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supermonad- Plugin and base library to support supermonads in Haskell

Safe HaskellNone




Definition of supermonads that support constrained monads.



class (Functor m, Functor n, Functor p) => Bind m n p where Source #

See Control.Supermonad.Bind for details on laws and requirements.

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type BindCts m n p (a :: *) (b :: *) :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts m n p a b => m a -> (a -> n b) -> p b infixl 1 Source #

(>>) :: BindCts m n p a b => m a -> n b -> p b infixl 1 Source #


Bind [] [] [] Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts ([] :: * -> *) ([] :: * -> *) ([] :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts [] [] [] a b => [a] -> (a -> [b]) -> [b] Source #

(>>) :: BindCts [] [] [] a b => [a] -> [b] -> [b] Source #

Bind Maybe Maybe Maybe Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Maybe :: * -> *) (Maybe :: * -> *) (Maybe :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts Maybe Maybe Maybe a b => Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts Maybe Maybe Maybe a b => Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe b Source #

Bind IO IO IO Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (IO :: * -> *) (IO :: * -> *) (IO :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts IO IO IO a b => IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts IO IO IO a b => IO a -> IO b -> IO b Source #

Bind Complex Complex Complex Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Complex :: * -> *) (Complex :: * -> *) (Complex :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

Bind Min Min Min Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Min :: * -> *) (Min :: * -> *) (Min :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts Min Min Min a b => Min a -> (a -> Min b) -> Min b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts Min Min Min a b => Min a -> Min b -> Min b Source #

Bind Max Max Max Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Max :: * -> *) (Max :: * -> *) (Max :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts Max Max Max a b => Max a -> (a -> Max b) -> Max b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts Max Max Max a b => Max a -> Max b -> Max b Source #

Bind First First First Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts First First First a b => First a -> (a -> First b) -> First b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts First First First a b => First a -> First b -> First b Source #

Bind Last Last Last Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts Last Last Last a b => Last a -> (a -> Last b) -> Last b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts Last Last Last a b => Last a -> Last b -> Last b Source #

Bind Option Option Option Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Option :: * -> *) (Option :: * -> *) (Option :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts Option Option Option a b => Option a -> (a -> Option b) -> Option b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts Option Option Option a b => Option a -> Option b -> Option b Source #

Bind NonEmpty NonEmpty NonEmpty Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (NonEmpty :: * -> *) (NonEmpty :: * -> *) (NonEmpty :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

Bind Identity Identity Identity Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Identity :: * -> *) (Identity :: * -> *) (Identity :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

Bind STM STM STM Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (STM :: * -> *) (STM :: * -> *) (STM :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts STM STM STM a b => STM a -> (a -> STM b) -> STM b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts STM STM STM a b => STM a -> STM b -> STM b Source #

Bind Dual Dual Dual Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Dual :: * -> *) (Dual :: * -> *) (Dual :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts Dual Dual Dual a b => Dual a -> (a -> Dual b) -> Dual b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts Dual Dual Dual a b => Dual a -> Dual b -> Dual b Source #

Bind Sum Sum Sum Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Sum :: * -> *) (Sum :: * -> *) (Sum :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts Sum Sum Sum a b => Sum a -> (a -> Sum b) -> Sum b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts Sum Sum Sum a b => Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum b Source #

Bind Product Product Product Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Product :: * -> *) (Product :: * -> *) (Product :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

Bind First First First Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts First First First a b => First a -> (a -> First b) -> First b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts First First First a b => First a -> First b -> First b Source #

Bind Last Last Last Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts Last Last Last a b => Last a -> (a -> Last b) -> Last b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts Last Last Last a b => Last a -> Last b -> Last b Source #

Bind ReadPrec ReadPrec ReadPrec Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (ReadPrec :: * -> *) (ReadPrec :: * -> *) (ReadPrec :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

Bind ReadP ReadP ReadP Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (ReadP :: * -> *) (ReadP :: * -> *) (ReadP :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts ReadP ReadP ReadP a b => ReadP a -> (a -> ReadP b) -> ReadP b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts ReadP ReadP ReadP a b => ReadP a -> ReadP b -> ReadP b Source #

Bind Set Set Set Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Set :: * -> *) (Set :: * -> *) (Set :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts Set Set Set a b => Set a -> (a -> Set b) -> Set b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts Set Set Set a b => Set a -> Set b -> Set b Source #

Bind (Either e) (Either e) (Either e) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Either e :: * -> *) (Either e :: * -> *) (Either e :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (Either e) (Either e) (Either e) a b => Either e a -> (a -> Either e b) -> Either e b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (Either e) (Either e) (Either e) a b => Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e b Source #

Bind (U1 *) (U1 *) (U1 *) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (U1 * :: * -> *) (U1 * :: * -> *) (U1 * :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (U1 *) (U1 *) (U1 *) a b => U1 * a -> (a -> U1 * b) -> U1 * b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (U1 *) (U1 *) (U1 *) a b => U1 * a -> U1 * b -> U1 * b Source #

Bind (ST s) (ST s) (ST s) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (ST s) (ST s) (ST s) a b => ST s a -> (a -> ST s b) -> ST s b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (ST s) (ST s) (ST s) a b => ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s b Source #

Bind (ST s) (ST s) (ST s) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (ST s) (ST s) (ST s) a b => ST s a -> (a -> ST s b) -> ST s b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (ST s) (ST s) (ST s) a b => ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s b Source #

Bind m n p => Bind (WrappedMonad m) (WrappedMonad n) (WrappedMonad p) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (WrappedMonad m :: * -> *) (WrappedMonad n :: * -> *) (WrappedMonad p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

ArrowApply a => Bind (ArrowMonad a) (ArrowMonad a) (ArrowMonad a) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (ArrowMonad a :: * -> *) (ArrowMonad a :: * -> *) (ArrowMonad a :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (ArrowMonad a) (ArrowMonad a) (ArrowMonad a) a b => ArrowMonad a a -> (a -> ArrowMonad a b) -> ArrowMonad a b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (ArrowMonad a) (ArrowMonad a) (ArrowMonad a) a b => ArrowMonad a a -> ArrowMonad a b -> ArrowMonad a b Source #

Bind (Proxy *) (Proxy *) (Proxy *) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Proxy * :: * -> *) (Proxy * :: * -> *) (Proxy * :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (Proxy *) (Proxy *) (Proxy *) a b => Proxy * a -> (a -> Proxy * b) -> Proxy * b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (Proxy *) (Proxy *) (Proxy *) a b => Proxy * a -> Proxy * b -> Proxy * b Source #

(Return n, Bind m n p) => Bind (MaybeT m) (MaybeT n) (MaybeT p) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (MaybeT m :: * -> *) (MaybeT n :: * -> *) (MaybeT p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (MaybeT m) (MaybeT n) (MaybeT p) a b => MaybeT m a -> (a -> MaybeT n b) -> MaybeT p b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (MaybeT m) (MaybeT n) (MaybeT p) a b => MaybeT m a -> MaybeT n b -> MaybeT p b Source #

Bind m n p => Bind (Rec1 * m) (Rec1 * n) (Rec1 * p) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Rec1 * m :: * -> *) (Rec1 * n :: * -> *) (Rec1 * p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (Rec1 * m) (Rec1 * n) (Rec1 * p) a b => Rec1 * m a -> (a -> Rec1 * n b) -> Rec1 * p b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (Rec1 * m) (Rec1 * n) (Rec1 * p) a b => Rec1 * m a -> Rec1 * n b -> Rec1 * p b Source #

