{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
module AST.TH.HasPlain
( makeKHasPlain
) where
import AST.Class.HasPlain
import AST.Knot (GetKnot)
import AST.Knot.Pure (Pure, _Pure)
import AST.TH.Internal.Utils
import qualified Control.Lens as Lens
import Control.Lens.Operators
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Language.Haskell.TH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype as D
import Prelude.Compat
makeKHasPlain :: [Name] -> DecsQ
makeKHasPlain = traverse makeOne
makeOne :: Name -> Q Dec
makeOne typeName = makeTypeInfo typeName >>= makeKHasPlainForType
makeKHasPlainForType :: TypeInfo -> Q Dec
makeKHasPlainForType info =
traverse (makeCtr (tiVar info)) (tiCons info)
\ctrs ->
InstanceD Nothing [] (ConT ''KHasPlain `AppT` tiInstance info)
[ DataInstD [] ''KPlain [tiInstance info] Nothing (ctrs <&> (^. Lens._1))
[DerivClause (Just StockStrategy) [ConT ''Eq, ConT ''Ord, ConT ''Show]]
, FunD 'kPlain
[ Clause []
( NormalB
(Just (VarE 'Lens.iso `AppE` VarE fromPlain `AppE` VarE toPlain))
(VarE '(.))
(Just (VarE 'Lens.from `AppE` VarE '_Pure))
[ FunD toPlain (ctrs <&> (^. Lens._2))
, FunD fromPlain (ctrs <&> (^. Lens._3))
toPlain = mkName "toPlain"
fromPlain = mkName "fromPlain"
data FieldInfo = FieldInfo
{ fieldPlainType :: Type
, fieldToPlain :: Exp
, fieldFromPlain :: Exp
data EmbedInfo = EmbedInfo
{ embedCtr :: Name
, embedFields :: [Field]
data Field
= NodeField FieldInfo
| Embed EmbedInfo
makeCtr :: Name -> D.ConstructorInfo -> Q (Con, Clause, Clause)
makeCtr knot info =
D.constructorFields info <&> matchType knot
& traverse forPat
\xs ->
let plainTypes = xs >>= plainFieldTypes
cVars = [0::Int ..] <&> show <&> ('x':) <&> mkName & take (length plainTypes)
( plainTypes
<&> (Bang NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness, )
& NormalC pcon
, zipWith AppE (xs >>= toPlainFields) (cVars <&> VarE)
& foldl AppE (ConE pcon)
& NormalB
& \x ->
Clause [ConP (D.constructorName info) (toPlainPat cVars xs ^. Lens._1)] x []
, fromPlainFields cVars xs ^. Lens._1
& foldl AppE (ConE (D.constructorName info))
& NormalB
& \x -> Clause [ConP pcon (cVars <&> VarP)] x []
plainFieldTypes (NodeField x) = [fieldPlainType x]
plainFieldTypes (Embed x) = embedFields x >>= plainFieldTypes
toPlainFields (NodeField x) = [fieldToPlain x]
toPlainFields (Embed x) = embedFields x >>= toPlainFields
toPlainPat cs [] = ([], cs)
toPlainPat (c:cs) (NodeField{} : xs) = toPlainPat cs xs & Lens._1 %~ (VarP c :)
toPlainPat cs0 (Embed x : xs) =
toPlainPat cs1 xs & Lens._1 %~ (ConP (embedCtr x) r :)
(r, cs1) = toPlainPat cs0 (embedFields x)
toPlainPat [] _ = error "out of variables"
fromPlainFields cs [] = ([], cs)
fromPlainFields (c:cs) (NodeField x : xs) =
fromPlainFields cs xs & Lens._1 %~ (fieldFromPlain x `AppE` VarE c :)
fromPlainFields cs0 (Embed x : xs) =
fromPlainFields cs1 xs & Lens._1 %~ (foldl AppE (ConE (embedCtr x)) r :)
(r, cs1) = fromPlainFields cs0 (embedFields x)
fromPlainFields [] _ = error "out of variables"
pcon =
D.constructorName info
& show & reverse & takeWhile (/= '.') & reverse
& (<> "P") & mkName
forPat (NodeFofX x) =
NodeField FieldInfo
{ fieldPlainType = ConT ''KPlain `AppT` x
, fieldToPlain = InfixE (Just (VarE 'kPlain)) (VarE '(#)) Nothing
, fieldFromPlain = InfixE Nothing (VarE '(^.)) (Just (VarE 'kPlain))
} & pure
forPat (Other t) =
NodeField FieldInfo
{ fieldPlainType = normalizeType t
, fieldToPlain = VarE 'id
, fieldFromPlain = VarE 'id
} & pure
forPat (XofF t) =
case unapply t of
(ConT c, args) ->
inner <- D.reifyDatatype c
let innerVars = D.datatypeVars inner <&> D.tvName
let subst = Map.fromList (zip innerVars args)
case D.datatypeCons inner of
[x] ->
D.constructorFields x
<&> D.applySubstitution subst
<&> matchType (last innerVars)
& traverse forPat
<&> EmbedInfo (D.constructorName x)
<&> Embed
_ -> fail "TODO: makeKHAsPlain missing support 0"
_ -> fail "TODO: makeKHAsPlain missing support 1"
forPat _ = error "TODO: makeKHAsPlain missing support 2"
normalizeType (ConT g `AppT` VarT{})
| g == ''GetKnot = ConT ''Pure
normalizeType (x `AppT` y) = normalizeType x `AppT` normalizeType y
normalizeType x = x