{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds                  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor              #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports             #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances       #-}
-- |
-- Module:      Data.Swagger.Internal.Schema.Validation
-- Copyright:   (c) 2015 GetShopTV
-- License:     BSD3
-- Maintainer:  Nickolay Kudasov <nickolay@getshoptv.com>
-- Stability:   experimental
-- Validate JSON values with Swagger Schema.
module Data.Swagger.Internal.Schema.Validation where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Lens
import           Control.Monad                       (when)

import           Data.Aeson                          hiding (Result)
import           Data.Foldable                       (for_, sequenceA_,
import           Data.HashMap.Strict                 (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict                 as HashMap
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict.InsOrd          as InsOrdHashMap
import qualified "unordered-containers" Data.HashSet as HashSet
import           Data.List                           (intercalate)
import           Data.Monoid
import           Data.Proxy
import           Data.Scientific                     (Scientific, isInteger)
import           Data.Text                           (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                           as Text
import           Data.Vector                         (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector                         as Vector

import           Data.Swagger.Declare
import           Data.Swagger.Internal
import           Data.Swagger.Internal.Schema
import           Data.Swagger.Lens

-- | Validate @'ToJSON'@ instance matches @'ToSchema'@ for a given value.
-- This can be used with QuickCheck to ensure those instances are coherent:
-- prop> validateToJSON (x :: Int) == []
-- /NOTE:/ @'validateToJSON'@ does not perform string pattern validation.
-- See @'validateToJSONWithPatternChecker'@.
validateToJSON :: forall a. (ToJSON a, ToSchema a) => a -> [ValidationError]
validateToJSON = validateToJSONWithPatternChecker (\_pattern _str -> True)

-- | Validate @'ToJSON'@ instance matches @'ToSchema'@ for a given value and pattern checker.
-- This can be used with QuickCheck to ensure those instances are coherent.
-- For validation without patterns see @'validateToJSON'@.
validateToJSONWithPatternChecker :: forall a. (ToJSON a, ToSchema a) => (Pattern -> Text -> Bool) -> a -> [ValidationError]
validateToJSONWithPatternChecker checker = validateJSONWithPatternChecker checker defs sch . toJSON
    (defs, sch) = runDeclare (declareSchema (Proxy :: Proxy a)) mempty

-- | Validate JSON @'Value'@ against Swagger @'Schema'@.
-- prop> validateJSON mempty (toSchema (Proxy :: Proxy Int)) (toJSON (x :: Int)) == []
-- /NOTE:/ @'validateJSON'@ does not perform string pattern validation.
-- See @'validateJSONWithPatternChecker'@.
validateJSON :: Definitions Schema -> Schema -> Value -> [ValidationError]
validateJSON = validateJSONWithPatternChecker (\_pattern _str -> True)

-- | Validate JSON @'Value'@ agains Swagger @'ToSchema'@ for a given value and pattern checker.
-- For validation without patterns see @'validateJSON'@.
validateJSONWithPatternChecker :: (Pattern -> Text -> Bool) -> Definitions Schema -> Schema -> Value -> [ValidationError]
validateJSONWithPatternChecker checker defs sch js =
  case runValidation (validateWithSchema js) cfg sch of
    Failed xs -> xs
    Passed _  -> mempty
    cfg = defaultConfig
            { configPatternChecker = checker
            , configDefinitions = defs }

-- | Validation error message.
type ValidationError = String

-- | Validation result type.
data Result a
  = Failed [ValidationError]  -- ^ Validation failed with a list of error messages.
  | Passed a                  -- ^ Validation passed.
  deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)

instance Applicative Result where
  pure = Passed
  Passed f <*> Passed x = Passed (f x)
  Failed xs <*> Failed ys = Failed (xs <> ys)
  Failed xs <*> _ = Failed xs
  _ <*> Failed ys = Failed ys

instance Alternative Result where
  empty = Failed mempty
  Passed x <|> _ = Passed x
  _        <|> y = y

instance Monad Result where
  return = pure
  Passed x >>=  f = f x
  Failed xs >>= _ = Failed xs

-- | Validation configuration.
data Config = Config
  { -- | Pattern checker for @'_paramSchemaPattern'@ validation.
    configPatternChecker :: Pattern -> Text -> Bool
    -- | Schema definitions in scope to resolve references.
  , configDefinitions    :: Definitions Schema