Bind f g h => Bind (Alt * f) (Alt * g) (Alt * h) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Alt * f :: * -> *) (Alt * g :: * -> *) (Alt * h :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (Alt * f) (Alt * g) (Alt * h) a b => Alt * f a -> (a -> Alt * g b) -> Alt * h b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (Alt * f) (Alt * g) (Alt * h) a b => Alt * f a -> Alt * g b -> Alt * h b Source #

(Bind m n p, Return n) => Bind (ExceptT e m) (ExceptT e n) (ExceptT e p) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (ExceptT e m :: * -> *) (ExceptT e n :: * -> *) (ExceptT e p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (ExceptT e m) (ExceptT e n) (ExceptT e p) a b => ExceptT e m a -> (a -> ExceptT e n b) -> ExceptT e p b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (ExceptT e m) (ExceptT e n) (ExceptT e p) a b => ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e n b -> ExceptT e p b Source #

Bind m n p => Bind (StateT s m) (StateT s n) (StateT s p) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (StateT s m :: * -> *) (StateT s n :: * -> *) (StateT s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (StateT s m) (StateT s n) (StateT s p) a b => StateT s m a -> (a -> StateT s n b) -> StateT s p b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (StateT s m) (StateT s n) (StateT s p) a b => StateT s m a -> StateT s n b -> StateT s p b Source #

Bind m n p => Bind (StateT s m) (StateT s n) (StateT s p) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (StateT s m :: * -> *) (StateT s n :: * -> *) (StateT s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (StateT s m) (StateT s n) (StateT s p) a b => StateT s m a -> (a -> StateT s n b) -> StateT s p b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (StateT s m) (StateT s n) (StateT s p) a b => StateT s m a -> StateT s n b -> StateT s p b Source #

(Monoid w, Bind m n p) => Bind (WriterT w m) (WriterT w n) (WriterT w p) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (WriterT w m :: * -> *) (WriterT w n :: * -> *) (WriterT w p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (WriterT w m) (WriterT w n) (WriterT w p) a b => WriterT w m a -> (a -> WriterT w n b) -> WriterT w p b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (WriterT w m) (WriterT w n) (WriterT w p) a b => WriterT w m a -> WriterT w n b -> WriterT w p b Source #

(Monoid w, Bind m n p) => Bind (WriterT w m) (WriterT w n) (WriterT w p) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (WriterT w m :: * -> *) (WriterT w n :: * -> *) (WriterT w p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (WriterT w m) (WriterT w n) (WriterT w p) a b => WriterT w m a -> (a -> WriterT w n b) -> WriterT w p b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (WriterT w m) (WriterT w n) (WriterT w p) a b => WriterT w m a -> WriterT w n b -> WriterT w p b Source #

Bind m n p => Bind (IdentityT * m) (IdentityT * n) (IdentityT * p) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (IdentityT * m :: * -> *) (IdentityT * n :: * -> *) (IdentityT * p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (IdentityT * m) (IdentityT * n) (IdentityT * p) a b => IdentityT * m a -> (a -> IdentityT * n b) -> IdentityT * p b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (IdentityT * m) (IdentityT * n) (IdentityT * p) a b => IdentityT * m a -> IdentityT * n b -> IdentityT * p b Source #

Bind ((->) LiftedRep LiftedRep r) ((->) LiftedRep LiftedRep r) ((->) LiftedRep LiftedRep r) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r :: * -> *) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r :: * -> *) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) a b => (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r a -> (a -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r b) -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) a b => (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r a -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r b -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r b Source #

(Bind f g h, Bind f' g' h') => Bind ((:*:) * f f') ((:*:) * g g') ((:*:) * h h') Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts ((* :*: f) f' :: * -> *) ((* :*: g) g' :: * -> *) ((* :*: h) h' :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts ((* :*: f) f') ((* :*: g) g') ((* :*: h) h') a b => (* :*: f) f' a -> (a -> (* :*: g) g' b) -> (* :*: h) h' b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts ((* :*: f) f') ((* :*: g) g') ((* :*: h) h') a b => (* :*: f) f' a -> (* :*: g) g' b -> (* :*: h) h' b Source #

(Bind m1 n1 p1, Bind m2 n2 p2) => Bind (Product * m1 m2) (Product * n1 n2) (Product * p1 p2) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (Product * m1 m2 :: * -> *) (Product * n1 n2 :: * -> *) (Product * p1 p2 :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (Product * m1 m2) (Product * n1 n2) (Product * p1 p2) a b => Product * m1 m2 a -> (a -> Product * n1 n2 b) -> Product * p1 p2 b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (Product * m1 m2) (Product * n1 n2) (Product * p1 p2) a b => Product * m1 m2 a -> Product * n1 n2 b -> Product * p1 p2 b Source #

Bind (ContT * r m) (ContT * r m) (ContT * r m) Source #

TODO / FIXME: Still need to figure out how and if we can generalize the continuation implementation.

Associated Types

type BindCts (ContT * r m :: * -> *) (ContT * r m :: * -> *) (ContT * r m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (ContT * r m) (ContT * r m) (ContT * r m) a b => ContT * r m a -> (a -> ContT * r m b) -> ContT * r m b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (ContT * r m) (ContT * r m) (ContT * r m) a b => ContT * r m a -> ContT * r m b -> ContT * r m b Source #

Bind m n p => Bind (ReaderT * r m) (ReaderT * r n) (ReaderT * r p) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (ReaderT * r m :: * -> *) (ReaderT * r n :: * -> *) (ReaderT * r p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (ReaderT * r m) (ReaderT * r n) (ReaderT * r p) a b => ReaderT * r m a -> (a -> ReaderT * r n b) -> ReaderT * r p b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (ReaderT * r m) (ReaderT * r n) (ReaderT * r p) a b => ReaderT * r m a -> ReaderT * r n b -> ReaderT * r p b Source #

Bind f g h => Bind (M1 * i c f) (M1 * i c g) (M1 * i c h) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (M1 * i c f :: * -> *) (M1 * i c g :: * -> *) (M1 * i c h :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (M1 * i c f) (M1 * i c g) (M1 * i c h) a b => M1 * i c f a -> (a -> M1 * i c g b) -> M1 * i c h b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (M1 * i c f) (M1 * i c g) (M1 * i c h) a b => M1 * i c f a -> M1 * i c g b -> M1 * i c h b Source #

(Monoid w, Bind m n p) => Bind (RWST r w s m) (RWST r w s n) (RWST r w s p) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (RWST r w s m :: * -> *) (RWST r w s n :: * -> *) (RWST r w s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (RWST r w s m) (RWST r w s n) (RWST r w s p) a b => RWST r w s m a -> (a -> RWST r w s n b) -> RWST r w s p b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (RWST r w s m) (RWST r w s n) (RWST r w s p) a b => RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s n b -> RWST r w s p b Source #

(Monoid w, Bind m n p) => Bind (RWST r w s m) (RWST r w s n) (RWST r w s p) Source # 

Associated Types

type BindCts (RWST r w s m :: * -> *) (RWST r w s n :: * -> *) (RWST r w s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(>>=) :: BindCts (RWST r w s m) (RWST r w s n) (RWST r w s p) a b => RWST r w s m a -> (a -> RWST r w s n b) -> RWST r w s p b Source #

(>>) :: BindCts (RWST r w s m) (RWST r w s n) (RWST r w s p) a b => RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s n b -> RWST r w s p b Source #

class Functor m => Return m where Source #

See Bind for details on laws and requirements.

