{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Synthesizer.Generic.Signal (
module Synthesizer.Generic.Signal,
) where
import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.Cut as Cut
import Synthesizer.Generic.Cut (append, )
import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Signal as Sig
import qualified Synthesizer.State.Signal as SigS
import qualified Synthesizer.Storable.Signal as SigSt
import qualified Data.StorableVector.Lazy as SVL
import qualified Data.StorableVector as SV
import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Modifier as Modifier
import Foreign.Storable (Storable)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (runState, runStateT, )
import qualified Data.List.HT as ListHT
import qualified Data.List as List
import Data.Function (fix, )
import Data.Tuple.HT (mapPair, mapFst, fst3, snd3, thd3, )
import Data.Monoid (Monoid, mappend, mempty, )
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup, (<>), )
import qualified Algebra.ToInteger as ToInteger
import qualified Algebra.ToRational as ToRational
import qualified Algebra.Absolute as Absolute
import qualified Algebra.RealIntegral as RealIntegral
import qualified Algebra.IntegralDomain as Integral
import qualified Algebra.NonNegative as NonNeg
import qualified Algebra.ZeroTestable as ZeroTestable
import qualified Algebra.Module as Module
import qualified Algebra.Ring as Ring
import qualified Algebra.Additive as Additive
import qualified Algebra.Monoid as Monoid
import Algebra.Additive ((+), (-), )
import qualified Data.EventList.Relative.BodyTime as EventList
import qualified Numeric.NonNegative.Class as NonNeg98
import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC
import qualified Prelude as P
import Prelude
(Bool, Int, Maybe(Just), maybe, fst, snd,
(==), (<), (>), (<=), (>=), compare, Ordering(..),
flip, uncurry, const, (.), ($), (&&), id, (++),
fmap, return, error, show,
Eq, Ord, Show, min, max, )
class Storage signal where
data Constraints signal :: *
constraints :: signal -> Constraints signal
class Read0 sig where
toList :: Storage (sig y) => sig y -> [y]
toState :: Storage (sig y) => sig y -> SigS.T y
foldL :: Storage (sig y) => (s -> y -> s) -> s -> sig y -> s
foldR :: Storage (sig y) => (y -> s -> s) -> s -> sig y -> s
index :: Storage (sig y) => sig y -> Int -> y
class (Cut.Read (sig y), Read0 sig, Storage (sig y)) => Read sig y where
class (Read0 sig) => Transform0 sig where
cons :: Storage (sig y) => y -> sig y -> sig y
takeWhile :: Storage (sig y) => (y -> Bool) -> sig y -> sig y
dropWhile :: Storage (sig y) => (y -> Bool) -> sig y -> sig y
span :: Storage (sig y) => (y -> Bool) -> sig y -> (sig y, sig y)
viewL :: Storage (sig y) => sig y -> Maybe (y, sig y)
viewR :: Storage (sig y) => sig y -> Maybe (sig y, y)
zipWithAppend :: Storage (sig y) => (y -> y -> y) -> sig y -> sig y -> sig y
map ::
(Storage (sig y0), Storage (sig y1)) =>
(y0 -> y1) -> (sig y0 -> sig y1)
scanL ::
(Storage (sig y0), Storage (sig y1)) =>
(y1 -> y0 -> y1) -> y1 -> sig y0 -> sig y1
crochetL ::
(Storage (sig y0), Storage (sig y1)) =>
(y0 -> s -> Maybe (y1, s)) -> s -> sig y0 -> sig y1
class (Cut.Transform (sig y), Transform0 sig, Read sig y) => Transform sig y where
newtype LazySize = LazySize Int
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show,
Additive.C, Ring.C, ZeroTestable.C,
ToInteger.C, ToRational.C, Absolute.C,
RealIntegral.C, Integral.C)
instance Semigroup LazySize where
LazySize a <> LazySize b = LazySize (a + b)
instance Monoid LazySize where
mempty = LazySize 0
mappend = (<>)
instance Monoid.C LazySize where
idt = LazySize 0
