Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- type T s sample0 sample1 = T (Core s) sample0 sample1
- type Single s amp0 amp1 yv0 yv1 = Single (Core s) amp0 amp1 yv0 yv1
- newtype Core s yv0 yv1 = Core (T yv0 yv1)
- consFlip :: (Amplitude sample0 -> (Amplitude sample1, T (Displacement sample0) (Displacement sample1))) -> T s sample0 sample1
- apply :: (Transform sig yv0, Transform sig yv1) => Single s amp0 amp1 yv0 yv1 -> T (Phantom s) amp0 (sig yv0) -> T (Phantom s) amp1 (sig yv1)
- applyFlat :: (C yv0 amp0, Transform sig yv0, Transform sig yv1) => Single s (Flat yv0) amp1 yv0 yv1 -> T (Phantom s) amp0 (sig yv0) -> T (Phantom s) amp1 (sig yv1)
- canonicalizeFlat :: C y flat => Single s flat (Flat y) y y
- applyConst :: (C amp1, C y0) => Single s (Numeric amp0) amp1 y0 yv1 -> amp0 -> T (Phantom s) amp1 (T yv1)
- ($/:) :: (Applicative f, Transform sig yv0, Transform sig yv1) => f (Single s amp0 amp1 yv0 yv1) -> f (T (Phantom s) amp0 (sig yv0)) -> f (T (Phantom s) amp1 (sig yv1))
- ($/-) :: (C amp1, Functor f, C y0) => f (Single s (Numeric amp0) amp1 y0 yv1) -> amp0 -> f (T (Phantom s) amp1 (T yv1))
- applyFst :: Read sig yv => T s (T amp yv, restSampleIn) restSampleOut -> T (Phantom s) amp (sig yv) -> T s restSampleIn restSampleOut
- applyFlatFst :: (C yv amp, Read sig yv) => T s (T (Flat yv) yv, restSampleIn) restSampleOut -> T (Phantom s) amp (sig yv) -> T s restSampleIn restSampleOut
- feedFst :: Read sig yv => T (Phantom s) amp (sig yv) -> T s restSample (T amp yv, restSample)
- applySnd :: Read sig yv => T s (restSampleIn, T amp yv) restSampleOut -> T (Phantom s) amp (sig yv) -> T s restSampleIn restSampleOut
- feedSnd :: Read sig yv => T (Phantom s) amp (sig yv) -> T s restSample (restSample, T amp yv)
- map :: T sample0 sample1 -> T s sample0 sample1
- (^>>) :: T sample0 sample1 -> T s sample1 sample2 -> T s sample0 sample2
- (>>^) :: T s sample0 sample1 -> T sample1 sample2 -> T s sample0 sample2
- (<<^) :: T s sample1 sample2 -> T sample0 sample1 -> T s sample0 sample2
- (^<<) :: T sample1 sample2 -> T s sample0 sample1 -> T s sample0 sample2
- homogeneous :: T yv0 yv1 -> Single s amp amp yv0 yv1
- id :: T s sample sample
- loop2Volume :: (C y0, C y0 yv0, C v0, C y1, C y1 yv1, C v1) => (T v0 y0, T v1 y1) -> T s (restSampleIn, (T (Dimensional v0 y0) yv0, T (Dimensional v1 y1) yv1)) (restSampleOut, (T (Dimensional v0 y0) yv0, T (Dimensional v1 y1) yv1)) -> T s restSampleIn restSampleOut
- (***) :: Arrow a => forall b c b' c'. a b c -> a b' c' -> a (b, b') (c, c')
- (&&&) :: Arrow a => forall b c c'. a b c -> a b c' -> a b (c, c')
- (>>>) :: Category k cat => cat a b -> cat b c -> cat a c
- (<<<) :: Category k cat => cat b c -> cat a b -> cat a c
- compose :: Category arrow => T arrow sample0 sample1 -> T arrow sample1 sample2 -> T arrow sample0 sample2
- first :: Arrow arrow => T arrow sample0 sample1 -> T arrow (sample0, sample) (sample1, sample)
- second :: Arrow arrow => T arrow sample0 sample1 -> T arrow (sample, sample0) (sample, sample1)
- split :: Arrow arrow => T arrow sample0 sample1 -> T arrow sample2 sample3 -> T arrow (sample0, sample2) (sample1, sample3)
- fanout :: Arrow arrow => T arrow sample sample0 -> T arrow sample sample1 -> T arrow sample (sample0, sample1)
- loop :: ArrowLoop arrow => T arrow (restSampleIn, sample) (restSampleOut, sample) -> T arrow restSampleIn restSampleOut
- loopVolume :: (C y, C y yv, C v, ArrowLoop arrow) => T v y -> T arrow (restSampleIn, T (Dimensional v y) yv) (restSampleOut, T (Dimensional v y) yv) -> T arrow restSampleIn restSampleOut
type T s sample0 sample1 = T (Core s) sample0 sample1 Source #
Note that amp
can also be a pair of amplitudes
or a more complicated ensemble of amplitudes.