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type ReturnCts m (a :: *) :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts m a => a -> m a Source #


Return [] Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts ([] :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts [] a => a -> [a] Source #

Return Maybe Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Maybe :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts Maybe a => a -> Maybe a Source #

Return IO Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (IO :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts IO a => a -> IO a Source #

Return Complex Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Complex :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts Complex a => a -> Complex a Source #

Return Min Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Min :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts Min a => a -> Min a Source #

Return Max Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Max :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts Max a => a -> Max a Source #

Return First Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (First :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts First a => a -> First a Source #

Return Last Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Last :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts Last a => a -> Last a Source #

Return Option Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Option :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts Option a => a -> Option a Source #

Return NonEmpty Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (NonEmpty :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts NonEmpty a => a -> NonEmpty a Source #

Return Identity Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Identity :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts Identity a => a -> Identity a Source #

Return STM Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (STM :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts STM a => a -> STM a Source #

Return Dual Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Dual :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts Dual a => a -> Dual a Source #

Return Sum Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Sum :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts Sum a => a -> Sum a Source #

Return Product Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Product :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts Product a => a -> Product a Source #

Return First Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (First :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts First a => a -> First a Source #

Return Last Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Last :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts Last a => a -> Last a Source #

Return ReadPrec Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (ReadPrec :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts ReadPrec a => a -> ReadPrec a Source #

Return ReadP Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (ReadP :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts ReadP a => a -> ReadP a Source #

Return Set Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Set :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts Set a => a -> Set a Source #

Return (Either e) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Either e :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (Either e) a => a -> Either e a Source #

Return (U1 *) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (U1 * :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (U1 *) a => a -> U1 * a Source #

Return (ST s) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (ST s :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (ST s) a => a -> ST s a Source #

Return (ST s) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (ST s :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (ST s) a => a -> ST s a Source #

Return m => Return (WrappedMonad m) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (WrappedMonad m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (WrappedMonad m) a => a -> WrappedMonad m a Source #

ArrowApply a => Return (ArrowMonad a) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (ArrowMonad a :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (ArrowMonad a) a => a -> ArrowMonad a a Source #

Return (Proxy *) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Proxy * :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (Proxy *) a => a -> Proxy * a Source #

Return m => Return (MaybeT m) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (MaybeT m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (MaybeT m) a => a -> MaybeT m a Source #

Return m => Return (Rec1 * m) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Rec1 * m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (Rec1 * m) a => a -> Rec1 * m a Source #

Return m => Return (Alt * m) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Alt * m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (Alt * m) a => a -> Alt * m a Source #

Return m => Return (ExceptT e m) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (ExceptT e m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (ExceptT e m) a => a -> ExceptT e m a Source #

Return m => Return (StateT s m) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (StateT s m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (StateT s m) a => a -> StateT s m a Source #

Return m => Return (StateT s m) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (StateT s m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (StateT s m) a => a -> StateT s m a Source #

(Monoid w, Return m) => Return (WriterT w m) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (WriterT w m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (WriterT w m) a => a -> WriterT w m a Source #

(Monoid w, Return m) => Return (WriterT w m) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (WriterT w m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (WriterT w m) a => a -> WriterT w m a Source #

Return m => Return (IdentityT * m) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (IdentityT * m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (IdentityT * m) a => a -> IdentityT * m a Source #

Return ((->) LiftedRep LiftedRep r) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) a => a -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r a Source #

(Return f, Return g) => Return ((:*:) * f g) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts ((* :*: f) g :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts ((* :*: f) g) a => a -> (* :*: f) g a Source #

(Return m1, Return m2) => Return (Product * m1 m2) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Product * m1 m2 :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (Product * m1 m2) a => a -> Product * m1 m2 a Source #

Return (ContT * r m) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (ContT * r m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (ContT * r m) a => a -> ContT * r m a Source #

Return m => Return (ReaderT * r m) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (ReaderT * r m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (ReaderT * r m) a => a -> ReaderT * r m a Source #

Return f => Return (M1 * i c f) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (M1 * i c f :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (M1 * i c f) a => a -> M1 * i c f a Source #

(Return f, Return g) => Return ((:.:) * * f g) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts ((* :.: *) f g :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts ((* :.: *) f g) a => a -> (* :.: *) f g a Source #

(Return f, Return f') => Return (Compose * * f f') Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (Compose * * f f' :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (Compose * * f f') a => a -> Compose * * f f' a Source #

(Monoid w, Return m) => Return (RWST r w s m) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (RWST r w s m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (RWST r w s m) a => a -> RWST r w s m a Source #

(Monoid w, Return m) => Return (RWST r w s m) Source # 

Associated Types

type ReturnCts (RWST r w s m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


return :: ReturnCts (RWST r w s m) a => a -> RWST r w s m a Source #

class Fail m where Source #

See Bind for details on laws and requirements.

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type FailCts m (a :: *) :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts m a => String -> m a Source #


Fail [] Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts ([] :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts [] a => String -> [a] Source #

Fail Maybe Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Maybe :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts Maybe a => String -> Maybe a Source #

Fail IO Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (IO :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts IO a => String -> IO a Source #

Fail Complex Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Complex :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts Complex a => String -> Complex a Source #

Fail Min Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Min :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts Min a => String -> Min a Source #

Fail Max Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Max :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts Max a => String -> Max a Source #

Fail First Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (First :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts First a => String -> First a Source #

Fail Last Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Last :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts Last a => String -> Last a Source #

Fail Option Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Option :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts Option a => String -> Option a Source #

Fail NonEmpty Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (NonEmpty :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #

Fail Identity Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Identity :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #

Fail STM Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (STM :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts STM a => String -> STM a Source #

Fail Dual Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Dual :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts Dual a => String -> Dual a Source #

Fail Sum Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Sum :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts Sum a => String -> Sum a Source #

Fail Product Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Product :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts Product a => String -> Product a Source #

Fail First Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (First :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts First a => String -> First a Source #

Fail Last Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Last :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts Last a => String -> Last a Source #

Fail ReadPrec Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (ReadPrec :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #

Fail ReadP Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (ReadP :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts ReadP a => String -> ReadP a Source #

Fail Set Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Set :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts Set a => String -> Set a Source #

Fail (Either e) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Either e :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (Either e) a => String -> Either e a Source #

Fail (U1 *) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (U1 * :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (U1 *) a => String -> U1 * a Source #

Fail (ST s) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (ST s :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (ST s) a => String -> ST s a Source #

Fail (ST s) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (ST s :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (ST s) a => String -> ST s a Source #

Fail m => Fail (WrappedMonad m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (WrappedMonad m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (WrappedMonad m) a => String -> WrappedMonad m a Source #

ArrowApply a => Fail (ArrowMonad a) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (ArrowMonad a :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (ArrowMonad a) a => String -> ArrowMonad a a Source #

