syntactic-1.11: Generic abstract syntax, and utilities for embedded languages

Safe HaskellNone



Default implementations of some interpretation functions



data Semantics a whereSource

A representation of a syntactic construct as a String and an evaluation function. It is not meant to be used as a syntactic symbol in an AST. Its only purpose is to provide the default implementations of functions like equal via the Semantic class.


Sem :: String -> Denotation a -> Semantics a 

class Semantic expr whereSource

Class of expressions that can be treated as constructs


semantics :: expr a -> Semantics aSource

equalDefault :: Semantic expr => expr a -> expr b -> BoolSource

Default implementation of equal

exprHashDefault :: Semantic expr => expr a -> HashSource

Default implementation of exprHash

renderSymDefault :: Semantic expr => expr a -> StringSource

Default implementation of renderSym

renderArgsDefault :: Semantic expr => [String] -> expr a -> StringSource

Default implementation of renderArgs

evaluateDefault :: Semantic expr => expr a -> Denotation aSource

Default implementation of evaluate

semanticInstances :: Name -> DecsQSource

Derive instances for Semantic related classes (Equality, Render, StringTree, Eval)