syntactic-0.6: Generic abstract syntax, and utilities for embedded languages




class Render expr whereSource

Render an expression as concrete syntax. A complete instance must define either of the methods render and renderPart.


render :: expr a -> StringSource

Render an expression as a String

renderPart :: [String] -> expr a -> StringSource

Render a partially applied constructor given a list of rendered missing arguments


Render dom => Render (AST dom) 
Render (Sym ctx) 
Render (Literal ctx) 
Render (Condition ctx) 
Render (Select ctx) 
Render (Tuple ctx) 
Render (Lambda ctx) 
Render (Variable ctx) 
Render (Node ctx) 
(Render expr1, Render expr2) => Render (:+: expr1 expr2) 
Render expr => Render (Ann info expr) 
Render (Let ctxa ctxb) 

printExpr :: Render expr => expr a -> IO ()Source

Print an expression

class Render expr => ToTree expr whereSource


toTreePart :: [Tree String] -> expr a -> Tree StringSource

Convert a partially applied constructor to a syntax tree given a list of rendered missing arguments


ToTree dom => ToTree (AST dom) 
ToTree (Sym ctx) 
ToTree (Literal ctx) 
ToTree (Condition ctx) 
ToTree (Select ctx) 
ToTree (Tuple ctx) 
ToTree (Lambda ctx) 
ToTree (Variable ctx) 
ToTree (Node ctx) 
(ToTree expr1, ToTree expr2) => ToTree (:+: expr1 expr2) 
ToTree expr => ToTree (Ann info expr) 
ToTree (Let ctxa ctxb) 

showAST :: ToTree dom => AST dom a -> StringSource

Show syntax tree using ASCII art

drawAST :: ToTree dom => AST dom a -> IO ()Source

Print syntax tree using ASCII art