Fail (Proxy *) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Proxy * :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (Proxy *) a => String -> Proxy * a Source #

Return m => Fail (MaybeT m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (MaybeT m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (MaybeT m) a => String -> MaybeT m a Source #

Fail m => Fail (Rec1 * m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Rec1 * m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (Rec1 * m) a => String -> Rec1 * m a Source #

Fail m => Fail (Alt * m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Alt * m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (Alt * m) a => String -> Alt * m a Source #

Fail m => Fail (ExceptT e m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (ExceptT e m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (ExceptT e m) a => String -> ExceptT e m a Source #

Fail m => Fail (StateT s m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (StateT s m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (StateT s m) a => String -> StateT s m a Source #

Fail m => Fail (StateT s m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (StateT s m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (StateT s m) a => String -> StateT s m a Source #

(Monoid w, Fail m) => Fail (WriterT w m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (WriterT w m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (WriterT w m) a => String -> WriterT w m a Source #

(Monoid w, Fail m) => Fail (WriterT w m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (WriterT w m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (WriterT w m) a => String -> WriterT w m a Source #

Fail m => Fail (IdentityT * m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (IdentityT * m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (IdentityT * m) a => String -> IdentityT * m a Source #

Fail ((->) LiftedRep LiftedRep r) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) a => String -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r a Source #

(Fail f, Fail g) => Fail ((:*:) * f g) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts ((* :*: f) g :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts ((* :*: f) g) a => String -> (* :*: f) g a Source #

(Fail m1, Fail m2) => Fail (Product * m1 m2) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (Product * m1 m2 :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (Product * m1 m2) a => String -> Product * m1 m2 a Source #

Fail m => Fail (ContT * r m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (ContT * r m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (ContT * r m) a => String -> ContT * r m a Source #

Fail m => Fail (ReaderT * r m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (ReaderT * r m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (ReaderT * r m) a => String -> ReaderT * r m a Source #

Fail f => Fail (M1 * i c f) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (M1 * i c f :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (M1 * i c f) a => String -> M1 * i c f a Source #

(Monoid w, Fail m) => Fail (RWST r w s m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (RWST r w s m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (RWST r w s m) a => String -> RWST r w s m a Source #

(Monoid w, Fail m) => Fail (RWST r w s m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FailCts (RWST r w s m :: * -> *) a :: Constraint Source #


fail :: FailCts (RWST r w s m) a => String -> RWST r w s m a Source #


class (Functor m, Functor n, Functor p) => Applicative m n p where Source #


Minimal complete definition

(<*>), (*>), (<*)

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts m n p (a :: *) (b :: *) :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR m n p (a :: *) (b :: *) :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL m n p (a :: *) (b :: *) :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts m n p a b => m (a -> b) -> n a -> p b infixl 4 Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR m n p a b => m a -> n b -> p b infixl 4 Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL m n p a b => m a -> n b -> p a infixl 4 Source #


Applicative [] [] [] Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts ([] :: * -> *) ([] :: * -> *) ([] :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR ([] :: * -> *) ([] :: * -> *) ([] :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL ([] :: * -> *) ([] :: * -> *) ([] :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts [] [] [] a b => [a -> b] -> [a] -> [b] Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR [] [] [] a b => [a] -> [b] -> [b] Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL [] [] [] a b => [a] -> [b] -> [a] Source #

Applicative Maybe Maybe Maybe Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Maybe :: * -> *) (Maybe :: * -> *) (Maybe :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Maybe :: * -> *) (Maybe :: * -> *) (Maybe :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Maybe :: * -> *) (Maybe :: * -> *) (Maybe :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

Applicative IO IO IO Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (IO :: * -> *) (IO :: * -> *) (IO :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (IO :: * -> *) (IO :: * -> *) (IO :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (IO :: * -> *) (IO :: * -> *) (IO :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts IO IO IO a b => IO (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR IO IO IO a b => IO a -> IO b -> IO b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL IO IO IO a b => IO a -> IO b -> IO a Source #

Applicative Complex Complex Complex Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Complex :: * -> *) (Complex :: * -> *) (Complex :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Complex :: * -> *) (Complex :: * -> *) (Complex :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Complex :: * -> *) (Complex :: * -> *) (Complex :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

Applicative Min Min Min Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Min :: * -> *) (Min :: * -> *) (Min :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Min :: * -> *) (Min :: * -> *) (Min :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Min :: * -> *) (Min :: * -> *) (Min :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts Min Min Min a b => Min (a -> b) -> Min a -> Min b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR Min Min Min a b => Min a -> Min b -> Min b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL Min Min Min a b => Min a -> Min b -> Min a Source #

Applicative Max Max Max Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Max :: * -> *) (Max :: * -> *) (Max :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Max :: * -> *) (Max :: * -> *) (Max :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Max :: * -> *) (Max :: * -> *) (Max :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts Max Max Max a b => Max (a -> b) -> Max a -> Max b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR Max Max Max a b => Max a -> Max b -> Max b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL Max Max Max a b => Max a -> Max b -> Max a Source #

Applicative First First First Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

Applicative Last Last Last Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts Last Last Last a b => Last (a -> b) -> Last a -> Last b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR Last Last Last a b => Last a -> Last b -> Last b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL Last Last Last a b => Last a -> Last b -> Last a Source #

Applicative Option Option Option Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Option :: * -> *) (Option :: * -> *) (Option :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Option :: * -> *) (Option :: * -> *) (Option :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Option :: * -> *) (Option :: * -> *) (Option :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

Applicative NonEmpty NonEmpty NonEmpty Source # 
Applicative Identity Identity Identity Source # 
Applicative STM STM STM Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (STM :: * -> *) (STM :: * -> *) (STM :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (STM :: * -> *) (STM :: * -> *) (STM :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (STM :: * -> *) (STM :: * -> *) (STM :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts STM STM STM a b => STM (a -> b) -> STM a -> STM b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR STM STM STM a b => STM a -> STM b -> STM b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL STM STM STM a b => STM a -> STM b -> STM a Source #

Applicative Dual Dual Dual Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Dual :: * -> *) (Dual :: * -> *) (Dual :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Dual :: * -> *) (Dual :: * -> *) (Dual :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Dual :: * -> *) (Dual :: * -> *) (Dual :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts Dual Dual Dual a b => Dual (a -> b) -> Dual a -> Dual b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR Dual Dual Dual a b => Dual a -> Dual b -> Dual b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL Dual Dual Dual a b => Dual a -> Dual b -> Dual a Source #

Applicative Sum Sum Sum Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Sum :: * -> *) (Sum :: * -> *) (Sum :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Sum :: * -> *) (Sum :: * -> *) (Sum :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Sum :: * -> *) (Sum :: * -> *) (Sum :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts Sum Sum Sum a b => Sum (a -> b) -> Sum a -> Sum b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR Sum Sum Sum a b => Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL Sum Sum Sum a b => Sum a -> Sum b -> Sum a Source #

Applicative Product Product Product Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Product :: * -> *) (Product :: * -> *) (Product :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Product :: * -> *) (Product :: * -> *) (Product :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Product :: * -> *) (Product :: * -> *) (Product :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

Applicative First First First Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) (First :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

Applicative Last Last Last Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) (Last :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts Last Last Last a b => Last (a -> b) -> Last a -> Last b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR Last Last Last a b => Last a -> Last b -> Last b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL Last Last Last a b => Last a -> Last b -> Last a Source #