LazySize a <*> LazySize b = LazySize (a + b)
instance NonNeg.C LazySize where
split = NonNeg.splitDefault (\(LazySize n) -> n) LazySize
instance QC.Arbitrary LazySize where
arbitrary =
case defaultLazySize of
LazySize n -> fmap LazySize (QC.choose (1, 2 P.* n))
instance Cut.Read LazySize where
null (LazySize n) = n==0
length (LazySize n) = n
instance Cut.Transform LazySize where
{-# INLINE take #-}
take m (LazySize n) = LazySize $ min (max 0 m) n
{-# INLINE drop #-}
drop m (LazySize n) = LazySize $ max 0 $ n - max 0 m
{-# INLINE splitAt #-}
splitAt m x =
let y = Cut.take m x
in (y, x-y)
{-# INLINE dropMarginRem #-}
dropMarginRem n m x@(LazySize xs) =
let d = min m $ max 0 $ xs - n
in (m-d, Cut.drop d x)
{-# INLINE reverse #-}
reverse = id
defaultLazySize :: LazySize
defaultLazySize =
let (SVL.ChunkSize size) = SVL.defaultChunkSize
in LazySize size
class Transform0 sig => Write0 sig where
fromList :: Storage (sig y) => LazySize -> [y] -> sig y
repeat :: Storage (sig y) => LazySize -> y -> sig y
replicate :: Storage (sig y) => LazySize -> Int -> y -> sig y
iterate :: Storage (sig y) => LazySize -> (y -> y) -> y -> sig y
iterateAssociative :: Storage (sig y) => LazySize -> (y -> y -> y) -> y -> sig y
unfoldR :: Storage (sig y) => LazySize -> (s -> Maybe (y,s)) -> s -> sig y
class (Write0 sig, Transform sig y) => Write sig y where
instance (Storable y) => Storage (SVL.Vector y) where
data Constraints (SVL.Vector y) = Storable y => StorableLazyConstraints
constraints _ = StorableLazyConstraints
readSVL ::
(Storable a => SVL.Vector a -> b) ->
(Storage (SVL.Vector a) => SVL.Vector a -> b)
readSVL f x = case constraints x of StorableLazyConstraints -> f x
writeSVL ::
(Storable a => SVL.Vector a) ->
(Storage (SVL.Vector a) => SVL.Vector a)
writeSVL x =
let z = case constraints z of StorableLazyConstraints -> x
in z
instance Storable y => Read SVL.Vector y where
instance Read0 SVL.Vector where
{-# INLINE toList #-}
toList = readSVL SVL.unpack
{-# INLINE toState #-}
toState = readSVL SigS.fromStorableSignal
{-# INLINE foldL #-}
foldL f x = readSVL (SVL.foldl f x)
{-# INLINE foldR #-}
foldR f x = readSVL (SVL.foldr f x)
{-# INLINE index #-}
index = readSVL SVL.index
instance Storable y => Transform SVL.Vector y where
instance Transform0 SVL.Vector where
{-# INLINE cons #-}
cons x = readSVL (SVL.cons x)
{-# INLINE takeWhile #-}
takeWhile p = readSVL (SVL.takeWhile p)
{-# INLINE dropWhile #-}
dropWhile p = readSVL (SVL.dropWhile p)
{-# INLINE span #-}
span p = readSVL (SVL.span p)
{-# INLINE viewL #-}
viewL = readSVL SVL.viewL
{-# INLINE viewR #-}
viewR = readSVL SVL.viewR
{-# INLINE map #-}
map f x = writeSVL (readSVL (SVL.map f) x)
{-# INLINE scanL #-}
scanL f a x = writeSVL (readSVL (SVL.scanl f a) x)
{-# INLINE crochetL #-}
crochetL f a x = writeSVL (readSVL (SVL.crochetL f a) x)
{-# INLINE zipWithAppend #-}
zipWithAppend f = readSVL (SigSt.zipWithAppend f)
withStorableContext ::
(SVL.ChunkSize -> a) -> (LazySize -> a)
withStorableContext f =
\(LazySize size) -> f (SVL.ChunkSize size)
instance Storable y => Write SVL.Vector y where
instance Write0 SVL.Vector where
{-# INLINE fromList #-}
fromList = withStorableContext $ \size x -> writeSVL (SVL.pack size x)
{-# INLINE repeat #-}
repeat = withStorableContext $ \size x -> writeSVL (SVL.repeat size x)
{-# INLINE replicate #-}
replicate = withStorableContext $ \size n x -> writeSVL (SVL.replicate size n x)
{-# INLINE iterate #-}
iterate = withStorableContext $ \size f x -> writeSVL (SVL.iterate size f x)
{-# INLINE unfoldR #-}
unfoldR = withStorableContext $ \size f x -> writeSVL (SVL.unfoldr size f x)
{-# INLINE iterateAssociative #-}