consFlip :: (Amplitude sample0 -> (Amplitude sample1, T (Displacement sample0) (Displacement sample1))) -> T s sample0 sample1 Source #
apply :: (Transform sig yv0, Transform sig yv1) => Single s amp0 amp1 yv0 yv1 -> T (Phantom s) amp0 (sig yv0) -> T (Phantom s) amp1 (sig yv1) infixl 9 Source #
applyFlat :: (C yv0 amp0, Transform sig yv0, Transform sig yv1) => Single s (Flat yv0) amp1 yv0 yv1 -> T (Phantom s) amp0 (sig yv0) -> T (Phantom s) amp1 (sig yv1) Source #
applyConst :: (C amp1, C y0) => Single s (Numeric amp0) amp1 y0 yv1 -> amp0 -> T (Phantom s) amp1 (T yv1) Source #
($/:) :: (Applicative f, Transform sig yv0, Transform sig yv1) => f (Single s amp0 amp1 yv0 yv1) -> f (T (Phantom s) amp0 (sig yv0)) -> f (T (Phantom s) amp1 (sig yv1)) infixl 0 Source #
($/-) :: (C amp1, Functor f, C y0) => f (Single s (Numeric amp0) amp1 y0 yv1) -> amp0 -> f (T (Phantom s) amp1 (T yv1)) infixl 0 Source #
applyFst :: Read sig yv => T s (T amp yv, restSampleIn) restSampleOut -> T (Phantom s) amp (sig yv) -> T s restSampleIn restSampleOut infixl 9 Source #
applyFlatFst :: (C yv amp, Read sig yv) => T s (T (Flat yv) yv, restSampleIn) restSampleOut -> T (Phantom s) amp (sig yv) -> T s restSampleIn restSampleOut Source #
feedFst :: Read sig yv => T (Phantom s) amp (sig yv) -> T s restSample (T amp yv, restSample) Source #
applySnd :: Read sig yv => T s (restSampleIn, T amp yv) restSampleOut -> T (Phantom s) amp (sig yv) -> T s restSampleIn restSampleOut Source #
feedSnd :: Read sig yv => T (Phantom s) amp (sig yv) -> T s restSample (restSample, T amp yv) Source #
(^>>) :: T sample0 sample1 -> T s sample1 sample2 -> T s sample0 sample2 infixr 1 Source #
Precomposition with a pure function.
(>>^) :: T s sample0 sample1 -> T sample1 sample2 -> T s sample0 sample2 infixr 1 Source #
Postcomposition with a pure function.
(<<^) :: T s sample1 sample2 -> T sample0 sample1 -> T s sample0 sample2 infixr 1 Source #
Precomposition with a pure function (right-to-left variant).
(^<<) :: T sample1 sample2 -> T s sample0 sample1 -> T s sample0 sample2 infixr 1 Source #
Postcomposition with a pure function (right-to-left variant).
homogeneous :: T yv0 yv1 -> Single s amp amp yv0 yv1 Source #
Lift a low-level homogeneous process to a dimensional one.
Note that the amp
type variable is unrestricted.
This way we show, that the amplitude is not touched,
which also means that the underlying low-level process must be homogeneous.
loop2Volume :: (C y0, C y0 yv0, C v0, C y1, C y1 yv1, C v1) => (T v0 y0, T v1 y1) -> T s (restSampleIn, (T (Dimensional v0 y0) yv0, T (Dimensional v1 y1) yv1)) (restSampleOut, (T (Dimensional v0 y0) yv0, T (Dimensional v1 y1) yv1)) -> T s restSampleIn restSampleOut Source #
re-export Arrow, it would be better to restrict that to Causal processes
(***) :: Arrow a => forall b c b' c'. a b c -> a b' c' -> a (b, b') (c, c') infixr 3 #
Split the input between the two argument arrows and combine their output. Note that this is in general not a functor.
The default definition may be overridden with a more efficient version if desired.
(&&&) :: Arrow a => forall b c c'. a b c -> a b c' -> a b (c, c') infixr 3 #
Fanout: send the input to both argument arrows and combine their output.
The default definition may be overridden with a more efficient version if desired.
compose :: Category arrow => T arrow sample0 sample1 -> T arrow sample1 sample2 -> T arrow sample0 sample2 Source #
first :: Arrow arrow => T arrow sample0 sample1 -> T arrow (sample0, sample) (sample1, sample) Source #
second :: Arrow arrow => T arrow sample0 sample1 -> T arrow (sample, sample0) (sample, sample1) Source #
split :: Arrow arrow => T arrow sample0 sample1 -> T arrow sample2 sample3 -> T arrow (sample0, sample2) (sample1, sample3) Source #
fanout :: Arrow arrow => T arrow sample sample0 -> T arrow sample sample1 -> T arrow sample (sample0, sample1) Source #
loop :: ArrowLoop arrow => T arrow (restSampleIn, sample) (restSampleOut, sample) -> T arrow restSampleIn restSampleOut Source #
I will call the connection from input to output amplitudes of type amp
the looping channel.
It is essential, that the looping channel decouples output from input amplitude.
You can achieve this by inserting one of the forceAmplitude
somewhere in the looping channel.
loopVolume :: (C y, C y yv, C v, ArrowLoop arrow) => T v y -> T arrow (restSampleIn, T (Dimensional v y) yv) (restSampleOut, T (Dimensional v y) yv) -> T arrow restSampleIn restSampleOut Source #