Applicative ReadPrec ReadPrec ReadPrec Source # 
Applicative ReadP ReadP ReadP Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (ReadP :: * -> *) (ReadP :: * -> *) (ReadP :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (ReadP :: * -> *) (ReadP :: * -> *) (ReadP :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (ReadP :: * -> *) (ReadP :: * -> *) (ReadP :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

Applicative Set Set Set Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Set :: * -> *) (Set :: * -> *) (Set :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Set :: * -> *) (Set :: * -> *) (Set :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Set :: * -> *) (Set :: * -> *) (Set :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts Set Set Set a b => Set (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR Set Set Set a b => Set a -> Set b -> Set b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL Set Set Set a b => Set a -> Set b -> Set a Source #

Applicative (Either e) (Either e) (Either e) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Either e :: * -> *) (Either e :: * -> *) (Either e :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Either e :: * -> *) (Either e :: * -> *) (Either e :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Either e :: * -> *) (Either e :: * -> *) (Either e :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (Either e) (Either e) (Either e) a b => Either e (a -> b) -> Either e a -> Either e b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (Either e) (Either e) (Either e) a b => Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (Either e) (Either e) (Either e) a b => Either e a -> Either e b -> Either e a Source #

Applicative (U1 *) (U1 *) (U1 *) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (U1 * :: * -> *) (U1 * :: * -> *) (U1 * :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (U1 * :: * -> *) (U1 * :: * -> *) (U1 * :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (U1 * :: * -> *) (U1 * :: * -> *) (U1 * :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (U1 *) (U1 *) (U1 *) a b => U1 * (a -> b) -> U1 * a -> U1 * b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (U1 *) (U1 *) (U1 *) a b => U1 * a -> U1 * b -> U1 * b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (U1 *) (U1 *) (U1 *) a b => U1 * a -> U1 * b -> U1 * a Source #

Applicative (ST s) (ST s) (ST s) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (ST s) (ST s) (ST s) a b => ST s (a -> b) -> ST s a -> ST s b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (ST s) (ST s) (ST s) a b => ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (ST s) (ST s) (ST s) a b => ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s a Source #

Applicative (ST s) (ST s) (ST s) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) (ST s :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (ST s) (ST s) (ST s) a b => ST s (a -> b) -> ST s a -> ST s b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (ST s) (ST s) (ST s) a b => ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (ST s) (ST s) (ST s) a b => ST s a -> ST s b -> ST s a Source #

Applicative m n p => Applicative (WrappedMonad m) (WrappedMonad n) (WrappedMonad p) Source # 
(Arrow a, ArrowApply a) => Applicative (ArrowMonad a) (ArrowMonad a) (ArrowMonad a) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (ArrowMonad a :: * -> *) (ArrowMonad a :: * -> *) (ArrowMonad a :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (ArrowMonad a :: * -> *) (ArrowMonad a :: * -> *) (ArrowMonad a :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (ArrowMonad a :: * -> *) (ArrowMonad a :: * -> *) (ArrowMonad a :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

Applicative (Proxy *) (Proxy *) (Proxy *) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Proxy * :: * -> *) (Proxy * :: * -> *) (Proxy * :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Proxy * :: * -> *) (Proxy * :: * -> *) (Proxy * :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Proxy * :: * -> *) (Proxy * :: * -> *) (Proxy * :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (Proxy *) (Proxy *) (Proxy *) a b => Proxy * (a -> b) -> Proxy * a -> Proxy * b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (Proxy *) (Proxy *) (Proxy *) a b => Proxy * a -> Proxy * b -> Proxy * b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (Proxy *) (Proxy *) (Proxy *) a b => Proxy * a -> Proxy * b -> Proxy * a Source #

Applicative m n p => Applicative (MaybeT m) (MaybeT n) (MaybeT p) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (MaybeT m :: * -> *) (MaybeT n :: * -> *) (MaybeT p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (MaybeT m :: * -> *) (MaybeT n :: * -> *) (MaybeT p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (MaybeT m :: * -> *) (MaybeT n :: * -> *) (MaybeT p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (MaybeT m) (MaybeT n) (MaybeT p) a b => MaybeT m (a -> b) -> MaybeT n a -> MaybeT p b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (MaybeT m) (MaybeT n) (MaybeT p) a b => MaybeT m a -> MaybeT n b -> MaybeT p b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (MaybeT m) (MaybeT n) (MaybeT p) a b => MaybeT m a -> MaybeT n b -> MaybeT p a Source #

Applicative f g h => Applicative (Rec1 * f) (Rec1 * g) (Rec1 * h) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Rec1 * f :: * -> *) (Rec1 * g :: * -> *) (Rec1 * h :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Rec1 * f :: * -> *) (Rec1 * g :: * -> *) (Rec1 * h :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Rec1 * f :: * -> *) (Rec1 * g :: * -> *) (Rec1 * h :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (Rec1 * f) (Rec1 * g) (Rec1 * h) a b => Rec1 * f (a -> b) -> Rec1 * g a -> Rec1 * h b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (Rec1 * f) (Rec1 * g) (Rec1 * h) a b => Rec1 * f a -> Rec1 * g b -> Rec1 * h b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (Rec1 * f) (Rec1 * g) (Rec1 * h) a b => Rec1 * f a -> Rec1 * g b -> Rec1 * h a Source #

Applicative m n p => Applicative (Alt * m) (Alt * n) (Alt * p) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Alt * m :: * -> *) (Alt * n :: * -> *) (Alt * p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Alt * m :: * -> *) (Alt * n :: * -> *) (Alt * p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Alt * m :: * -> *) (Alt * n :: * -> *) (Alt * p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (Alt * m) (Alt * n) (Alt * p) a b => Alt * m (a -> b) -> Alt * n a -> Alt * p b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (Alt * m) (Alt * n) (Alt * p) a b => Alt * m a -> Alt * n b -> Alt * p b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (Alt * m) (Alt * n) (Alt * p) a b => Alt * m a -> Alt * n b -> Alt * p a Source #

Applicative m n p => Applicative (ExceptT e m) (ExceptT e n) (ExceptT e p) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (ExceptT e m :: * -> *) (ExceptT e n :: * -> *) (ExceptT e p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (ExceptT e m :: * -> *) (ExceptT e n :: * -> *) (ExceptT e p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (ExceptT e m :: * -> *) (ExceptT e n :: * -> *) (ExceptT e p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (ExceptT e m) (ExceptT e n) (ExceptT e p) a b => ExceptT e m (a -> b) -> ExceptT e n a -> ExceptT e p b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (ExceptT e m) (ExceptT e n) (ExceptT e p) a b => ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e n b -> ExceptT e p b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (ExceptT e m) (ExceptT e n) (ExceptT e p) a b => ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e n b -> ExceptT e p a Source #

Bind m n p => Applicative (StateT s m) (StateT s n) (StateT s p) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (StateT s m :: * -> *) (StateT s n :: * -> *) (StateT s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (StateT s m :: * -> *) (StateT s n :: * -> *) (StateT s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (StateT s m :: * -> *) (StateT s n :: * -> *) (StateT s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (StateT s m) (StateT s n) (StateT s p) a b => StateT s m (a -> b) -> StateT s n a -> StateT s p b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (StateT s m) (StateT s n) (StateT s p) a b => StateT s m a -> StateT s n b -> StateT s p b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (StateT s m) (StateT s n) (StateT s p) a b => StateT s m a -> StateT s n b -> StateT s p a Source #

