{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskellQuotes #-}
module AST.TH.Apply
( makeKApply
, makeKApplyAndBases
, makeKApplicativeBases
) where
import AST.Class.Apply
import AST.TH.Functor (makeKFunctor)
import AST.TH.Internal.Utils
import AST.TH.Nodes (makeKNodes)
import AST.TH.Pointed (makeKPointed)
import Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import Control.Lens.Operators
import Data.Functor.Product.PolyKinds (Product(..))
import Language.Haskell.TH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Datatype as D
import Prelude.Compat
makeKApplicativeBases :: Name -> DecsQ
makeKApplicativeBases x =
[ makeKPointed x
, makeKApplyAndBases x
] <&> concat
makeKApplyAndBases :: Name -> DecsQ
makeKApplyAndBases x =
[ makeKNodes x
, makeKFunctor x
, makeKApply x
] <&> concat
makeKApply :: Name -> DecsQ
makeKApply typeName = makeTypeInfo typeName >>= makeKApplyForType
makeKApplyForType :: TypeInfo -> DecsQ
makeKApplyForType info =
cons <-
case tiCons info of
[x] -> pure x
_ -> fail "makeKApply only supports types with a single constructor"
let xVars = makeConstructorVars "x" cons
let yVars = makeConstructorVars "y" cons
let fields = zipWith f xVars yVars
instanceD (simplifyContext (makeContext info)) (appT (conT ''KApply) (pure (tiInstance info)))
[ InlineP 'zipK Inline FunLike AllPhases & PragmaD & pure
, funD 'zipK
[ Clause
[ consPat cons xVars
, consPat cons yVars
] (NormalB (foldl AppE (ConE (D.constructorName cons)) fields)) []
& pure
<&> (:[])
bodyForPat NodeFofX{} = ConE 'Pair
bodyForPat XofF{} = VarE 'zipK
bodyForPat (Tof _ pat) = VarE 'liftA2 `AppE` bodyForPat pat
bodyForPat Other{} = VarE '(<>)
f (typ, x) (_, y) =
bodyForPat (matchType (tiVar info) typ) `AppE` VarE x `AppE` VarE y
makeContext :: TypeInfo -> [Pred]
makeContext info =
tiCons info
>>= D.constructorFields
<&> matchType (tiVar info)
>>= ctxForPat
ctxForPat (Tof t pat) = (ConT ''Applicative `AppT` t) : ctxForPat pat
ctxForPat (XofF t) = [ConT ''KApply `AppT` t]
ctxForPat (Other t) = [ConT ''Semigroup `AppT` t]
ctxForPat _ = []