-- | Default @'Config'@:
-- @
-- defaultConfig = 'Config'
--   { 'configPatternChecker' = \\_pattern _str -> True
--   , 'configDefinitions'    = mempty
--   }
-- @
defaultConfig :: Config
defaultConfig = Config
  { configPatternChecker = \_pattern _str -> True
  , configDefinitions    = mempty

-- | Value validation.
newtype Validation s a = Validation { runValidation :: Config -> s -> Result a }
  deriving (Functor)

instance Applicative (Validation schema) where
  pure x = Validation (\_ _ -> pure x)
  Validation f <*> Validation x = Validation (\c s -> f c s <*> x c s)

instance Alternative (Validation schema) where
  empty = Validation (\_ _ -> empty)
  Validation x <|> Validation y = Validation (\c s -> x c s <|> y c s)

instance Profunctor Validation where
  dimap f g (Validation k) = Validation (\c s -> fmap g (k c (f s)))

instance Choice Validation where
  left'  (Validation g) = Validation (\c -> either (fmap Left . g c) (pure . Right))
  right' (Validation g) = Validation (\c -> either (pure . Left) (fmap Right . g c))

instance Monad (Validation s) where
  return = pure
  Validation x >>= f = Validation (\c s -> x c s >>= \y -> runValidation (f y) c s)
  (>>) = (*>)

withConfig :: (Config -> Validation s a) -> Validation s a
withConfig f = Validation (\c -> runValidation (f c) c)

withSchema :: (s -> Validation s a) -> Validation s a
withSchema f = Validation (\c s -> runValidation (f s) c s)

-- | Issue an error message.
invalid :: String -> Validation schema a
invalid msg = Validation (\_ _ -> Failed [msg])

-- | Validation passed.
valid :: Validation schema ()
valid = pure ()

-- | Validate schema's property given a lens into that property
-- and property checker.
checkMissing :: Validation s () -> Lens' s (Maybe a) -> (a -> Validation s ()) -> Validation s ()
checkMissing missing l g = withSchema $ \sch ->
  case sch ^. l of
    Nothing -> missing
    Just x  -> g x

-- | Validate schema's property given a lens into that property
-- and property checker.
-- If property is missing in schema, consider it valid.
check :: Lens' s (Maybe a) -> (a -> Validation s ()) -> Validation s ()
check = checkMissing valid

-- | Validate same value with different schema.
sub :: t -> Validation t a -> Validation s a
sub = lmap . const

-- | Validate same value with a part of the original schema.
sub_ :: Getting a s a -> Validation a r -> Validation s r
sub_ = lmap . view

-- | Validate value against a schema given schema reference and validation function.
withRef :: Reference -> (Schema -> Validation s a) -> Validation s a
withRef (Reference ref) f = withConfig $ \cfg ->
  case InsOrdHashMap.lookup ref (configDefinitions cfg) of
    Nothing -> invalid $ "unknown schema " ++ show ref
    Just s  -> f s

validateWithSchemaRef :: Referenced Schema -> Value -> Validation s ()
validateWithSchemaRef (Ref ref)  js = withRef ref $ \sch -> sub sch (validateWithSchema js)
validateWithSchemaRef (Inline s) js = sub s (validateWithSchema js)

-- | Validate JSON @'Value'@ with Swagger @'Schema'@.
validateWithSchema :: Value -> Validation Schema ()
validateWithSchema value = do
  validateSchemaType value
  sub_ paramSchema $ validateEnum value

-- | Validate JSON @'Value'@ with Swagger @'ParamSchema'@.
validateWithParamSchema :: Value -> Validation (ParamSchema t) ()
validateWithParamSchema value = do
  validateParamSchemaType value
  validateEnum value

validateInteger :: Scientific -> Validation (ParamSchema t) ()
validateInteger n = do
  when (not (isInteger n)) $
    invalid ("not an integer")
  validateNumber n

validateNumber :: Scientific -> Validation (ParamSchema t) ()
validateNumber n = withConfig $ \_cfg -> withSchema $ \sch -> do
  let exMax = Just True == sch ^. exclusiveMaximum
      exMin = Just True == sch ^. exclusiveMinimum

  check maximum_ $ \m ->
    when (if exMax then (n >= m) else (n > m)) $
      invalid ("value " ++ show n ++ " exceeds maximum (should be " ++ if exMax then "<" else "<=" ++ show m ++ ")")