Bind m n p => Applicative (StateT s m) (StateT s n) (StateT s p) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (StateT s m :: * -> *) (StateT s n :: * -> *) (StateT s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (StateT s m :: * -> *) (StateT s n :: * -> *) (StateT s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (StateT s m :: * -> *) (StateT s n :: * -> *) (StateT s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (StateT s m) (StateT s n) (StateT s p) a b => StateT s m (a -> b) -> StateT s n a -> StateT s p b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (StateT s m) (StateT s n) (StateT s p) a b => StateT s m a -> StateT s n b -> StateT s p b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (StateT s m) (StateT s n) (StateT s p) a b => StateT s m a -> StateT s n b -> StateT s p a Source #

(Monoid w, Applicative m n p) => Applicative (WriterT w m) (WriterT w n) (WriterT w p) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (WriterT w m :: * -> *) (WriterT w n :: * -> *) (WriterT w p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (WriterT w m :: * -> *) (WriterT w n :: * -> *) (WriterT w p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (WriterT w m :: * -> *) (WriterT w n :: * -> *) (WriterT w p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (WriterT w m) (WriterT w n) (WriterT w p) a b => WriterT w m (a -> b) -> WriterT w n a -> WriterT w p b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (WriterT w m) (WriterT w n) (WriterT w p) a b => WriterT w m a -> WriterT w n b -> WriterT w p b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (WriterT w m) (WriterT w n) (WriterT w p) a b => WriterT w m a -> WriterT w n b -> WriterT w p a Source #

(Monoid w, Applicative m n p) => Applicative (WriterT w m) (WriterT w n) (WriterT w p) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (WriterT w m :: * -> *) (WriterT w n :: * -> *) (WriterT w p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (WriterT w m :: * -> *) (WriterT w n :: * -> *) (WriterT w p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (WriterT w m :: * -> *) (WriterT w n :: * -> *) (WriterT w p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (WriterT w m) (WriterT w n) (WriterT w p) a b => WriterT w m (a -> b) -> WriterT w n a -> WriterT w p b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (WriterT w m) (WriterT w n) (WriterT w p) a b => WriterT w m a -> WriterT w n b -> WriterT w p b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (WriterT w m) (WriterT w n) (WriterT w p) a b => WriterT w m a -> WriterT w n b -> WriterT w p a Source #

Applicative m n p => Applicative (IdentityT * m) (IdentityT * n) (IdentityT * p) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (IdentityT * m :: * -> *) (IdentityT * n :: * -> *) (IdentityT * p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (IdentityT * m :: * -> *) (IdentityT * n :: * -> *) (IdentityT * p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (IdentityT * m :: * -> *) (IdentityT * n :: * -> *) (IdentityT * p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (IdentityT * m) (IdentityT * n) (IdentityT * p) a b => IdentityT * m (a -> b) -> IdentityT * n a -> IdentityT * p b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (IdentityT * m) (IdentityT * n) (IdentityT * p) a b => IdentityT * m a -> IdentityT * n b -> IdentityT * p b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (IdentityT * m) (IdentityT * n) (IdentityT * p) a b => IdentityT * m a -> IdentityT * n b -> IdentityT * p a Source #

Applicative ((->) LiftedRep LiftedRep r) ((->) LiftedRep LiftedRep r) ((->) LiftedRep LiftedRep r) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r :: * -> *) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r :: * -> *) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r :: * -> *) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r :: * -> *) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r :: * -> *) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r :: * -> *) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) a b => (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r (a -> b) -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r a -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) a b => (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r a -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r b -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) a b => (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r a -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r b -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r a Source #

(Applicative f g h, Applicative f' g' h') => Applicative ((:*:) * f f') ((:*:) * g g') ((:*:) * h h') Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts ((* :*: f) f' :: * -> *) ((* :*: g) g' :: * -> *) ((* :*: h) h' :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR ((* :*: f) f' :: * -> *) ((* :*: g) g' :: * -> *) ((* :*: h) h' :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL ((* :*: f) f' :: * -> *) ((* :*: g) g' :: * -> *) ((* :*: h) h' :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts ((* :*: f) f') ((* :*: g) g') ((* :*: h) h') a b => (* :*: f) f' (a -> b) -> (* :*: g) g' a -> (* :*: h) h' b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR ((* :*: f) f') ((* :*: g) g') ((* :*: h) h') a b => (* :*: f) f' a -> (* :*: g) g' b -> (* :*: h) h' b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL ((* :*: f) f') ((* :*: g) g') ((* :*: h) h') a b => (* :*: f) f' a -> (* :*: g) g' b -> (* :*: h) h' a Source #

(Applicative m1 n1 p1, Applicative m2 n2 p2) => Applicative (Product * m1 m2) (Product * n1 n2) (Product * p1 p2) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Product * m1 m2 :: * -> *) (Product * n1 n2 :: * -> *) (Product * p1 p2 :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Product * m1 m2 :: * -> *) (Product * n1 n2 :: * -> *) (Product * p1 p2 :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Product * m1 m2 :: * -> *) (Product * n1 n2 :: * -> *) (Product * p1 p2 :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (Product * m1 m2) (Product * n1 n2) (Product * p1 p2) a b => Product * m1 m2 (a -> b) -> Product * n1 n2 a -> Product * p1 p2 b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (Product * m1 m2) (Product * n1 n2) (Product * p1 p2) a b => Product * m1 m2 a -> Product * n1 n2 b -> Product * p1 p2 b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (Product * m1 m2) (Product * n1 n2) (Product * p1 p2) a b => Product * m1 m2 a -> Product * n1 n2 b -> Product * p1 p2 a Source #

Applicative (ContT * r m) (ContT * r m) (ContT * r m) Source #

TODO / FIXME: Still need to figure out how and if we can generalize the continuation implementation.

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (ContT * r m :: * -> *) (ContT * r m :: * -> *) (ContT * r m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (ContT * r m :: * -> *) (ContT * r m :: * -> *) (ContT * r m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (ContT * r m :: * -> *) (ContT * r m :: * -> *) (ContT * r m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (ContT * r m) (ContT * r m) (ContT * r m) a b => ContT * r m (a -> b) -> ContT * r m a -> ContT * r m b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (ContT * r m) (ContT * r m) (ContT * r m) a b => ContT * r m a -> ContT * r m b -> ContT * r m b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (ContT * r m) (ContT * r m) (ContT * r m) a b => ContT * r m a -> ContT * r m b -> ContT * r m a Source #

Applicative m n p => Applicative (ReaderT * r m) (ReaderT * r n) (ReaderT * r p) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (ReaderT * r m :: * -> *) (ReaderT * r n :: * -> *) (ReaderT * r p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (ReaderT * r m :: * -> *) (ReaderT * r n :: * -> *) (ReaderT * r p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (ReaderT * r m :: * -> *) (ReaderT * r n :: * -> *) (ReaderT * r p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (ReaderT * r m) (ReaderT * r n) (ReaderT * r p) a b => ReaderT * r m (a -> b) -> ReaderT * r n a -> ReaderT * r p b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (ReaderT * r m) (ReaderT * r n) (ReaderT * r p) a b => ReaderT * r m a -> ReaderT * r n b -> ReaderT * r p b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (ReaderT * r m) (ReaderT * r n) (ReaderT * r p) a b => ReaderT * r m a -> ReaderT * r n b -> ReaderT * r p a Source #

