{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Data.Sv.Decode.Core (
Decode (..)
, Decode'
, DecodeValidation
, DecodeError (..)
, DecodeErrors (..)
, decode
, decodeMay
, decodeEither
, decodeEither'
, mapErrors
, alterInput
, column
, (.:)
, contents
, char
, byteString
, utf8
, lazyUtf8
, lazyByteString
, string
, int
, integer
, float
, double
, rational
, boolean
, boolean'
, ignore
, replace
, exactly
, emptyField
, row
, choice
, element
, optionalField
, ignoreFailure
, orEmpty
, either
, orElse
, orElseE
, categorical
, categorical'
, (>>==)
, (==<<)
, bindDecode
, read
, read'
, decodeRead
, decodeRead'
, decodeReadWithMsg
, withTrifecta
, withAttoparsec
, withParsec
, withTextReader
, onError
, decodeError
, unexpectedEndOfRow
, expectedEndOfRow
, unknownCategoricalValue
, badParse
, badDecode
, validateEither
, validateEitherWith
, validateMaybe
, runDecode
, buildDecode
, mkDecode
, promote
, promote'
, runNamed
, anonymous
, makePositional
) where
import Prelude hiding (either, read)
import qualified Prelude
import Control.Lens (alaf)
import Control.Monad (unless)
import Control.Monad.Reader (ReaderT (ReaderT, runReaderT))
import Control.Monad.State (state)
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict (runWriter)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString as A
import Data.Bifunctor (first, second)
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.UTF8 as UTF8
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Char (toUpper)
import Data.Functor.Alt (Alt ((<!>)))
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose (Compose, getCompose))
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|)))
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Monoid (First (First), Last)
import Data.Profunctor (lmap)
import Data.Readable (Readable (fromBS))
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup ((<>)), sconcat)
import Data.Semigroup.Foldable (asum1)
import Data.Semigroupoid (Semigroupoid (o))
import Data.Set (Set, fromList, member)
import Data.String (IsString (fromString))
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding (decodeUtf8', encodeUtf8)
import qualified Data.Text.Read as TR (Reader, rational)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Text.Parsec (Parsec)
import qualified Text.Parsec as P (parse)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import qualified Text.Trifecta as Tri
import Data.Sv.Decode.Error
import Data.Sv.Decode.Type
decode :: Traversable f => Decode' ByteString a -> f (Vector ByteString) -> DecodeValidation ByteString (f a)
decode d = traverse (promote d)
decodeMay :: DecodeError e -> (s -> Maybe a) -> Decode e s a
decodeMay e f = mkDecode (validateMaybe e . f)
decodeEither :: (s -> Either (DecodeError e) a) -> Decode e s a
decodeEither f = mkDecode (validateEither . f)
decodeEither' :: (e -> DecodeError e') -> (s -> Either e a) -> Decode e' s a
decodeEither' e f = mkDecode (validateEitherWith e . f)
contents :: Decode e s s
contents = mkDecode pure
row :: Decode e s (Vector s)
row =
Decode . Compose . DecodeState . ReaderT $ \v ->
state (const (pure v, Ind (V.length v)))
char :: Decode' ByteString Char
char = string >>== \cs -> case cs of
[] -> badDecode "Expected single char but got empty string"
(c:[]) -> pure c
(_:_:_) -> badDecode ("Expected single char but got " <> UTF8.fromString cs)
byteString :: Decode' ByteString ByteString
byteString = contents
utf8 :: Decode' ByteString Text
utf8 = contents >>==
Prelude.either (badDecode . UTF8.fromString . show) pure . decodeUtf8'
lazyUtf8 :: Decode' ByteString LT.Text
lazyUtf8 = LT.fromStrict <$> utf8
lazyByteString :: Decode' ByteString LBS.ByteString
lazyByteString = LBS.fromStrict <$> contents