  check minimum_ $ \m ->
    when (if exMin then (n <= m) else (n < m)) $
      invalid ("value " ++ show n ++ " falls below minimum (should be " ++ if exMin then ">" else ">=" ++ show m ++ ")")

  check multipleOf $ \k ->
    when (not (isInteger (n / k))) $
      invalid ("expected a multiple of " ++ show k ++ " but got " ++ show n)

validateString :: Text -> Validation (ParamSchema t) ()
validateString s = do
  check maxLength $ \n ->
    when (len > fromInteger n) $
      invalid ("string is too long (length should be <=" ++ show n ++ ")")

  check minLength $ \n ->
    when (len < fromInteger n) $
      invalid ("string is too short (length should be >=" ++ show n ++ ")")

  check pattern $ \regex -> do
    withConfig $ \cfg -> do
      when (not (configPatternChecker cfg regex s)) $
        invalid ("string does not match pattern " ++ show regex)
    len = Text.length s

validateArray :: Vector Value -> Validation (ParamSchema t) ()
validateArray xs = do
  check maxItems $ \n ->
    when (len > fromInteger n) $
      invalid ("array exceeds maximum size (should be <=" ++ show n ++ ")")

  check minItems $ \n ->
    when (len < fromInteger n) $
      invalid ("array is too short (size should be >=" ++ show n ++ ")")

  check items $ \case
    SwaggerItemsPrimitive _ itemSchema -> sub itemSchema $ traverse_ validateWithParamSchema xs
    SwaggerItemsObject itemSchema      -> traverse_ (validateWithSchemaRef itemSchema) xs
    SwaggerItemsArray itemSchemas -> do
      when (len /= length itemSchemas) $
        invalid ("array size is invalid (should be exactly " ++ show (length itemSchemas) ++ ")")
      sequenceA_ (zipWith validateWithSchemaRef itemSchemas (Vector.toList xs))

  check uniqueItems $ \unique ->
    when (unique && not allUnique) $
      invalid ("array is expected to contain unique items, but it does not")
    len = Vector.length xs
    allUnique = len == HashSet.size (HashSet.fromList (Vector.toList xs))

validateObject :: HashMap Text Value -> Validation Schema ()
validateObject o = withSchema $ \sch ->
  case sch ^. discriminator of
    Just pname -> case fromJSON <$> HashMap.lookup pname o of
      Just (Success ref) -> validateWithSchemaRef ref (Object o)
      Just (Error msg)   -> invalid ("failed to parse discriminator property " ++ show pname ++ ": " ++ show msg)
      Nothing            -> invalid ("discriminator property " ++ show pname ++ "is missing")
    Nothing -> do
      check maxProperties $ \n ->
        when (size > n) $
          invalid ("object size exceeds maximum (total number of properties should be <=" ++ show n ++ ")")

      check minProperties $ \n ->
        when (size < n) $
          invalid ("object size is too small (total number of properties should be >=" ++ show n ++ ")")

    size = fromIntegral (HashMap.size o)

    validateRequired = withSchema $ \sch -> traverse_ validateReq (sch ^. required)
    validateReq n =
      when (not (HashMap.member n o)) $
        invalid ("property " ++ show n ++ " is required, but not found in " ++ show (encode o))

    validateProps = withSchema $ \sch -> do
      for_ (HashMap.toList o) $ \(k, v) ->
        case v of
          Null | not (k `elem` (sch ^. required)) -> valid  -- null is fine for non-required property
          _ ->
            case InsOrdHashMap.lookup k (sch ^. properties) of
              Nothing -> checkMissing (unknownProperty k) additionalProperties $ validateAdditional k v
              Just s  -> validateWithSchemaRef s v

    validateAdditional _ _ (AdditionalPropertiesAllowed True) = valid
    validateAdditional k _ (AdditionalPropertiesAllowed False) = invalid $ "additionalProperties=false but extra property " <> show k <> " found"
    validateAdditional _ v (AdditionalPropertiesSchema s) = validateWithSchemaRef s v

    unknownProperty :: Text -> Validation s a
    unknownProperty pname = invalid $
      "property " <> show pname <> " is found in JSON value, but it is not mentioned in Swagger schema"

validateEnum :: Value -> Validation (ParamSchema t) ()
validateEnum value = do
  check enum_ $ \xs ->
    when (value `notElem` xs) $
      invalid ("expected one of " ++ show (encode xs) ++ " but got " ++ show value)