Applicative f g h => Applicative (M1 * i c f) (M1 * i c g) (M1 * i c h) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (M1 * i c f :: * -> *) (M1 * i c g :: * -> *) (M1 * i c h :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (M1 * i c f :: * -> *) (M1 * i c g :: * -> *) (M1 * i c h :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (M1 * i c f :: * -> *) (M1 * i c g :: * -> *) (M1 * i c h :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (M1 * i c f) (M1 * i c g) (M1 * i c h) a b => M1 * i c f (a -> b) -> M1 * i c g a -> M1 * i c h b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (M1 * i c f) (M1 * i c g) (M1 * i c h) a b => M1 * i c f a -> M1 * i c g b -> M1 * i c h b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (M1 * i c f) (M1 * i c g) (M1 * i c h) a b => M1 * i c f a -> M1 * i c g b -> M1 * i c h a Source #

(Applicative f g h, Applicative f' g' h') => Applicative ((:.:) * * f f') ((:.:) * * g g') ((:.:) * * h h') Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts ((* :.: *) f f' :: * -> *) ((* :.: *) g g' :: * -> *) ((* :.: *) h h' :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR ((* :.: *) f f' :: * -> *) ((* :.: *) g g' :: * -> *) ((* :.: *) h h' :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL ((* :.: *) f f' :: * -> *) ((* :.: *) g g' :: * -> *) ((* :.: *) h h' :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts ((* :.: *) f f') ((* :.: *) g g') ((* :.: *) h h') a b => (* :.: *) f f' (a -> b) -> (* :.: *) g g' a -> (* :.: *) h h' b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR ((* :.: *) f f') ((* :.: *) g g') ((* :.: *) h h') a b => (* :.: *) f f' a -> (* :.: *) g g' b -> (* :.: *) h h' b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL ((* :.: *) f f') ((* :.: *) g g') ((* :.: *) h h') a b => (* :.: *) f f' a -> (* :.: *) g g' b -> (* :.: *) h h' a Source #

(Applicative f g h, Applicative f' g' h') => Applicative (Compose * * f f') (Compose * * g g') (Compose * * h h') Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (Compose * * f f' :: * -> *) (Compose * * g g' :: * -> *) (Compose * * h h' :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (Compose * * f f' :: * -> *) (Compose * * g g' :: * -> *) (Compose * * h h' :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (Compose * * f f' :: * -> *) (Compose * * g g' :: * -> *) (Compose * * h h' :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (Compose * * f f') (Compose * * g g') (Compose * * h h') a b => Compose * * f f' (a -> b) -> Compose * * g g' a -> Compose * * h h' b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (Compose * * f f') (Compose * * g g') (Compose * * h h') a b => Compose * * f f' a -> Compose * * g g' b -> Compose * * h h' b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (Compose * * f f') (Compose * * g g') (Compose * * h h') a b => Compose * * f f' a -> Compose * * g g' b -> Compose * * h h' a Source #

(Monoid w, Bind m n p) => Applicative (RWST r w s m) (RWST r w s n) (RWST r w s p) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (RWST r w s m :: * -> *) (RWST r w s n :: * -> *) (RWST r w s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (RWST r w s m :: * -> *) (RWST r w s n :: * -> *) (RWST r w s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (RWST r w s m :: * -> *) (RWST r w s n :: * -> *) (RWST r w s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (RWST r w s m) (RWST r w s n) (RWST r w s p) a b => RWST r w s m (a -> b) -> RWST r w s n a -> RWST r w s p b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (RWST r w s m) (RWST r w s n) (RWST r w s p) a b => RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s n b -> RWST r w s p b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (RWST r w s m) (RWST r w s n) (RWST r w s p) a b => RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s n b -> RWST r w s p a Source #

(Monoid w, Bind m n p) => Applicative (RWST r w s m) (RWST r w s n) (RWST r w s p) Source # 

Associated Types

type ApplicativeCts (RWST r w s m :: * -> *) (RWST r w s n :: * -> *) (RWST r w s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsR (RWST r w s m :: * -> *) (RWST r w s n :: * -> *) (RWST r w s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #

type ApplicativeCtsL (RWST r w s m :: * -> *) (RWST r w s n :: * -> *) (RWST r w s p :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


(<*>) :: ApplicativeCts (RWST r w s m) (RWST r w s n) (RWST r w s p) a b => RWST r w s m (a -> b) -> RWST r w s n a -> RWST r w s p b Source #

(*>) :: ApplicativeCtsR (RWST r w s m) (RWST r w s n) (RWST r w s p) a b => RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s n b -> RWST r w s p b Source #

(<*) :: ApplicativeCtsL (RWST r w s m) (RWST r w s n) (RWST r w s p) a b => RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s n b -> RWST r w s p a Source #

pure :: (Return f, ReturnCts f a) => a -> f a Source #

pure is defined in terms of return.

class Functor f where Source #

Class for constrained functors. Obeys all of the same laws as the standard Functor class, but allows to constrain the functors result type.

Minimal complete definition


Associated Types

type FunctorCts f (a :: *) (b :: *) :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts f a b => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts f b a => a -> f b -> f a infixl 4 Source #


Functor [] Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts ([] :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts [] a b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts [] b a => a -> [b] -> [a] Source #

Functor Maybe Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Maybe :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts Maybe a b => (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts Maybe b a => a -> Maybe b -> Maybe a Source #

Functor IO Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (IO :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts IO a b => (a -> b) -> IO a -> IO b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts IO b a => a -> IO b -> IO a Source #

Functor Complex Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Complex :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts Complex a b => (a -> b) -> Complex a -> Complex b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts Complex b a => a -> Complex b -> Complex a Source #

Functor Min Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Min :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts Min a b => (a -> b) -> Min a -> Min b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts Min b a => a -> Min b -> Min a Source #

Functor Max Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Max :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts Max a b => (a -> b) -> Max a -> Max b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts Max b a => a -> Max b -> Max a Source #

Functor First Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (First :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts First a b => (a -> b) -> First a -> First b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts First b a => a -> First b -> First a Source #

Functor Last Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Last :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts Last a b => (a -> b) -> Last a -> Last b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts Last b a => a -> Last b -> Last a Source #

Functor Option Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Option :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts Option a b => (a -> b) -> Option a -> Option b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts Option b a => a -> Option b -> Option a Source #

Functor NonEmpty Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (NonEmpty :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts NonEmpty a b => (a -> b) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts NonEmpty b a => a -> NonEmpty b -> NonEmpty a Source #

Functor Identity Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Identity :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts Identity a b => (a -> b) -> Identity a -> Identity b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts Identity b a => a -> Identity b -> Identity a Source #

Functor STM Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (STM :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts STM a b => (a -> b) -> STM a -> STM b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts STM b a => a -> STM b -> STM a Source #

Functor Dual Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Dual :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts Dual a b => (a -> b) -> Dual a -> Dual b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts Dual b a => a -> Dual b -> Dual a Source #

