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sv-core-0.5: Encode and decode separated values (CSV, PSV, ...)

Copyright(C) CSIRO 2017-2019
MaintainerGeorge Wilson <george.wilson@data61.csiro.au>
Safe HaskellNone




This module is intended to be imported qualified as follows

import Data.Sv.Encode.Core as E

To produce a CSV file from data types, build an Encode for your data type. This module contains primitives, combinators, and type class instances to help you to do so.

Encode is a Contravariant functor, as well as a Divisible and Decidable. Divisible is the contravariant form of Applicative, while Decidable is the contravariant form of Alternative. These type classes will provide useful combinators for working with Encodes.

Specialised to Encode, the function divide from Divisible has the type:

divide :: (a -> (b,c)) -> Encode b -> Encode c -> Encode a

which can be read "if a can be split into b and c, and I can handle b, and I can handle c, then I can handle a".

Here the "I can handle" part corresponds to the Encode. If we think of (covariant) functors as being "full of" a, then we can think of contravariant functors as being "able to handle" a.

How does it work? Perform the split on the a, handle the b by converting it into some text, handle the c by also converting it to some text, then put each of those text fragments into their own field in the CSV.

Similarly, the function choose from Decidable, specialsed to Encode, has the type:

choose :: (a -> Either b c) -> Encode b -> Encode c -> Encode a

which can be read "if a is either b or c, and I can handle b, and I can handle c, then I can handle a".

This works by performing the split, then checking whether b or c resulted, then using the appropriate Encode.

For an example of encoding, see Encoding.hs



newtype Encode a Source #

An Encode converts its argument into one or more textual fields, to be written out as CSV.

It is Semigroup, Monoid, Contravariant, Divisible, and Decidable, allowing for composition of these values to build bigger Encodes from smaller ones.




Contravariant Encode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sv.Encode.Type


contramap :: (a -> b) -> Encode b -> Encode a #

(>$) :: b -> Encode b -> Encode a #

Divisible Encode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sv.Encode.Type


divide :: (a -> (b, c)) -> Encode b -> Encode c -> Encode a #

conquer :: Encode a #

Decidable Encode Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sv.Encode.Type


lose :: (a -> Void) -> Encode a #

choose :: (a -> Either b c) -> Encode b -> Encode c -> Encode a #

Semigroup (Encode a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sv.Encode.Type


(<>) :: Encode a -> Encode a -> Encode a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Encode a) -> Encode a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Encode a -> Encode a #

Monoid (Encode a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Sv.Encode.Type


mempty :: Encode a #

mappend :: Encode a -> Encode a -> Encode a #

mconcat :: [Encode a] -> Encode a #

Convenience constructors

mkEncodeBS :: (a -> ByteString) -> Encode a Source #

Make an Encode from a function that builds one Field.

mkEncodeWithOpts :: (EncodeOptions -> a -> Builder) -> Encode a Source #

Make an Encode from a function that builds one Field.

Running an Encode

encode :: Encode a -> EncodeOptions -> [a] -> ByteString Source #

Encode the given list using the given Encode, configured by the given EncodeOptions.

encodeNamed :: NameEncode a -> EncodeOptions -> [a] -> ByteString Source #

Encode the given list with a header using the given NameEncode, configured by the given EncodeOptions.

encodeToHandle :: Encode a -> EncodeOptions -> [a] -> Handle -> IO () Source #

Encode, writing the output to a file handle.

encodeNamedToHandle :: NameEncode a -> EncodeOptions -> [a] -> Handle -> IO () Source #

Encode with a header, writing the output to a file handle.

encodeToFile :: Encode a -> EncodeOptions -> [a] -> FilePath -> IO () Source #

Encode, writing to a file. This way is more efficient than encoding to a ByteString and then writing to file.

encodeNamedToFile :: NameEncode a -> EncodeOptions -> [a] -> FilePath -> IO () Source #

Encode with a header, writing to a file. This way is more efficient than encoding to a ByteString and then writing to file.

encodeBuilder :: Encode a -> EncodeOptions -> [a] -> Builder Source #

Encode to a ByteString Builder, which is useful if you are going to combine the output with other ByteStrings.

encodeNamedBuilder :: NameEncode a -> EncodeOptions -> [a] -> Builder Source #

Encode with column names to a ByteString Builder, which is useful if you are going to combine the output with other ByteStrings.

encodeRow :: Encode a -> EncodeOptions -> a -> ByteString Source #

Encode one row only

encodeRowBuilder :: Encode a -> EncodeOptions -> a -> Builder Source #

Encode one row only, as a ByteString Builder


class HasSeparator c => HasEncodeOptions c Source #

Classy lenses for EncodeOptions

import Control.Lens

defaultEncodeOptions & newline .~ crlf & quoting .~ Always

Minimal complete definition


data EncodeOptions Source #

These are options to configure encoding. A default is provided as defaultEncodeOptions.




data Quoting Source #

Should the output file have quotes around every value, or only when they are required?

