module Synthesizer.Plain.IO
{-# DEPRECATED "Use Sound.Sox.Signal.List instead." #-}
writeInt16Stream, readInt16StreamStrict,
writeLEInt16Stream, readLEInt16Stream,
putInt16Stream, putInt16StreamChunky,
intToTwoLEChars, twoLECharsToInt,
) where
import Foreign (Int16, Ptr, alloca, sizeOf, poke, peek)
import System.IO
(openBinaryFile, IOMode(WriteMode,ReadMode), hClose,
Handle, hPutBuf, hGetBuf)
import Control.Exception (bracket, )
import Control.Monad (liftM, )
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import qualified Data.Binary.Builder as Builder
import Data.Monoid (mconcat, )
import Data.Char (ord, )
import NumericPrelude.Numeric
import NumericPrelude.Base
import qualified Prelude as P98
{-# INLINE leCharsToInt16 #-}
leCharsToInt16 :: Char -> Char -> Int16
leCharsToInt16 hi lo =
P98.fromIntegral $ ord lo + 256 * ord hi
twoLECharsToInt :: Char -> Char -> Int
twoLECharsToInt hi lo =
let unsigned = ord lo + 256 * ord hi
in mod (unsigned + 32768) 65536 - 32768
{-# INLINE int16ToLEChars #-}
int16ToLEChars :: Int16 -> [Char]
int16ToLEChars x =
let (hi,lo) = divMod (P98.fromIntegral x) 256
in [toEnum lo, toEnum (mod hi 256)]
intToTwoLEChars :: Int -> [Char]
intToTwoLEChars x =
let (hi,lo) = divMod x 256
in [toEnum lo, toEnum (mod hi 256)]
{-# INLINE binaryToIntsMono16 #-}
binaryToIntsMono16 :: [Char] -> [Int16]
binaryToIntsMono16 sig =
case sig of
(lo:hi:xs) ->
leCharsToInt16 hi lo : binaryToIntsMono16 xs
(_:[]) ->
error "binaryToIntsMono16: 16 bit sample files must have even length"
[] -> []
writeLEInt16Stream :: FilePath -> [Int16] -> IO ()
writeLEInt16Stream fileName =
writeFile fileName . concatMap int16ToLEChars
writeInt16Stream :: FilePath -> [Int16] -> IO ()
writeInt16Stream fileName stream =
bracket (openBinaryFile fileName WriteMode) hClose
(flip putInt16Stream stream)
putInt16StreamChunky :: Handle -> [Int16] -> IO ()
putInt16StreamChunky h =
B.hPut h . Builder.toLazyByteString .
mconcat . map (Builder.putWord16host . P98.fromIntegral)
putInt16Stream :: Handle -> [Int16] -> IO ()
putInt16Stream h stream =
alloca $
\p -> mapM_ (putInt16 h p) stream
putInt16 :: Handle -> Ptr Int16 -> Int16 -> IO ()
putInt16 h p n =
poke p n >> hPutBuf h p (sizeOf n)
readLEInt16Stream :: FilePath -> IO [Int16]
readLEInt16Stream fileName =
fmap binaryToIntsMono16 (readFile fileName)
readInt16StreamStrict :: FilePath -> IO [Int16]
readInt16StreamStrict fileName =
bracket (openBinaryFile fileName ReadMode) hClose
getInt16StreamStrict :: Handle -> IO [Int16]
getInt16StreamStrict h =
alloca $
\p -> fmap (map P98.fromIntegral)
(unfoldM (getInt16 h p))
unfoldM :: Monad m => m (Maybe a) -> m [a]
unfoldM act =
let listM = maybe (return []) (\x -> liftM (x:) listM) =<< act
in listM
getInt16 :: Handle -> Ptr Int16 -> IO (Maybe Int16)
getInt16 h p =
do cnt <- hGetBuf h p (sizeOf (undefined::Int16))
case cnt of
0 -> return Nothing
2 -> fmap Just (peek p)
_ -> return (error "getInt16: only one byte found")