-- | Row types

{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, UndecidableInstances, FlexibleContexts, TemplateHaskell #-}

module AST.Term.Row
    ( RowConstraints(..), RowKey
    , RowExtend(..), eKey, eVal, eRest, KWitness(..)
    , FlatRowExtends(..), freExtends, freRest
    , flattenRow, flattenRowExtend, unflattenRow
    , verifyRowExtendConstraints, rowExtendStructureMismatch
    , rowElementInfer
    ) where

import           AST
import           AST.TH.Internal.Instances (makeCommonInstances)
import           AST.Unify
import           AST.Unify.Lookup (semiPruneLookup)
import           AST.Unify.New (newTerm, newUnbound)
import           AST.Unify.Term (UTerm(..), _UTerm, uBody)
import           Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import           Control.Lens (Prism', Lens', makeLenses, contains)
import qualified Control.Lens as Lens
import           Control.Lens.Operators
import           Control.Monad (foldM)
import           Data.Binary (Binary)
import           Data.Foldable (sequenceA_)
import           Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import           Data.Set (Set)
import           Generics.Constraints (Constraints, makeDerivings, makeInstances)
import           GHC.Generics (Generic)
import           Text.Show.Combinators ((@|), showCon)

import           Prelude.Compat

    (Ord (RowConstraintsKey constraints), TypeConstraints constraints) =>
    RowConstraints constraints where

    type RowConstraintsKey constraints
    forbidden :: Lens' constraints (Set (RowConstraintsKey constraints))

type RowKey typ = RowConstraintsKey (TypeConstraintsOf typ)

-- | Row-extend primitive for use in both value-level and type-level
data RowExtend key val rest k = RowExtend
    { _eKey :: key
    , _eVal :: k # val
    , _eRest :: k # rest
    } deriving Generic

data FlatRowExtends key val rest k = FlatRowExtends
    { _freExtends :: Map key (k # val)
    , _freRest :: k # rest
    } deriving Generic

makeLenses ''RowExtend
makeLenses ''FlatRowExtends
makeCommonInstances [''FlatRowExtends]
makeZipMatch ''RowExtend
makeKTraversableApplyAndBases ''RowExtend
makeKTraversableApplyAndBases ''FlatRowExtends
makeDerivings [''Eq, ''Ord] [''RowExtend]
makeInstances [''Binary, ''NFData] [''RowExtend]

    Constraints (RowExtend key val rest k) Show =>
    Show (RowExtend key val rest k) where
    showsPrec p (RowExtend k v r) = (showCon "RowExtend" @| k @| v @| r) p

{-# INLINE flattenRowExtend #-}
flattenRowExtend ::
    (Ord key, Monad m) =>
    (Tree v rest -> m (Maybe (Tree (RowExtend key val rest) v))) ->
    Tree (RowExtend key val rest) v ->
    m (Tree (FlatRowExtends key val rest) v)
flattenRowExtend nextExtend (RowExtend k v rest) =
    flattenRow nextExtend rest
    <&> freExtends %~ Map.unionWith (error "Colliding keys") (Map.singleton k v)

{-# INLINE flattenRow #-}
flattenRow ::
    (Ord key, Monad m) =>
    (Tree v rest -> m (Maybe (Tree (RowExtend key val rest) v))) ->
    Tree v rest ->
    m (Tree (FlatRowExtends key val rest) v)
flattenRow nextExtend x =
    nextExtend x
    >>= maybe (pure (FlatRowExtends mempty x)) (flattenRowExtend nextExtend)

{-# INLINE unflattenRow #-}
unflattenRow ::
    Monad m =>
    (Tree (RowExtend key val rest) v -> m (Tree v rest)) ->
    Tree (FlatRowExtends key val rest) v -> m (Tree v rest)
unflattenRow mkExtend (FlatRowExtends fields rest) =
    Map.toList fields & foldM f rest
        f acc (key, val) = RowExtend key val acc & mkExtend

-- Helpers for Unify instances of type-level RowExtends:

{-# INLINE verifyRowExtendConstraints #-}
verifyRowExtendConstraints ::
    RowConstraints (TypeConstraintsOf rowTyp) =>
    (TypeConstraintsOf rowTyp -> TypeConstraintsOf valTyp) ->
    TypeConstraintsOf rowTyp ->
    Tree (RowExtend (RowKey rowTyp) valTyp rowTyp) k ->
    Maybe (Tree (RowExtend (RowKey rowTyp) valTyp rowTyp) (WithConstraint k))
verifyRowExtendConstraints toChildC c (RowExtend k v rest)
    | c ^. forbidden . contains k = Nothing
    | otherwise =
        RowExtend k
        (WithConstraint (c & forbidden .~ mempty & toChildC) v)
        (WithConstraint (c & forbidden . contains k .~ True) rest)
        & Just

{-# INLINE rowExtendStructureMismatch #-}
rowExtendStructureMismatch ::
    Ord key =>
    ( Unify m rowTyp
    , Unify m valTyp
    ) =>
    (forall c. Unify m c => Tree (UVarOf m) c -> Tree (UVarOf m) c -> m (Tree (UVarOf m) c)) ->
    Prism' (Tree rowTyp (UVarOf m))
        (Tree (RowExtend key valTyp rowTyp) (UVarOf m)) ->
    (TypeConstraintsOf rowTyp, Tree (RowExtend key valTyp rowTyp) (UVarOf m)) ->
    (TypeConstraintsOf rowTyp, Tree (RowExtend key valTyp rowTyp) (UVarOf m)) ->
    m ()
rowExtendStructureMismatch match extend (c0, r0) (c1, r1) =
        flat0 <- flattenRowExtend nextExtend r0
        flat1 <- flattenRowExtend nextExtend r1
        Map.intersectionWith match (flat0 ^. freExtends) (flat1 ^. freExtends)
            & sequenceA_
        restVar <- c0 <> c1 & UUnbound & newVar binding
        let side x y =
                unflattenRow mkExtend FlatRowExtends
                { _freExtends =
                  (x ^. freExtends) `Map.difference` (y ^. freExtends)
                , _freRest = restVar
                } >>= match (y ^. freRest)
        _ <- side flat0 flat1
        _ <- side flat1 flat0
        pure ()
        mkExtend ext = extend # ext & newTerm
        nextExtend v = semiPruneLookup v <&> (^? Lens._2 . _UTerm . uBody . extend)

-- Helper for infering row usages of a row element,
-- such as getting a field from a record or injecting into a sum type.
-- Returns a unification variable for the element and for the whole row.
{-# INLINE rowElementInfer #-}
rowElementInfer ::
    ( Unify m valTyp
    , Unify m rowTyp
    , RowConstraints (TypeConstraintsOf rowTyp)
    ) =>
    (Tree (RowExtend (RowKey rowTyp) valTyp rowTyp) (UVarOf m) -> Tree rowTyp (UVarOf m)) ->
    RowKey rowTyp ->
    m (Tree (UVarOf m) valTyp, Tree (UVarOf m) rowTyp)
rowElementInfer extendToRow k =
        restVar <-
            >>= newVar binding . UUnbound . (forbidden . contains k .~ True)
        part <- newUnbound
        whole <- RowExtend k part restVar & extendToRow & newTerm
        pure (part, whole)