syntax-tree- Typed ASTs

Safe HaskellNone



Unification terms.

These represent the known state of a unification variable.



data UTerm v ast Source #

A unification term pointed by a unification variable


UUnbound (TypeConstraintsOf (GetKnot ast))

Unbound variable with at least the given constraints

USkolem (TypeConstraintsOf (GetKnot ast))

A variable bound by a rigid quantified variable with *exactly* the given constraints

UToVar (v ast)

Unified with another variable (union-find)

UTerm (UTermBody v ast)

Known type term with unification variables as children

UInstantiated (v ast)

Temporary state during instantiation indicating which fresh unification variable a skolem is mapped to

UResolving (UTermBody v ast)

Temporary state while unification term is being traversed, if it occurs inside itself (detected via state still being UResolving), then the type is an infinite type

UResolved (Pure ast)

Final resolved state. applyBindings resolved to this expression (allowing caching/sharing)

UConverted Int

Temporary state used in AST.Unify.Binding.ST.Save while converting to a pure binding

Constraints (UTerm v ast) Eq => Eq (UTerm v ast) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AST.Unify.Term


(==) :: UTerm v ast -> UTerm v ast -> Bool #

(/=) :: UTerm v ast -> UTerm v ast -> Bool #

Constraints (UTerm v ast) Ord => Ord (UTerm v ast) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AST.Unify.Term


compare :: UTerm v ast -> UTerm v ast -> Ordering #

(<) :: UTerm v ast -> UTerm v ast -> Bool #

(<=) :: UTerm v ast -> UTerm v ast -> Bool #

(>) :: UTerm v ast -> UTerm v ast -> Bool #

(>=) :: UTerm v ast -> UTerm v ast -> Bool #

max :: UTerm v ast -> UTerm v ast -> UTerm v ast #

min :: UTerm v ast -> UTerm v ast -> UTerm v ast #

Constraints (UTerm v ast) Show => Show (UTerm v ast) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AST.Unify.Term


showsPrec :: Int -> UTerm v ast -> ShowS #

show :: UTerm v ast -> String #

showList :: [UTerm v ast] -> ShowS #

Generic (UTerm v ast) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AST.Unify.Term

Associated Types

type Rep (UTerm v ast) :: Type -> Type #


from :: UTerm v ast -> Rep (UTerm v ast) x #

to :: Rep (UTerm v ast) x -> UTerm v ast #

Constraints (UTerm v ast) Binary => Binary (UTerm v ast) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AST.Unify.Term


put :: UTerm v ast -> Put #

get :: Get (UTerm v ast) #

putList :: [UTerm v ast] -> Put #

Constraints (UTerm v ast) NFData => NFData (UTerm v ast) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AST.Unify.Term


rnf :: UTerm v ast -> () #

type Rep (UTerm v ast) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AST.Unify.Term

_UUnbound :: forall v ast. Prism' (UTerm v ast) (TypeConstraintsOf (GetKnot ast)) Source #

_USkolem :: forall v ast. Prism' (UTerm v ast) (TypeConstraintsOf (GetKnot ast)) Source #

_UToVar :: forall v ast. Prism' (UTerm v ast) (v ast) Source #

_UTerm :: forall v ast. Prism' (UTerm v ast) (UTermBody v ast) Source #

_UInstantiated :: forall v ast. Prism' (UTerm v ast) (v ast) Source #

_UResolving :: forall v ast. Prism' (UTerm v ast) (UTermBody v ast) Source #

_UResolved :: forall v ast. Prism' (UTerm v ast) (Pure ast) Source #

_UConverted :: forall v ast. Prism' (UTerm v ast) Int Source #

data UTermBody v ast Source #

A unification term with a known body




Constraints (UTermBody v ast) Eq => Eq (UTermBody v ast) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AST.Unify.Term


(==) :: UTermBody v ast -> UTermBody v ast -> Bool #

(/=) :: UTermBody v ast -> UTermBody v ast -> Bool #

Constraints (UTermBody v ast) Ord => Ord (UTermBody v ast) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AST.Unify.Term


compare :: UTermBody v ast -> UTermBody v ast -> Ordering #

(<) :: UTermBody v ast -> UTermBody v ast -> Bool #

(<=) :: UTermBody v ast -> UTermBody v ast -> Bool #

(>) :: UTermBody v ast -> UTermBody v ast -> Bool #

(>=) :: UTermBody v ast -> UTermBody v ast -> Bool #

max :: UTermBody v ast -> UTermBody v ast -> UTermBody v ast #

min :: UTermBody v ast -> UTermBody v ast -> UTermBody v ast #

Constraints (UTermBody v ast) Show => Show (UTermBody v ast) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AST.Unify.Term


showsPrec :: Int -> UTermBody v ast -> ShowS #

show :: UTermBody v ast -> String #

showList :: [UTermBody v ast] -> ShowS #

Generic (UTermBody v ast) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AST.Unify.Term

Associated Types

type Rep (UTermBody v ast) :: Type -> Type #


from :: UTermBody v ast -> Rep (UTermBody v ast) x #

to :: Rep (UTermBody v ast) x -> UTermBody v ast #

Constraints (UTermBody v ast) Binary => Binary (UTermBody v ast) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AST.Unify.Term


put :: UTermBody v ast -> Put #

get :: Get (UTermBody v ast) #

putList :: [UTermBody v ast] -> Put #

Constraints (UTermBody v ast) NFData => NFData (UTermBody v ast) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AST.Unify.Term


rnf :: UTermBody v ast -> () #

type Rep (UTermBody v ast) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in AST.Unify.Term

type Rep (UTermBody v ast) = D1 (MetaData "UTermBody" "AST.Unify.Term" "syntax-tree-" False) (C1 (MetaCons "UTermBody" PrefixI True) (S1 (MetaSel (Just "_uConstraints") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (TypeConstraintsOf (GetKnot ast))) :*: S1 (MetaSel (Just "_uBody") NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (ast # v))))

uBody :: forall v ast v. Lens (UTermBody v ast) (UTermBody v ast) ((#) ast v) ((#) ast v) Source #

uConstraints :: forall v ast. Lens' (UTermBody v ast) (TypeConstraintsOf (GetKnot ast)) Source #