iterateAssociative = withStorableContext $ \size op x -> writeSVL (SVL.iterate size (op x) x)
instance (Storable y) => Storage (SV.Vector y) where
data Constraints (SV.Vector y) = Storable y => StorableConstraints
constraints _ = StorableConstraints
readSV ::
(Storable a => SV.Vector a -> b) ->
(Storage (SV.Vector a) => SV.Vector a -> b)
readSV f x = case constraints x of StorableConstraints -> f x
writeSV ::
(Storable a => SV.Vector a) ->
(Storage (SV.Vector a) => SV.Vector a)
writeSV x =
let z = case constraints z of StorableConstraints -> x
in z
instance Storable y => Read SV.Vector y where
instance Read0 SV.Vector where
{-# INLINE toList #-}
toList = readSV SV.unpack
{-# INLINE toState #-}
toState = readSV SigS.fromStrictStorableSignal
{-# INLINE foldL #-}
foldL f x = readSV (SV.foldl f x)
{-# INLINE foldR #-}
foldR f x = readSV (SV.foldr f x)
{-# INLINE index #-}
index = readSV SV.index
instance Storable y => Transform SV.Vector y where
instance Transform0 SV.Vector where
{-# INLINE cons #-}
cons x = readSV (SV.cons x)
{-# INLINE takeWhile #-}
takeWhile p = readSV (SV.takeWhile p)
{-# INLINE dropWhile #-}
dropWhile p = readSV (SV.dropWhile p)
{-# INLINE span #-}
span p = readSV (SV.span p)
{-# INLINE viewL #-}
viewL = readSV SV.viewL
{-# INLINE viewR #-}
viewR = readSV SV.viewR
{-# INLINE map #-}
map f x = writeSV (readSV (SV.map f) x)
{-# INLINE scanL #-}
scanL f a x = writeSV (readSV (SV.scanl f a) x)
{-# INLINE crochetL #-}
crochetL f a x =
writeSV (fst (readSV (SV.crochetLResult f a) x))
{-# INLINE zipWithAppend #-}
zipWithAppend f =
readSV (\xs ys ->
case compare (SV.length xs) (SV.length ys) of
EQ -> SV.zipWith f xs ys
LT -> SV.append (SV.zipWith f xs ys) (SV.drop (SV.length xs) ys)
GT -> SV.append (SV.zipWith f xs ys) (SV.drop (SV.length ys) xs))
instance Storage [y] where
data Constraints [y] = ListConstraints
constraints _ = ListConstraints
instance Read [] y where
instance Read0 [] where
{-# INLINE toList #-}
toList = id
{-# INLINE toState #-}
toState = SigS.fromList
{-# INLINE foldL #-}
foldL = List.foldl
{-# INLINE foldR #-}
foldR = List.foldr
{-# INLINE index #-}
index = (List.!!)
instance Transform [] y where
instance Transform0 [] where
{-# INLINE cons #-}
cons = (:)
{-# INLINE takeWhile #-}
takeWhile = List.takeWhile
{-# INLINE dropWhile #-}
dropWhile = List.dropWhile
{-# INLINE span #-}
span = List.span
{-# INLINE viewL #-}
viewL = ListHT.viewL
{-# INLINE viewR #-}
viewR = ListHT.viewR
{-# INLINE map #-}
map = List.map
{-# INLINE scanL #-}
scanL = List.scanl
{-# INLINE crochetL #-}
crochetL = Sig.crochetL
{-# INLINE zipWithAppend #-}
zipWithAppend = Sig.zipWithAppend
instance Write [] y where
instance Write0 [] where
{-# INLINE fromList #-}
fromList _ = id
{-# INLINE repeat #-}
repeat _ = List.repeat
{-# INLINE replicate #-}
replicate _ = List.replicate
{-# INLINE iterate #-}
iterate _ = List.iterate
{-# INLINE unfoldR #-}
unfoldR _ = List.unfoldr
{-# INLINE iterateAssociative #-}
iterateAssociative _ = ListHT.iterateAssociative
instance Storage (SigS.T y) where
data Constraints (SigS.T y) = StateConstraints
constraints _ = StateConstraints
instance Read SigS.T y
instance Read0 SigS.T where
{-# INLINE toList #-}
toList = SigS.toList
{-# INLINE toState #-}
toState = id
{-# INLINE foldL #-}
foldL = SigS.foldL
{-# INLINE foldR #-}
foldR = SigS.foldR
{-# INLINE index #-}
index = indexByDrop
instance Transform SigS.T y
instance Transform0 SigS.T where
{-# INLINE cons #-}
cons = SigS.cons
{-# INLINE takeWhile #-}
takeWhile = SigS.takeWhile
{-# INLINE dropWhile #-}
dropWhile = SigS.dropWhile
{-# INLINE span #-}
span p =
mapPair (SigS.fromList, SigS.fromList) .
