs style header rowGroups