string :: Decode' ByteString String
string = UTF8.toString <$> contents
ignore :: Decode e s ()
ignore = replace ()
replace :: a -> Decode e s a
replace a = a <$ contents
exactly :: (Semigroup s, Eq s, IsString s) => s -> Decode' s s
exactly s = contents >>== \z ->
if s == z
then pure s
else badDecode (sconcat ("'":|[z,"' was not equal to '",s,"'"]))
int :: Decode' ByteString Int
int = named "int"
integer :: Decode' ByteString Integer
integer = named "integer"
float :: Decode' ByteString Float
float = named "float"
double :: Decode' ByteString Double
double = named "double"
rational :: Floating a => Decode' ByteString a
rational = rat `o` utf8
rat = mapErrors encodeUtf8 (withTextReader TR.rational)
boolean :: (IsString s, Ord s) => Decode' s Bool
boolean = boolean' fromString
boolean' :: Ord s => (String -> s) -> Decode' s Bool
boolean' s =
categorical' [
(False, fmap s ["false", "False", "FALSE", "f", "F", "0", "n", "N", "no", "No", "NO", "off", "Off", "OFF"])
, (True, fmap s ["true", "True", "TRUE", "t", "T", "1", "y", "Y", "yes", "Yes", "YES", "on", "On", "ON"])
emptyField :: (Eq s, IsString s, Semigroup s) => Decode' s ()
emptyField = contents >>== \c ->
unless (c == fromString "") (badDecode ("Expected emptiness but got: " <> c))
choice :: Decode e s a -> Decode e s a -> Decode e s a
choice = (<!>)
element :: NonEmpty (Decode e s a) -> Decode e s a
element = asum1
ignoreFailure :: Decode e s a -> Decode e s (Maybe a)
ignoreFailure a = Just <$> a <!> Nothing <$ ignore
orEmpty :: (Eq s, IsString s, Semigroup s) => Decode' s a -> Decode' s (Maybe a)
orEmpty a = Nothing <$ emptyField <!> Just <$> a
optionalField :: Decode e s a -> Decode e s (Maybe a)
optionalField a = Just <$> a <!> pure Nothing
either :: Decode e s a -> Decode e s b -> Decode e s (Either a b)
either a b = fmap Left a <!> fmap Right b
orElse :: Decode e s a -> a -> Decode e s a
orElse f a = f <!> replace a
orElseE :: Decode e s b -> a -> Decode e s (Either a b)
orElseE b a = fmap Right b <!> replace (Left a)
categorical :: (Ord s, Show a) => [(a, s)] -> Decode' s a
categorical = categorical' . fmap (fmap pure)
categorical' :: forall s a . (Ord s, Show a) => [(a, [s])] -> Decode' s a
categorical' as =
let as' :: [(a, Set s)]
as' = fmap (second fromList) as
go :: s -> (a, Set s) -> Maybe a
go s (a, set) =
if s `member` set
then Just a
else Nothing
in contents >>== \s ->
validateMaybe (UnknownCategoricalValue s (fmap snd as)) $
alaf First foldMap (go s) as'
read :: Read a => Decode' ByteString a
read = read' (const $ badDecode "read decoder failed")
read' :: Read a => (ByteString -> DecodeValidation e a) -> Decode e ByteString a
read' mkError = contents >>== \c ->
maybe (mkError c) pure $ readMaybe $ UTF8.toString c
decodeRead :: Readable a => Decode' ByteString a
decodeRead = decodeReadWithMsg (mappend "Couldn't decode ")
decodeRead' :: Readable a => ByteString -> Decode' ByteString a
decodeRead' e = decodeReadWithMsg (const e)
decodeReadWithMsg :: Readable a => (ByteString -> e) -> Decode e ByteString a
decodeReadWithMsg e = contents >>== \c ->
maybe (badDecode (e c)) pure . fromBS $ c
named :: Readable a => ByteString -> Decode' ByteString a
named name =
let vs' = ['a','e','i','o','u']
vs = fmap toUpper vs' ++ vs'
n c = if c `elem` vs then "n" else ""
n' = foldMap (n . fst) . UTF8.uncons
n'' = n' name
space = " "
in decodeReadWithMsg $ \bs ->
mconcat ["Couldn't decode \"", bs, "\" as a", n'', space, name]
mapErrors :: (e -> x) -> Decode e s a -> Decode x s a
mapErrors f (Decode (Compose r)) =
Decode (Compose (fmap (rnat (first (fmap f))) r))
alterInput :: (e -> x) -> (t -> s) -> Decode e s a -> Decode x t a
alterInput f g = mapErrors f . lmap g