List.span p . SigS.toList
{-# INLINE viewL #-}
viewL = SigS.viewL
{-# INLINE viewR #-}
viewR =
fmap (mapFst SigS.fromList) .
ListHT.viewR . SigS.toList
{-# INLINE map #-}
map = SigS.map
{-# INLINE scanL #-}
scanL = SigS.scanL
{-# INLINE crochetL #-}
crochetL = SigS.crochetL
{-# INLINE zipWithAppend #-}
zipWithAppend = SigS.zipWithAppend
instance Write SigS.T y
instance Write0 SigS.T where
{-# INLINE fromList #-}
fromList _ = SigS.fromList
{-# INLINE repeat #-}
repeat _ = SigS.repeat
{-# INLINE replicate #-}
replicate _ = SigS.replicate
{-# INLINE iterate #-}
iterate _ = SigS.iterate
{-# INLINE unfoldR #-}
unfoldR _ = SigS.unfoldR
{-# INLINE iterateAssociative #-}
iterateAssociative _ = SigS.iterateAssociative
instance Storage (EventList.T time y) where
data Constraints (EventList.T time y) = EventListConstraints
constraints _ = EventListConstraints
instance (NonNeg98.C time, P.Integral time) =>
Read (EventList.T time) y where
instance (NonNeg98.C time, P.Integral time) =>
Read0 (EventList.T time) where
{-# INLINE toList #-}
toList =
List.concatMap (uncurry (flip List.genericReplicate)) .
{-# INLINE toState #-}
toState = SigS.fromPiecewiseConstant
{-# INLINE foldL #-}
foldL f x = SigS.foldL f x . toState
{-# INLINE foldR #-}
foldR f x = SigS.foldR f x . toState
{-# INLINE index #-}
index sig n =
(\b t go k ->
if k < t
then b
else go (t NonNeg98.-| k))
(error $ "EventList.index: positions " ++ show n ++ " out of range")
(P.fromIntegral n)
instance (NonNeg98.C time, P.Integral time) =>
Transform (EventList.T time) y where
instance (NonNeg98.C time, P.Integral time) =>
Transform0 (EventList.T time) where
{-# INLINE cons #-}
cons b = EventList.cons b (P.fromInteger 1)
{-# INLINE takeWhile #-}
takeWhile p =
(\b t rest ->
if p b
then EventList.cons b t rest
else EventList.empty)
{-# INLINE dropWhile #-}
dropWhile p =
let recourse xs =
flip (EventList.switchL EventList.empty) xs $ \b _t rest ->
if p b
then recourse rest
else xs
in recourse
{-# INLINE span #-}
span p =
let recourse xs =
flip (EventList.switchL (EventList.empty,EventList.empty)) xs $ \b t rest ->
if p b
then mapFst (EventList.cons b t) $ recourse rest
else (EventList.empty, xs)
in recourse
{-# INLINE viewL #-}
viewL xs = do
((b,t),ys) <- EventList.viewL xs
if t>0
then Just (b, if t==1 then ys else EventList.cons b (t NonNeg98.-|1) ys)
else viewL ys
{-# INLINE viewR #-}
viewR =
let dropTrailingZeros =
(\b t rest ->
if t==0 && EventList.null rest
then EventList.empty
else EventList.cons b t rest)
recourse (b,t) =
(if t<=1
then EventList.empty
else EventList.singleton b (t NonNeg98.-| 1),
(\b0 t0 xs0 ->
mapFst (EventList.cons b t) $ recourse (b0,t0) xs0)
in fmap (uncurry recourse) . EventList.viewL . dropTrailingZeros
{-# INLINE map #-}
map = fmap
{-# INLINE scanL #-}
scanL f x =
fromState (LazySize 1) . SigS.scanL f x . toState
{-# INLINE crochetL #-}
crochetL f x =
fromState (LazySize 1) . SigS.crochetL f x . toState
{-# INLINE zipWithAppend #-}
zipWithAppend f =
let recourse xs ys =
flip (EventList.switchL ys) xs $ \x xn xs0 ->
flip (EventList.switchL xs) ys $ \y yn ys0 ->
let n = min xn yn
drop_ a an as0 =
if n>=an
then as0
else EventList.cons a (an NonNeg98.-| n) as0
in EventList.cons (f x y) n $
(drop_ x xn xs0)
(drop_ y yn ys0)
in recourse
instance (NonNeg98.C time, P.Integral time) => Write (EventList.T time) y where
instance (NonNeg98.C time, P.Integral time) => Write0 (EventList.T time) where
{-# INLINE fromList #-}
fromList _ =
EventList.fromPairList .