-- | Infer schema type based on used properties.
-- This is like 'inferParamSchemaTypes', but also works for objects:
-- >>> inferSchemaTypes <$> decode "{\"minProperties\": 1}"
-- Just [SwaggerObject]
inferSchemaTypes :: Schema -> [SwaggerType 'SwaggerKindSchema]
inferSchemaTypes sch = inferParamSchemaTypes (sch ^. paramSchema) ++
  [ SwaggerObject | any ($ sch)
       [ has (additionalProperties._Just)
       , has (maxProperties._Just)
       , has (minProperties._Just)
       , has (properties.folded)
       , has (required.folded) ] ]

-- | Infer schema type based on used properties.
-- >>> inferSchemaTypes <$> decode "{\"minLength\": 2}"
-- Just [SwaggerString]
-- >>> inferSchemaTypes <$> decode "{\"maxItems\": 0}"
-- Just [SwaggerArray]
-- From numeric properties 'SwaggerInteger' type is inferred.
-- If you want 'SwaggerNumber' instead, you must specify it explicitly.
-- >>> inferSchemaTypes <$> decode "{\"minimum\": 1}"
-- Just [SwaggerInteger]
inferParamSchemaTypes :: ParamSchema t -> [SwaggerType t]
inferParamSchemaTypes sch = concat
  [ [ SwaggerArray | any ($ sch)
        [ has (items._Just)
        , has (maxItems._Just)
        , has (minItems._Just)
        , has (uniqueItems._Just) ] ]
  , [ SwaggerInteger | any ($ sch)
        [ has (exclusiveMaximum._Just)
        , has (exclusiveMinimum._Just)
        , has (maximum_._Just)
        , has (minimum_._Just)
        , has (multipleOf._Just) ] ]
  , [ SwaggerString | any ($ sch)
        [ has (maxLength._Just)
        , has (minLength._Just)
        , has (pattern._Just) ] ]

validateSchemaType :: Value -> Validation Schema ()
validateSchemaType value = withSchema $ \sch ->
  case (sch ^. type_, value) of
    (Just SwaggerNull,    Null)       -> valid
    (Just SwaggerBoolean, Bool _)     -> valid
    (Just SwaggerInteger, Number n)   -> sub_ paramSchema (validateInteger n)
    (Just SwaggerNumber,  Number n)   -> sub_ paramSchema (validateNumber n)
    (Just SwaggerString,  String s)   -> sub_ paramSchema (validateString s)
    (Just SwaggerArray,   Array xs)   -> sub_ paramSchema (validateArray xs)
    (Just SwaggerObject,  Object o)   -> validateObject o
    (Nothing, Null)                   -> valid
    (Nothing, Bool _)                 -> valid
    -- Number by default
    (Nothing, Number n)               -> sub_ paramSchema (validateNumber n)
    (Nothing, String s)               -> sub_ paramSchema (validateString s)
    (Nothing, Array xs)               -> sub_ paramSchema (validateArray xs)
    (Nothing, Object o)               -> validateObject o
    param@(t, _) -> invalid $ "expected JSON value of type " ++ showType param

validateParamSchemaType :: Value -> Validation (ParamSchema t) ()
validateParamSchemaType value = withSchema $ \sch ->
  case (sch ^. type_, value) of
    (Just SwaggerBoolean, Bool _)     -> valid
    (Just SwaggerInteger, Number n)   -> validateInteger n
    (Just SwaggerNumber,  Number n)   -> validateNumber n
    (Just SwaggerString,  String s)   -> validateString s
    (Just SwaggerArray,   Array xs)   -> validateArray xs
    (Nothing, Bool _)                 -> valid
    -- Number by default
    (Nothing, Number n)               -> validateNumber n
    (Nothing, String s)               -> validateString s
    (Nothing, Array xs)               -> validateArray xs
    (t, _) -> invalid $ "expected JSON value of type " ++ show t
    param@(t, _) -> invalid $ "expected JSON value of type " ++ showType param

showType :: (Maybe (SwaggerType t), Value) -> String
showType (Just type_, _)     = show type_
showType (Nothing, Null)     = "SwaggerNull"
showType (Nothing, Bool _)   = "SwaggerBoolean"
showType (Nothing, Number _) = "SwaggerNumber"
showType (Nothing, String _) = "SwaggerString"
showType (Nothing, Array _)  = "SwaggerArray"
showType (Nothing, Object _) = "SwaggerObject"