withTrifecta :: Tri.Parser a -> Decode' ByteString a
withTrifecta =
(validateTrifectaResult (BadDecode . UTF8.fromString))
(flip Tri.parseByteString mempty)
withAttoparsec :: A.Parser a -> Decode' ByteString a
withAttoparsec =
(validateEitherWith (BadDecode . fromString))
withParsec :: Parsec ByteString () a -> Decode' ByteString a
withParsec =
let dropPos = drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ':')
in mkParserFunction
(validateEitherWith (BadDecode . UTF8.fromString . dropPos . show))
(\p s -> P.parse p mempty s)
withTextReader :: TR.Reader a -> Decode' Text a
withTextReader ir =
decodeEither $ \t -> case ir t of
Left s ->
let msg = "Couldn't decode \"" <> t <> "\": " <> T.pack s
in Left (BadDecode msg)
Right (a,leftover) ->
if T.null leftover
then pure a
else Left (BadDecode (
"Leftover input during decoding: " <> leftover
mkParserFunction ::
Tri.CharParsing p
=> (f a -> DecodeValidation ByteString a)
-> (p a -> ByteString -> f a)
-> p a
-> Decode' ByteString a
mkParserFunction err run p =
let p' = p <* Tri.eof
in byteString >>== (err . run p')
{-# INLINE mkParserFunction #-}
(>>==) :: Decode e s a -> (a -> DecodeValidation e b) -> Decode e s b
(>>==) = flip (==<<)
infixl 1 >>==
{-# INLINE (>>==) #-}
(==<<) :: (a -> DecodeValidation e b) -> Decode e s a -> Decode e s b
(==<<) f d =
buildDecode $ \vec i ->
case runDecode d vec i of
(v, l, i') -> (bindValidation v f, l, i')
infixr 1 ==<<
bindDecode :: Decode e s a -> (a -> Decode e s b) -> Decode e s b
bindDecode d f =
buildDecode $ \v i ->
case runDecode d v i of
(Failure e, l, i') -> (Failure e, l, i')
(Success a, l, i') ->
case runDecode (f a) v i' of
(v', l', i'') -> (v', l <> l', i'')
onError :: Decode e s a -> (DecodeErrors e -> Decode e s a) -> Decode e s a
onError d f =
buildDecode $ \v i ->
case runDecode d v i of
(Success a, l, i') -> (Success a, l, i')
(Failure e, l, i') ->
case runDecode (f e) v i' of
(v',l',i'') -> (v',l <> l',i'')
mkDecode :: (s -> DecodeValidation e a) -> Decode e s a
mkDecode f =
Decode . Compose . DecodeState . ReaderT $ \v -> state $ \(Ind i) ->
if i >= length v
then (Compose (pure unexpectedEndOfRow), Ind i)
else (Compose (pure (f (v ! i))), Ind (i+1))
promote :: Decode' s a -> Vector s -> DecodeValidation s a
promote = promote' id
{-# INLINE promote #-}
promote' :: (s -> e) -> Decode e s a -> Vector s -> DecodeValidation e a
promote' se dec vecField =
let len = length vecField
in case runDecode dec vecField (Ind 0) of
(d, l, Ind i) ->
if i < len && and l
then d *> expectedEndOfRow (V.force (fmap se (V.drop i vecField)))
else d
runDecode :: Decode e s a -> Vector s -> Ind -> (DecodeValidation e a, Last Bool, Ind)
runDecode = fmap (fmap z) . runDecodeState . getCompose . unwrapDecode
z (Compose wv, i) = case runWriter wv of
(v,l) ->(v,l,i)
{-# INLINE runDecode #-}
runNamed :: NameDecode e s a -> Map s Ind -> DecodeValidation e (Decode e s a)
runNamed = fmap getCompose . runReaderT . unNamed
anonymous :: Decode e s a -> NameDecode e s a
anonymous = Named . ReaderT . pure . Compose . pure
makePositional :: Ord s => Vector s -> NameDecode e s a -> DecodeValidation e (Decode e s a)
makePositional names d =
runNamed d . M.fromList $ zip (V.toList names) (Ind <$> [0..])
column :: Ord s => s -> Decode' s a -> NameDecode' s a
column s d =
Named . ReaderT $ \m -> case M.lookup s m of
Nothing -> Compose (missingColumn s)
Just i -> Compose . pure . buildDecode $ \vec _ ->
case runDecode d vec i of
(v, l, i') -> (v, l <> pure False, i')
(.:) :: Ord s => s -> Decode' s a -> NameDecode' s a
(.:) = column
{-# INLINE (.:) #-}
infixl 5 .:
rnat :: Functor f => (g a -> h a) -> Compose f g a -> Compose f h a
rnat gh (Compose fga) = Compose (fmap gh fga)