List.map (flip (,) (P.fromInteger 1))
{-# INLINE repeat #-}
repeat (LazySize n) a =
let xs = EventList.cons a (P.fromIntegral n) xs
in xs
{-# INLINE replicate #-}
replicate size m a =
Cut.take m (repeat size a)
{-# INLINE iterate #-}
iterate size f =
fromState size . SigS.iterate f
{-# INLINE unfoldR #-}
unfoldR _size f =
let recourse =
maybe EventList.empty
(\(x,s) -> EventList.cons x
(P.fromInteger 1) (recourse s)) . f
in recourse
{-# INLINE iterateAssociative #-}
iterateAssociative size f x = iterate size (f x) x
{-# INLINE switchL #-}
switchL :: (Transform sig y) =>
a -> (y -> sig y -> a) -> sig y -> a
switchL nothing just =
maybe nothing (uncurry just) . viewL
{-# INLINE switchR #-}
switchR :: (Transform sig y) =>
a -> (sig y -> y -> a) -> sig y -> a
switchR nothing just =
maybe nothing (uncurry just) . viewR
{-# INLINE runViewL #-}
runViewL ::
(Read sig y) =>
sig y ->
(forall s. (s -> Maybe (y, s)) -> s -> x) ->
runViewL xs =
SigS.runViewL (toState xs)
{-# INLINE runSwitchL #-}
runSwitchL ::
(Read sig y) =>
sig y ->
(forall s. (forall z. z -> (y -> s -> z) -> s -> z) -> s -> x) ->
runSwitchL xs =
SigS.runSwitchL (toState xs)
{-# INLINE singleton #-}
singleton :: (Transform sig y) => y -> sig y
singleton x = cons x mempty
{-# INLINE mix #-}
mix :: (Additive.C y, Transform sig y) =>
sig y -> sig y -> sig y
mix = zipWithAppend (Additive.+)
{-# INLINE zip #-}
zip :: (Read sig a, Transform sig b, Transform sig (a,b)) =>
sig a -> sig b -> sig (a,b)
zip = zipWith (,)
{-# INLINE zipWith #-}
zipWith :: (Read sig a, Transform sig b, Transform sig c) =>
(a -> b -> c) -> (sig a -> sig b -> sig c)
zipWith h = zipWithState h . toState
{-# INLINE zipWith3 #-}
zipWith3 :: (Read sig a, Read sig b, Transform sig c) =>
(a -> b -> c -> c) -> (sig a -> sig b -> sig c -> sig c)
zipWith3 h as bs = zipWithState3 h (toState as) (toState bs)
{-# INLINE zipWithState #-}
zipWithState :: (Transform sig b, Transform sig c) =>
(a -> b -> c) -> SigS.T a -> sig b -> sig c
zipWithState f sig =
SigS.runViewL sig (\next ->
crochetL (\b as0 ->
do (a,as1) <- next as0
Just (f a b, as1)))
{-# INLINE zipWithState3 #-}
zipWithState3 :: (Transform sig c, Transform sig d) =>
(a -> b -> c -> d) -> (SigS.T a -> SigS.T b -> sig c -> sig d)
zipWithState3 h a b =
zipWithState ($) (SigS.zipWith h a b)
{-# INLINE unzip #-}
unzip :: (Transform sig (a,b), Transform sig a, Transform sig b) =>
sig (a,b) -> (sig a, sig b)
unzip xs =
(map fst xs, map snd xs)
{-# INLINE unzip3 #-}
unzip3 :: (Transform sig (a,b,c), Transform sig a, Transform sig b, Transform sig c) =>
sig (a,b,c) -> (sig a, sig b, sig c)
unzip3 xs =
(map fst3 xs, map snd3 xs, map thd3 xs)
{-# INLINE takeStateMatch #-}
takeStateMatch :: (Transform sig a, Transform sig b) =>
sig a -> SigS.T b -> sig b
takeStateMatch x y =
zipWithState const y x
{-# INLINE delay #-}
delay :: (Write sig y) =>
LazySize -> y -> Int -> sig y -> sig y
delay size z n =
append (replicate size n z)
{-# INLINE delayLoop #-}
delayLoop ::
(Transform sig y) =>
(sig y -> sig y)
-> sig y
-> sig y
delayLoop proc prefix =
fix (append prefix . proc)
{-# INLINE delayLoopOverlap #-}
delayLoopOverlap ::
(Additive.C y, Write sig y) =>
-> (sig y -> sig y)
-> sig y
-> sig y
delayLoopOverlap time proc xs =
fix (zipWith (Additive.+) xs .