Beware the Never constructor. It can construct malformed CSV files if there are fields containing quotes, newlines, or separators. It is the fastest option though, so you might like to use it if you're sure none of your encoded data will include those characters.



defaultEncodeOptions :: EncodeOptions Source #

The default options for encoding.

The default is a CSV file with quotes when necessary, LF lines, and no terminating newline.

Primitive encodes


named :: Builder -> Encode a -> NameEncode a Source #

Attach a column name to an Encode. This is used for building Encodes with headers.

Best used with OverloadedStrings

(=:) :: Builder -> Encode a -> NameEncode a Source #

Synonym for named.

Mnemonic: Dot colon names Decoders, Equal colon names Encoders.


const :: ByteString -> Encode a Source #

Encode this ByteString every time, ignoring the input.

show :: Show a => Encode a Source #

Build an Encode using a type's Show instance.

nop :: Encode a Source #

Don't encode anything.

empty :: Encode a Source #

Encode anything as the empty string.

orEmpty :: Encode a -> Encode (Maybe a) Source #

Lift an Encode to be able to hanlde Maybe, by using the empty string in the case of Nothing

char :: Encode Char Source #

Encode a single Char

int :: Encode Int Source #

Encode an Int

double :: Encode Double Source #

Encode a Double

This version satisfies the roundtrip property. If that doesn't matter to you, use the faster version doubleFast

doubleFast :: Encode Double Source #

Encode a Double really quickly. This version uses the double-conversion package.

boolTrueFalse :: Encode Bool Source #

Encode a Bool as True or False

booltruefalse :: Encode Bool Source #

Encode a Bool as true of false

boolyesno :: Encode Bool Source #

Encode a Bool as yes or no

boolYesNo :: Encode Bool Source #

Encode a Bool as Yes or No

boolYN :: Encode Bool Source #

Encode a Bool as Y or N

bool10 :: Encode Bool Source #

Encode a Bool as 1 or 0


row :: Encode s -> Encode [s] Source #

Encode a list as a whole row at once, using the same Encode for every element


(?>) :: Encode a -> Encode () -> Encode (Maybe a) Source #

Build an Encode for Maybe given a Just and a Nothing encode.

(<?) :: Encode () -> Encode a -> Encode (Maybe a) Source #

Build an Encode for Maybe given a Nothing and a Just encode.

(?>>) :: Encode a -> ByteString -> Encode (Maybe a) Source #

Build an Encode for Maybe given a Just encode and a ByteString for the Nothing case.

(<<?) :: ByteString -> Encode a -> Encode (Maybe a) Source #

Build an Encode for Maybe given a ByteString for the Nothing case and a Just encode.

encodeOf :: Getting (First a) s a -> Encode a -> Encode s Source #

Given an optic from s to a, Try to use it to build an encode.

encodeOf :: Iso'       s a -> Encode a -> Encode s
encodeOf :: Lens'      s a -> Encode a -> Encode s
encodeOf :: Prism'     s a -> Encode a -> Encode s
encodeOf :: Traversal' s a -> Encode a -> Encode s
encodeOf :: Fold       s a -> Encode a -> Encode s
encodeOf :: Getter     s a -> Encode a -> Encode s

This is very useful when you have a prism for each constructor of your type. You can define an Encode as follows:

myEitherEncode :: Encode a -> Encode b -> Encode (Either a b)
myEitherEncode encA encB = encodeOf _Left encA <> encodeOf _Right encB

In this example, when the prism lookup returns Nothing, the empty encoder is returned. This is the mempty for the Encode monoid, so it won't add a field to the resulting CSV. This is the behaviour you want for combining a collection of prisms.

But this encoder also works with lenses (or weaker optics), which will never fail their lookup, in which case it never returns mempty. So this actually does the right thing for both sum and product types.

encodeOfMay :: Getting (First a) s a -> Encode (Maybe a) -> Encode s Source #

Like encodeOf, but you can handle Nothing however you'd like. In encodeOf, it is handled by the Encode which does nothing, but for example you might like to use orEmpty to encode an empty field.

Unsafe encodes

unsafeBuilder :: (a -> Builder) -> Encode a Source #

Make an encode from any function that returns a ByteString Builder.

unsafeString :: Encode String Source #

Encode a String really quickly. If the string has quotes in it, they will not be escaped properly, so the result maybe not be valid CSV

unsafeText :: Encode Text Source #

Encode Text really quickly. If the text has quotes in it, they will not be escaped properly, so the result maybe not be valid CSV

unsafeByteString :: Encode ByteString Source #

Encode a ByteString really quickly. If the string has quotes in it, they will not be escaped properly, so the result maybe not be valid CSV

unsafeLazyByteString :: Encode ByteString Source #

Encode a ByteString really quickly. If the string has quotes in it, they will not be escaped properly, so the result maybe not be valid CSV

unsafeByteStringBuilder :: Encode Builder Source #

Encode ByteString Builder really quickly. If the builder builds a string with quotes in it, they will not be escaped properly, so the result maybe not be valid CSV

unsafeConst :: ByteString -> Encode a Source #

Encode this ByteString really quickly every time, ignoring the input. If the string has quotes in it, they will not be escaped properly, so the result maybe not be valid CSV