{-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

module Render.Lib.Haddock where

import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Data.Char                      ( isSpace )
import           Data.List.Compat
import           Data.List.Split
import           Data.Monoid.Compat
import           Documentation.Haddock.Parser   ( Identifier )
import           Documentation.Haddock.Types
import           Prelude.Compat
import           Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen
                                         hiding ( (<$>)
                                                , (<>)

data FlattenBehavior
  = Flatten
  | WordBreak

data TextPosition
  = ParaStart
  | Body
  deriving (Eq)

data DocContext = DocContext
  { flattenBehavior :: FlattenBehavior
  , textPosition :: TextPosition
  , listContext :: Bool

flattenedBody =
  withReader $ \d -> d { flattenBehavior = Flatten, textPosition = Body }

inPara = withReader $ \d -> d { textPosition = ParaStart }

inBody = withReader $ \d -> d { textPosition = Body }

inList = withReader $ \d -> d { listContext = True }

defaultDocContext = DocContext WordBreak ParaStart False

-- sadly can't use the built-in haddock markup functionality here. we need
-- to change rendering logic entirely inside a code block (i.e. don't
-- fillSep words).
renderDescription =
    . intersperse (green ".")
    . map ((`runReader` defaultDocContext) . go)
    . flatten
    flatten (DocAppend d1 d2) = flatten d1 ++ flatten d2
    flatten d                 = [d]
    -- flatten inline styling which the haddock parser doesn't preserve
    -- across line boundaries
    go :: DocH () Identifier -> Reader DocContext Doc
    go DocEmpty = pure empty
    go (DocEmphasis d) =
      enclose (green "/") (green "/") <$> flattenedBody (go d)
    go (DocMonospaced d) =
      enclose (green "@") (green "@") <$> flattenedBody (go d)
    go (DocBold d) = enclose (green "__") (green "__") <$> flattenedBody (go d)
    go (DocHeader (Header l t)) =
      (green (strBody $ replicate l '=') <+>) <$> inBody (go t)
    go (DocAppend a b      ) = liftM2 (<>) (go a) (inBody $ go b)
    go (DocParagraph     d ) = inPara $ go d
    go (DocUnorderedList ds) = do
      docs <- forM ds $ \item -> do
        doc <- inList $ inPara $ go item
        return $ hang 2 $ string "*" <+> doc
      return $ vcat docs
    go (DocOrderedList ds) = do
      docs <- forM (zip [1 ..] ds) $ \(n, item) -> do
        doc <- inList $ inPara $ go item
        return $ hang 3 $ integer n <> "." <+> doc
      return $ vcat docs
    go (DocCodeBlock cb) = do
      DocContext {..} <- ask
      return $ case cb of
        DocString s
          | all (`notElem` ['{', '}']) s && not listContext ->  green ">"
          <+> arrowblock s
          | listContext && notElem '\n' s -> cat
            [green "@", string s, green "@"]
        y -> vcat [green "@", goplain y <> green "@"]
    go (DocString s) = do
      DocContext {..} <- ask
      return $ case flattenBehavior of
        Flatten -> case textPosition of
          Body      -> strBody s
          ParaStart -> strPara s
        WordBreak ->
            $ (if textPosition == ParaStart
                then map2 strPara strBody
                else map strBody
            $ splitWhen isSpace s
    go (DocDefList ds) = do
      docs <- forM ds $ \(hdr, body) -> do
        rhdr <- inBody $ go hdr
        rbdy <- inBody $ go body
        return $ enclose (green "[") (green "]") rhdr <+> rbdy
      return $ vcat docs
    go (DocExamples es) = return $ vcat $ map
      (\Example {..} ->
          $ (green ">>>" <+> string exampleExpression)
          : map string exampleResult
    go (DocModule x) = return $ enclose (green "\"") (green "\"") (strBody x)
    go (DocIdentifier (c, x, c2)) =
      return $ enclose (green $ char c) (green $ char c2) (string x)
    go (DocMathDisplay x) =
      return $ enclose (green "\\[") (green "\\]") (strBody x)
    go (DocMathInline x) =
      return $ enclose (green "\\(") (green "\\)") (strBody x)
    -- go (DocAName x) = return $ enclose (green "#") (green "#") (strBody x)
    go (DocHyperlink (Hyperlink h l)) = return $ enclose
      (green "<")
      (green ">")
      (string $ h ++ maybe "" (" " ++) (unNl <$> l))
    go (DocPic (Picture p t)) = return $ enclose
      (green "<<")
      (green ">>")
      (string $ p ++ maybe "" (" " ++) (unNl <$> t))
    go x = error $ "Unhandled Haddock AST node: " ++ show x
    unNl = map (\x -> if x == '\n' then ' ' else x)
    goplain (DocString s  ) = strPara $ escapeHtml s
    goplain (DocAppend a b) = goplain a <> goplain b
    goplain (DocIdentifier (a, b, c)) =
      enclose (green (char a)) (green (char c)) (string b)
    goplain (DocEmphasis x) = enclose (green "/") (green "/") (goplain x)
    goplain (DocModule   x) = enclose (green "\"") (green "\"") (string x)
    goplain n               = error $ "Unhandled in goplain: " ++ show n

map2 f g (x : xs) = f x : map g xs
map2 _ _ []       = []

arrowblock ('\n' : ys) = line <> green "> " <> arrowblock ys
arrowblock (x    : xs) = char x <> arrowblock xs
arrowblock ""          = empty

escapeHtml ""                 = ""
escapeHtml ('\n' : '\n' : xs) = '\n' : '.' : '\n' : escapeHtml xs
escapeHtml ('\n' : xs) | (spcs, '-' : chrs) <- span isSpace xs =
  '\n' : spcs ++ ('\1' : '-' : escapeHtml chrs)
escapeHtml (c : cs) = c : escapeHtml cs

strPara ('>' : '>' : '>' : cs) = text "\\>>>" <> strBody cs
strPara (x : cs) |
    -- >, *, and - are mentioned by the haddock docks, but [ is also
    -- a special character b/c it starts a definition list
                   x `elem` ['>', '*', '-', '['] =
  char '\\' <> char x <> strBody cs
strPara x = strBody x

strBody ('\n' : x ) = line <> strPara x
strBody ('{'  : xs) = "&#x7b;" <> strBody xs
strBody ('}'  : xs) = "&#x7d;" <> strBody xs
strBody (x : xs)
  | x `elem` ['\\', '/', '\'', '`', '"', '@', '<', '#']
  = char '\\' <> char x <> strBody xs
  | x == '\1'
  = char '\\' <> strBody xs
  | otherwise
  = char x <> strBody xs
strBody "" = empty