Functor Sum Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Sum :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts Sum a b => (a -> b) -> Sum a -> Sum b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts Sum b a => a -> Sum b -> Sum a Source #

Functor Product Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Product :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts Product a b => (a -> b) -> Product a -> Product b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts Product b a => a -> Product b -> Product a Source #

Functor First Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (First :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts First a b => (a -> b) -> First a -> First b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts First b a => a -> First b -> First a Source #

Functor Last Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Last :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts Last a b => (a -> b) -> Last a -> Last b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts Last b a => a -> Last b -> Last a Source #

Functor ReadPrec Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (ReadPrec :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts ReadPrec a b => (a -> b) -> ReadPrec a -> ReadPrec b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts ReadPrec b a => a -> ReadPrec b -> ReadPrec a Source #

Functor ReadP Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (ReadP :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts ReadP a b => (a -> b) -> ReadP a -> ReadP b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts ReadP b a => a -> ReadP b -> ReadP a Source #

Functor Set Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Set :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts Set a b => (a -> b) -> Set a -> Set b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts Set b a => a -> Set b -> Set a Source #

Functor (Either e) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Either e :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (Either e) a b => (a -> b) -> Either e a -> Either e b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (Either e) b a => a -> Either e b -> Either e a Source #

Functor (U1 *) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (U1 * :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (U1 *) a b => (a -> b) -> U1 * a -> U1 * b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (U1 *) b a => a -> U1 * b -> U1 * a Source #

Functor (ST s) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (ST s :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (ST s) a b => (a -> b) -> ST s a -> ST s b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (ST s) b a => a -> ST s b -> ST s a Source #

Functor (ST s) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (ST s :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (ST s) a b => (a -> b) -> ST s a -> ST s b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (ST s) b a => a -> ST s b -> ST s a Source #

Functor m => Functor (WrappedMonad m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (WrappedMonad m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (WrappedMonad m) a b => (a -> b) -> WrappedMonad m a -> WrappedMonad m b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (WrappedMonad m) b a => a -> WrappedMonad m b -> WrappedMonad m a Source #

ArrowApply a => Functor (ArrowMonad a) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (ArrowMonad a :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (ArrowMonad a) a b => (a -> b) -> ArrowMonad a a -> ArrowMonad a b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (ArrowMonad a) b a => a -> ArrowMonad a b -> ArrowMonad a a Source #

Functor (Proxy *) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Proxy * :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (Proxy *) a b => (a -> b) -> Proxy * a -> Proxy * b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (Proxy *) b a => a -> Proxy * b -> Proxy * a Source #

Functor m => Functor (MaybeT m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (MaybeT m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (MaybeT m) a b => (a -> b) -> MaybeT m a -> MaybeT m b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (MaybeT m) b a => a -> MaybeT m b -> MaybeT m a Source #

Functor f => Functor (Rec1 * f) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Rec1 * f :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (Rec1 * f) a b => (a -> b) -> Rec1 * f a -> Rec1 * f b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (Rec1 * f) b a => a -> Rec1 * f b -> Rec1 * f a Source #

Functor f => Functor (Alt * f) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Alt * f :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (Alt * f) a b => (a -> b) -> Alt * f a -> Alt * f b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (Alt * f) b a => a -> Alt * f b -> Alt * f a Source #

Functor m => Functor (ExceptT e m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (ExceptT e m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (ExceptT e m) a b => (a -> b) -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT e m b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (ExceptT e m) b a => a -> ExceptT e m b -> ExceptT e m a Source #

Functor m => Functor (StateT s m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (StateT s m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (StateT s m) a b => (a -> b) -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (StateT s m) b a => a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m a Source #

Functor m => Functor (StateT s m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (StateT s m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (StateT s m) a b => (a -> b) -> StateT s m a -> StateT s m b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (StateT s m) b a => a -> StateT s m b -> StateT s m a Source #

Functor m => Functor (WriterT w m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (WriterT w m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (WriterT w m) a b => (a -> b) -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (WriterT w m) b a => a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m a Source #

Functor m => Functor (WriterT w m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (WriterT w m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (WriterT w m) a b => (a -> b) -> WriterT w m a -> WriterT w m b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (WriterT w m) b a => a -> WriterT w m b -> WriterT w m a Source #

Functor m => Functor (IdentityT * m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (IdentityT * m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (IdentityT * m) a b => (a -> b) -> IdentityT * m a -> IdentityT * m b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (IdentityT * m) b a => a -> IdentityT * m b -> IdentityT * m a Source #

Functor ((->) LiftedRep LiftedRep r) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) a b => (a -> b) -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r a -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts ((LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r) b a => a -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r b -> (LiftedRep -> LiftedRep) r a Source #

(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor ((:*:) * f g) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts ((* :*: f) g :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts ((* :*: f) g) a b => (a -> b) -> (* :*: f) g a -> (* :*: f) g b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts ((* :*: f) g) b a => a -> (* :*: f) g b -> (* :*: f) g a Source #

(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Product * f g) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Product * f g :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (Product * f g) a b => (a -> b) -> Product * f g a -> Product * f g b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (Product * f g) b a => a -> Product * f g b -> Product * f g a Source #

Functor (ContT * r m) Source #

TODO / FIXME: Still need to figure out how and if we can generalize the continuation implementation.

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (ContT * r m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (ContT * r m) a b => (a -> b) -> ContT * r m a -> ContT * r m b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (ContT * r m) b a => a -> ContT * r m b -> ContT * r m a Source #

Functor m => Functor (ReaderT * r m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (ReaderT * r m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (ReaderT * r m) a b => (a -> b) -> ReaderT * r m a -> ReaderT * r m b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (ReaderT * r m) b a => a -> ReaderT * r m b -> ReaderT * r m a Source #

Functor f => Functor (M1 * i c f) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (M1 * i c f :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (M1 * i c f) a b => (a -> b) -> M1 * i c f a -> M1 * i c f b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (M1 * i c f) b a => a -> M1 * i c f b -> M1 * i c f a Source #

(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor ((:.:) * * f g) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts ((* :.: *) f g :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts ((* :.: *) f g) a b => (a -> b) -> (* :.: *) f g a -> (* :.: *) f g b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts ((* :.: *) f g) b a => a -> (* :.: *) f g b -> (* :.: *) f g a Source #

(Functor f, Functor g) => Functor (Compose * * f g) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (Compose * * f g :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (Compose * * f g) a b => (a -> b) -> Compose * * f g a -> Compose * * f g b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (Compose * * f g) b a => a -> Compose * * f g b -> Compose * * f g a Source #

Functor m => Functor (RWST r w s m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (RWST r w s m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (RWST r w s m) a b => (a -> b) -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (RWST r w s m) b a => a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m a Source #

Functor m => Functor (RWST r w s m) Source # 

Associated Types

type FunctorCts (RWST r w s m :: * -> *) a b :: Constraint Source #


fmap :: FunctorCts (RWST r w s m) a b => (a -> b) -> RWST r w s m a -> RWST r w s m b Source #

(<$) :: FunctorCts (RWST r w s m) b a => a -> RWST r w s m b -> RWST r w s m a Source #


type family Monad m :: Constraint where ... Source #

A short-hand for writing polymorphic standard monad functions.


Monad m = (Bind m m m, Return m, Fail m)