delay defaultLazySize Additive.zero time . proc)
{-# INLINE sum #-}
sum :: (Additive.C a, Read sig a) => sig a -> a
sum = foldL (Additive.+) Additive.zero
{-# INLINE sum1 #-}
sum1 :: (Additive.C a, Read sig a) => sig a -> a
sum1 = SigS.foldL1 (Additive.+) . toState
{-# INLINE foldMap #-}
foldMap :: (Read sig a, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> sig a -> m
foldMap f = foldR (mappend . f) mempty
{-# DEPRECATED monoidConcatMap "Use foldMap instead." #-}
{-# INLINE monoidConcatMap #-}
monoidConcatMap :: (Read sig a, Monoid m) => (a -> m) -> sig a -> m
monoidConcatMap = foldMap
{-# INLINE tails #-}
tails :: (Transform sig y) => sig y -> SigS.T (sig y)
tails =
SigS.unfoldR (fmap (\x -> (x, fmap snd (viewL x)))) . Just
{-# INLINE laxTail #-}
laxTail :: (Transform sig y) => sig y -> sig y
laxTail xs =
switchL xs (flip const) xs
{-# INLINE mapAdjacent #-}
mapAdjacent :: (Read sig a, Transform sig a) =>
(a -> a -> a) -> sig a -> sig a
mapAdjacent f xs0 =
let xs1 = maybe xs0 snd (viewL xs0)
in zipWith f xs0 xs1
{-# INLINE modifyStatic #-}
modifyStatic :: (Transform sig a) =>
Modifier.Simple s ctrl a a -> ctrl -> sig a -> sig a
modifyStatic (Modifier.Simple state proc) control =
crochetL (\a acc -> Just (runState (proc control a) acc)) state
{-# INLINE modifyModulated #-}
modifyModulated :: (Transform sig a, Transform sig b, Read sig ctrl) =>
Modifier.Simple s ctrl a b -> sig ctrl -> sig a -> sig b
modifyModulated (Modifier.Simple state proc) control =
runViewL control (\next c0 ->
(\x (acc0,cs0) ->
do (c,cs1) <- next cs0
let (y,acc1) = runState (proc c x) acc0
return (y,(acc1,cs1)))
(state, c0))
{-# INLINE linearComb #-}
linearComb ::
(Module.C t y, Read sig t, Read sig y) =>
sig t -> sig y -> y
linearComb ts ys =
SigS.sum (SigS.zipWith (Module.*>) (toState ts) (toState ys))
fromState :: (Write sig y) =>
LazySize -> SigS.T y -> sig y
fromState size (SigS.Cons f x) =
unfoldR size (runStateT f) x
{-# INLINE extendConstant #-}
extendConstant :: (Write sig y) =>
LazySize -> sig y -> sig y
extendConstant size xt =
(append xt . repeat size . snd)
(viewR xt)
snoc :: (Transform sig y) => sig y -> y -> sig y
snoc xs x = append xs $ singleton x
{-# INLINE mapTails #-}
mapTails :: (Transform sig a) =>
(sig a -> a) -> sig a -> sig a
mapTails f x =
crochetL (\_ xs0 ->
do (_,xs1) <- viewL xs0
Just (f xs0, xs1))
x x
mapTailsAlt ::
(Transform sig a, Write sig b) =>
LazySize -> (sig a -> b) -> sig a -> sig b
mapTailsAlt size f =
unfoldR size (\xs ->
do (_,ys) <- viewL xs
Just (f xs, ys))
{-# INLINE zipWithTails #-}
zipWithTails :: (Transform sig a, Transform sig b, Transform sig c) =>
(a -> sig b -> c) -> sig a -> sig b -> sig c
zipWithTails f =
flip (crochetL (\x ys0 ->
do (_,ys) <- viewL ys0
Just (f x ys0, ys)))
indexByDrop :: (Transform sig a) => sig a -> Int -> a
indexByDrop xs n =
if n<0
then error $ "Generic.index: negative index " ++ show n
else switchL
(error $ "Generic.index: index too large " ++ show n)
(Cut.drop n xs)